3,336 research outputs found

    Comment on 'Stability of the semiclassical Einstein equation'

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    Some mathematical errors of the paper commented upon [W.-M. Suen, Phys. Rev. D 40, (1989) 315] are corrected.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, reprinted from Phys. Rev. D 50 (1994) 545

    Random walk on surfaces with hyperbolic cusps

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    We consider the operator associated to a random walk on finite volume surfaces with hyperbolic cusps. We study the spectral gap (upper and lower bound) associated to this operator and deduce some rate of convergence of the iterated kernel towards its stationary distribution.Comment: 28 page

    Text mining meets community curation: a newly designed curation platform to improve author experience and participation at WormBase

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    Biological knowledgebases rely on expert biocuration of the research literature to maintain up-to-date collections of data organized in machine-readable form. To enter information into knowledgebases, curators need to follow three steps: (i) identify papers containing relevant data, a process called triaging; (ii) recognize named entities; and (iii) extract and curate data in accordance with the underlying data models. WormBase (WB), the authoritative repository for research data on Caenorhabditis elegans and other nematodes, uses text mining (TM) to semi-automate its curation pipeline. In addition, WB engages its community, via an Author First Pass (AFP) system, to help recognize entities and classify data types in their recently published papers. In this paper, we present a new WB AFP system that combines TM and AFP into a single application to enhance community curation. The system employs string-searching algorithms and statistical methods (e.g. support vector machines (SVMs)) to extract biological entities and classify data types, and it presents the results to authors in a web form where they validate the extracted information, rather than enter it de novo as the previous form required. With this new system, we lessen the burden for authors, while at the same time receive valuable feedback on the performance of our TM tools. The new user interface also links out to specific structured data submission forms, e.g. for phenotype or expression pattern data, giving the authors the opportunity to contribute a more detailed curation that can be incorporated into WB with minimal curator review. Our approach is generalizable and could be applied to additional knowledgebases that would like to engage their user community in assisting with the curation. In the five months succeeding the launch of the new system, the response rate has been comparable with that of the previous AFP version, but the quality and quantity of the data received has greatly improved

    Quantum spin dynamics of the one-dimensional planar antiferromagnet

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    The T=0 dynamics of the one-dimensional s=1/2 planar antiferromagnet is studied by an approach which consists of exact analytic calculations in the Bethe formalism and numerical finite-chain calculations on rings up to 10 spins. The method makes use of well known critical exponents for the correlation functions and of exact sum rules. The authors obtain approximate analytic expressions for both the out-of-plane and the in-plane dynamic structure factors, and for related quantities such as integrated intensities, susceptibilities and autocorrelation functions. The results are discussed in relation to possible experiments on quasi-1D magnetic compounds at low T. The calculations make clear that the T=0 dynamic structure factors are dominated by two-parameter continua of excitations rather than by single branches of spin-waves as predicted by classical spin-wave theory. By varying the planar anisotropy the autocorrelation functions display interesting features in their longtime asymptotic behaviour, such as a crossover from a uniform power-law decay to an oscillatory decay and a crossover between oscillatory decays with different frequencies. They conjecture a possibility of approaching the classical limit s= infinity starting from the quantum limit s=1/2. This provides a qualitative, and in some aspects even quantitative, understanding of the dynamical behaviour of s\u3e1/2 systems in terms of a quantum approach

    Quantum Effects in the Dynamics of the One-Dimensional Planar Antiferromagnet

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    In a recent publication /1/ we found that the T=o dynamics of the 1D s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (HB AF) with nearest-neighbor exchange interaction J is almost completely dominated by a particular continuum of excitations (called spin-wave continuum, SWC) bounded by the dispersion branches ε1(q) = (πJ/2)sinq and ε2(q)=πJsin(q/2). It differs markedly from the classical 1D HB AF where the spectral weight is concentrated on a single branch of spin-waves. The result for the structure function Sμμ(q,ω)≡⟨SulSul⟩q,ω which is a special case of Eq.(6), is in good agreement with low-T neutron scattering data on CPC /2/ concerning excitation energies, lineshapes and integrated intensity

    Diet Shapes Mortality Response to Trauma in Old Tephritid Fruit Flies.

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    Despite the importance of trauma in healthspan and lifespan in humans as well as in non-human species, with one important exception the literature in both gerontology and ecology contains virtually no experimental demographic studies concerned with trauma in any species. We used dietary manipulation [full diet (F) versus sugar-only (S)] to produce four levels of frailty in 55-day old tephritid fruit flies (Anastrepha ludens) that were then subject to the trauma of cage transfer stress (n = 900/sex in each of the 4 treatments). The key results included the following: (1) there is a trauma effect caused by the transfer that depends on previous diet before transfer, new diet after transfer and gender of the fly; (2) males are more vulnerable than females; (3) if initial diet was F, flies are relatively immune against the trauma, and the subsequent diet (F or S) does not matter; (4) however if initial diet was S, then the effect of the trauma depends largely on the diet after the transfer; (5) flies transferred from S to F diets do very well in terms of remaining longevity (i.e. greatest remaining longevity), while flies transferred from S to S diet do poorly (i.e. shortest remaining longevity). We discuss both the strengths and weaknesses of this study and implications of the results

    Ribonucleoparticle-independent transport of proteins into mammalian microsomes

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    There are at least two different mechanisms for the transport of secretory proteins into the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum. Both mechanisms depend on the presence of a signal peptide on the respective precursor protein and involve a signal peptide receptor on the cis-side and signal peptidase on the trans-side of the membrane. Furthermore, both mechanisms involve a membrane component with a cytoplasmically exposed sulfhydryl. The decisive feature of the precursor protein with respect to which of the two mechanisms is used is the chain length of the polypeptide. The critical size seems to be around 70 amino acid residues (including the signal peptide). The one mechanism is used by precursor proteins larger than about 70 amino acid residues and involves two cytosolic ribonucleoparticles and their receptors on the microsomal surface. The other one is used by small precursor proteins and relies on the mature part within the precursor molecule and a cytosolic ATPase

    Quantum Spin Chains

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    Serious scientific interest in one-dimensional (1-D) physics arose in the early 1960’s. This interest was stimulated by exact as well as accurate numerical solutions to a variety of quantum spin chain problems [1]. The potential relevance of such solutions to real experimental systems was first demonstrated by Griffiths [2] in conjunction with workers at the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden. Theory and experiment were shown to be in excellent agreement for a naturally quasi-1-D Heisenberg spin 1/2 antiferromagnet, copper tetrammine sulphate [Cu(NH3)4SO4·H2O]. Further stimulus to the new field of quasi-1-D magnetism was provided by an annotated collection of reprinted papers on a variety of 1-D model systems, including lattice gases, dynamical disordered crystal lattices, many-fermion gases (electron gases) as well as magnets. The collection appeared in book form, and remains today an important introduction to 1-D theory [3]

    Imaging for suspected pulmonary embolism in pregnancy—what about the fetal dose? A comprehensive review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: To give a comprehensive overview of fetal doses reported in the literature when imaging the pregnant woman with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). METHODS: A comprehensive literature search in the PubMed, MEDLINE and EMBASE databases yielded a total of 1,687 papers that were included in the analysis and have been analysed with regard to fetal dose in suspected PE radiological imaging strategies. RESULTS: Fetal dose in chest computed tomography (CT) ranges between 0.013 and 0.026 mGy in early and 0.06-0.1 mGy in late pregnancy compared with 99mTc-MAA perfusion scintigraphy with a fetal dose of 0.1-0.6 mGy in early and 0.6-0.8 mGy in late pregnancy. (99m)Tc-aerosol ventilation scintigraphy results in 0.1-0.3 mGy. However, there is concern about female breast irradiation in CT, which is higher than in scintigraphy. CT radiation risks for breast tissue remain unclear. CONCLUSION: Knowledge of dosimetry and radiation risks is crucial in the radiological work-up of suspected PE in pregnancy. It is reasonable to reserve scintigraphy for pregnant patients with normal chest radiography findings and no history of asthma or chronic lung disease. Performing CT applying dose reduction instead of scintigraphy will minimise fetal radiation dose and maximise the diagnostic value
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