81 research outputs found

    Maximum Scatter TSP in Doubling Metrics

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    We study the problem of finding a tour of nn points in which every edge is long. More precisely, we wish to find a tour that visits every point exactly once, maximizing the length of the shortest edge in the tour. The problem is known as Maximum Scatter TSP, and was introduced by Arkin et al. (SODA 1997), motivated by applications in manufacturing and medical imaging. Arkin et al. gave a 0.50.5-approximation for the metric version of the problem and showed that this is the best possible ratio achievable in polynomial time (assuming P≠NPP \neq NP). Arkin et al. raised the question of whether a better approximation ratio can be obtained in the Euclidean plane. We answer this question in the affirmative in a more general setting, by giving a (1−ϔ)(1-\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for dd-dimensional doubling metrics, with running time O~(n3+2O(Klog⁥K))\tilde{O}\big(n^3 + 2^{O(K \log K)}\big), where K≀(13Ï”)dK \leq \left( \frac{13}{\epsilon} \right)^d. As a corollary we obtain (i) an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for all constant dimensions dd, (ii) a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for dimension d=log⁥log⁥n/cd = \log\log{n}/c, for a sufficiently large constant cc, and (iii) a PTAS for constant dd and Ï”=Ω(1/log⁥log⁥n)\epsilon = \Omega(1/\log\log{n}). Furthermore, we show the dependence on dd in our approximation scheme to be essentially optimal, unless Satisfiability can be solved in subexponential time

    Randomized online computation with high probability guarantees

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    We study the relationship between the competitive ratio and the tail distribution of randomized online minimization problems. To this end, we define a broad class of online problems that includes some of the well-studied problems like paging, k-server and metrical task systems on finite metrics, and show that for these problems it is possible to obtain, given an algorithm with constant expected competitive ratio, another algorithm that achieves the same solution quality up to an arbitrarily small constant error a with high probability; the "high probability" statement is in terms of the optimal cost. Furthermore, we show that our assumptions are tight in the sense that removing any of them allows for a counterexample to the theorem. In addition, there are examples of other problems not covered by our definition, where similar high probability results can be obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Robust Reoptimization of Steiner Trees

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    In reoptimization, one is given an optimal solution to a problem instance and a (locally) modified instance. The goal is to obtain a solution for the modified instance. We aim to use information obtained from the given solution in order to obtain a better solution for the new instance than we are able to compute from scratch. In this paper, we consider Steiner tree reoptimization and address the optimality requirement of the provided solution. Instead of assuming that we are provided an optimal solution, we relax the assumption to the more realistic scenario where we are given an approximate solution with an upper bound on its performance guarantee. We show that for Steiner tree reoptimization there is a clear separation between local modifications where optimality is crucial for obtaining improved approximations and those instances where approximate solutions are acceptable starting points. For some of the local modifications that have been considered in previous research, we show that for every fixed Δ>0, approximating the reoptimization problem with respect to a given (1+Δ)-approximation is as hard as approximating the Steiner tree problem itself. In contrast, with a given optimal solution to the original problem it is known that one can obtain considerably improved results. Furthermore, we provide a new algorithmic technique that, with some further insights, allows us to obtain improved performance guarantees for Steiner tree reoptimization with respect to all remaining local modifications that have been considered in the literature: a required node of degree more than one becomes a Steiner node; a Steiner node becomes a required node; the cost of one edge is increased

    Faster (1+Δ)-approximation for unsplittable flow on a path via resource augmentation and back

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    Unsplittable flow on a path (UFP) is an important and well-studied problem. We are given a path with capacities on its edges, and a set of tasks where for each task we are given a demand, a subpath, and a weight. The goal is to select the set of tasks of maximum total weight whose total demands do not exceed the capacity on any edge. UFP admits an (1+Δ)-approximation with a running time of n^{O_{Δ}(poly(log n))}, i.e., a QPTAS {[}Bansal et al., STOC 2006; Batra et al., SODA 2015{]} and it is considered an important open problem to construct a PTAS. To this end, in a series of papers polynomial time approximation algorithms have been developed, which culminated in a (5/3+Δ)-approximation {[}Grandoni et al., STOC 2018{]} and very recently an approximation ratio of (1+1/(e+1)+Δ) < 1.269 {[}Grandoni et al., 2020{]}. In this paper, we address the search for a PTAS from a different angle: we present a faster (1+Δ)-approximation with a running time of only n^{O_{Δ}(log log n)}. We first give such a result in the relaxed setting of resource augmentation and then transform it to an algorithm without resource augmentation. For this, we present a framework which transforms algorithms for (a slight generalization of) UFP under resource augmentation in a black-box manner into algorithms for UFP without resource augmentation, with only negligible loss

    Coworking scheduling with network flows

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    Collaborative usage of resources is becoming increasingly popular in various fields. One common example are coworking spaces — office rooms with work places that can be rented by individuals on hourly basis. We consider the problem of assigning all booking requests for a day to equivalent office rooms with different but fixed opening times and fixed interchangeable closing times. The closing times are flexible due to daily maintenance, e.g. cleaning, which must be done in all rooms in an arbitrary order. This problem is related to the known Interval Scheduling Problem with Machine Availabilities (ISMA), where each machine has a contiguous availability interval, and each job presents a specific time interval which has to be scheduled. According to our coworking scheduling application, we extend ISMA to Flexible Multithread ISMA (FlexMISMA) by introducing machine capacities that model the number of work places per room and by allowing to permute the end times of machines’ availability periods. In this paper, we determine a tight classification of necessary conditions for the existence of a polynomial time algorithm for FlexMISMA, assuming P ≠ NP. More specifically, we develop a network flow model and present polynomial time algorithms for instances (i) with two machines, and (ii) with arbitrarily many machines of capacity one each. In the same time, we prove that increasing the machine capacity to two renders FlexMISMA NP-hard for arbitrarily many machines. Furthermore, we complement result (i) by showing that the problem is NP-hard already for instances with three machines as a special case of the Vertex-Disjoint Paths problem
