7,282 research outputs found

    Microscopic Enhancement of Heavy-Element Production

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    Realistic fusion barriers are calculated in a macroscopic-microscopic model for several soft-fusion heavy-ion reactions leading to heavy and superheavy elements. The results obtained in such a realistic picture are very different from those obtained in a purely macroscopic model. For reactions on 208:Pb targets, shell effects in the entrance channel result in fusion-barrier energies at the touching point that are only a few MeV higher than the ground state for compound systems near Z = 110. The entrance-channel fragment-shell effects remain far inside the touching point, almost to configurations only slightly more elongated than the ground-state configuration, where the fusion barrier has risen to about 10 MeV above the ground-state energy. Calculated single-particle level diagrams show that few level crossings occur until the peak in the fusion barrier very close to the ground-state shape is reached, which indicates that dissipation is negligible until very late in the fusion process. Whereas the fission valley in a macroscopic picture is several tens of MeV lower in energy than is the fusion valley, we find in the macroscopic-microscopic picture that the fission valley is only about 5 MeV lower than the fusion valley for soft-fusion reactions leading to compound systems near Z = 110. These results show that no significant ``extra-extra-push'' energy is needed to bring the system inside the fission saddle point and that the typical reaction energies for maximum cross section in heavy-element synthesis correspond to only a few MeV above the maximum in the fusion barrier.Comment: 7 pages. LaTeX. Submitted to Zeitschrift fur Physik A. 5 figures not included here. Complete preprint, including device-independent (dvi), PostScript, and LaTeX versions of the text, plus PostScript files of the figures, available at http://t2.lanl.gov/publications/publications.html or at ftp://t2.lanl.gov/pub/publications/mehe

    Magnetic multipole analysis of kagome and artificial ice dipolar arrays

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    We analyse an array of linearly extended monodomain dipoles forming square and kagome lattices. We find that its phase diagram contains two (distinct) finite-entropy kagome ice regimes - one disordered, one algebraic - as well as a low-temperature ordered phase. In the limit of the islands almost touching, we find a staircase of corresponding entropy plateaux, which is analytically captured by a theory based on magnetic charges. For the case of a modified square ice array, we show that the charges ('monopoles') are excitations experiencing two distinct Coulomb interactions: a magnetic 'three-dimensional' one as well as a logarithmic `two dimensional' one of entropic origin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes as in final published versio

    A p-multigrid method enhanced with an ILUT smoother and its comparison to h-multigrid methods within Isogeometric Analysis

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    Over the years, Isogeometric Analysis has shown to be a successful alternative to the Finite Element Method (FEM). However, solving the resulting linear systems of equations efficiently remains a challenging task. In this paper, we consider a p-multigrid method, in which coarsening is applied in the approximation order p instead of the mesh width h. Since the use of classical smoothers (e.g. Gauss-Seidel) results in a p-multigrid method with deteriorating performance for higher values of p, the use of an ILUT smoother is investigated. Numerical results and a spectral analysis indicate that the resulting p-multigrid method exhibits convergence rates independent of h and p. In particular, we compare both coarsening strategies (e.g. coarsening in h or p) adopting both smoothers for a variety of two and threedimensional benchmarks

    Correlations and enlarged superconducting phase of tt-J⊄J_\perp chains of ultracold molecules on optical lattices

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    We compute physical properties across the phase diagram of the tt-J⊄J_\perp chain with long-range dipolar interactions, which describe ultracold polar molecules on optical lattices. Our results obtained by the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) indicate that superconductivity is enhanced when the Ising component JzJ_z of the spin-spin interaction and the charge component VV are tuned to zero, and even further by the long-range dipolar interactions. At low densities, a substantially larger spin gap is obtained. We provide evidence that long-range interactions lead to algebraically decaying correlation functions despite the presence of a gap. Although this has recently been observed in other long-range interacting spin and fermion models, the correlations in our case have the peculiar property of having a small and continuously varying exponent. We construct simple analytic models and arguments to understand the most salient features.Comment: published version with minor modification

    A simple, ultrahigh vacuum compatible scanning tunneling microscope for use at variable temperatures

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    We present the construction of a very compact scanning tunneling microscope (STM) which can be operated at temperatures between 4 and 350 K. The tip and a tiny tip holder are the only movable parts, whereas the sample and the piezoscanner are rigidly attached to the body of the STM. This leads to an excellent mechanical stability. The coarse approach system relies on the slip-stick principle and is operated by the same piezotube which is used for scanning. As an example of the performance of the device, images of a NbSe2 surface with atomic resolution are obtained

    Nuclear Ground-State Masses and Deformations

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    We tabulate the atomic mass excesses and nuclear ground-state deformations of 8979 nuclei ranging from 16^{16}O to A=339A=339. The calculations are based on the finite-range droplet macroscopic model and the folded-Yukawa single-particle microscopic model. Relative to our 1981 mass table the current results are obtained with an improved macroscopic model, an improved pairing model with a new form for the effective-interaction pairing gap, and minimization of the ground-state energy with respect to additional shape degrees of freedom. The values of only 9 constants are determined directly from a least-squares adjustment to the ground-state masses of 1654 nuclei ranging from 16^{16}O to 263^{263}106 and to 28 fission-barrier heights. The error of the mass model is 0.669~MeV for the entire region of nuclei considered, but is only 0.448~MeV for the region above N=65N=65.Comment: 50 pages plus 20 PostScript figures and 160-page table obtainable by anonymous ftp from t2.lanl.gov in directory masses, LA-UR-93-308

    Which finitely generated Abelian groups admit isomorphic Cayley graphs?

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    We show that Cayley graphs of finitely generated Abelian groups are rather rigid. As a consequence we obtain that two finitely generated Abelian groups admit isomorphic Cayley graphs if and only if they have the same rank and their torsion parts have the same cardinality. The proof uses only elementary arguments and is formulated in a geometric language.Comment: 16 pages; v2: added reference, reformulated quasi-convexity, v3: small corrections; to appear in Geometriae Dedicat

    Proton-neutron quadrupole interactions: an effective contribution to the pairing field

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    We point out that the proton-neutron energy contribution, for low multipoles (in particular for the quadrupole component), effectively renormalizes the strength of the pairing interaction acting amongst identical nucleons filling up a single-j or a set of degenerate many-j shells. We carry out the calculation in lowest-order perturbation theory. We perform a study of this correction in various mass regions. These results may have implications for the use of pairing theory in medium-heavy nuclei and for the study of pairing energy corrections to the liquid drop model when studying nuclear masses.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, 3 tables, 2 figures. Accepted in PR
