103 research outputs found

    Spracheinstellungen der kurdischen Diaspora in Deutschland

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    Als eine der grĂ¶ĂŸten Minderheitensprachengemeinschaften in Deutschland wird auch die kurdischsprachige Diaspora von gesellschaftlichen Machtstrukturen wie der Diskriminierung in den HerkunftslĂ€ndern beeinflusst. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden Spracheinstellungen von Kurdischsprecher*innen der ersten und zweiten Migrationsgeneration mithilfe eines Online-Fragebogens anhand von 296 Teilnehmer*innen aus der TĂŒrkei, Syrien und dem Irak erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen insgesamt positive Einstellungen und eine starke emotionale Verbundenheit zum KurmancĂź-Kurdisch. In der ersten Generation sind die Spracheinstellungen der Kurdischsprecher*innen aus der TĂŒrkei negativer ausgeprĂ€gt. In der zweiten Generation gleichen sich die Unterschiede zwischen den HerkunftslĂ€ndern an. EinflĂŒsse soziopolitischer Unterschiede in den HerkunftslĂ€ndern scheinen mit der Aufenthaltsdauer in Deutschland abzunehmen

    Following Politicians on Social Media: Effects for Political Information, Peer Communication, and Youth Engagement

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    Young citizens increasingly turn to social media platforms for political information. These platforms enable direct communication between politicians and citizens, circumventing the influence of traditional news outlets. We still know little about the consequences of direct contact with politicians on such platforms for citizens’ political participation. Here, we argue that the interplay of different actors in the political news diet of citizens should be investigated from a networked communication perspective. Relying on a cross-sectional survey of young Danes (15–25 years old, n = 567), we investigate the relationship between following politicians on social media and: (a) the composition of young citizens’ political media diet; and (b) their civic messaging and campaign participation. Following political actors on social media relates to increased campaign engagement and can be a catalyst for young people’s exposure to campaign news, but their friends and followers function as the main node of their political online networks. We document a process of the de-mediation of politics on social media: Established news media lose influence as primary information sources for young citizens. We discuss these results in the context of users’ active curation and passive selection of their political social media diet

    Characterization model to assess ocean acidification within life cycle assessment

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    Purpose: Ocean acidification due to the absorption of increasing amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide has become a severe problem in the recent years as more and more marine species are influenced by the decreasing pH value as well as by the reduced carbonate ion concentration. So far, no characterization model exists for ocean acidification. This paper aims to establish such a characterization model to allow for the necessary future inclusion of ocean acidification in life cycle assessment (LCA) case studies. Methods: Based on a cause-effect chain for ocean acidification, the substances carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane were identified as relevant for this impact category. In a next step, the fate factor representing the substances’ share absorbed by the ocean due to conversion, distribution, and dissolution is determined. Then, the fate sensitivity factor is established reflecting the changes in the marine environment due to the amount of released hydrogen ions per gram of substance (category indicator). Finally, fate and fate sensitivity factors of each substance are multiplied and set in relation to the reference substance, carbon dioxide, thereby delivering the respective characterization factors (in kg CO2 eq) at midpoint level. Results and discussion: Characterization factors are provided for carbon monoxide (0.87 kg CO2 eq), carbon dioxide (1 kg CO2 eq), and methane (0.84 kg CO2 eq), which allow conversion of inventory results of these substances into category indicator results for ocean acidification. Inventory data of these substances is available in common LCA databases and software. Hence, the developed method is directly applicable. In a subsequent contribution analysis, the relative contribution of the three selected substances, along with other known acidifying substances, to the ocean acidification potential of 100 different materials was studied. The contribution analysis confirmed carbon dioxide as the predominant substance responsible for more than 97 % of the total ocean acidification potential. However, the influence of other acidifying substances, e.g., sulfur dioxide, should not be neglected. Conclusions: Evaluation of substances contributing to ocean acidification is of growing importance since the acidity of oceans has been increasing steadily over the last decades. The introduced approach can be applied to evaluate product system related impacts of ocean acidification and include those into current LCA practice

    Auswirkungen einer integrierten Biogaserzeugung auf ökologische Betriebssysteme: MonetÀre Bewertung

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    Die integrierte Biogaserzeugung in Ökobetrieben zieht vielerlei agronomische Auswirkungen auf das gesamte Betriebssystem nach sich. Herkömmliche Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen vernachlĂ€ssigen jedoch das ökonomische Potential dieser Effekte. Dieser Beitrag verfolgt daher einen ganzheitlichen Bewertungsansatz, der diese monetĂ€ren Zusatzleistungen mit einbezieht. Modellsimulationen ökologischer Fruchtfolgesysteme, die insbesondere eine verĂ€nderte Stickstoff-Effizienz berĂŒcksichtigen, zeigen mögliche Ertragssteigerungen der MarktfrĂŒchte und eine verbesserte Wirtschaftlichkeit des Ackerbaus durch die integrierte anaerobe VergĂ€rung sowohl in viehlosen als auch in viehhaltenden Ökobetrieben auf

    Barrieren des Demografiemanagements ĂŒberwinden und Wandel erfolgreich gestalten: Barriereanalysetool

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    Die BroschĂŒre „Barrieren des Demografiemanagements ĂŒberwinden und Wandel erfolgreich gestalten“ beinhaltet mit dem Barriereanalysetool einen Selbstcheck, mit dem Unternehmen testen können, welches Bewusstsein fĂŒr das Demografiemanagement in ihrem Unternehmen herrscht und welche Instrumente des Demografiemanagements angewendet werden. Anhand der Auswertung des Selbstchecks können die Unternehmen ablesen, welche Relevanz die demografischen Entwicklungen (u.a. FachkrĂ€ftemangel, alternde Belegschaft) in ihrem Unternehmen aktuell haben. DarĂŒber hinaus werden praktische Handlungsempfehlungen und Tipps fĂŒr weitere AktivitĂ€ten in dem jeweiligen Themengebiet vorgestellt.:Vorwort Wie kann das Analysetool eingesetzt werden? 1 Instrumente des Demografiemanagements 2 Barrieren 2.1 UnterstĂŒtzer des Demografiemanagements 2.2 Wahrnehmung der demografischen Herausforderungen 2.3 Nutzung demografiespezifischer Ressourcen 2.4 Generationenmanagement 2.5 Entwicklung und Anpassung des Personalmanagements 2.6 Stellung des Personalmanagements im Unternehmen 3 Fazit 4 Erweiterte Literaturzusammenfassun

    ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen der FĂ€higkeit zur PerspektivenĂŒbernahme und dem Textverstehen im Vor- und Grundschulalter

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    "Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Zusammenhang zwischen der FĂ€higkeit zur PerspektivenĂŒbernahme und sinnverstehendem Lesen dargestellt. Auf der Grundlage von Arbeiten zum Textverstehen sowie zu PerspektivenĂŒbernahme und Theory of Mind wurde ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen PerspektivenĂŒbernahmefĂ€higkeit und Textverstehensleistung erwartet. Diese Hypothese wurde an zwei Stichproben unterschiedlichen Alters geprĂŒft: In der ersten Studie beantworteten 37 Vorschulkinder Fragen zu vorgelesenen Geschichten sowie PerspektivenĂŒbernahme-Aufgaben. Zwischen den Bereichen fand sich eine deutliche positive Korrelation, die bei Kontrolle der Intelligenz erhalten blieb. An der zweiten Studie nahmen 69 Grundschulkinder der dritten Jahrgangsstufe teil, die Texte lasen und Aufgaben dazu wie auch zur PerspektivenĂŒbernahme bearbeiteten. In dieser Stichprobe fand sich der erwartete Zusammenhang ausschließlich in der Teilgruppe der guten Leser. Er blieb bei Kontrolle der Intelligenz erhalten. Die Ergebnisse werden auch in Hinblick auf die Förderung der Lesekompetenz diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"Topic of the article is the relation between perspective taking and reading comprehension. Based on research regarding text, comprehension, perspective taking and theory of mind, the authors assume a positive correlation between perspective taking and text comprehension. This hypothesis is tested in two studies: In the first study, stories were read to 37 preschoolers (5-6 years). Afterwards, they answered questions regarding the text and perspective taking. Text comprehension and perspective taking were positively correlated, even if intelligence was controlled. In the second study, 69 primary school students (8-10 years) read several stories. Afterwards, they answered questions considering the texts and perspective taking. The hypothesized correlation between text comprehension and perspective taking was only found in the sub-sample of good readers. This correlation remained stable if intelligence was controlled. Among other consequences, perspective taking training is discussed as a method to improve reading literacy." (author's abstract

    Peptide‐mediated surface coatings for the release of wound‐healing cytokines

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    Supporting the wound healing process by sending the appropriate cytokine signals can shorten healing time and overcome chronic inflammation syndromes. Even though adhesion peptides consisting of Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) are commonly used to enhance cell-surface interactions, peptide-mediated cytokine delivery has not been widely exploited so far. Cytokines interact with high affinity with their cognitive receptors but also with sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), both of which form a base for incorporation of cytokines into functional biomaterials. Here, we report on a mussel-derived surface coating as a prospective cytokine delivery system using covalently bound heparin mimetics, receptor-derived chemokine-binding peptides, and heparin-binding peptides (HBP). The latter enabled non-covalent immobilization of heparin on the surface followed by chemokine binding and release, whereas the former allowed direct non-covalent chemokine immobilization. The peptide displayed excellent binding to custom-made polystyrene 96-well plates, enabling convenient testing of several compounds. Released chemokine successfully induced migration in Jurkat cells, especially for the non-covalent heparin immobilization approach using HBPs as evaluated in a transwell assay. In comparison, heparin-mimetic coatings, comprised of sulfated peptides and GAG derivatives, proved less efficient with respect to amount of immobilized chemokine and migratory response. Thus, our study provides a roadmap for further rational optimization and translation into clinics

    Mixed gas adsorption of carbon dioxide and methane on a series of isoreticular microporous metal-organic frameworks based on 2-substituted imidazolate-4-amide-5-imidates

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In this work the adsorption of CO2 and CH4 on a series of isoreticular microporous metal–organic frameworks based on 2-substituted imidazolate-4-amide-5-imidates, IFP-1–IFP-6 (IFP = Imidazolate Framework Potsdam), is studied firstly by pure gas adsorption at 273 K. All experimental isotherms can be nicely described by using the TĂČth isotherm model and show the preferred adsorption of CO2 over CH4. At low pressures the TĂČth isotherm equation exhibits a Henry region, wherefore Henry's law constants for CO2 and CH4 uptake could be determined and ideal selectivity αCO2/CH4 has been calculated. Secondly, selectivities were calculated from mixture data by using nearly equimolar binary mixtures of both gases by a volumetric–chromatographic method to examine the IFPs. Results showed the reliability of the selectivity calculation. Values of αCO2/CH4 around 7.5 for IFP-5 indicate that this material shows much better selectivities than IFP-1, IFP-2, IFP-3, IFP-4 and IFP-6 with slightly lower selectivity αCO2/CH4 = 4–6. The preferred adsorption of CO2 over CH4 especially of IFP-5 and IFP-4 makes these materials suitable for gas separation application.DFG, SPP 1362, Poröse metallorganische GerĂŒstverbindunge
