21 research outputs found

    O Crescimento da área de relações internacionais no Brasil The development of the studies of international relations in Brazil

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    O artigo analisa a produção acadêmica brasileira no campo das relações internacionais nos anos 90, ressaltando as mudanças qualitativas ocorridas durante o período. Um breve histórico da disciplina no âmbito global é oferecido para que seja possível contextualizar a experiência brasileira. As principais tendências, características e ausências da bibliografia produzida no país durante esse período são consideradas. Os temas contemplados são: política externa dos Estados, instituições internacionais, natureza do sistema internacional e da política internacional e estratégia e política de defesa.<br>The article analyses the Brazilian academic literature in the international relations field during the 1990's, stressing the qualitative changes that marked the period. A brief history of the discipline in the global context is offered in order to present the wider context within which the Brazilian experience took place. The main tendencies, characteristics and absences of the bibliography produced in the country during the period in question are considered. The following themes are contemplated: foreign policies of states, international institutions, the nature of the international system and of international politics and strategic studies and defense policy

    Teoria das Relações Internacionais no Pós-Guerra Fria

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    Analyzing the history of academic production on international relations since the end of the Cold War, the article identifies and synthesizes three main trends in the literature: a debate concerning the role of international institutions; a revival of the cultural dimension; and renewed legitimization of normative studies. It is concluded that the theoretical debate on international relations has been reinvigorated and now encompasses a broader range of disciplines. On the other hand, the realist tradition still maintains its hegemony, despite critiques of positivist epistemology and of the greater emphasis on cooperative processes. Lastly, the article argues that issues related to the formation of identities and normative perspectives must be made part of the discussion on the international situation

    Nuclear governance in Latin America

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    The article provides an outlook of the regional relations concerning nuclear technology in Latin America. For that purpose, we initially discuss the historic relationship of the Latin American countries with the set of rules, norms, principles and organizations involved in nuclear governance. The article provides an analysis of the connection between the multilateral institutional framework and the bilateral arrangements aimed at curbing the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the region. The current state of nuclear cooperation among the countries of the region is also mapped. In addition, the article assesses the peaceful use of nuclear technology in the region and the potential expansion of the use of nuclear energy by the Latin American countries. Considerations on the trends for nuclear cooperation among the countries of Latin America are also offered

    A Nuclear Submarine in the South Atlantic: The Framing of Threats and Deterrence

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    Abstract In this article, we analyse one aspect of Brazilian nuclear policy during the tenure of the Workers Party (2003–2016): the development of a nuclear-propelled submarine. We propose that the project of building a nuclear-propelled submarine has become possible partly because of the mobilisation of a set of arguments for the construction of the South Atlantic as a strategic area, framed in terms of security and development. On the other hand, we contend that the need for a nuclear-propelled submarine is framed through the mobilisation of a specific notion of deterrence. In other words, we claim that the notions of ‘strategic area’, ‘general deterrence’, ‘conventional deterrence’, and ‘deterrence by denial’ can help us analyse the fundamental aspects involved in the framing of the South Atlantic as a security concern, justifying the nuclear-propelled submarine project

    Participative evaluation online and off line

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    Este é um trabalho de pesquisa coletiva que vem sendo construído por várias mãos no espaço da parceria. O texto apresenta a revisão de literatura, metodologia e resultados parciais de uma investigação que entende Avaliação Participativa (AP) em seu acoplamento com Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs), um tema sobre o qual as pedagogias ainda não produzem respostas suficientes e adequadas. Mostra como foram captadas (observação e mini-estudos etnográficos), registradas (protocolos e estudos de caso) e analisadas (referenciais) as formas de avaliação que foram praticadas em cenários universitários, educação presencial e não presencial, educação a distância (EAD) e em cenários de ações sociais e educação não formal, praticadas em periferias urbanas (ONG).This is a collective research that has been constructed collaboratively by many hands. The text presents the literature research, the methodology and the partial results of an investigation that understands Participative Evaluation (PE) in its connection with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), a topic about which the pedagogies still do not produce sufficient or adequate answers. It shows how the kinds of evaluation that were practiced in university settings, presential and distance education and; and in social action and non-formal education settings, practiced in urban peripheries (NGO) are collected (observation and mini ethnographic studies), registered (protocols and case studies) and analyzed (referentials)