31 research outputs found

    Waterbirds and human-related threats to their conservation in Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México

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    Laguna Cuyutlán, the only large wetland in a span of 1 150 km along the Pacific coast of México, has been neglected as to its importance for waterbird conservation. At least 25 waterbird species nest there, with some of their colonies being very relevant, and at least 61 waterbird species use the lagoon during their nonbreeding season. This lagoon has been subject to several structural modifications, including levees and artificial channels which connect it to the sea, while water supply from continental sources has diminished, although its role has not been assessed yet. Salt extraction and artisanal fishery, the main economic activities, do not seem to pose a threat to waterbirds. Among potential threats to this acquatic ecosystem, are the raw sewage discharges that exist near urban areas, and pesticides from the surrounding agricultural lands might reach the lagoon. Seemingly, the most serious threat comes from waterway development in connection with a re-gasification plant to be built, and planned future port expansion, which could potentially increase water levels and alter important habitats for nesting and foraging. We recommend that: the area be declared an Important Bird Area; the development of the re-gasification plant and future port includes a levee to prevent alterations in water level in the remaining sections of the lagoon; supply of exogenous chemicals and waste products be prevented and monitored; alleged benefits from water interchange between the lagoon and the sea through artificial channels should be re-evaluated; and the role of fresh water supplies to the lagoon should be paid attention to. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 1-12. Epub 2009 June 30.<br>Laguna Cuyutlán, el único humedal grande a lo largo de 1 150 km del Pacífico mexicano, no ha sido considerado un ecosistema natural importante para la conservación de aves acuáticas. Cuando menos 25 especies de aves acuáticas anidan ahí, y al menos 61 especies de aves acuáticas la usan fuera de la temporada reproductiva. Esta laguna ha sufrido varias modificaciones estructurales, y el aporte de agua dulce ha disminuido, sin que se conozcan sus consecuencias. La extracción de sal y la pesca artesanal, las principales actividades económicas, no parecen ser riesgo para las aves acuáticas. Entre los riesgos potenciales, están las aguas negras cerca de zonas urbanas y los plaguicidas de zonas agrícolas colindantes. Aparentemente, el riesgo más serio deriva del desarrollo marítimo asociado con una planta regasificadora a construirse pronto, y del desarrollo portuario futuro, que podrían incrementar los niveles de agua en la laguna y alterar los hábitats de las aves acuáticas. Recomendamos que: el área se declare como AICA; el desarrollo futuro incluya un dique para prevenir alteraciones en el nivel del agua en el resto de la laguna; el aporte de sustancias agroquímicas y aguas negras se monitoree; se reevalúen los supuestos beneficios del intercambio de agua entre la laguna y el mar por medio de canales artificiales; y se investigue científicamente los aportes de agua dulce a la laguna

    Waterbirds and human-related threats to their conservation in Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México

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    Laguna Cuyutlán, the only large wetland in a span of 1 150 km along the Pacific coast of México, has been neglected as to its importance for waterbird conservation. At least 25 waterbird species nest there, with some of their colonies being very relevant, and at least 61 waterbird species use the lagoon during their non- breeding season. This lagoon has been subject to several structural modifications, including levees and artificial channels which connect it to the sea, while water supply from continental sources has diminished, although its role has not been assessed yet. Salt extraction and artisanal fishery, the main economic activities, do not seem to pose a threat to waterbirds. Among potential threats to this acquatic ecosystem, are the raw sewage discharges that exist near urban areas, and pesticides from the surrounding agricultural lands might reach the lagoon. Seemingly, the most serious threat comes from waterway development in connection with a re-gasification plant to be built, and planned future port expansion, which could potentially increase water levels and alter important habitats for nesting and foraging. We recommend that: the area be declared an Important Bird Area; the development of the re-gasification plant and future port includes a levee to prevent alterations in water level in the remaining sections of the lagoon; supply of exogenous chemicals and waste products be prevented and monitored; alleged benefits from water interchange between the lagoon and the sea through artificial channels should be re-evaluated; and the role of fresh water supplies to the lagoon should be paid attention to.Laguna Cuyutlán, el único humedal grande a lo largo de 1 150 km del Pacífico mexicano, no ha sido considerado un ecosistema natural importante para la conservación de aves acuáticas. Cuando menos 25 especies de aves acuáticas anidan ahí, y al menos 61 especies de aves acuáticas la usan fuera de la temporada reproductiva. Esta laguna ha sufrido varias modificaciones estructurales, y el aporte de agua dulce ha disminuido, sin que se conozcan sus consecuencias. La extracción de sal y la pesca artesanal, las principales activi- dades económicas, no parecen ser riesgo para las aves acuá- ticas. Entre los riesgos potenciales, están las aguas negras cerca de zonas urbanas y los plaguicidas de zonas agrícolas colindantes. Aparentemente, el riesgo más serio deriva del desarrollo marítimo asociado con una planta regasificadora a construirse pronto, y del desarrollo portuario futuro, que podrían incrementar los niveles de agua en la laguna y alte- rar los hábitats de las aves acuáticas. Recomendamos que: el área se declare como AICA; el desarrollo futuro incluya un dique para prevenir alteraciones en el nivel del agua en el resto de la laguna; el aporte de sustancias agroquímicas y aguas negras se monitoree; se reevalúen los supuestos 10 beneficios del intercambio de agua entre la laguna y el mar por medio de canales artificiales; y se investigue científica- mente los aportes de agua dulce a la laguna

    Waterbirds (other than Laridae) nesting in the middle section of Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México

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    Laguna de Cuyutlán, in the state of Colima, Mexico, is the only large coastal wetland in a span of roughly 1150 km. Despite this, the study of its birds has been largely neglected. Between 2003 and 2006 we assessed the waterbirds nesting in the middle portion of Laguna Cuyutlán, a large tropical coastal lagoon, through field visits. We documented the nesting of 15 species of non-Laridae waterbirds: Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), Tricolored Egret (Egretta tricolor), Snowy Egret (Egretta thula), Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea), Great Egret (Ardea alba), Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), Black-crowned Nightheron (Nycticorax nycticorax), Yellow-crowned Night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea), Green Heron (Butorides virescens), Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), White Ibis (Eudocimus albus), Black-bellied Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis), Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris), Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), and Black-necked Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus). These add to six species of Laridae known to nest in that area: Laughing Gulls (Larus atricilla), Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus), Gull-billed Terns (Gelochelidon nilotica), Forster’s Terns (S. forsteri), Least Terns (Sternula antillarum), and Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger), and to at least 57 species using it during the non-breeding season. With such bird assemblages, Laguna Cuyutlán is an important site for waterbirds, which should be given conservation status. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (1): 391-397. Epub 2008 March 31.Durante la prospección de la parte media de la Laguna Cuyutlán, una gran laguna costera en Colima, México, entre 2003 y 2006, documentamos la anidación de 15 especies de aves acuáticas que no pertenecer a la familia Laridae: Phalacrocorax brasilianus, Egretta tricolor, Egretta thula, Egretta caerulea, Ardea alba, Bubulcus ibis, Nycticorax nycticorax, Nyctanassa violacea, Butorides virescens, Platalea ajaja, Eudocimus albus, Dendrocygna autumnalis, Rallus longirostris, Charadrius alexandrinus e Himantopus mexicanus. Estas se suman a seis especies de Laridae que anidan en esta parte de la laguna: Larus atricilla, Thalasseus maximus, Gelochelidon nilotica, Sterna forsteri, Sternula antillarum y Rynchops niger, y a cuando menos 57 especies de aves acuáticas que la usan durante la época no reproductiva. Con estas comunidades ornitológicas, la Laguna Cuyutlán es un sitio importante para las aves acuáticas, que debería recibir estatus de protección

    A New Wood Stork ( Mycteria americana

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    Drivers of Bird and Rodent Assemblage Composition in Rangelands of Southern Mexican Plateau

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    Rangelands provide ecosystem services for livestock and habitat for many wildlife species. However, the key features that determine their value for biodiversity conservation need to be assessed regionally. To elucidate the structural attributes that drive bird and rodent assemblages in semiarid rangelands in the southern Mexican Plateau, we studied patches of rangelands dominated by herbaceous plants (open) and xerophytic shrub communities (closed). We hypothesized that different guilds and species of birds and rodents are influenced differently by rangeland condition and different habitat components, and that bird assemblages had a higher turnover rate between patches than rodents. We surveyed the birds and rodents during the three regional climatic seasons and measured ground plant cover of herbs, shrubs, nopales, and trees. Through an information-theoretic approach we tested the effect of range condition and season on all variables of habitat and bird and rodent species richness and abundance. Habitat components (shrubs and nopales) most often included in the best/most parsimonious models explained bird and rodent abundances. Rodent species turnover is lower among rangeland plots of the same type geographically separated than between nearby plots of different type. In contrast, bird species turnover was higher because their higher mobility allows them to explore landscape patches than might offer complementation and/or supplementation. Rangelands in the southern Mexican Plateau should be viewed not only as livestock-producing areas but also as landscape components that can and should be used to effectively support biodiversity conservation, complementing the conservation role of other regional habitats. The high biodiversity conservation potential of the rangelands we studied should be recognized, and both habitat conditions should be incorporated in any regional conservation plans

    Tertium genus?Eunuchi a Costantinopoli

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    L'indagine parte dall'analisi di un'opera bizantina dedicata all'ordine di apparizione ai banchetti alla corte dell'imperatore (il Kletorologion di Filoteo, risalente al IX sec d.C.), in cui appaiono evidenti il numero e i compiti assegnati agli eunuchi, divenuti nel tempo esponenti di un ordine nutrito e inserito nella gerarchia amministrativa fino alle più prestigiose posizioni. Se ne investigano poi i riflessi nell'esperienza giuridica bizantina e nella considerazione sociale