39 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Depression during Pregnancy in Spanish Women: Trajectory and Risk Factors in Each Trimester

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    The aims of this research were to determine the trajectories of probable depression and major depression during pregnancy and to identify the associated and predictor variables (sociodemographic, pregnancy-related, and psychological) for both conditions in each trimester of pregnancy. A longitudinal study was carried out with 569 pregnant Spanish women who were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy. Depression was assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a clinical interview. Measures of anxiety and stress were also included. The prevalence of probable depression in the first, second, and third trimesters was 23.4%, 17.0%, and 21.4%, respectively, and that of major depression was 5.1%, 4.0%, and 4.7%. Thus, the prevalence of both conditions was the highest in the first and third trimesters. The trajectories of probable depression and major depression followed the same pattern throughout pregnancy. All of the psychological variables studied were associated with both conditions in all three trimesters, with perceived stress being a predictor at all times. The association between the other variables and both conditions of depression was similar. Two exceptions stand out: having had previous miscarriages, which was only associated with probable depression and was also a predictor, in the first trimester; and complications during pregnancy, which was only associated with probable and major depression in the third trimester. These findings should be taken into account in routine pregnancy follow-ups, and necessary interventions should be started in the first trimester.S

    Versión española abreviada del cuestionario de ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo

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    The aim of this study is to obtain a Spanish brief version of the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire and analyse its psychometric properties. A longitudinal study was carried out on a sample of 569 Spanish pregnant women with normal risk status. Participants were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy by using a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ-55, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. PRAQ-55 items with factorial loads > .50 were selected resulting in a final scale of 20 items. A cut-off point ≥ 67 (85th percentile) was used to identify women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. The findings revealed that PRAQ-20 can be considered a useful screening tool in clinical practice to assess pregnancy-related anxiety in both nulliparous and multiparous pregnant womenEl objetivo de este estudio es obtener una versión breve en español del Cuestionario de Ansiedad Relacionada con el Embarazo y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en una muestra de 569 mujeres embarazadas españolas con un embarazo de riesgo normal. Se evaluó a las participantes en el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y obstétrico-ginecológico, el PRAQ-55, la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo y el Inventario de Ansiedad de Estado-Rasgo. Se seleccionaron los ítems de la PRAQ-55 con cargas factoriales > .50, lo que dio como resultado una escala final de 20 ítems. Se utilizó como punto de corte 67 (percentil 85) para identificar a aquellas mujeres con elevada ansiedad específica del embarazo. Los resultados mostraron que el PRAQ-20 puede considerarse una herramienta de cribado útil en la práctica clínica para evaluar la ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo tanto en mujeres embarazadas nulíparas como multíparasS

    Couple’s relationship during the transition to parenthood and toddler’s emotional and behavioral problems

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    The literature has mainly focused on the impact of the negative aspects of the couple’s relationship on the toddler’s internalizing and externalizing problems. This study explored the impact of the positive and negative dimensions of the couple’s relationship during the transition to parenthood on toddlers’ psychological adjustment, considering the concurrent impact of the couple’s relationship at 30 months postpartum. The sample comprised 115 mothers and fathers (N = 230) recruited during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The mothers and fathers individually completed a measure of the couple’s relationship (Relationship Questionnaire) during the first trimester of pregnancy, at 3 and 30 months postpartum, and the Child Behavior Checklist 1.5–5 at 30 months postpartum. Multiple linear regressions, cluster analyses, and univariate and multivariate analyses of variance were conducted. The positive dimension at the 1st trimester of pregnancy and the negative dimension of the couple’s relationship at 3 months postpartum were the strongest predictors of the toddler’s internalizing problems, while the negative dimension at 3 months postpartum and the positive dimension of the couple’s relationship at 30 months postpartum were the strongest predictors of the toddler’s externalizing problems. Two patterns of the couple’s relationship (adjusted vs. non-adjusted) during the transition to parenthood were identified. Higher levels of internalizing and externalizing problems were found in toddlers from couples with a non-adjusted couple’s relationship. Findings suggested the impact of both positive and negative dimensions of the couple’s relationship during the transition to parenthood on the toddler’s emotional and behavioral problems. Promoting the couple’s relationship adjustment during the transition to parenthood can help to prevent toddlers’ emotional and behavioral problemsThis study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020). This study was funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), under the grant UIDB/05380/2020S

    Dejar de fumar desde casa: "El programa 2001 para dejar de fumar"

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    Los programas de autoayuda han demostrado ser un modo efi caz para que muchas personas dejen de fumar. En el presente artículo se describe el origen, fundamentos, características y resultados de un programa para dejar de fumar a través del correo postal, denominado “Programa 2001 para dejar de fumar” (Becoña, 1996). Al mismo se le puede añadir consejo telefónico, feedback o utilización de correo electrónico como complemento al procedimiento estándar. Este tratamiento es una adaptación en formato de autoayuda del tratamiento psicológico cognitivo-conductual “Programa para dejar de fumar” (Becoña, 1993), que ha mostrado un alto nivel de efi cacia y coste-efectividad. El “Programa 2001 para dejar de fumar” se viene aplicando en España, a nivel nacional, desde el año 1995. En él han participado ya más de 4.500 fumadores y su coste-efectividad es excelente (hasta un 27% de abstinencia a los 12 meses de seguimiento) comparado con otras intervenciones clínicas para dejar de fumar, tanto psicológicas como farmacológicasThe self-help smoking programs have demonstrated to be effective so that many people stop smoking. In the present paper we describe the origin, foundations, characteristic and results of a psychological program to stop smoking through the postal mail, named “Programa 2001 para dejar de fumar” [“Program 2001 to stop smoking”] (Becoña, 1996). This program can be combined with phone advice, write feedback or additional support by email. This treatment is an adaptation in format of self-help of the cognitive-behavioural psychological treatment “Programa para dejar de fumar” [“Program to stop smoking” (Becoña, 1993) that has shown a good efficacy and cost-effectiveness. The “Program 2001 to stop smoking” was applied in Spain, at national level, from the year 1995. In this years have already participated in it more than 4.500 smokers. Your cost-effectiveness is excellent (until 27% of abstinence at 12-month follow-up) in relation with other clinical treatments, such psychological as pharmacologicalS

    Juego problema y sintomatología depresiva en adolescentes

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    A clear relationship between gambling and depression has been found among adults. However, this relationship has not been studied among adolescents. The present study analyses this relationship in a representative sample of secondary school adolescents in Galicia (N= 2.790). Problem gambling and at- risk gambling were evaluated using the South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised Adolescents (SOGS-RA) by Winters et al. (1993) and depressive symptomatology using the Child Depression Inventory, CDI, by Kovacs (1992). The results showed an increase in depressive symptomatology as involvement in gambling increases, with a CDI score of 12.71 for non-gamblers, 14.63 for at-risk gamblers and 19.66 for problem gamblers, with significant differences in all the groups. Differences were also found with respect to age. Those having greater gambling problems also show greater scores in depressive symptomatology when variables such as greater involvement of parents in gambling, academic failure, and worse relationship with their parents were considered. The results as a whole show a consistent relationship between greater involvement in gambling and greater depressive symptomatology.En adultos se ha encontrado una clara relación entre juego patológico y depresión. Sin embargo, en adolescentes esta relación no se ha estudiado. En el presente estudio se analiza esta relación en una muestra representativa de adolescentes escolarizados de enseñanza secundaria de Galicia (N = 2.790). Se evaluó el juego problema y juego de riesgo mediante el SOGS-RA de Winters et al. (1993) y la sintomatología depresiva con el Inventario de Depresión Infantil (Q3I) de Kovacs (1992). Se encontró un incremento en la sintomatología depresiva conforme aumenta la implicación en el juego, con puntuaciones en el GDI de 12,71 para los no jugadores, 14,63 para los jugadores en riesgo y 19,66 para los jugadores problema. También aparecen diferencias por edad. Los que tienen mayores problemas de juego tienen mayores puntuaciones en sintomatología depresiva cuando se consideran las variables de mayor implicación de los padres en el juego, fracaso en los estudios y peores relaciones con sus padres. El conjunto de resultados muestra una relación consistente entre mayor implicación en el juego y mayor sintomatología depresiva

    Do cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption associate with cannabis use and problem gambling among Spanish adolescents?

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    Este estudio examinó la relación entre consumo de tabaco y alcohol, y consumo de cannabis y juego problema en una muestra aleatoria y representativa de 1.447 adolescentes españoles (797 varones y 650 mujeres con una media de edad de 12,8 años). Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario elaborado a tal efecto que recogía información acerca del consumo de cigarrillos, de alcohol (cerveza, vino y licores) y cannabis. El juego se evaluó con el South Oaks Gambling Screen Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA). Los resultados indicaron una asociación positiva y significativa entre el consumo de tabaco y alcohol y las dos variables analizadas. Se halló un mayor porcentaje de fumadores y consumidores de alcohol entre los que habían consumido cannabis en alguna ocasión así como entre los jugadores problema. Además, el análisis de regresión lineal múltiple mostró que tanto el consumo de cigarrillos como de alcohol (cerveza y vino) se relacionaban positivamente con el inicio en el consumo de cannabis y con una mayor implicación en el juegoThis article examined the relationship between cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption and cannabis use and problem gambling among a random and representative sample of 1447 Spanish adolescents (797 males and 650 females with an average of 12.8 years). An ad-hoc questionnaire was used to assess cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption (beer, wine and spirits) and cannabis use. Gambling was assessed with the South Oaks Gambling Screen Revised for Adolescents (SOGS-RA). Results indicated a positive and significant association between cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption and the two aforementioned variables. A larger percentage of cigarette smokers and drinkers was found among those participants who had consumed cannabis before or scored significantly in problem gambling. Additionally, multiple regression analysis confirmed that both cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption (beer and wine) were the most determinant variables for cannabis use and problem gamblingLa presente investigación recibió el apoyo de la Subvención XU-GA21105B98 de la Secretaría de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Xunta de GaliciaS

    Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the pregnancy related anxiety questionnaire (PRAQ)

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    Although pregnancy increases the vulnerability to anxiety, no specific assessment instruments are usually used to detect it. The objective of this study was to adapt the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ) to Spanish population, as well as analyze its validity and reliability. A sample of 367 nulliparous pregnant women with a normal risk status filled in a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). After performing a factorial analysis, a five-factor model that explains 53.1% of the variance was obtained. Estimates of internal consistency reliability were adequate (range = .78 to .93) for the five factors included in the final confirmatory factor analysis, and for the total scale (.97). Significant correlation among PRAQ, EPDS, and STAI was found (p < .001). The 85th percentile (score 234 or more) was used as a cut-off point to identify those women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. In accordance with the results obtained, the PRAQ can be considered a useful screening tool to evaluate pregnancy-related anxiety among the Spanish populationS

    Smoking cessation interventions with inpatients for a cardiovascular disease: a literature review

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    The tobacco is an important risk factor for development of cardiovascular diseases. Hospitalization of these patients gives us an excellent opportunity to help them to quit smoking. However, few studies have evaluated what type of intervention is most effective for this population. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review treatments for smoking cessation that have been applied to patients hospitalized with cardiovascular disease in the last decade, in order to determine their effectiveness and establish what would be most appropriate. To achieve this, we searched the Cochrane Tobacco registration Addiction Group and the databases Medline, PsycInfo, PubMed, and CSIC. As a consequence, 16 studies fulfilling inclusion criteria were found, although treatments components and intensity differ greatly from one study to another. It was concluded that while brief advice increases cessation compared with no intervention, the most effective interventions are those of greater intensity that last for at least three months after hospital dischargeEl tabaco es un importante factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y la hospitalización por este tipo de enfermedades brinda una excelente oportunidad para ayudar a dejar de fumar. Sin embargo, son pocas las intervenciones que se han llevado a cabo con estos pacientes y máxime a nivel hospitalario. El objetivo de este estudio es hacer una revisión acerca de las intervenciones para dejar de fumar realizadas con pacientes hospitalizados por enfermedad cardiovascular en la última década, con el objetivo de determinar su eficacia y conocer cuál resulta más adecuada. Para ello, se realizaron búsquedas en el registro de la Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group así como en las bases de datos Medline, PsycINFO, PubMed y CSIC. Los 16 estudios hallados que cumplían los criterios de inclusión muestran importantes diferencias tanto en cuanto a los componentes que integran las intervenciones como en la intensidad de las mismas. Se concluye que si bien el consejo breve incrementa el abandono del tabaco en comparación con la no intervención, las intervenciones más efectivas son aquellas de mayor intensidad que tienen continuación durante al menos tres meses tras el alta hospitalariaS

    Smoking among Psychology students over a ten-year period (1996-2006)

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    En este estudio se analiza la evolución del consumo de tabaco en los estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela en un período de diez años (1986-2006). Se evalúa, además, el grado de conocimiento e influencia en el consumo de la Ley 28/2005 de medidas sanitarias frente al tabaquismo. Administramos un cuestionario anónimo a una muestra representativa de estudiantes de primero a quinto curso de Psicología en cuatro ocasiones. En el curso 1996-1997 (N= 835) afirman ser fumadores diarios el 34.6% de la muestra; en el 1999-2000 (N= 842) el 35.2%; en el 2003-2004 (N= 835) el 31.9% y en el 2006-2007 (N= 688) el 22.8%. Además, en la última evaluación, el 97.1% de la muestra dice tener conocimiento de la Ley 28/2005 y el 41.9% de los fumadores afirma que la Ley le influyó de alguna forma en su consumo. Aunque a nivel global la prevalencia de consumo actual es similar a la de hace 10 años, se observa un cambio en el perfil de los fumadores. Este cambio de perfil se traduce en una menor dependencia de la nicotina y en un descenso del porcentaje de fumadores diarios, junto con un incremento de los ocasionalesThe purpose of this study was to analyze the evolution of smoking among Psychology students at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) over a ten-year period (1986-2006). We also assessed the extent of knowledge of the Spanish health legislation on tobacco (Ley 28/2005) and its effect on smoking. We administered a questionnaire to representative samples of students from the 1st year of their Psychology course to the 5th year, on four occasions. In the academic year 1996-1997 (N= 835), 34% of the sample claimed to be daily smokers; in 1999-2000 (N= 842), the figure was 35.2%; in 2003-2004 (N= 835) it was 31.9%; and in 2006-2007 (N= 688), it was 22.8%. Moreover, in the last assessment, 97.1% of the sample reported being aware of the legislation (Ley 28/2005) and 41.9% of the smokers claimed that it had some degree of influence on their smoking. It can be stated that, although overall current prevalence of smoking is similar to that of 10 years ago, a significant change is observed in the profile of smokers. This change is expressed in lower levels of nicotine dependence and a decrease in the percentage of daily smokers, together with an increase in occasional smokersS

    Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Smoking in Early Pregnancy

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    Fundamentos: El consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo puede ocasionar consecuencias para la salud de la mujer y de su hijo. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en el primer trimestre de embarazo y las variables asociadas. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado con una muestra de 760 mujeres embarazadas de menos de 20 semanas, reclutadas de 2012 a 2014 en 7 centros de salud del área sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela. La evaluación incluyó un cuestionario ad hoc, la Perceived Stress Scale, el State Trait Anxiety Inventory y la Edinburg Postnatal Depresion Scale. El análisis bivariante incluyó pruebas chi-cuadrado de Pearson y t de Student, y el análisis multivariante se realizó mediante regresión logística binaria cal- culando Odds Ratio (OR) y sus intervalos de confianza (IC 95%). Resultados: La prevalencia del consumo fue del 15,7%. Un mayor porcentaje de fumadoras respecto a las no fumadoras no tenían estudios universitarios (70,6% vs. 40,7%), tenían pareja fumadora (65,5 vs. 24,0), menor conciencia de los efectos del tabaco (65,5% vs. 24,0%), no pensaban dar el pecho y presentaban mayores niveles de ansiedad, estrés y depresión. Las variables predictoras de fumar fueron no tener estudios universitarios (OR 2,56; 1,61-4,00), tener pareja fumadora (OR 5,26; 3,33-8,33), menor conciencia de los efectos del tabaco (OR 1,79; 1,11-2,86) y mayor percepción de estrés (OR 1,07; 1,04-1,09). Conclusiones: El consumo de tabaco en el embarazo continúa siendo un problema importante que se ve influido tanto por variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas con la salud, como por variables psicológicasBackground: Tobacco consumption during pregnancy may cause health consequences for the pregnant woman and the future child. The aim of this research was to assess the prevalence of tobacco consumption in the first trimester of pregnancy and the variables related. Methods: A sample of 760 pregnant women less than 20 weeks, recruited from 2012 to 2014 in 7 health centers belonging to the sanitary area of Santiago de Compostela, were included in a crosssectional study. The assessment included an ad hoc questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale, the State Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Edinburg Posnatal Depresion Scale. In the bivariate analysis, Pearson chi-square and Student t tests were used, and the multivariate analysis was performed using binary logistic regression calculating the Odds Ratio (OR) and their confidence intervals (95% CI). Results: The prevalence of tobacco use was 15.7%. A greater percentage of smokers compared to nonsmokers don´t have a college degree (70.6% vs. 40.7%), have smoker partner (65.5 vs. 24.0), were less aware of how harmful tobacco it is (65.5% vs. 24.0%), hadn´t thought to breastfeed, and had higher levels of anxiety, stress and depression. The predictive variables of smoking were not having a college degree [OR 2.56; 1.61-4.00], having a partner who smokes [OR 5.26; 3.33-8.33], being not aware of the effects of tobacco [OR 1.79; 1.11-2.86] and an increased perception of stress [OR 1.07; 1.04-1.09]. Conclusions: Tobacco use during pregnancy continues to be an important problem, which is influenced by socio-demographic variables and related to health as well as by psychological variablesS