11 research outputs found

    Trend of pregnancy outcomes in type 1 diabetes compared to control women: a register-based analysis in 1996-2018

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    INTRODUCTION: In 1989, the St Vincent declaration aimed to approximate pregnancy outcomes of diabetes to that of healthy pregnancies. We aimed to compare frequency and trends of outcomes of pregnancies affected by type 1 diabetes and controls in 1996-2018. METHODS: We used anonymized records of a mandatory nation-wide registry of all deliveries between gestational weeks 24 and 42 in Hungary. We included all singleton births (4,091 type 1 diabetes, 1,879,183 controls) between 1996 and 2018. We compared frequency and trends of pregnancy outcomes between type 1 diabetes and control pregnancies using hierarchical Poisson regression. RESULTS: The frequency of stillbirth, perinatal mortality, large for gestational age, caesarean section, admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and low Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration (APGAR) score was 2-4 times higher in type 1 diabetes compared to controls, while the risk of congenital malformations was increased by 51% and SGA was decreased by 42% (all p<0.05). These observations remained significant after adjustment for confounders except for low APGAR scores. We found decreasing rate ratios comparing cases and controls over time for caesarean sections, low APGAR scores (p<0.05), and for NICU admissions (p=0.052) in adjusted models. The difference between cases and controls became non-significant after 2009. No linear trends were observed for the other outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Although we found that the rates of SGA, NICU care, and low APGAR score improved in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes, the target of the St Vincent Declaration was only achieved for the occurrence of low APGAR scores

    Függvényegyenletek és egyenlőtlenségek = Functional equations and inequalities

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    A kutatás fő vizsgálatai függvényegyenletek és függvényegyenlőtlenségek általános elméleti kérdéseire, illetve ezek különféle matematikai, információelméleti, valószínűségszámítási, közgazdasági alkalmazásaira irányultak. Ezen belül foglalkoztunk összetett függvényeket tartalmazó függvényegyenletekkel, függvényegyenletek regularitáselméletével, függvényegyenletekre és függvényegyenlőtlenségekre vonatkozó stabilitási problémákkal, középértékekre vonatkozó összehasonlítási, egyenlőségi és homogenitási problémákkal és invariancia egyenletekkel, a konvexitás magasabb-rendű és különféle általánosításaival, a konvexitási tulajdonságok stabilitásával, valószínűségeloszlások függvényegyenletes jellemzésével, az informácimértékek jellemzésével és stabilitásával, a spektrálszintézis és spektrálanalízis csoporton és hipercsoportokon való teljesülésének szükséges és elegendő feltételeinek teljesülésével, az alavető függvényegyenletek hipercsoportokon való megoldásával, valamint operátoralgebrák, függvényalgebrák és kvantumstruktúrák megőrzési problémáinak vizsgálatával. A kutatás eredményeként 118 publikáció született, amelyből 1 monográfia, 1 szerkesztett könyv, 3 PhD értekezés, 98 referált nemzetközi folyóiratcikk, 15 pedig referált konferenciakiadványban jelent meg, és több mint 100 konferencia előadást tartottunk. | The main directions of our research were to investigate general problems of the theory of functional equations and functional inequalities, and to apply these results to various questions of other branches of mathematics, information theory, probability theory, and economics. More specifically, we dealt with functional equations involving iterates of unknown functions, with regularity theory of functional equations, with stability problems of functional equations and inequalities, with comparison, equality, and homogeneity problems and invariance equation in various classes of means, with higher-order and other types of generalizations of convexity, with stability of convexity properties, with characterization and stability of information measures, with characterizations of probability distributions, with spectral synthesis and spectral analysis on groups and hypergroups, with solution of the basic functional equations on hypergroups, with preserver problems of operator and function algebras and quantum structures. The results were published in 1 monograph. in 1 edited book, in 3 PhD dissertations, in 98 referred journal articles and in 15 referred conference proceedings article

    Investigating Plant Response to Soil Characteristics and Slope Positions in a Small Catchment

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    Methods enabling stakeholders to receive information on plant stress in agricultural settings in a timely manner can help mitigate a possible decrease in plant productivity. The present work aims to study the soil–plant interaction using field measurements of plant reflectance, soil water content, and selected soil physical and chemical parameters. Particular emphasis was placed on sloping transects. We further compared ground- and Sentinel-2 satellite-based Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series data in different land use types. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and NDVI were measured concurrently with calculating the fraction of absorbed photochemically active radiation (fAPAR) and leaf area index (LAI) values of three vegetation types (a grassland, three vineyard sites, and a cropland with maize). Each land use site had an upper and a lower study point of a given slope. The NDVI, fAPAR, and LAI averaged values were the lowest for the grassland (0.293, 0.197, and 0.51, respectively), which showed the highest signs of water stress. Maize had the highest NDVI values (0.653) among vegetation types. Slope position affected NDVI, PRI, and fAPAR values significantly for the grassland and cropland (p p r = 0.761) between the methods were found. For the maize, the satellite-based NDVI values were higher, while for the grassland they were slightly lower compared to the field-based measurements. Our study indicated that incorporating Sentinel-derived NDVI can greatly improve the value of field monitoring and provides an opportunity to extend field research in more depth. The present study further highlights the close relations in the soil–plant–water system, and continuous monitoring can greatly help in developing site-specific climate change mitigating methods

    Investigating Plant Response to Soil Characteristics and Slope Positions in a Small Catchment

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    Methods enabling stakeholders to receive information on plant stress in agricultural settings in a timely manner can help mitigate a possible decrease in plant productivity. The present work aims to study the soil&ndash;plant interaction using field measurements of plant reflectance, soil water content, and selected soil physical and chemical parameters. Particular emphasis was placed on sloping transects. We further compared ground- and Sentinel-2 satellite-based Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series data in different land use types. The Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) and NDVI were measured concurrently with calculating the fraction of absorbed photochemically active radiation (fAPAR) and leaf area index (LAI) values of three vegetation types (a grassland, three vineyard sites, and a cropland with maize). Each land use site had an upper and a lower study point of a given slope. The NDVI, fAPAR, and LAI averaged values were the lowest for the grassland (0.293, 0.197, and 0.51, respectively), which showed the highest signs of water stress. Maize had the highest NDVI values (0.653) among vegetation types. Slope position affected NDVI, PRI, and fAPAR values significantly for the grassland and cropland (p &lt; 0.05), while the soil water content (SWC) was different for all three vineyard sites (p &lt; 0.05). The strongest connections were observed between soil physical and chemical parameters and NDVI values for the vineyard samples and the selected soil parameters and PRI for the grassland. Measured and satellite-retrieved NDVI values of the different land use types were compared, and strong correlations (r = 0.761) between the methods were found. For the maize, the satellite-based NDVI values were higher, while for the grassland they were slightly lower compared to the field-based measurements. Our study indicated that incorporating Sentinel-derived NDVI can greatly improve the value of field monitoring and provides an opportunity to extend field research in more depth. The present study further highlights the close relations in the soil&ndash;plant&ndash;water system, and continuous monitoring can greatly help in developing site-specific climate change mitigating methods

    Mapping Hungarian procedure codes to SNOMED CT

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    Abstract Background Data harmonisation is essential in real-world data (RWD) research projects based on hospital information systems databases, as coding systems differ between countries. The Hungarian hospital information systems and the national claims database use internationally known diagnosis codes, but data on medical procedures are recorded using national codes. There is no simple or standard solution for mapping the national codes to a standard coding system. Our aim was to map the Hungarian procedure codes (OENO) to SNOMED CT as part of the European Health Data Evidence Network (EHDEN) project. Methods We recruited 25 professionals from different specialties to manually map the procedure codes used between 2011 and 2021. A mapping protocol and training material were developed, results were regularly revised, and the challenges of mapping were recorded. Approximately 7% of the codes were mapped by more people in different specialties for validation purposes. Results We mapped 4661 OENO codes to standard vocabularies, mostly SNOMED CT. We categorized the challenges into three main areas: semantic, matching, and methodological. Semantic refers to the occasionally unclear meaning of the OENO codes, matching to the different granularity and purpose of the OENO and SNOMED CT vocabularies. Lastly, methodological challenges were used to describe issues related to the design of the above-mentioned two vocabularies. Conclusions The challenges and solutions presented here may help other researchers to design their process to map their national codes to standard vocabularies in order to achieve greater consistency in mapping results. Moreover, we believe that our work will allow for better use of RWD collected in Hungary in international research collaborations

    A vérnyomáscélérték-tartományok elérésének vizsgálata telmizartán és amlodipin fix dózisú kombinációs készítmény alkalmazása során a háziorvosi gyakorlatban

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    A hypertonia ellátásáról szóló aktuális európai és hazai irányelvek egyszerű és jól alkalmazható kezelési stratégiát javasolnak a kezelés hatékonyságának növelése érdekében. Ennek fontos eleme a kezdő lépésként alkalmazott RAS-blokkoló és kalciumantagonista vagy diuretikum fix dózisú, egytablettás kombináció alkalmazása. A 2018-as ESC/ESH, az artériás hypertonia kezelésére vonatkozó szakmai irányelveknek megfelelő vérnyomás-célérték-tartományt elérők arányának meghatározása a telmizartán és amlodipin fix kombinációs terápia indítását követő 12 hetes kezelési periódus végén, a rendelőben mért vérnyomásértékek alapján, háziorvosi praxisban kezelt betegek körében. A többcentrumos, beavatkozással nem járó, prospektív adatgyűjtés során 63 háziorvos 729 beteget vont be a vizsgálatba. 717 beteg részesült a vizsgálati készítménnyel kezelésben (intention-to-treat [ITT] populáció) és 690 beteg esetében volt az elsődleges vizsgálati végpont meghatározható (per protocol [PP] populáció). A vizsgálat során két vizit volt, vérnyomásmérésre minden beteg esetében a beválasztáskor, illetve a második, egyben záró vizit alkalmával került sor. Az ITT-populációt 357 férfi és 360 nő alkotta, átlagéletkoruk 62±12 év volt, a betegek több mint 55%-a 65 évesnél fiatalabb volt. A rendelői vérnyomás átlaga az első viziten 50±17/88±10 Hgmm volt, míg a második vizitre (12. hét) a vérnyomásértékek 130±8,1/78±6,1 Hgmm-re csökkentek (p <0,05, minden esetben). A pulzusszámértékek is csökkenést mutattak a kezelés során (80±9,8/min értékről 75±6,3/min értékre). A 2018-as irányelvek szerinti optimális szisztolés célértéket az első viziten a betegek 10,1%-a, míg a második viziten a betegek 51,6%-a érte el. Az optimális diasztolés célértéket elérők aránya az első vizit alkalmával 15,8%-nak, míg a második viziten 54,1%-nak bizonyult. Az első viziten mindössze a betegek 5,5%-a érte el egyidejűleg az irányelvek szerinti szisztolés és diasztolés célvérnyomást. Ezzel szemben a második viziten a betegek 33%-a érte el egyidejűleg a számára kitűzött irányelvek szerinti optimális szisztolés és diasztolés célvérnyomás értékeket. Szintén nőtt a vizsgálat során azok aránya, akik a jelenlegi ESC/ESH irányelvek szerinti elsődleges célvérnyomás értéket (<140/90 Hgmm) érték el. Kiinduláskor a betegek 19,2%-ának volt a vérnyomása 140/90 Hgmm alatt, ami a vizsgálat végére 87,1%-ra emelkedett. A betegek jól tolerálták a telmizartán/amlodipin fix kombinációt, 95%-uk a vizsgálat befejezését követően is tovább szedte a készítményt. Ez a való életet tükröző vizsgálat is azt bizonyítja, hogy az irányelvek szerint alkalmazott fix kombinációs telmizartán/amlodipin kezeléssel a betegek jelentős hányadánál már 12 hetes kezelés során el lehet érni a célvérnyomás tartományt, de a betegek többségénél további dózisemelés vagy kombinációs kiegészítés szükséges a megfelelő vérnyomáskontroll elérése érdekében

    Complex Ethnographic Research Methods for the Study of Protected Areas and Border Communities at the Slovenian-Hungarian Border

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    The history of the Hungarian-Slovenian border region is to be understood as socio-natural history: two co-evolving entities, society and nature have always been entangled in a web of connections and reciprocal influences. It is particularly true in this border area, where ecological diversity is the result of a century-long cultivation and correlating local lifestyles and economic strategies depend heavily on the ecological and climatic conditions of the region. In view of this interdependence, we aim to provide an in-depth analysis of both human and non-human agents in a region where ethnic, national, and state relations create a thickly interwoven fabric of human network with a background of a fairly uniform and intensively cultivated environment. By doing so, we would like to challenge the idea of Anthropocene as an overarching model and bring local images to the forefront. We argue that instead of Anthropocene, members of the local communities in this border region have entered an era in which they face difficulties acting as independent agents in their environment, since they have to rely on the mediation of state-funded institutions, such as the National/Regional Parks

    Species- and Metal-Specific Responses of the Ionome of Three Duckweed Species under Chromate and Nickel Treatments

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    In this study, growth and ionomic responses of three duckweed species were analyzed, namely Lemna minor, Landoltia punctata, and Spirodela polyrhiza, were exposed for short-term periods to hexavalent chromium or nickel under laboratory conditions. It was found that different duckweed species had distinct ionomic patterns that can change considerably due to metal treatments. The results also show that, because of the stress-induced increase in leaf mass-to-area ratio, the studied species showed different order of metal uptake efficiency if plant area was used as unit of reference instead of the traditional dry weight-based approach. Furthermore, this study revealed that μXRF is applicable in mapping elemental distributions in duckweed fronds. By using this method, we found that within-frond and within-colony compartmentation of metallic ions were strongly metal- and in part species-specific. Analysis of duckweed ionomics is a valuable approach in exploring factors that affect bioaccumulation of trace pollutants by these plants. Apart from remediating industrial effluents, this aspect will gain relevance in food and feed safety when duckweed biomass is produced for nutritional purposes