33 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Municipios Santa Rosa del Sur, Bucaramanga, Ocaña y Abrego

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    El presente informe se basa en el análisis y estudio de los contenidos de las unidades temáticas del diplomado de profundización de acompañamiento psicosocial en escenarios de violencia del programa de psicología de la Universidad abierta y a distancia UNAD, donde se busca evidenciar la validez del enfoque narrativo como estrategia de apoyo y de intervención psicosocial. La cual funciona como una herramienta muy importante y efectiva en el trabajo con y para las víctimas del conflicto armado, permitiéndoles el relato de situaciones pasadas dolorosas y la expresión en ambientes seguros de sus propios sentimientos. El conflicto armado nos ha marcado a todos como colombianos, ha escrito año tras año la historia de nuestro país. Pero hay personas, comunidades, hasta poblaciones enteras, que han sufrido y siguen sufriendo los horrores de una guerra sin sentido, que parece sin fin. Una guerra donde la línea entre buenos y malos a veces se desdibuja y no es clara, debido a que todo están armados, inmersos en una lucha de poder donde los derechos humanos son omitidos y atacados. Por lo cual, se hace necesario garantizar procesos de restauración y reparación que validen la importancia de la salud mental de las víctimas. Para ellos como grupo, se realizó un análisis de diferentes historias de vida, cuyo factor común fue la guerra y sus complicadas consecuencias. Para lograrlo se elaboró una herramienta compuesta por una serie de preguntas de tipo: circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas, las cuales se diseñaron con la finalidad de identificar y analizar las diversas problemáticas de las victimas desde el rol del psicólogo, quien acompañará los procesos junto a las personas y a las comunidades. Por otra parte, también se evidenció la importancia de la herramienta de la foto voz, donde se mezcla la experiencia de la narrativa y de la fotografía, para trasmitir algunas historias. 4 Se recolectaron hechos, notas e historias de guerra de los diferentes municipios de nuestro país. Se identificó desde la subjetividad de los relatos, conocer parte de la historia de nuestro país, esa historia que parece desconocida o en el olvido.The present report is based on the analysis and study of the contents of the thematic units of the diploma course on deepening psychosocial support in violence scenarios of the psychology program of the Open and Distance University UNAD, where it seeks to demonstrate the validity of the narrative approach as psychosocial support and intervention strategy. Which works as a very important and effective tool in working with and for victims of the armed conflict, allowing them to tell about past painful situations and the expression in safe environments of their own feelings. The armed conflict has marked us all as Colombians, it has written the history of our country year after year. But there are people, communities, even entire populations, that have suffered and continue to suffer the horrors of a senseless war that seems endless. A war where the line between good and bad is sometimes blurred and is not clear, because everything is armed, immersed in a power struggle where human rights are omitted and attacked. Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee restoration and repair processes that validate the importance of the victims' mental health. For them as a group, an analysis of different life stories was carried out, whose common factor was war and its complicated consequences. To achieve this, a tool was developed consisting of a series of type questions: circular, reflective and strategic, which were designed in order to identify and analyze the various problems of the victims from the role of the psychologist, who will accompany the processes together with people and communities. On the other hand, the importance of the photo voice tool was also evident, where the experience of narrative and photography is mixed, to transmit some stories. Facts, notes and war stories from the different municipalities of our country were collected. It was identified from the subjectivity of the stories, knowing part of the history of our country, that history that seems unknown or forgotten


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    Todo profesional de la salud debe conocer las leyes y normas de su quehacer habitual para ajustarse al ordenamiento jurídico más aún si la actividad se desenvuelve en los servicios de urgencias y emergencias por la dificultad y presión que conlleva el entorno mismo de esta área. A continuación, se inicia este capítulo con el abordaje de conceptos básicos que podrán en contexto los aspectos médico-legales de la medicina de urgencias. Después se hará un recorrido por los principales estamentos jurídicos de la legislación ecuatoriana en temas de salud para luego abordar la responsabilidad médica en los servicios de salud y finalmente establecer los principales documentos médico-legales y aspectos éticos en la atención de urgencias y emergencias, todo esto con la finalidad de estudiar someramente algunos aspectos médico-legales de la medicina de urgencias

    Biodeterioration of plasma pretreated LDPE sheets by Pleurotus ostreatus.

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    Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) waste generates an environmental impact. To achieve the most suitable option for their degradation, it is necessary to implement chemical, physical and biological treatments, as well as combining procedures. Best treatment was prognosticated by Plackett-Burman Experimental Design (PB), evaluating five factors with two levels (0.25 mM or 1.0 gL-1 glucose, 1.0 or 2.0 mM CuSO4, 0.1 or 0.2 mM ABTS [2, 20-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)], pH 4.5 ± 0.2 or 7.0 ± 0.2 and 30 or 90 day incubation), which was reproduced for 150 days. Therefore, PB identified a sequential treatment (plasma followed by fungus) for partial LDPE biodeterioration. Sheets were pretreated with glow discharge plasma (O2, 3.0 x 10(-2) mbar, 600 V, 6 min.), followed by Pleurotus ostreatus biodeterioration. Fungus growth, colonization percentage, and pigment generation followed. Laccase (Lac), manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) activities were appraised. Additionally, contact angle (CA), functional group presence and changes and carbonyl and vinyl indices (Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy) were evaluated. LDPE surface changes were assessed by Young's modulus, yield strength, scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Plasma discharge increased hydrophilicity, decreasing CA by 76.57% and increasing surface roughness by 99.81%. P. ostreatus colonization was 88.72% in 150 days in comparison with untreated LDPE (45.55%). After this treatment carbonyl groups (C = O), C = C insaturations, high hydrophilicity CA (16 ± 4) °, and low surface roughness (7 ± 2) nm were observed. However, the highest Lac and LiP activities were detected after 30 days (Lac: 2.817 U Lac g-1 and LiP: 70.755 U LiP g-1). In addition, highest MnP activity was observed at day 120 (1.097 U MnP g-1) only for P. ostreatus treated LDPE. Plasma favored P. ostreatus adsorption, adherence, growth and colonization (88.72%), as well as partial LDPE biodeterioration, supported by increased hydrophilicity and presence of specific functional chemical groups. The approximate 27% changes in LDPE physical properties support its biodeterioration

    Biodeterioration of plasma pretreated LDPE sheets by Pleurotus ostreatus

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    supplementary material supporting the Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) partial deterioration after a combined treatment composed by glow discharge plasma (100% oxygen, 3.0 x10<sup>-2</sup>mbar pressure, and 600 V voltage at a cathode distance of 5.6 cm), followed by <i>P. ostreatus </i>adherence, growth, and colonization

    Simultaneous bioconversion of lignocellulosic residues and oxodegradable polyethylene by Pleurotus ostreatus for biochar production, enriched with phosphate solubilizing bacteria for agricultural use.

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    A simultaneous treatment of lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) and low density oxodegradable polyethylene (LDPEoxo) was carried-out using Pleurotus ostreatus at microcosm scale to obtain biotransformed plastic and oxidized lignocellulosic biomass. This product was used as raw matter (RM) to produce biochar enriched with phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). Biochar potential as biofertilizer was evaluated in Allium cepa culture at greenhouse scale. Experiments including lignocellulosic mix and LDPEoxo were performed for 75 days in microcosm. Biotransformation progress was performed by monitoring total organic carbon (TOC), CO2 production, laccase (Lac), manganese peroxidase (MnP), and lignin peroxidase (LiP) enzymatic activities. Physical LDPEoxo changes were assessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and static contact angle (SCA) and chemical changes by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results revealed P. ostreatus was capable of LCB and LDPEoxo biotransformation, obtaining 41% total organic carbon (TOC) removal with CO2 production of 2,323 mg Kg-1 and enzyme activities of 169,438 UKg-1, 5,535 UKg-1 and 5,267 UKg-1 for LiP, MnP and Lac, respectively. Regarding LDPEoxo, SCA was decreased by 84%, with an increase in signals at 1,076 cm-1 and 3,271 cm-1, corresponding to C-O and CO-H bonds. A decrease in signals was observed related to material degradation at 2,928 cm-1, 2,848 cm-1, agreeing with CH2 asymmetrical and symmetrical stretching, respectively. PSB enriched biochar favored A. cepa plant growth during the five-week evaluation period. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an in vitro circular production model, where P. ostreatus was employed at a microcosmos level to bioconvert LCB and LDPEoxo residues from the agroindustrial sector, followed by thermoconversion to produce an enriched biochar with PSB to be used as a biofertilizer to grow A. cepa at greenhouse scale

    Evaluation of two microcosm systems for co-treatment of LDPEoxo and lignocellulosic biomass for biochar production

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    Abstract Background The co-transformation of solid waste of natural and anthropogenic origin can be carried out through solid-state-fermentation systems to obtain bio-products with higher added value and lower environmental impact. Methods To evaluate the effect of Pleurotus ostreatus on co-transformation of oxo-degradable low-density polyethylene (LDPEoxo) sheets and lignocellulosic biomass (LCB), were assembled two 0.75 L microcosm systems in vertical (VMS) and horizontal (HMS) position. The pre-treated sheets with luminescent O2 plasma discharges were mixed with pine bark, hydrolyzed brewer’s yeast and paper napkin fragments and incubated for 135 days at 20 ± 1.0 °C in the presence of the fungus. With the co-transformation residues, biochar (BC) was produced at 300 ± 1.0 °C (BC300) for 1 h, then used to carry out adsorption studies, using the malachite green dye (MG) at pH 4.0, 7.0 and 9.0 ± 0.2. Finally, the biochar was the substrate for the germination of carnation seeds (Dianthus caryophyllus) and Ray-grass (Lolium sp.) in vitro. Results For HMS, the decrease in static contact angle (SCA) was 63.63% (p = 0.00824) and for VMS 74.45% (p = 0.00219), concerning the pristine. Plastic roughness in VMS was higher (26%) concerning the control. Throughout the 135 days, there were fungal growth and consequently laccase (Lac), manganese peroxidase (MnP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) activities. During the first 75 days, CO2 production increased to 4.78 ± 0.01 and 4.98 ± 0.01 mg g-1 for HMS and VMS, respectively. In MG adsorption studies, the highest amount of the colourant adsorbed at both pH 4.0 and 7.0 ± 0.2. Conclusions Finally, the biochar or the biochar enriched with low concentrations of plant growth-promoting microorganisms and inorganic fertilizer favours the germination of Dianthus caryophyllus and Lolium sp., seeds

    Gestión ambiental y desarrollo agropecuario sostenible

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    Este libro reúne las principales investigaciones desarrolladas por estudiantes, docentes y egresados de la Escuela de Ciencias Agrícolas, Pecuarias y del Medio Ambiente (ECAPMA) de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD y su Grupo de Investigación INYUMACIZO, categorizado en A por Minciencias, el cual desde hace más de una década viene desarrollando investigación científica y aplicada de alto impacto en la región surcolombiana,especialmente en los departamentos de Tolima, Huila, Caquetá y Putumayo.Se deriva a partir de un riguroso trabajo interdisciplinar y de aliados estratégicos (autoridades ambientales, alcaldías municipales, empresas de servicios públicos domiciliarios, sector productivo, entre otros), para convertirse en una valiosa herramienta de gestión, planificación y toma de decisiones para el sector ambiental y agropecuario de la región surcolombiana.El libro está dividido en dos capítulos. Un primer capítulo denominado Gestión ambiental y un segundo capítulo denominado Desarrollo agropecuario sostenible. Los resultados obtenidos en cada capítulo, así como el marco metodológico propuesto en cada una de las investigaciones brindan alternativas de gestión y desarrollo agropecuario sostenible, permitiendo conocer las potencialidades de cada sistema analizado, y sirviendo como línea base para mejorar la productividad y competitividad del sector.En este contexto, el libro presentado se constituye en un recurso valioso de consulta con el fin de brindar herramientas de análisis, soporte, planificación y gestión de los recursos naturales y el territorio a profesionales, técnicos, consultores, estudiantes de ciencias agropecuarias, ambientales, ingenierías, entre otros, interesados en temas de gestión ambiental y desarrollo agropecuario sostenible

    Medicina de Urgencias Tomo 1

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    Public health represents one of the greatest challenges in society, which is why it is essential to strengthen the links of scientific cooperation between the academy and the community under a common premise: guarantee the health of the population. In Ecuador, public health faces a historical challenge framed by two edges: the health crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the shortcomings of the social system. This leads to thinking about both the importance of the problem and its possible solutions. Despite this, it is undeniable to affirm that all health personnel share a common ideology and the same commitment, guaranteeing the health of the population.Obviously it is not an easy task due to social uncertainty and the possible appearance of new diseases; however, it is based on a common denominator: basing decisions on the available scientific evidence or what is known as evidence-based medicine. The generation of new knowledge and the use of the best available scientific evidence is the only hope for solving the health problems that afflict the population. In this way, Emergency Medicine seeks to be a timely and practical clinical-therapeutic reference point for emerging regional circumstances, using updated international management guidelines as references and emphasizing evidence-based medicine. We are sure that it will be an invaluable contribution for health professionals.Emergency Medicine, in its two volumes, is a work carried out by teachers, students and medical and related specialists, from the Medicine and Nursing career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, Azogues Campus. In addition, it has the contribution of other medical specialists with extensive professional experience and contributes with 52 chapters that address clinical, surgical, pediatric, and gynecological-obstetric pathologies that require timely management in the emergency room. At the same time, this work addresses topics of current interest such as medicolegal aspects of emergency care, urgent complications in HIV infections, use of antimicrobials in emergencies, dose adjustment in patients with kidney failure; and, a special chapter on SARS-CoV-2: diagnostic-therapeutic management.La salud pública representa uno de los retos más grandes en la sociedad, razón por lo cual es fundamental que se robustezcan los vínculos de cooperación científica entre la academia y la colectividad bajo una premisa común: garantizar la salud de la población. En Ecuador, la salud pública afronta un reto histórico enmarcado en dos aristas: la crisis sanitaria debido a la pandemia por Covid-19 y las carencias del sistema social. Esto conduce a pensar tanto en la trascendencia del problema como en sus posibles soluciones. A pesar de aquello, resulta innegable afirmar que todo el personal sanitario comparte una ideología en común y el mismo compromiso, garantizar la salud de la población. Evidentemente no constituye una tarea fácil debido a la incertidumbre social y a la posible aparición de nuevas enfermedades; sin embargo, se basa en un denominador común: asentar las decisiones en la evidencia científica disponible o lo que se conoce como medicina basada en la evidencia. La generación de nuevo conocimiento y la utilización de la mejor evidencia científica disponible constituye la única esperanza para resolver los problemas de salud que aquejan a la población. De esta forma, Medicina de Urgencias busca ser un referente clínico- terapéutico, oportuno y práctico, de las circunstancias emergentes regionales, tomando como referencias guías de manejo internacionales actualizadas y haciendo hincapié en la medicina basada en la evidencia. Estamos seguros que será un aporte de carácter invaluable para los profesionales de la salud. Medicina de urgencias, en sus dos volúmenes, es una obra realizada por docentes, estudiantes y especialistas médicos y afines, de la carrera de Medicina y Enfermería de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Sede Azogues. Además, cuenta con el aporte de otros médicos especialistas con amplia trayectoria profesional y aporta con 52 capítulos que abordan patologías clínicas, quirúrgicas, pediátricas, y gíneco-obstétricas, que requieren manejo oportuno en la sala de emergencias. &nbsp;Al mismo tiempo, la presente obra aborda temáticas de interés actual como aspectos médico legales de la atención en urgencias, complicaciones urgentes en las infecciones por VIH, uso de antimicrobianos en emergencias, ajuste de dosis en pacientes con insuficiencia renal; y, un capítulo especial sobre el SARS-CoV-2: manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico