333 research outputs found

    The ladder of Information Management towards the future.

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    The future of the Information Management discipline is presented like a evolutional ladder that includes Information Needs, Information Behaviour, Information Audit and Information Governance as the top position in this evolution

    In-the-field authentication of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv: Albariño using chlorotype discrimination and a single SNP interrogation by LAMP

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    Authentication of grapevine cultivars, Vitis vinifera L., is difficult, especially when analytical specimens lack diagnostic ampelographic characters, which prevents the verification of traceability systems aimed at guaranteeing varietal integrity. This issue is problematic when viticultural strategies and regulations associated with high-value wine-producing geographical areas rely on extensive control and monitoring of valuable cultivars. Varietal identification based on grapevine molecular markers is a standardized methodology that requires a specialised laboratory for its application. In contrast, the use of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) allows DNA markers to be characterized quickly and easily, without the need for skilled personnel, allowing implementation in-situ or in-the-field. Simultaneous identification of the chlorotype and the interrogation of a single SNP using a portable device have allowed the first discrimination in-the-field of grafted grapevines, without appreciable ampelographic characters, as belonging to the valuable “Albariño” cultivar. This methodology constitutes a valuable tool for cultivar discrimination and can be efficiently implemented in the traceability of valuable grapevine genetic resources.Xunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio AmbienteAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciónMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFEADER | Ref. 12/32/408/310322/11FEDE

    Harmonized tuning of nucleic acid and lectin binding properties with multivalent cyclodextrins for macrophage-selective gene delivery

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    Polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins (paCDs) have been shown to behave as efficient non-viral gene carriers paralleling the efficacy of commercial vectors towards a variety of cell lines. Their molecular framework and modular design allow the installation of saccharidic antennae to promote specific carbohydrate–protein interactions, thus potentially endowing them with selective targeting abilities. Yet, the presence of these additional functionalities onto the polycationic cluster may hamper paCD self-assembly and nucleic acid condensation. In this report we describe the influence of paCD mannosylation extent on paCD-pDNA nanocomplex stability as well as the consequences of varying glycotope density on mannose-specific lectin recognition and gene delivery capabilities. The work aims at exploring the potential of this approach to optimize both properties in order to modulate cell transfection selectivity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2013-44021-RJunta de Andalucía FQM-146

    Cobertura vacunal de las vacunas no financiadas en Huesca ciudad y alrededores

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    Objetivos: Conocer la cobertura vacunal, en población infantil, de las vacunas que no financia la Comunidad de Aragón en Huesca ciudad y alrededores. Conocer la opinión de los padres sobre el calendario vacunal oficial y las vacunas que no están incluidas en él, de Huesca ciudad y alrededores. Material y métodos: La población a estudio, en la valoración de la cobertura vacunal, es la población pediátrica de 0 a 14 años de edad de Huesca ciudad (población urbana) y alrededores (población rural) del Servicio Aragonés de Salud, obteniendo los datos de la base de datos de usuarios y de las historias clínicas informatizadas de la base de datos OMI de atención primaria y por último, la valoración de la opinión de los padres que se realiza a través de encuestas. El análisis descriptivo y bivariante se lleva a cabo con el programa SPSS. Resultados: La cobertura vacunal obtenida es del 53,67% para el neumococo, del 4,03% para el rotavirus y del 39,21% para la varicela en los niños <11 años. En las poblaciones de menor edad, por tanto de mayor riesgo, se obtiene mayor cobertura: para el neumococo alcanza el 78,09% en <5 años y 78,51% en <2 años y para el rotavirus se alcanza el 19,17% en <1 año. La mayoría de los encuestados son madres entre 30 y 39 años, casadas, con estudios universitarios y trabajo ocasional o estable. Casi el 100% inmuniza a sus hijos, con la excepción de 3 niños, y el 88,3% los inmuniza también con las vacunas que no están financiadas. Los motivos para no vacunar con las vacunas no financiadas que más destacan son que no son seguras ni las recomiendan otros profesionales. Conclusiones: La cobertura vacunal registrada en OMI AP del neumococo en la población de menor edad, por tanto de mayor riesgo, es similar a la declarada en las encuestas, a diferencia de la varicela y del rotavirus que es mucho menor. Se encuentran diferencias importantes en la cobertura entre los Centros de Salud, observando que se prioriza el neumococo a las otras dos vacunas en todos ellos. También se prioriza la varicela frente al rotavirus. En las encuestas se obtiene una respuesta importante revelando que los encuestados inmunizan en un elevado porcentaje a sus hijos con las vacunas no financiadas. La influencia de los profesionales es muy importante a la hora de la decisión final que toman los padres a la hora de inmunizar a sus hijos

    Validation of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs towards Physical Exercise, with the Inclusion of Novelty

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    The purpose of this study was to validate and adapt to the Spanish context of Physical Education, the Spanish version of the Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in the context of physical exercise, with the incorporation of novelty to the scale. The sample that took part in the study was 2372 people from 16 to 48 years old from the province of Almeria. In order to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale, several analyses have been carried out. The results have offered support both for the eight-factor structure and for the higher-order double model where the eight subscales are joined into two constructs called frustration and satisfaction. The structure of both models was invariant with respect to gender and age. Cronbach’s alpha values were above 0.70 in the subscales and scales; and adequate levels of temporal stability. In addition, the subfactors pertaining to the satisfaction of basic psychological needs positively predicted the intrinsic motivation for physical activity, while each of the subfactors of the frustration of psychological needs predicted it negatively. The results of this study provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the BPNS in the Spanish context of physical activity

    The ladder of Information Management towards the future.

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    The future of the Information Management discipline is presented like a evolutional ladder that includes Information Needs, Information Behaviour, Information Audit and Information Governance as the top position in this evolution

    Influence of Li doping on the morphology and luminescence of Ga_2O_3 microrods grown by a vapor-solid method

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    Gallium oxide microrods have been grown by an evaporation-deposition method by using a precursor containing lithium in order to check the influence of such dopant on the morphology and physical properties of the obtained ß-Ga_2O_3 structures. SEM studies show that the morphology is modified with respect to undoped gallium oxide, promoting the growth of micropyramids transversal to the microwire axis. Raman analysis reveals good crystal quality and an additional Raman peak centred at around 270 cm^(-1), characteristic of these samples and not present in undoped monoclinic gallium oxide. The presence of the Li^(+) ions also influences the luminescence emission by inducing a red-shift of the characteristic UV-blue defect band of gallium oxide. In addition, an intense sharp peak centred around 717 nm observed both by cathodoluminescence (CL) and photoluminescence (PL) is also attributed to the presence of these ions. The Li related luminescence features have also been investigated by PL excitation (PLE) spectra and by the temperature dependence of the luminescence