20 research outputs found

    Perturbation of iron homeostasis promotes the evolution of antibiotic resistance.

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    Evolution of antibiotic resistance in microbes is frequently achieved by acquisition of spontaneous mutations during antimicrobial therapy. Here, we demonstrate that inactivation of a central transcriptional regulator of iron homeostasis (Fur) facilitates laboratory evolution of ciprofloxacin resistance in Escherichia coli. To decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms, we first performed a global transcriptome analysis and demonstrated that the set of genes regulated by Fur changes substantially in response to antibiotic treatment. We hypothesized that the impact of Fur on evolvability under antibiotic pressure is due to the elevated intracellular concentration of free iron and the consequent enhancement of oxidative damage-induced mutagenesis. In agreement with expectations, overexpression of iron storage proteins, inhibition of iron transport, or anaerobic conditions drastically suppressed the evolution of resistance, whereas inhibition of the SOS response-mediated mutagenesis had only a minor effect. Finally, we provide evidence that a cell permeable iron chelator inhibits the evolution of resistance. In sum, our work revealed the central role of iron metabolism in the de novo evolution of antibiotic resistance, a pattern that could influence the development of novel antimicrobial strategies

    Plasticity and stereotypic rewiring of the transcriptome upon bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance

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    Bacterial evolution of antibiotic resistance frequently has deleterious side effects on microbial growth, virulence, and susceptibility to other antimicrobial agents. However, it is unclear how these trade-offs could be utilized for manipulating antibiotic resistance in the clinic, not least because the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. Using laboratory evolution, we demonstrate that clinically relevant resistance mutations in Escherichia coli constitutively rewire a large fraction of the transcriptome in a repeatable and stereotypic manner. Strikingly, lineages adapted to functionally distinct antibiotics and having no resistance mutations in common show a wide range of parallel gene expression changes that alter oxidative stress response, iron homeostasis, and the composition of the bacterial outer membrane and cell surface. These common physiological alterations are associated with changes in cell morphology and enhanced sensitivity to antimicrobial peptides. Finally, the constitutive transcriptomic changes induced by resistance mutations are largely distinct from those induced by antibiotic stresses in the wild-type. This indicates a limited role for genetic assimilation of the induced antibiotic stress response during resistance evolution. Our work suggests that diverse resistance mutations converge on similar global transcriptomic states that shape genetic susceptibility to antimicrobial compounds

    Genome-wide analysis captures the determinants of the antibiotic cross-resistance interaction network

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    Understanding how evolution of antimicrobial resistance increases resistance to other drugs is a challenge of profound importance. By combining experimental evolution and genome sequencing of 63 laboratory-evolved lines, we charted a map of cross-resistance interactions between antibiotics in Escherichia coli, and explored the driving evolutionary principles. Here, we show that (1) convergent molecular evolution is prevalent across antibiotic treatments, (2) resistance conferring mutations simultaneously enhance sensitivity to many other drugs and (3) 27% of the accumulated mutations generate proteins with compromised activities, suggesting that antibiotic adaptation can partly be achieved without gain of novel function. By using knowledge on antibiotic properties, we examined the determinants of cross-resistance and identified chemogenomic profile similarity between antibiotics as the strongest predictor. In contrast, cross-resistance between two antibiotics is independent of whether they show synergistic effects in combination. These results have important implications on the development of novel antimicrobial strategies

    Bacterial evolution of antibiotic hypersensitivity.

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    The evolution of resistance to a single antibiotic is frequently accompanied by increased resistance to multiple other antimicrobial agents. In sharp contrast, very little is known about the frequency and mechanisms underlying collateral sensitivity. In this case, genetic adaptation under antibiotic stress yields enhanced sensitivity to other antibiotics. Using large-scale laboratory evolutionary experiments with Escherichia coli, we demonstrate that collateral sensitivity occurs frequently during the evolution of antibiotic resistance. Specifically, populations adapted to aminoglycosides have an especially low fitness in the presence of several other antibiotics. Whole-genome sequencing of laboratory-evolved strains revealed multiple mechanisms underlying aminoglycoside resistance, including a reduction in the proton-motive force (PMF) across the inner membrane. We propose that as a side effect, these mutations diminish the activity of PMF-dependent major efflux pumps (including the AcrAB transporter), leading to hypersensitivity to several other antibiotics. More generally, our work offers an insight into the mechanisms that drive the evolution of negative trade-offs under antibiotic selection

    Integrated evolutionary analysis reveals antimicrobial peptides with limited resistance

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising antimicrobials, however, the potential of bacterial resistance is a major concern. Here we systematically study the evolution of resistance to 14 chemically diverse AMPs and 12 antibiotics in Escherichia coli. Our work indicates that evolution of resistance against certain AMPs, such as tachyplesin II and cecropin P1, is limited. Resistance level provided by point mutations and gene amplification is very low and antibiotic-resistant bacteria display no cross-resistance to these AMPs. Moreover, genomic fragments derived from a wide range of soil bacteria confer no detectable resistance against these AMPs when introduced into native host bacteria on plasmids. We have found that simple physicochemical features dictate bacterial propensity to evolve resistance against AMPs. Our work could serve as a promising source for the development of new AMP-based therapeutics less prone to resistance, a feature necessary to avoid any possible interference with our innate immune system

    Characterization of antibiotic resistomes by reprogrammed bacteriophage-enabled functional metagenomics in clinical strains

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    Functional metagenomics is a powerful experimental tool to identify antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment, but the range of suitable host bacterial species is limited. This limitation affects both the scope of the identified ARGs and the interpretation of their clinical relevance. Here we present a functional metagenomics pipeline called Reprogrammed Bacteriophage Particle Assisted Multi-species Functional Metagenomics (DEEPMINE). This approach combines and improves the use of T7 bacteriophage with exchanged tail fibres and targeted mutagenesis to expand phage host-specificity and efficiency for functional metagenomics. These modified phage particles were used to introduce large metagenomic plasmid libraries into clinically relevant bacterial pathogens. By screening for ARGs in soil and gut microbiomes and clinical genomes against 13 antibiotics, we demonstrate that this approach substantially expands the list of identified ARGs. Many ARGs have species-specific effects on resistance; they provide a high level of resistance in one bacterial species but yield very limited resistance in a related species. Finally, we identified mobile ARGs against antibiotics that are currently under clinical development or have recently been approved. Overall, DEEPMINE expands the functional metagenomics toolbox for studying microbial communities