295 research outputs found

    Gravitational waves from deflagration bubbles in first-order phase transitions

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    The walls of bubbles in a first-order phase transition can propagate either as detonations, with a velocity larger than the speed of sound, or deflagrations, which are subsonic. We calculate the gravitational radiation that is produced by turbulence during a phase transition which develops via deflagration bubbles. We take into account the fact that a deflagration wall is preceded by a shock front which distributes the latent heat throughout space and influences other bubbles. We show that turbulence can induce peak values of ΩGW\Omega_{GW} as high as 109\sim 10^{-9}. We discuss the possibility of detecting at LISA gravitational waves produced in the electroweak phase transition with wall velocities vw101v_w\lesssim 10^{-1}, which favor electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure; calculations of section IV repeated using recent results for the GW spectrum from turbulence, comments added in all sections, references added, conclusions unchange

    Evidence of racial stereotyping in white portuguese children's judgments: the shifting standards model tested with children

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    The shifting standards model (Biernat, Manis & Nelson, 1991) suggests that although frequently members of stereotyped groups are judged as having the characteristics attributed to their group, sometimes they can be judged in comparison to standards specific to their group, thus contrasting from the group stereotype. Objective scales may reveal assimilation effects because they have the same criterion of evaluation for everybody, whereas subjective scales may show contrast or null effects, because they allow the use of different standards of comparison for people from different groups, based on group stereotypes. We examined this model among a novel group: children. As early as 6, children start developing racial stereotypes and may use them to form judgments. We tested the influence of objective versus subjective response scales on white Portuguese first and fourth graders’ evaluations of Blacks versus Whites on mathematics ability and basketball performance. No significant results were found in the domain of basketball ability. We found a suggestion of the shifting standards effect with first graders. Unexpectedly, fourth graders’ rated Blacks higher objectively than Whites on mathematics ability. For fourth graders, both blacks and whites were rated differently depending on whether the scale was subjective or objective. This raises questions about how to interpret data on stereotyping in children.O modelo de mudança de standards - shifting standards model – (Biernat, Manis & Nelson, 1991) sugere que membros de grupos estereotipados podem ser avaliados como tendo as características atribuídas aos seus grupos mas também, podem por vezes ser julgados em comparação com estereótipos relativos aos seus grupos, e consequentemente, serem avaliados de uma maneira que contrasta com esses estereótipos. Escalas objectivas podem revelar efeitos de assimilação na medida em que o critério de avaliação mantém o mesmo significado independentemente do alvo avaliado. Já escalas subjectivas permitem que um dado alvo seja comparado a standards relativos ao grupo ao qual este pertence, podendo revelar efeitos nulos ou de contraste. Examinámos este modelo junto a uma nova população: crianças. A partir dos 6 anos de idade, as crianças começam a desenvolver estereótipos raciais e a utilizá-los para avaliarem os outros. Investigámos a maneira como a avaliação de Negros e Brancos em duas dimensões estereotípicas (matemática e basquetebol) é influenciada pelo tipo de escalada de avaliação (objectiva versus subjectiva), em crianças portuguesas brancas nos 1º e no 4º anos de escolaridade. Não houve resultados significativos no domínio de basquetebol. Para matemática, as crianças no 1º ano de escolaridade avaliaram os alvos negros versus brancos de acordo com o estereótipo de que os Negros são piores a matemática do que os Brancos, atribuindo objetivamente pontuações menos elevadas ao Negros do que aos Brancos. O padrão das avaliações por parte destas crianças sugere um efeito de mudança de standards, quando as avaliações são feitas em escalas subjectiva. Contrariamente ao esperado, as crianças no 4º ano de escolaridade não avaliaram os alvos de acordo com o estereótipo acima referido. No entanto, para este grupo etário, tanto as avaliações dos alvos negros como as dos alvos brancos foram diferentes em função do tipo de escala utilizada, o que sugere que o tipo de escala de resposta influencia a forma como os estereótipos são visíveis, apontando para a necessidade de se ser prudente ao interpretar resultados de estudos sobre estereótipos em crianças

    Compétences en culture informationnelle à l'Université de Fribourg: planification de sessions de formation pour les étudiants en langues et littératures slaves

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    La formation en culture informationnelle permet aux étudiants, dans l’environnement d’abondance informationnelle actuelle, d’identifier des besoins en information, de localiser l’information, de l’évaluer et de l’utiliser de manière critique et éthique. Ces compétences sont le mieux acquises lors d’une formation complète. Le présent travail final se propose d’explorer les étapes importantes de la planification de sessions de formation en compétences documentaires pour les étudiants de Bachelor en Slavistique de l’Université de Fribourg. Pour cela, les besoins de notre public-cible sont analysés, les objectifs généraux et particuliers de la formation - à partir du référentiel des compétences en culture informationnelle - sont identifiés, les aspects organisationnels des sessions de formation (formes, rythmes, structure et méthode d’enseignement) sont étudiés et les types d’évaluation sont définis. Une proposition de quatre unités de formation est présentée à la fin du travail

    Le laboratoire central de Robert Pinget

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    « Le laboratoire central de Robert Pinget » présente quelques-uns des nombreux textes non publiés de Robert Pinget (1919-1997) conservés à la Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet. L’article s’appuie sur des extraits de chutes de Mahu ou le matériau, le premier roman publié de Robert Pinget en 1952, de « Fonfon », une nouvelle refondue dans Passacaille (1969), et d’un texte inclassable intitulé « Messire Jonas » écrit au début des années cinquante. Il s’agit de proposer des pistes méthodologiques d’étude et d’organisation de ces textes et documents, placés en relation avec l’œuvre publiée de l’auteur. L’approche choisie vise à reconstituer quelques caractéristiques fondamentales du geste esthétique de Robert Pinget, parmi lesquels l’inachèvement, l’effacement et diverses procédures de négociation. Cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre des recherches menées par Anne Herschberg Pierrot sur le style de genèse.“The Central Laboratory of Robert Pinget” offers a presentation of some of the many unpublished texts of Robert Pinget (1919-1997) held at the Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet in Paris, and seeks to provide methodological elements to help organize them and study them in relation to Pinget’s edited work. The article provides excerpts from abandoned short stories written for Pinget’s first published novel Mahu ou le matériau (1952), of a short novel titled “Fonfon” partly recycled in Passacaglia (1969) and presents a genre-breaking text titled “Messire Jonas” written in the early 1950s. The approach aims at considering the major components of Pinget’s aesthetic gesture, focusing particularly on non-completion, erasure and negotiation procedures. The article follows Anne Herschberg Pierrot’s research on genesis style.“El laboratorio central de Robert Pinget” presenta algunos de los numerosos textos inéditos de Robert Pinget (1919-1997) guardados en la Biblioteca Literaria Jacques Doucet. Este artículo se basa en algunos fragmentos de recortes de Mahu ou le matériau, la primera novela publicada de Robert Pinget en 1952, de “Fonfon”, relato refundido en Passacaille (1969), y de un texto inclasificable titulado “Messire Jonas”, escrito a comienzos de los anos cincuenta. Se trata de proponer pistas metodológicas de estudio y de organización de esos textos y documentos, vinculados con la obra publicada del autor. El enfoque elegido intenta reconstituir algunos componente fundamentales del gesto estético de Robert Pinget, lo inacabado, la borradura y diversos procedimientos de negociación. Este artículo se inscribe en el marco de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por Anne Herschberg Pierrot sobre el estilo de la génesis.„Die zentrale Werkstatt von Robert Pinget” präsentiert einige der zahlreichen unveröffentlichten Texte Robert Pingets (1919-1997), welche in der Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet in Paris aufbewahrt sind. Der vorliegende Artikel bezieht sich auf unveröffentlichte Auszüge aus von Pinget verworfenen Texten seines ersten veröffentlichten Romans Mahu ou le matériau (1952), aus einer Novelle namens Fonfon, die sich teilweise in Passacaille (1969) wiederfindet, und aus einem anfangs der fünfziger Jahre verfassten, schwer einzuordnenden Text mit dem Titel Messire Jonas. Es sollen methodologische Aspekte dargelegt werden, die für die Untersuchung und die Organisation dieser Texte und Dokumente hilfreich sind und sie in Zusammenhang mit dem veröffentlichten Werk des Autors bringen. Ziel des gewählten Ansatzes ist es, einige grundlegende Elemente von Robert Pingets ästhetischer Geste zu rekonstruieren, darunter insbesondere die Unfertigkeit, die Löschung und verschiedene Verfahren der Verneinung. Der Artikel folgt den von Anne Herschberg Pierrot geleiteten Untersuchungen zum Stil der Genese.O “laboratório central de Robert Pinget” apresenta alguns dos numerosos textos inéditos de Pinget (1919-1997) que estão conservados na Biblioteca Literária Jacques Doucet. O artigo baseia-se em extratos abandonados de Mahu ou le matériau, o seu primeiro romance, publicado em 1952, de “Fonfon”, novela que viria a ser refundida como Passacaille (1969), e um texto inclassificável intitulado “Messire Jonas”, escrito no início dos anos 50. Procurando pistas metodológicas para estudar e organizar estes textos e documentos, confrontados com a obra publicada do autor, optou-se por depreender alguns componentes fundamentais do gesto estético de Robert Pinget, tais como o inacabamento, a rasura e procedimentos de negociação. Este artigo integra-se nas pesquisas realizadas por Anne Herschberg Pierrot sobre estilo genético.“Il laboratorio centrale di Robert Pinget” presenta alcuni dei numerosi testi dello scrittore svizzero (1919-1997) rimasti inediti e ora conservati a Parigi nella Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet. L’articolo si fonda su estratti di Mahu ou le matériau, il primo romanzo pubblicato da Robert Pinget nel 1952, di “Fonfon”, una novella confluita in Passacaille (1969), e di un testo inclassificabile intitolato “Messire Jonas”, scritto nei primi anni cinquanta. L’articolo si propone, come obiettivo, di prospettare al lettore percorsi metodologici di studio e di organizzazione di questi materiali d’autore, visti in relazione ai testi e documenti invece pubblicati dall’autore. L’approccio mira a ricomporre taluni basilari componenti che caratterizzano il criterio estetico di Robert Pinget : il non-finito, la cancellazione, e i diversi sistemi di negoziazione. L’articolo si colloca entro la più ampia ricerca condotta da Anne Herschberg Pierrot intorno al tema dello stile genetico

    Les programmes de formations et outils d'évaluation de la compétence culturelle: travail de Bachelor

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    Contexte: La discrimination est un thème récurrent de société. Chaque année, la Commission fédérale contre le racisme publie des chiffres de la discrimination raciale en Suisse. Ces chiffres concernent notamment les soins. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs modèles sur la transculturalité sont développés en Science Infirmière. Objectifs: Description des programmes de formations de la compétence culturelle et des échelles d'évaluations de l'acquisition de celle-ci au travers d'une revue de la littérature. Méthode: Revue de la littérature des bases de données PUBMED et CINHAL faite sur les cinq dernières années. Résultats: Treize programmes de formations sont ressortis de cette revue, ainsi que cinq échelles d'évaluations. Les programmes étaient essentiellement basés sur la théorie de Camphina-Bacote. Les échelles permettent d'évaluer le niveau de compétence culturelle, le niveau de confiance des étudiants en leur compétence culturelle et le contenu culturel de programmes de formations. Perspectives: Après avoir rempli une échelle d'évaluation (BICCC) pour le PEC12, des recommandations mineures ont pu être apportées sur son contenu

    Data Analysis Software for the ESPRESSO Science Machine

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    ESPRESSO is an extremely stable high-resolution spectrograph which is currently being developed for the ESO VLT. With its groundbreaking characteristics it is aimed to be a "science machine", i.e., a fully-integrated instrument to directly extract science information from the observations. In particular, ESPRESSO will be the first ESO instrument to be equipped with a dedicated tool for the analysis of data, the Data Analysis Software (DAS), consisting in a number of recipes to analyze both stellar and quasar spectra. Through the new ESO Reflex GUI, the DAS (which will implement new algorithms to analyze quasar spectra) is aimed to get over the shortcomings of the existing software providing multiple iteration modes and full interactivity with the data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; proceedings of ADASS XXI

    Mechanical based alignment of large optical instruments: ESPRESSO as an example

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    When long term instrument stability is required, traditional alignment techniques based on bulky and/or flexible mountings can not be used due to their reduced stiffness. Mechanical alignment of optical systems is nowadays possible thanks to different 3D Coordinate Measuring Machines, as the Laser Tracker, the Articulated and Cartesian Arms. In this paper we describe the methods we considered for the integration and alignment of ESPRESSO, the very high resolution visible spectrograph for the ESO VLT, now under commissioning phase at Paranal Observatory. Different examples of the Front End (FE), the Anamorphic Pupil Slicer Unit (APSU), and the spectrograph itself will be provided, to demonstrate that it is possible to align an optical system with mechanical methods with minimal optical feedbacks, reaching in an almost `blind' way the best optical performances