51 research outputs found

    Viltskadestatistik 2017

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    Viltskadestatistik 2018

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    Viltskadestatistik 2020 : skador av fredat vilt pÄ tamdjur, hundar och gröda

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    Staten fÄr i mÄn av tillgÄng pÄ medel lÀmna bidrag för att förebygga skador av vilt och ersÀtta intrÀffade skador. Detta regleras i Viltskadeförordningen (2001:724) och NaturvÄrdsverkets föreskrifter och allmÀnna rÄd om bidrag och ersÀttningar för viltskador (NFS 2008:16/NFS 2018:05) samt i Föreskrifter om bidrag och ersÀttning för rovdjursförekomst i samebyar (STFS 2007:9). Bidrag och ersÀttningar för viltskador utgÄr endast för vilt som inte fÄr jagas under allmÀn jakttid. Sedan vÄren 2010 lÀmnar lÀnsstyrelserna bidrag till förebyggande ÄtgÀrder frÄn Viltskadeanslaget till betesmarker pÄ icke blocklagd mark. Bidrag till beteshagar pÄ blocklagd mark ska istÀllet sökas som miljöinvestering och finansieras med sÀrskilda medel som anslagits av Jordbruksverkets Landsbygdsprogram. Medel frÄn Landsbygdsprogrammet fÄr endast anvÀndas till rovdjursavvisande stÀngsel pÄ blocklagda betesmarker. Medlen anvÀnds i första hand i lÀn med fast förekomst av varg, dÀr angreppen förvÀntas bli flest. För att fÄ en kontinuerlig bild av vilka belopp som lagts pÄ att förebygga rovdjursangrepp pÄ tamdjur har vi sedan 1997 redovisat vilka medel som beviljats ur Viltskadeanslaget (NaturvÄrdsverket) och Landsbygdsprogrammet (Jordbruksverket) i samma tabeller och grafer i denna rapport. FrÄn och med 2014 redovisas utbetalda bidrag istÀllet för beviljade bidrag, eftersom alla beviljade bidrag inte utnyttjas. Observera att summorna för förebyggande ÄtgÀrder och ersÀttningar Àr avrundade till nÀrmaste tusental, varför en del totalsummor inte alltid gÄr jÀmt ut i tabellernas rader och kolumner. I denna rapport redovisas de skador och bidrag som lÀnsstyrelserna har registrerat. Av olika skÀl kan enskilda lÀnsstyrelser i enstaka fall vara försenade med registreringen vilket leder till att redovisningen blir ofullstÀndig

    The sounds of science - A symphony for many instruments and voices

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    Sounds of Science is the first movement of a symphony for many (scientific) instruments and voices, united in celebration of the frontiers of science and intended for a general audience. John Goodenough, the maestro who transformed energy usage and technology through the invention of the lithium-ion battery, opens the programme, reflecting on the ultimate limits of battery technology. This applied theme continues through the subsequent pieces on energy-related topics - the sodium-ion battery and artificial fuels, by Martin MĂ„nsson - and the ultimate challenge for 3D printing, the eventual production of life, by Anthony Atala. A passage by Gerianne Alexander follows, contemplating a related issue: How might an artificially produced human being behave? Next comes a consideration of consciousness and free will by Roland Allen and Suzy Lidström. Further voices and new instruments enter as Warwick Bowen, Nicolas Mauranyapin and Lars Madsen discuss whether dynamical processes of single molecules might be observed in their native state. The exploitation of chaos in science and technology, applications of Bose-Einstein condensates and the significance of entropy follow in pieces by Linda Reichl, Ernst Rasel and Roland Allen, respectively. Mikhail Katsnelson and Eugene Koonin then discuss the potential generalisation of thermodynamic concepts in the context of biological evolution. Entering with the music of the cosmos, Philip Yasskin discusses whether we might be able to observe torsion in the geometry of the Universe. The crescendo comes with the crisis of singularities, their nature and whether they can be resolved through quantum effects, in the composition of Alan Coley. The climax is Mario Krenn, Art Melvin and Anton Zeilinger\u27s consideration of how computer code can be autonomously surprising and creative. In a harmonious counterpoint, his \u27Guidelines for considering AIs as coauthors\u27, Roman Yampolskiy concludes that code is not yet able to take responsibility for coauthoring a paper. An interlude summarises a speech by Zdeněk PapouĆĄek. In a subsequent movement, new themes emerge as we seek to comprehend how far we have travelled along the path to understanding, and speculate on where new physics might arise. Who would have imagined, 100 years ago, a global society permeated by smartphones and scientific instruments so sophisticated that genes can be modified and gravitational waves detected

    ”Men lĂ€sa Ă€r ocksĂ„ viktigt” - en undersökning om fritidspedagogers och lĂ€rares samarbete samt deras Ă„sikter om social kompetens

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    Undersökningen berör omrÄdet fritidspedagoger och lÀrare i olika samarbetsformer med Äsikter om social kompetens i fokus. Syftet med undersökningen Àr att finna svar pÄ hur olika samarbetsformer mellan fritidspedagog och grundskollÀrare ser ut, hur pedagogerna tÀnker kring samarbetet och vad de har för Äsikter om social kompetens i skolan. Undersökningen har genomförts utifrÄn en kvalitativ metod dÀr intervjuer av sju pedagoger har genomförts. Resultatet visar pÄ hur olika pedagoger frÄn tvÄ olika yrkesgrupper utvecklat ett fungerande samarbete trots att samarbetsformerna ser helt olika ut. Detta kommer sig av att alla pedagogerna fÄtt möjlighet att utforma sin arbetssituation sjÀlva och att de kan utnyttja sina speciella kompetenser utefter erfarenheter och utbildning. Positiva aspekter Àr bland annat att pedagogerna fÄr mer tid till varje elev och kan komplettera varandra i undervisningen. Negativt Àr att pedagogerna inte alltid kan vara tvÄ med elevgruppen. En slutsats Àr att det Àr svÄrt i och med alla kunskapsmÄl som mÄste uppnÄs i skolan att lÀgga tid och kraft pÄ trÀningen av den sociala kompetensen. I och med fritidspedagogens inverkan i skolan Àr det nu möjligt att Àven klara av de mÄl som innefattar social kompetens

    A study of students’ grabbing the floor : ”put up your hand and holler cause that always works”

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    Equality between boys and girls is often discussed and is also stipulated in The Swedish National Curriculum. The present study examines students of English in Swedish secondary school from the perspective of grabbing the conversational floor in relation to the teacher. Previous research does not agree concerning which gender dominates the classroom. However, many researchers show that boys are the ones dominating the classroom. Observations were made in three classes of English in year 9 where specific aspects studied were on the one hand the gender of the student grabbing the floor and on the other hand the manner in which the individual student grabbed the floor. A questionnaire asking for the students’ attitudes towards grabbing the conversational floor was also distributed and is taken into account in the result of the present study. The research reveals three results where the fist result shows that the vast majority of both boys and girls grab the conversational floor in relation to the teacher by speaking out loud in the classroom. The second result shows that it is close to even between girls and boys concerning who dominates the conversational floor in relation to the teacher. The third result shows that both girls and boys consider raising ones hand to be the best way of grabbing the floor in relation to the teacher in the classroom. The students clearly stated the importance of the teacher’s way of teaching and his/her attitude towards how students should grab the floor. The differences between students attitudes towards manners of grabbing the floor and their actual ways of acting can therefore be connected to the teacher’s behavior in the classroom

    Synthesising colloidal molecules with tunable interactions from soft responsive microgel particles

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    Colloidal self-assembly is an attractive bottom-up approach to new superstructures and materials with new properties. However, the typical spherical shape and isotropic interaction potential limit the repertoire of ordered structures that can be obtained from synthetic colloids. In order to expand the repertoire of structures, much effort has over the last decades been directed towards the preparation of colloids with anisotropic shapes and interactions and a more complex organisation. In an effort to replicate the concepts of valency and directionality that control the number, position and orientation of neighbours in molecular systems, the colloidal analogues have been prepared through controlled clustering of spherical colloids. However, as the lack of scientific publications in the field reveals, the typical charged hard sphere-nature of the constituent spheres - typically based on silica, polystyrene or poly(methyl methacrylate) - has made self-assembly of these so-called colloidal molecules difficult to control, resulting in jammed states where both translation and rotation are locked. The present thesis addresses this issue by reaching beyond classical electrostatic stabilisation, this by introducing poly(N -isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) and poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide) (PNIPMAM) microgel-based colloidal molecules that allow for both the strength and the range of the interactions, as well as the volume fraction, to be conveniently tuned with salt concentration, pH and temperature for a more successful assembly. This thesis foremost concerns design and development of methods for assembling microgels into colloidal molecules, and demonstration of the temperature-tunable interactions. Altogether, these results represent important steps towards assembly of novel superstructures and materials, and moreover, towards new colloidal model systems that capture the anisotropy of, for example, biological colloids such as proteins
