171 research outputs found

    How Can We Use the Result from a DEA Analysis? Identification of Firm-relevant Reference Units.

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    Two types of guidelines can be obtained from a DEA (data envelopment analysis) analysis. Firstly, the firm can reduce input or increase production according to the DEA results. Secondly, an inefficient firm might be able to identify reference units. This makes it possible for the inefficient firm to, on site, study production that is more efficient, and thereby get information on e.g. efficient organisational solutions. In this study, we focus on how to detect these firm-relevant reference units. While applying the existing methods for identification of reference units, i.e. the intensity variable method and the dominance method, on a data set concerning booking centres in the Swedish taxi market, shortcomings in these methods were identified. This motivates the development of a new method. This new method, the sphere measure, enables an inefficient unit to identify existing and efficient units that have the largest similarity with itself. The identified units will thus be firm-relevant reference units.reference units; firm-relevant; DEA

    Forensic evaluation: A strategy for and results of an impact evaluation of a universal labor market program - The Swedish activity guarantee

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    To evaluate the effects of a universal program, i.e. all targeted get access, is associated with the problem that there are no individuals who represent the hypothetical or counterfactual state of being eligible to the program but not participating in it. In this study of a Swedish universal labor market program the Activity Guarantee we show how regional differences in the implementation of instructions on assignment to the program were utilized to create a control group representing the counterfactual state. After having gained access to a treatment and a control group, the authors evaluated the effects of the program on the probability of leaving unemployment and on the duration of unemployment. The effects estimated were statistically significant and indicate a clear positive effect of program participation. -- In dieser Analyse wird das Evaluierungsproblem untersucht, das entsteht, wenn die Effekte eines Programms untersucht werden sollen, das einschrĂ€nkungslos fĂŒr alle Mitglieder einer Zielgruppe gilt. Dann nĂ€mlich gibt es nicht mehr die FĂ€lle, die den gegenteiligen Zustand reprĂ€sentieren, d.h. Anspruchsberechtigte, die nicht an dem Programm teilnehmen. In dieser Studie ĂŒber ein in diesem Sinne universelles Arbeitsmarktprogramm in Schweden mit dem Titel AktivitĂ€ts- Garantie wird gezeigt, wie regionale Unterschiede bei der Umsetzung der Vorschriften zur Zuweisung in das Programm genutzt werden, um eine Kontrollgruppe zu bilden. Nachdem der Zugang zu den Daten einer Teilnehmergruppe und einer Kontrollgruppe geklĂ€rt war, evaluierten die Autoren die Effekte des Programms auf die Abgangswahrscheinlichkeit aus und auf die Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit. Die geschĂ€tzten Effekte waren statistisch signifikant und belegen einen eindeutig positiven Effekt einer Teilnahme an dem Programm.

    Using the unemployed as temporary employment counsellors: Evaluation of an initiative to combat longterm unemployment

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    This study investigates empirically the effects of a pilot project in which unemployed persons were used as temporary employment counsellors. Economic theory clearly points in the di-rection of a positive relation between search intensity and exit from unemployment. The fundamental concept of the project was the use of unemployed, who underwent customised training, to assist other unemployed in their job search. The project was carried out during a period in which the caseload was very high at public employment offices, which resulted in a drastic reduction in individual placement services available to the unemployed. It was based on a collaboration agreement between trade union confederations and the Swedish Labour Market Administration. Based on individual records drawn from administrative data, this paper examines the impact of the project on the probability of being removed from the live register of the Employment Service (various reasons for being removed are analysed separately) or being placed in a labour market policy programme. For job seekers placed in such programmes, the evaluation also examines effects on the probability of gaining employment within a given time period subsequent to programme participation. The impact on the period of time from the start of the project until a job seeker is removed from the register or placed in a labour market policy programme is also examined. The estimated effects indicate that the project had a positive impact on job search effectiveness and, thereby, in its efforts to reduce long periods out of work. -- Die vorliegende Studie ist eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen eines Pilotpro-jektes, bei dem Arbeitslose vorĂŒbergehend als Arbeitsberater eingesetzt wurden. Wirtschaftstheorien sehen einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der IntensitĂ€t der Su-che nach einem Arbeitsplatz und dem Austritt aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. Das grundlegende Konzept des Projektes lag im Einsatz von Arbeitslosen, die nach einer kundenorientierten Schulung anderen Arbeitslosen bei ihrer Arbeitssuche assistierten. Zeitlich angesiedelt wur-de das Projekt in einer Phase sehr hoher Arbeitsbelastung in den öffentlichen Arbeitsagenturen, die zu einer drastischen Reduzierung der KapazitĂ€ten fĂŒr die Einzelbera-tung von Arbeitslosen fĂŒhrte. Grundlage bildete ein Abkommen zwischen GewerkschaftsverbĂ€nden und der schwedischen Arbeitsverwaltung. Basierend auf GeschĂ€ftsdaten der Arbeitsverwaltung untersucht dieses Papier die Wirkung des Projektes auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik der BeschĂ€ftigungs-agenturen auszuscheiden (einzelne GrĂŒnde fĂŒr das Ausscheiden werden separat untersucht) oder in ein BeschĂ€ftigungsprogramm aufgenommen zu werden. FĂŒr arbeitssuchende Pro-grammteilnehmer untersucht die Studie auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintritts in BeschĂ€ftigung im Anschluss an die Programmteilnahme. Ebenso wird der zeitliche Zusam-menhang zwischen dem Projektbeginn bis zum Ausscheiden eines Arbeitssuchenden aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik oder dessen Eintritt in ein Arbeitsmarktprogramm untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Projekt positiv auf die BemĂŒhungen bei der Suche nach einer BeschĂ€ftigung auswirkt und dadurch Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit reduziert wird.

    Forensic evaluation: A strategy for and results of an impact evaluation of a universal labor market program - The Swedish activity guarantee

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    To evaluate the effects of a universal program, i.e. all targeted get access, is associated with the problem that there are no individuals who represent the hypothetical or counterfactual state of being eligible to the program but not participating in it. In this study of a Swedish universal labor market program - the 'Activity Guarantee' - we show how regional differences in the implementation of instructions on assignment to the program were utilized to create a control group representing the counterfactual state. After having gained access to a treatment and a control group, the authors evaluated the effects of the program on the probability of leaving unemployment and on the duration of unemployment. The effects estimated were statistically significant and indicate a clear positive effect of program participation.In dieser Analyse wird das Evaluierungsproblem untersucht, das entsteht, wenn die Effekte eines Programms untersucht werden sollen, das einschrĂ€nkungslos fĂŒr alle Mitglieder einer Zielgruppe gilt. Dann nĂ€mlich gibt es nicht mehr die FĂ€lle, die den gegenteiligen Zustand reprĂ€sentieren, d.h. Anspruchsberechtigte, die nicht an dem Programm teilnehmen. In dieser Studie ĂŒber ein in diesem Sinne universelles Arbeitsmarktprogramm in Schweden mit dem Titel 'AktivitĂ€ts- Garantie' wird gezeigt, wie regionale Unterschiede bei der Umsetzung der Vorschriften zur Zuweisung in das Programm genutzt werden, um eine Kontrollgruppe zu bilden. Nachdem der Zugang zu den Daten einer Teilnehmergruppe und einer Kontrollgruppe geklĂ€rt war, evaluierten die Autoren die Effekte des Programms auf die Abgangswahrscheinlichkeit aus und auf die Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit. Die geschĂ€tzten Effekte waren statistisch signifikant und belegen einen eindeutig positiven Effekt einer Teilnahme an dem Programm

    Using the unemployed as temporary employment counsellors: Evaluation of an initiative to combat longterm unemployment

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    This study investigates empirically the effects of a pilot project in which unemployed persons were used as temporary employment counsellors. Economic theory clearly points in the di-rection of a positive relation between search intensity and exit from unemployment. The fundamental concept of the project was the use of unemployed, who underwent customised training, to assist other unemployed in their job search. The project was carried out during a period in which the caseload was very high at public employment offices, which resulted in a drastic reduction in individual placement services available to the unemployed. It was based on a collaboration agreement between trade union confederations and the Swedish Labour Market Administration. Based on individual records drawn from administrative data, this paper examines the impact of the project on the probability of being removed from the live register of the Employment Service (various reasons for being removed are analysed separately) or being placed in a labour market policy programme. For job seekers placed in such programmes, the evaluation also examines effects on the probability of gaining employment within a given time period subsequent to programme participation. The impact on the period of time from the start of the project until a job seeker is removed from the register or placed in a labour market policy programme is also examined. The estimated effects indicate that the project had a positive impact on job search effectiveness and, thereby, in its efforts to reduce long periods out of work.Die vorliegende Studie ist eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen eines Pilotpro-jektes, bei dem Arbeitslose vorĂŒbergehend als Arbeitsberater eingesetzt wurden. Wirtschaftstheorien sehen einen positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der IntensitĂ€t der Su-che nach einem Arbeitsplatz und dem Austritt aus der Arbeitslosigkeit. Das grundlegende Konzept des Projektes lag im Einsatz von Arbeitslosen, die nach einer kundenorientierten Schulung anderen Arbeitslosen bei ihrer Arbeitssuche assistierten. Zeitlich angesiedelt wur-de das Projekt in einer Phase sehr hoher Arbeitsbelastung in den öffentlichen Arbeitsagenturen, die zu einer drastischen Reduzierung der KapazitĂ€ten fĂŒr die Einzelbera-tung von Arbeitslosen fĂŒhrte. Grundlage bildete ein Abkommen zwischen GewerkschaftsverbĂ€nden und der schwedischen Arbeitsverwaltung. Basierend auf GeschĂ€ftsdaten der Arbeitsverwaltung untersucht dieses Papier die Wirkung des Projektes auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik der BeschĂ€ftigungs-agenturen auszuscheiden (einzelne GrĂŒnde fĂŒr das Ausscheiden werden separat untersucht) oder in ein BeschĂ€ftigungsprogramm aufgenommen zu werden. FĂŒr arbeitssuchende Pro-grammteilnehmer untersucht die Studie auch die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Eintritts in BeschĂ€ftigung im Anschluss an die Programmteilnahme. Ebenso wird der zeitliche Zusam-menhang zwischen dem Projektbeginn bis zum Ausscheiden eines Arbeitssuchenden aus der Arbeitslosenstatistik oder dessen Eintritt in ein Arbeitsmarktprogramm untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Projekt positiv auf die BemĂŒhungen bei der Suche nach einer BeschĂ€ftigung auswirkt und dadurch Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit reduziert wird

    Density-dependent dinner: Wild boar overuse agricultural land at high densities

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    The Swedish wild boar (Sus scrofa) population has increased rapidly over the last decades, resulting in conflicts with human activities. Particularly, the increase has been challenging for agriculture as wild boar cause damage on crops and grasslands. To predict under what conditions to expect damage and where to prioritize management actions, basic knowledge about wild boar habitat and space use is needed. In this study, we used data from 99 wild boar equipped with GPS-collars, collected over a large temporal scale and throughout their distributional range in southern Sweden. We investigated wild boar home range size and habitat use across gradients of habitat availability and population density. Functional response in habitat use was assessed by estimating the use and availability of agricultural land on individual level and then, on population-level evaluating how use changed with changing availability. Finally, a potential response in habitat use was evaluated in relation to population density, i.e., the interaction between availability and population density. Home range size was negatively related to population density for both male and female wild boar. Wild boar used agricultural land more intensively with increasing population density and when other habitat types were less available. Our findings show that wild boar spatial behavior is highly context dependent and may vary considerably due to landscape characteristics and local conditions. Wild boars tend to overuse agricultural land at high densities which has strong implications for wildlife management. It is therefore important to consider local conditions when predicting space and habitat use by wild boar. Overall, this study provided a better understanding of the drivers of wild boar distribution and space use in agro-forested mosaic landscapes and how this knowledge can improve management practices

    Spatio-temporal patterns of crop damage caused by geese, swans and cranes-Implications for crop damage prevention

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    European populations of geese, swans and cranes have increased considerably since the 1970s raising conflicts between conservation and farming interests. Crop damage caused by geese, swans and cranes across the national scale needs a trans-boundary approach that captures the site-specific characteristics of crop damage at a more refined spatial scale, to deal with the high spatio-temporal variation inherent in the system and to avoid conflict displacement. In the present study we use long-term crop damage data (2000-2015) in Sweden to evaluate seasonal and annual patterns of crop damage. We show that crop damage increased over years but followed a fairly consistent seasonal pattern during the later parts of the study period. We show how these seasonal patterns differ across the country such that trans-boundary regions with similar patterns of crop damage, relating to different nuisance species and damaged crops, can be identified. These findings about spatio-temporal variation of damage can be used to find appropriate scales of management units (e.g. areas with similar conditions), and to adapt damage mitigation strategies to temporal and spatial-specific conditions, e.g. guidance of when and where certain crop may be suitable as sacrificial crops

    TRIM Simulations Tool for Ό+\mu^+ Stopping Fraction in Hydrostatic Pressure Cells

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    For quantum systems or materials, a common procedure for probing their behaviour is to tune electronic/magnetic properties using external parameters, e.g. temperature, magnetic field or pressure. Pressure application as an external stimuli is a widely used tool, where the sample in question is inserted into a pressure cell providing a hydrostatic pressure condition. Such device causes some practical problems when using in Muon Spin Rotation/Relaxation (Ό+\mu^+SR) experiments as a large proportion of the muons will be implanted in the pressure cell rather than in the sample, resulting in a higher background signal. This issue gets further amplified when the temperature dependent response from the sample is much smaller than that of the pressure cell,which may cause the sample response to be lost in the background and cause difficulties in aligning the sample within the beam. To tackle this issue, we have used pySRIM to construct a practical and helpful simulation tool for calculating muon stopping fractions, specifically for the pressure cell setup at the Ό\muE1 beamline using the GPD spectrometer at the Paul Scherrer Institute, with the use of TRIM simulations. The program is used to estimate the number of muon stopping in both the sample and the pressure cell at a given momentum. The simulation tool is programmed into a GUI, making it accessible to user to approximate prior to their experiments at GPD what fractions will belong to the sample and the pressure cell in their fitting procedure.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figures, Conference proceedings for 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonanc

    Wolves, people, and brown bears influence the expansion of the recolonizing wolf population in Scandinavia

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    Interspecific competition can influence the distribution and abundance of species and the structure of ecological communities and entire ecosystems. Interactions between apex predators can have cascading effects through the entire natural community, which supports broadening the scope of conservation from single species to a much wider ecosystem perspective. However, competition between wild large carnivores can hardly be measured experimentally. In this study, we analyzed the expansion of the Scandinavian wolf ( Canis lupus ) population during its recovery from the early 1990s. We took into account wolf-, habitat-, human- and brown bear ( Ursus arctos )-related factors, because wolf expansion occurred within an area partially sympatric with bears. Wolf pair establishment was positively related to previous wolf presence and was negatively related to road density, distance to other wolf territories, and bear density. These findings suggest that both human-related habitat modification and interspecific competition have been influential factors modulating the expansion of the wolf population. Interactions between large carnivores have the potential to affect overall biodiversity. Therefore, conservation-oriented management of such species should consider interspecific interactions, rather than focusing only on target populations of single species. Long-term monitoring data across large areas should also help quantify and predict the influence of biotic interactions on species assemblages and distributions elsewhere. This is important because interactive processes can be essential in the regulation, stability, and resilience of ecological communitie
