26 research outputs found

    Towards Increased Recovery of Critical Raw Materials from WEEE– evaluation of CRMs at a component level and pre-processing methods for interface optimisation with recovery processes

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    Increasing recovery of critical raw materials (CRMs) from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is a strategic priority to mitigate supply risks. Today, CRM recovery rates are generally low, with increases requiring new recovery processes and interface optimisation with pre-processing to ensure appropriate material flows for efficient recovery are generated. Here, results from an industrial trial to increase CRM recovery from WEEE are presented to inform development of pre-processing strategies which generate such material flows. Au, Ag, Co, Ga, Mg, Nb, Ru, Pd, Ir, Y, Nd, Sb, Ta and W are identified with XRF in components of a range of WEEE samples including within individual printed circuit board (PCB) components. CRM distribution in PCBs is mapped by visual inspection with reference to this data. Cost-effective methods to disassemble WEEE; isolate CRM bearing components, and upgrade/concentrate CRMs are evaluated for industrial adoption. A guillotine is found most suitable for LCD disassembly and separation of Au edge-contacts from PCBs, while cryocracking is best for isolation of internal components of digital media devices. Thermal PCB disassembly with a solder bath for simultaneous SMD removal and subsequent sieving to sort SMDs thereby concentrating CRMs for recovery is a promising approach. Microwave ashing of PCBs to concentrate CRMs is promising although off-gas treatment would be required. Recovery potential of identified CRMs from material streams generated is found to be poor due to lack of suitable recovery infrastructure except for precious and platinum group metals in PCBs, but available pyrometallurgical recovery permanently dissipates other CRMs present

    Deep Decarbonization and Energy Security for Low-Carbon Societies

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    Renewable energy transition, demand for metals and resource curse effects

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    Mitigating climate change will require large-scale changes to energy systems. Two examples are increased use of renewable energy resources and electrification of the transport sector. These changes increase demand for metals. This chapter looks into which metals are used in renewable energy technologies and why, how much is required to transition the global energy system and which countries hold these metal reserves. Reserves of many metals used in renewable energy technologies are more geographically concentrated than fossil fuels. The resource and export revenues from metals are, for most countries, not as high as current revenues for fossil fuel exporters when compared to the size of their respective economies. More research is required to assess the local impact from increased mining which could be substantial for local economies, societies and the environment

    Batteriernas baksida - Metaller, mÀnniskor och miljö

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    Mer förnybar energi och elektrifiering av transportsektorn Àr viktiga sÀtt att minska vÄr klimatpÄverkan. Det ökade intresset för elbilar har ocksÄ vÀckt en diskussion om de geopolitiska konsekvenserna av övergÄngen frÄn bensin till batterier. Vilka blir de nya vinnarna och förlorarna i elektrifieringens spÄr? Vilken typ av naturresurser anvÀnds i dessa tekniker? Finns det tillrÀckligt av dessa resurser för att klara av en omstÀllning? Vi kommer ocksÄ in pÄ hur olika aktörer, inte minst vi som konsumenter, kan agera för att öka vÄrt inflytande nÀr det gÀller en hÄllbar gruvdrift ocksÄ för den lokalbefolkning som berörs kring gruvorna. Hur ska vi hantera de mÄlkonflikter som uppstÄr mellan gruvbrytning och en hÄllbar utveckling

    The geopolitics of metals and metalloids used for the renewable energy transition

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    This study examines the geopolitical role of 14 metals and metalloids needed for renewable energy technologies. The analysis focuses on three factors with potential geopolitical importance: the geographic concentration of resources, potential revenues of resources rich countries and the size of total global markets. The geographic concentration of most of the fourteen studied metals and metalloids will be higher than for oil. The only exceptions are tellurium, copper and silicon. The economic revenues as fraction of total economic throughput will be rather low for most of the countries studied. This will reduce the risk for a resource curse to emerge. The exceptions are the Democratic republic of Congo, Chile, Cuba, Madagascar and Zambia. The total economic value of the studied metals and metalloids will also be much smaller than the current oil market

    Global metal flows in the renewable energy transition : Exploring the effects of substitutes, technological mix and development

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    This study analysed demand for 12 metals in global climate mitigation scenarios up to 2060 and quantified the impacts on demand of different assumptions on improvements and technological mix. Annual and cumulative demands were compared with reserves and current mining rates. The study results showed that reserves are sufficient to support the total level of solar power, wind power and electric motors. Insufficient reserves may very well constrain certain sub-technologies, but substitutes that take the role of ‘back-stop’ technologies can be used instead. The exception is batteries, since lithium battery chemistries and reserves were incompatible with the scenarios analysed. Batteries of moderate size, lithium-free chemistry or reserve expansion would make the transition feasible. Choice of sub-technology (e.g. type of solar PV) had a decisive impact on demand for certain metals. Perceptions that many metals are critical and scarce for renewable energy transitions appear exaggerated if a dynamic view on technological development is adopted. Policy-relevant conclusions can be drawn from this, regarding e.g. the benefits of technological diversity, increasing metal intensity, recycling and integrating infrastructure and energy policies (e.g. fast chargers)