31 research outputs found
Matkailurakentaminen ja sen diskursiivinen rakentuminen Kilpisjärvellä
This master s thesis examines tourism related housing and related discourses in the village of Kilpisjärvi, Finland. I study the tourism development in Kilpisjärvi and the debate related to this process. My methodology is based on discourse and content analysis. The purpose of this study is to examine and classify the discourses of tourism related housing and what are the lessons learned from the recent development of Kilpisjärvi.
Kilpisjärvi is the northernmost village in western Finnish Lapland, located in the middle of the highest mountain area of Finland. The area has been reindeer herding area of Saami people for centuries, but it has lacked permanent settlement until the beginning of 20th century. The first tourist accommodation was built in 1930s, followed by the road in 1940s and the hotel in 1950s. Traditionally the area has attracted skiers and hikers. The area is also known for its extraordinary nature and rare plant life.
Tourism development was slow in Kilpisjärvi until the turn of millennium when rapid growth in tourism related housing was triggered by extensive land use planning. Small wilderness village of Kilpisjärvi has grown to a tourism centre with over 800 beds in commercial enterprises, more than hundred second-homes, and two large caravan areas. This development has raised conflicts among villagers.
The empirical part of this study is based on the interviews of 17 permanent dwellers of Kilpisjärvi and three Norwegian cottage owners. Six discourses can be distinguished: 1) Nature and landscape, 2) Economy, 3) Place, 4)Reindeer herding, 5) Governance and 6) Possibilities to influence decision-making.
The first discourse stressed that tourism development and building should adapt to nature and landscape, while economic discourse stressed the economical importance of tourism to Kilpisjärvi and the municipality of Enontekiö. The third discourse noted the change of Kilpisjärvi as a place due to the boom of tourism development. The discourse of reindeer herding was clearly distinguished from others, seeing tourism development merely negative. Governance was seen as an important tool in regulating development, but many saw that the municipal administration has failed to take into account other aspects of tourism development than economical factors. Many villagers saw their influence in decision-making weak, while landowners and municipal decision-makers were seen as oligarchy in land-use planning regardless of formal participatory planning process enforced by law.
I conclude that it is important to take into account the diversity of local discourses in tourism development and land use issues. Transparent and genuine participatory planning process would promote sustainable development, prevent conflicts and allow decisions and development which would satisfy larger number of local dwellers than presently.Käsittelen pro gradussani Kilpisjärven matkailurakentamista ja sen paikallista diskursiivista rakentumista. Luon katsauksen alueen matkailurakentamisen kehitykseen sekä tarkastelen diskurssi- ja sisällönanalyysin keinoin tämän ympärillä käytävää keskustelua ja argumentteja. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaisia diskursseja Kilpisjärven matkailurakentamiseen liittyy, ja mitä tästä voidaan ottaa opiksi matkailurakentamisen kehittämisessä.
Kilpisjärvi on Länsi-Lapin pohjoisin kylä, joka sijoittuu Käsivarren suurtunturivyöhykkeelle. Alue on toiminut saamelaisten poronhoitoalueena vuosisatojen ajan, mutta pysyvä asutus on saapunut alueelle vasta 1900-luvun alussa. 1930-luvulla alueelle rakennettin ensimmäinen matkailijoiden majoitusrakennus, ja alueen matkailukäyttöä lisäsi tien ja hotellin valmistuminen 1940- sekä 1950-luvulla. Kilpisjärvi on perinteisesti houkutellut erityisesti hiihtäjiä sekä retkeilijöitä, ja on tunnettu luonnonolosuhteistaan, minkä ansiosta alueella on useita harvinaisia kasvilajeja.
Kilpisjärven matkailu kasvoi hiljalleen 1900-luvulla, kunnes vuosituhanteen vaihteen tienoilla uusi asema- ja ranta-asemakaavoitus mahdollisti voimakkaan matkailurakentamisen kasvun, joka on jatkunut näihin päiviin saakka. Pieni erämaakylä on kehittynyt reilussa kymmenessä vuodessa matkailukeskukseksi, jossa on yli 800 makuupaikkaa kaupallisissa majoitusliikkeissä, yli sata yksityistä loma-asuntoa sekä kaksi laajaa asuntovaunualuetta . Tämä kehitys on herättänyt ristiriitaisia tunteita kyläläisten keskuudessa.
Työn empiirinen osuus perustuu 17 kilpisjärveläisen sekä kolmen norjalaisen loma-asukkaan teemahaastatteluihin, jotka toteutin vuoden 2009 kevään ja kesän aikana. Haastatteluiden perusteella on luokiteltavissa kuusi diskurssia tai puheteemaa: 1) maiseman ja luonnon, 2) talouden, 3) paikan, 4) poronhoidon, 5) julkisen hallinnon sekä 6) vaikutusmahdollisuuksien diskurssit.
Ensimmäinen diskurssi painotti, että matkailurakentamisen tulisi sopeutua luonnonmaisemaansa ja olosuhteisiinsa, kun taas toinen diskurssi korosti matkailun taloudellista merkitystä Kilpisjärvelle ja Enontekiön kunnalle. Paikan diskurssi puolestaan kiinnitti huomion Kilpisjärven muutokseen paikkana matkailurakentamisen kasvun myötä, kun taas poronhoidon diskurssi piti matkailurakentamisen kehitystä pääosin haitallisena poronhoidon harjoittamiselle. Julkinen hallinto nähtiin olevan avainasemassa matkailurakentamisen kehittämisessä, mutta sen koettiin epäonnistuneen Kilpisjärven matkailurakentamisen tasapainoisessa kehittämisessä huomioiden lähinnä taloudellisia näkökulmia jättäen huomioimatta muita alueeseen liittyviä elementtejä, kuten maisemaan ja luontoon liittyviä arvoja. Kyläläisten vaikutusmahdollisuudet kylän kehittämisessä nähtiin pääosin heikoiksi, kun taas maanomistajien ja kunnan päätöksentekijöiden nähtiin hallitsevan maankäytönsuunnittelua näennäisestä lain mukaisesta kuulemismenettelystä huolimatta.
Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että maankäytön suunnittelussa ja kehittämisessä on tärkeää huomioida monimuotoinen maankäytön diskursiivinen ja sosiaalinen rakentuminen. Osallistavan suunnittelun tulee olla läpinäkyvää ja aitoa, mikä ennaltaehkäisisi konflikteja ja edistäisi kestävää kehitystä. Tämän prosessin avulla voidaan saavuttaa päätöksentekoa ja kehitystä, jonka paikallinen väestö kokee hyväksyttäväksi
Complexity challenges for transition policy: lessons from coastal shipping in Norway
This policy briefing discusses decarbonization policies of “hard-to-abate” sectors, emphasizing the implications of these sectors’ complexity. Specifically, we discuss two sources of complexity: (a) heterogeneity in the form of variation across and within technologies and user segments and (b) interdependencies between technologies (within and between their value chains) and between user segments and adopter groups. Based on research on coastal shipping in Norway, a global frontrunner in decarbonization of this sector, we suggest three guiding principles for developing policy mixes for decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors: (1) employ technology-specific policies but aim at broad sectoral or general policies when suitable, (2) consider value chain interdependency and user segment heterogeneity when prioritizing technologies and user segments, and (3) translate (rather than transfer) successful policies to other settings (e.g. user segments).publishedVersio
Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions
Digital innovation is increasingly mentioned as a potential key contributor to sustainability transitions. However, there has been little theoretical discussion of this topic. In this conceptual paper, the authors draw on literature on both sustainability transition studies and innovation studies to explore critically the contribution of digital innovation in sustainability transitions. They conceptualize transitions as fundamental changes in patterns of production and consumption, such as those relating to energy. Radical innovation leads to changes in the structure of socio-technical systems underlying such patterns, while incremental innovation contributes to maintaining the structure and current patterns. The authors suggest that digital innovations may contribute positively to sustainability transitions through couplings with sustainable innovations. They propose the following typology of such couplings: incremental twin innovations, sustainability supported digital innovations, digitally supported sustainable innovations, and radical twin innovations. Radical twin innovations may possess the greatest potential for sustainability transitions, as they are linked to structural change and thus open new pathways for sustainability transitions, whereas incremental twin innovations merely optimize current unsustainable systems. The typology is illustrated with examples from shipping and from electricity systems, and some of the complexities of twin transitions encountered by researchers and practitioners alike are discussed.publishedVersio
Norwegian ship-owners' adoption of alternative fuels
The shipping sector's rising greenhouse gas emissions are often considered “hard-to-abate”. Some ship-owners have recently adopted or started to consider the adoption of alternative fuels, but systematic studies of this are still lacking. We address this gap by studying how ship-owners differ in both actual and intended adoption of alternative fuels. We analyze data from a unique survey with 281 ship-owners in Norway, a major ship-owning country and center for maritime technology development, with descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. We find early adopters among large and established ship-owners in offshore, international cargo and domestic passenger shipping segments, which are often subjected to specific contractual demands for alternative fuel adoption. Laggards were typically small and young ship-owners operating in shipping segments where demands for alternative fuel adoption are weak. Our findings also suggest that firms' business strategy and financial and knowledge resources may have relevance for ship-owner's adoption of alternative fuels. Our study has implications for national and international policymaking, highlighting for example how contracting mechanisms can be an effective tool in incentivizing the adoption of alternative fuels.publishedVersio
Impaired WNT signaling and the spine-Heterozygous WNT1 mutation causes severe age-related spinal pathology
Background: WNT signaling plays a major role in bone and cartilage metabolism. Impaired WNT/beta-catenin signaling leads to early-onset osteoporosis, but specific features in bone and other tissues remain inadequately characterized. We have identified two large Finnish families with early-onset osteoporosis due to a heterozygous WNT1 mutation c.652T>G, p.C218G. This study evaluated the impact of impaired WNT/beta-catenin signaling on spinal structures. Methods: Altogether 18 WNT1 mutation-positive (age range 11-76 years, median 49 years) and 14 mutation negative subjects (10-77 years, median 43 years) underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine. The images were reviewed for spinal alignment, vertebral compression fractures, intervertebral disc changes and possible endplate deterioration. The findings were correlated with clinical data. Results: Vertebral compression fractures were present in 78% (7/9) of those aged over 50 years but were not seen in younger mutation-positive subjects. All those with fractures had several severely compressed vertebrae. Altogether spinal compression fractures were present in 39% of those with a WNT1 mutation. Only 14% (2/14) mutation -negative subjects had one mild compressed vertebra each. The mutation-positive subjects had a higher mean spinal deformity index (4.0 +/- 7.3 vs 0.0 +/- 0.4) and more often increased thoracic kyphosis (Z-score > + 2.0 in 33% vs 0%). Further, they had more often Schmorl nodes (61% vs 36%), already in adolescence, and their intervertebral discs were enlarged. Conclusion: Compromised WNT signaling introduces severe and progressive changes to the spinal structures. Schmorl nodes are prevalent even at an early age and increased thoracic kyphosis and compression fractures become evident after the age of 50 years. Therapies targeting the WNT pathway may be an effective way to prevent spinal pathology not only in those harboring a mutation but also in the general population with similar pathology. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Bisphosphonate treatment in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and osteonecrosis - radiological and clinical findings in a national cohort
Background: Osteonecrosis (ON) is a recognized complication of childhood ALL, but its optimal management remains unestablished. This study evaluated the effect of bisphosphonate (BP) treatment on the evolution of ON lesions in childhood ALL. Material and Methods: We included a national cohort of ALL patients diagnosed with symptomatic ON before 18 years of age and treated with BPs (N = 10; five males). Patients were followed both clinically and with serial MRIs. ON lesions were graded according to the Niinimaki classification. Results: The 10 patients had a total of 55 ON lesions. The median age was 13.3 years at ALL diagnosis and 14.8 years at ON diagnosis. Four patients had received HSCT before the ON diagnosis. BPs used were pamidronate (N = 7), alendronate (N = 2) and ibandronate (N = 1). The duration of BP treatment varied between 4 months and 4 years. In 4/10 patients, BP treatment was given during the chemotherapy. BPs were well-tolerated, with no severe complications or changes in kidney function. At the end of follow up 13/55 (24%) ON lesions were completely healed both clinically and radiographically; all these lesions were originally graded 3 or less. In contrast, ON lesions originally classified as grade 5 (joint destruction; N = 4) remained at grade 5. All grade 5 hip joint lesions needed surgical treatment. During BP treatment, the pain was relieved in 7/10 patients. At the end of follow-up, none of the patients reported severe or frequent pain. Conclusion: BP treatment was safe and seemed effective in relieving ON-induced pain in childhood ALL. After articular collapse (grade 5) lesions did not improve with BP treatment. Randomized controlled studies are needed to further elucidate the role of BPs in childhood ALL-associated ON.Peer reviewe
PLS3Mutations Cause Severe Age and Sex-Related Spinal Pathology
Objective:Mutations in the X-chromosomalPLS3-gene, encoding Plastin 3, lead to severe early-onset osteoporosis, suggesting a major role for PLS3 in bone metabolism. However, the consequences of abnormal PLS3 function in bone and other tissues remain incompletely characterized. This study evaluated spinal consequences of aberrant PLS3 function in patients withPLS3mutations. Design:A cross-sectional cohort study with spinal magnetic resonance imaging of 15PLS3mutation-positive (age range 9-77 years) and 13 mutation-negative (9-70 years) subjects. Images were reviewed for spinal alignment, vertebral heights and morphology, intervertebral disc changes and possible endplate deterioration. Results:Vertebral changes were significantly more prevalent in the mutation-positive subjects compared with the mutation-negative subjects; they were most abundant in upper thoracic spine, and in all age groups and both sexes, although more prominent in males. Difference in anterior vertebral height reduction was most significant in T5 and T6 (p= 0.046 andp= 0.041, respectively). Mid-vertebral height reduction was most significant in T3 and T5 (p= 0.037 andp= 0.005, respectively), and, for male mutation-positive subjects only, in T4 and T6-10 (p= 0.005-0.030 for each vertebra). Most of the abnormal vertebrae were biconcave in shape but thoracic kyphosis or lumbar lordosis were unchanged. Vertebral endplates were well-preserved in the mutation-positive subjects with even fewer Schmorl nodes than the mutation-negative subjects (10 vs. 16). Conclusions:Compromised PLS3 function introduces severe and progressive changes to spinal structures that are present already in childhood, in both sexes and most abundant in upper thoracic spine. Cartilaginous structures are well-preserved.Peer reviewe
Transition Pathways for a Low-Carbon Norway: Bridging Socio-technical and Energy System Analyses
This study presents an interdisciplinary approach to analyze different transition pathways towards the sustainable development of a low-carbon society, focusing on Norway as a case. The study bridges a socio-technical perspective on sustainability transitions with techno-economic energy systems and regional-economic modelling analyses. Incorporating a socio-technical perspective in the scenario design allows us to envision pathways considering causal processes of technological and socio-institutional change, and potential transition bottlenecks. The resulting scenarios are used in the techno-economic energy system analysis to show cost-optimal energy system configurations, including varying levels of new renewable capacity needed, new conversion technologies, and fuel substitutions across all sectors leading to different decarbonization pathways for the Norwegian energy system by 2050. The regional-economy analysis addresses the impacts of these pathways on general economic growth and labor. The results show that higher levels of decarbonization are possible for Norway; however, potential bottlenecks can slow down the transition, while trade-offs in economic growth and development must be balanced out with decarbonization ambitions.publishedVersio
Transition Pathways for a Low-Carbon Norway: Bridging Socio-technical and Energy System Analyses
CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway
CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) is today seen as a key technology to cut carbon emissions in many hard-to-abate sectors such as energy-intensive processing industries and the waste sector. Although CO2 capture is technically possible, key challenges for realizing CCS persist. Over the past decade, CCS has taken a new direction with more focus on application in energy-intensive industries rather than the energy sector. For CCS value chains to materialize, innovation and implementation thus needs to occur amongst an array of actors, with different innovation modes, institutions, and policy regimes, and with varying sectoral capacities for adaptation and change. There has so far been limited social science research on CCS innovation dynamics, which we suggest approaching as a socio-technical change process. To better understand this process, we draw on the sustainability transitions research field and employ the Technological Innovation System (TIS) framework to study the CCS innovation system in Norway. We find that, overall, the Norwegian CCS TIS displays systemic weaknesses for example in the form of market formation and resource mobilization, yet recent developments suggest a relatively positive momentum for this technological field which is key to meeting Norwegian and global climate mitigation targets.publishedVersio