654 research outputs found

    Deep learning approach for epileptic seizure detection

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is the most common brain disorder that affects approximately fifty million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. The diagnosis of epilepsy relies on manual inspection of EEG, which is error-prone and time-consuming. Automated epileptic seizure detection of EEG signal can reduce the diagnosis time and facilitate targeting of treatment for patients. Current detection approaches mainly rely on the features that are designed manually by domain experts. The features are inflexible for the detection of a variety of complex patterns in a large amount of EEG data. Moreover, the EEG is non-stationary signal and seizure patterns vary across patients and recording sessions. EEG data always contain numerous noise types that negatively affect the detection accuracy of epileptic seizures. To address these challenges deep learning approaches are examined in this paper. Deep learning methods were applied to a large publicly available dataset, the Children’s Hospital of Boston-Massachusetts Institute of Technology dataset (CHB-MIT). The present study includes three experimental groups that are grouped based on the pre-processing steps. The experimental groups contain 3–4 experiments that differ between their objectives. The time-series EEG data is first pre-processed by certain filters and normalization techniques, and then the pre-processed signal was segmented into a sequence of non-overlapping epochs. Second, time series data were transformed into different representations of input signals. In this study time-series EEG signal, magnitude spectrograms, 1D-FFT, 2D-FFT, 2D-FFT magnitude spectrum and 2D-FFT phase spectrum were investigated and compared with each other. Third, time-domain or frequency-domain signals were used separately as a representation of input data of VGG or DenseNet 1D. The best result was achieved with magnitude spectrograms used as representation of input data in VGG model: accuracy of 0.98, sensitivity of 0.71 and specificity of 0.998 with subject dependent data. VGG along with magnitude spectrograms produced promising results for building personalized epileptic seizure detector. There was not enough data for VGG and DenseNet 1D to build subject-dependent classifier.Epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen syvĂ€oppimisella lĂ€hestymistavalla. TiivistelmĂ€. Epilepsia on yleisin aivosairaus, joka Maailman terveysjĂ€rjestön mukaan vaikuttaa noin viiteenkymmeneen miljoonaan ihmiseen maailmanlaajuisesti. Epilepsian diagnosointi perustuu EEG:n manuaaliseen tarkastamiseen, mikĂ€ on virhealtista ja aikaa vievÀÀ. Automaattinen epileptisten kohtausten havaitseminen EEG-signaalista voi potentiaalisesti vĂ€hentÀÀ diagnoosiaikaa ja helpottaa potilaan hoidon kohdentamista. Nykyiset tunnistusmenetelmĂ€t tukeutuvat pÀÀasiassa piirteisiin, jotka asiantuntijat ovat mÀÀritelleet manuaalisesti, mutta ne ovat joustamattomia monimutkaisten ilmiöiden havaitsemiseksi suuresta mÀÀrĂ€stĂ€ EEG-dataa. LisĂ€ksi, EEG on epĂ€stationÀÀrinen signaali ja kohtauspiirteet vaihtelevat potilaiden ja tallennusten vĂ€lillĂ€ ja EEG-data sisĂ€ltÀÀ aina useita kohinatyyppejĂ€, jotka huonontavat epilepsiakohtauksen havaitsemisen tarkkuutta. NĂ€ihin haasteisiin vastaamiseksi tĂ€ssĂ€ diplomityössĂ€ tarkastellaan soveltuvatko syvĂ€oppivat menetelmĂ€t epilepsian havaitsemiseen EEG-tallenteista. Aineistona kĂ€ytettiin suurta julkisesti saatavilla olevaa Bostonin Massachusetts Institute of Technology lastenklinikan tietoaineistoa (CHB-MIT). TĂ€mĂ€n työn tutkimus sisĂ€ltÀÀ kolme koeryhmÀÀ, jotka eroavat toisistaan esikĂ€sittelyvaiheiden osalta: aikasarja-EEG-data esikĂ€siteltiin perinteisten suodattimien ja normalisointitekniikoiden avulla, ja nĂ€in esikĂ€sitelty signaali segmentoitiin epookkeihin. Kukin koeryhmĂ€ sisĂ€ltÀÀ 3–4 koetta, jotka eroavat menetelmiltÀÀn ja tavoitteiltaan. Kussakin niistĂ€ epookkeihin jaettu aikasarjadata muutettiin syötesignaalien erilaisiksi esitysmuodoiksi. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa tutkittiin ja verrattiin keskenÀÀn EEG-signaalia sellaisenaan, EEG-signaalin amplitudi-spektrogrammeja, 1D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-, 2D-FFT-amplitudi- ja 2D-FFT -vaihespektriĂ€. NĂ€in saatuja aika- ja taajuusalueen signaaleja kĂ€ytettiin erikseen VGG- tai DenseNet 1D -mallien syötetietoina. Paras tulos saatiin VGG-mallilla kun syötetietona oli amplitudi-spektrogrammi ja tĂ€llöin tarkkuus oli 0,98, herkkyys 0,71 ja spesifisyys 0,99 henkilöstĂ€ riippuvaisella EEG-datalla. VGG yhdessĂ€ amplitudi-spektrogrammien kanssa tuottivat lupaavia tuloksia henkilökohtaisen epilepsiakohtausdetektorin rakentamiselle. VGG- ja DenseNet 1D -malleille ei ollut tarpeeksi EEG-dataa henkilöstĂ€ riippumattoman luokittelijan opettamiseksi

    Blurred Responsibilities of Disaster Governance: The American Red Cross in the US and Haiti

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    The influence of private actors, such as non-profit organizations (NPOs) and firms, has been increasing in disaster governance. Previous literature has interrogated the responsibilities of states towards citizens in disasters, but the roles of private actors have been insufficiently challenged. The article politicizes the entangled relations between NPOs, states, and disaster-affected people. It proposes the Rawlsian division of moral labor as a useful, normative framework for interrogating the justice of disaster governance arrangements in which ‘liberal’ states are involved. Liberal states have two types of responsibilities in disasters: humanitarian and political. The humanitarian responsibilities imply provision of basic resources needed for the capacity to make autonomous choices (domestically and abroad), while the political responsibilities imply provision of the institutions needed for the liberal democratic citizenship (domestically). Through this analytical lens and building on the wealth of existing scholarship, we illustrate the disaster governance role of the American Red Cross in the United States (a 2005 hurricane) and in Haiti (the 2010 earthquake). Where, in Rawlsian terms, United States is interpreted as a ‘liberal’ society, Haiti is framed as a ‘burdened’ society. The article proposes five points to consider in analyzing disaster governance arrangements under neoliberal regimes, structured around the division of humanitarian and political responsibilities. The article illustrates how NPOS are instrumental in blurring the boundaries between humanitarian and political responsibilities. This might result ultimately in actual vulnerabilities remaining unaddressed. While the Rawlsian approach challenges the privatization and lack of coordination in disaster governance, it is limited in analyzing the political construction of ‘burdened’ societies

    From Theory to Practice: Plug and Play with Succinct Data Structures

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    Engineering efficient implementations of compact and succinct structures is a time-consuming and challenging task, since there is no standard library of easy-to- use, highly optimized, and composable components. One consequence is that measuring the practical impact of new theoretical proposals is a difficult task, since older base- line implementations may not rely on the same basic components, and reimplementing from scratch can be very time-consuming. In this paper we present a framework for experimentation with succinct data structures, providing a large set of configurable components, together with tests, benchmarks, and tools to analyze resource requirements. We demonstrate the functionality of the framework by recomposing succinct solutions for document retrieval.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Quasiparticle scattering measurements of laminar and turbulent vortex flow in the spin-down of superfluid 3He-B

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    The dynamics of quantized vortices is studied in superfluid 3He-B after a rapid stop of rotation. We use Andreev reflection of thermal excitations to monitor vortex motion with quartz tuning fork oscillators in two different experimental setups at temperatures below 0.2Tc. Deviations from ideal cylindrical symmetry in the flow environment cause the early decay to become turbulent. This is identified from a rapid initial overshoot in the vortex density above the value before the spin-down and its subsequent decay with a t^(-3/2) time dependence. The high polarization of the vortices along the rotation axis significantly suppresses the effective turbulent kinematic viscosity below the values reported for more homogeneous turbulence and leads to a laminar late-time response. The vortex dissipation down to T < 0.15Tc is determined from the precession frequency of the polarized vortex configuration. In the limit of vanishing normal component density, the laminar dissipation is found to approach a temperature-independent value, whose origin is currently under discussion.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Propagation of thermal excitations in a cluster of vortices in superfluid 3He-B

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    We describe the first measurement on Andreev scattering of thermal excitations from a vortex configuration with known density, spatial extent, and orientations in 3He-B superfluid. The heat flow from a blackbody radiator in equilibrium rotation at constant angular velocity is measured with two quartz tuning fork oscillators. One oscillator creates a controllable density of excitations at 0.2Tc base temperature and the other records the thermal response. The results are compared to numerical calculations of ballistic propagation of thermal quasiparticles through a cluster of rectilinear vortices.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Human serum albumin nanoparticles loaded with phthalocyanine dyes for potential use in photodynamic therapy of atherosclerotic plaques

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    Diseases caused by obstruction or rupture of vulnerable plaques in the arterial walls such as cardiovascular infarction or stroke are the leading cause of death in the world. In the present work, we developed human serum albuminnanoparticles loaded by physisorption with zinc phthalocyanine, TT1, mainly used for industrial application as near-infrared photosensitizer and compared these to HSA NPsloaded with the well-known silicone phthalocyanine (Pc4). The use of NIR light allows for better tissue penetration, while the use of nanoparticles permitshigh local concentrations. The particles were characterized and tested for toxicity and stability as well as for their potential use as a contrast agent and NIR photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy in cardiovascular disease. We focused on the distribution of the nanoparticles in RAW264.7macrophage cells and atherosclerotic mice. The nanoparticles had an average size of 120 nm according todynamic light scattering, good loading capacity for zinc phthalocyanine,and satisfying stability in 50% (v/v) fetal bovine serum for 8 hours and in an aqueous environment at 4°C for 4–6 weeks. Under light irradiation we found a high production of singlet oxygen and the products showed no dark toxicity in vitro with macrophages(the target cells in vulnerable plaques),but at a low ÎŒg/mL nanoparticleconcentration killed efficiently the macrophagesupon LED illumination. Injection of the contrast agentin atherosclerotic mice led to a visible fluorescence signal of zinc phthalocyaninein the atherosclerotic plaque at 30 minutes and in the lungs with afast clearance of the nanoparticles. Zinc phthalocyanine loaded human serum albumin nanoparticles present an interesting candidate for the visualization and potentially photodynamictreatment of macrophages in atherosclerotic plaquesThe research leading to these results has received funding from FP7-NMP CosmoPHOS-Nano under grant agreement No. 310337. Additional funding was received by the Spanish groups from MINECO (CTQ2017-85393-P) and ERA-NET/MINECO EuroNanoMed2017-191 / PCIN-2017-04

    Hydrolysis of the Leu-Gly bond of phenylazobenzyl-oxycarbonyl- l -Pro- l -Leu-Gly- l -Pro- D -Arg (a substrate of microbial collagenases) by treponemes isolated from the subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients

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    Cell extracts prepared from several oral treponemes isolated from the subgingival plaque of periodontitis patients showed high enzyme activity toward phenylazobenzyl-oxycarbonyl- l -prolyl- l -leucylglycyl- l -prolyl- d -arginine (a compound used as a substrate for microbial collagenases). One major enzyme hydrolyzing this substrate at the Leu-Gly bond only was partially purified from an unspeciated treponeme (strain US), Treponema denticola ATCC 35405, and 29 different clinical isolates of T. denticola . The Treponema US enzyme also hydrolyzed furylacryloyl- l -leucylglycyl- l -prolyl- l -alanine (another substrate of bacterial collagenases) at the Leu-Gly bond. This enzyme also hydrolyzed various collagens and collagen-derived peptides. These treponemal proteases were sensitive to metal chelators and p -chloromercury compounds. The results indicate that human oral treponemes contain enzymes that readily hydrolyze in chromogenic protease substrates the Leu-Gly bond only that is the cleavage site of these substrates also by “true” microbial collagenases.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41336/1/284_2005_Article_BF02094028.pd

    Range Quantile Queries: Another Virtue of Wavelet Trees

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    We show how to use a balanced wavelet tree as a data structure that stores a list of numbers and supports efficient {\em range quantile queries}. A range quantile query takes a rank and the endpoints of a sublist and returns the number with that rank in that sublist. For example, if the rank is half the sublist's length, then the query returns the sublist's median. We also show how these queries can be used to support space-efficient {\em coloured range reporting} and {\em document listing}.Comment: Added note about generalization to any constant number of dimensions

    Narrow Dust Jets in a Diffuse Gas Coma: A Natural Product of Small Active Regions on Comets

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    Comets often display narrow dust jets but more diffuse gas comae when their eccentric orbits bring them into the inner solar system and sunlight sublimates the ice on the nucleus. Comets are also understood to have one or more active areas covering only a fraction of the total surface active with sublimating volatile ices. Calculations of the gas and dust distribution from a small active area on a comet's nucleus show that as the gas moves out radially into the vacuum of space it expands tangentially, filling much of the hemisphere centered on the active region. The dust dragged by the gas remains more concentrated over the active area. This explains some puzzling appearances of comets having collimated dust jets but more diffuse gaseous atmospheres. Our test case is 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the Rosetta mission target comet, whose activity is dominated by a single area covering only 4% of its surface.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98552/1/0004-637X_749_1_29.pd
