33 research outputs found

    "A befogadó Erdély"

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    A szatmári nemesércbányászat igazgatása Báthory Gábor fejedelemsége idején (1608-1613)

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    In 1608 Gabriel Báthory, the new prince of Transylvania, could got the noble mining-region Szatmár back as his heritage pursuant to the pact of Kassa. The prince entrusted this heritage to the former tenant (Gerhard Lisbona) whom he donated more properties during his reign. The prince of Transylvania wanted to realize centralization in the economical governance, so he had shape new economical elite up which only could depend on him

    A "befogadó Erdély" : Erdélyi és külföldi szakemberek a Fejedelemség ércbányászatában Bethlen Gábor idejében (1613-1629)

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    During Gábor Bethlen there were two, very important mining leaders (praefectus auri camerae nostrae and auri campsor) in Principality of Transylvania. The seat of praefectus auri camerae nostrae was Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), and the auri campsor’s seat was Abrudbánya (Abrud, Romania). They were responsible for change of mining (gold and silver), they were the chiefs of mining administration of the Principality. On field of the Principality Transylvania were three very important and considerable mining-towns, these settlements dealt with precious metals’ mining: Abrudbánya (Abrud), Offenbánya (Baia de Arieş), and Zalatna (Zlatna)

    Bányaigazgatás a Magyar Királyság és az Erdélyi Fejedelemség területén

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    The life and mining work of Felician von Herberstein (1540-1590)

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    The aim of this study is the life and mining-work of Felician von Herberstein in the Kingdom of Hungary and in the Austrian hereditary provinces, which was carried out in the course of the authors Ph.D. Thesis. He was employed as a mining expert by the king of Poland and prince of the Principality of Transylvania (István Báthory) to innovate mining techniques and miners support