2,407 research outputs found

    Identification of Thermal Degradation Process of Starch in Production of Environmentally Friendly Flocculants

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    Chemical modification of starch can be used to produce environmentally degradable flocculants. This is carried out at elevated temperature, which in turn causes thermal degradation, influencing the quality of the product. Starting from experimental results and the probabilistic nature of the process stochastic model was established to identify the rate and the mechanism of degradation under various conditions. It was concluded that applying moderate temperature around 143 Celsius ensures sufficient production rate without excessive thermal degradation

    Shortest path discovery of complex networks

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    In this paper we present an analytic study of sampled networks in the case of some important shortest-path sampling models. We present analytic formulas for the probability of edge discovery in the case of an evolving and a static network model. We also show that the number of discovered edges in a finite network scales much slower than predicted by earlier mean field models. Finally, we calculate the degree distribution of sampled networks, and we demonstrate that they are analogous to a destructed network obtained by randomly removing edges from the original network.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Contacts in totally separable packings in the plane and in high dimensions

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    We study the contact structure of totally separable packings of translates of a convex body K in Rd, that is, packings where any two translates of the packing have a separating hyperplane that does not intersect the interior of any translate in the packing. The separable Hadwiger number Hsep(K) of K is defined to be the maximum number of translates touched by a single translate, with the maximum taken over all totally separable packings of translates of K. We show that for each d ≥ 8, there exists a smooth and strictly convex K in Rd with Hsep(K) > 2d, and asymptotically, Hsep(K) = Ω((3/√8)d). We show that Alon’s packing of Euclidean unit balls such that each translate touches at least 2√d others whenever d is a power of 4, can be adapted to give a totally separable packing of translates of the ℓ1-unit ball with the same touching property. We also consider the maximum number of touching pairs in a totally separable packing of n translates of any planar convex body K. We prove that the maximum equals ⌊2n − 2√n⌋ if and only if K is a quasi hexagon, thus completing the determination of this value for all planar convex bodies


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    A family of homothets of an o-symmetric convex body K in d-dimensional Euclidean space is called a Minkowski arrangement if no homothet contains the center of any other homothet in its interior. We show that any pairwise intersecting Minkowski arrangement of a d-dimensional convex body has at most 2 . 3(d) members. This improves a result of Polyanskii (Discrete Mathematics 340 (2017), 1950-1956). Using similar ideas, we also give a proof the following result of Polyan- skii: Let , K-1, ... ,K-n be a sequence of homothets of the o-symmetric convex body K, such that for any i < j, the center of K-j lies on the boundary of K-i. Then n = O(3(d)d)

    Populációgenetikai paraméterek, tenyészértékek, fenotípusos és genetikai trendek limousin tehenek első ellési életkorára

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    Some environmental effects, population genetic parameters, breeding value of Limousin breeding bulls, also phenotypic and genetic trends in the age at first calving (AFC) of cows between 1992 and 2013 were estimated. Data were served by the Limousin and Blonde d’Aquitaine Breeders Association, in Hungary. The study was extended to three herds and 1157 cows. GLM method was used for the study of different effects, the BLUP animal model for estimation of population genetic parameters and breeding values (BV), and one-way linear regression analysis for trend calculations. The overall mean value of the AFC was estimated to be 34.7±0.4 months. The contribution of the evaluated factors to the phenotype was as follows: herd 73.51%, birth year of cow 13.02%, sire 6.74%, birth season of cow 1.62%. The heritability of AFC proved to be low (h2 = 0.08±0.07 and h2 = 0.01±0.04). There were relatively small differences in the estimated BV of the studied sires for the AFC. Based on the phenotypic trend calculation, the AFC of cows decreased by an average of 0.33 months per year, however no significant change was found in the genetic trend during the study period.A Szerzők a Limousin és Blonde d’Aquitaine Tenyésztők Egyesületének országos adatbázisát felhasználva néhány környezeti tényező hatását vizsgálták limousin tehenek első ellési életkorára vonatkozóan 1992 és 2013 között. A munka során az első elléskori életkor populációgenetikai paramétereit, a tenyészbikák tenyészértékét, valamint a tulajdonság fenotípusos és genetikai trendjét is megbecsülték. A munkát három nagy tehénlétszámmal rendelkező tenyészetre és 1157 tehénre terjesztették ki. A környezeti tényezők hatásának vizsgálatára GLM (univariate analysis of variance) eljárást, a populációgenetikai paraméterek és tenyészértékek meghatározására BLUP egyedmodellt, a fenotípusos és genetikai trend számításához egytényezős lineáris regresszió analízist használtak. Az első ellési életkor átlaga 34,7±0,4 hónap volt. A környezeti tényezők szerepe a fenotípus kialakításában a következőképp alakult: tenyészet 73,51%, születési év 13,02%, apa 6,74%, születési évszak 1,62%. Az első elléskori életkor tulajdonság öröklődhetősége kicsi volt (h2 = 0,08±0,07 and h2 = 0,01±0,04). A tenyészbikák első ellési életkor tulajdonságra becsült tenyészértéke között meglehetősen kicsi különbségeket találtak. A fenotípusos trendszámítás eredményei alapján a vizsgált időszakban a limousin tehenek első ellési életkora évenként 0,33 hónappal csökkent. A genetikai trendszámítás eredményei nem jeleztek érdemi változást a vizsgált tulajdonság átlagos tenyészértékének évenkénti alakulásában

    When Dialects Collide: How Socioeconomic Mixing Affects Language Use

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    The socioeconomic background of people and how they use standard forms of language are not independent, as demonstrated in various sociolinguistic studies. However, the extent to which these correlations may be influenced by the mixing of people from different socioeconomic classes remains relatively unexplored from a quantitative perspective. In this work we leverage geotagged tweets and transferable computational methods to map deviations from standard English on a large scale, in seven thousand administrative areas of England and Wales. We combine these data with high-resolution income maps to assign a proxy socioeconomic indicator to home-located users. Strikingly, across eight metropolitan areas we find a consistent pattern suggesting that the more different socioeconomic classes mix, the less interdependent the frequency of their departures from standard grammar and their income become. Further, we propose an agent-based model of linguistic variety adoption that sheds light on the mechanisms that produce the observations seen in the data

    Húshasznú tenyészbikák rangsora ivadékaik teljesítménye alapján becsült tenyészértékek alapján

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    The objective of this study was to rank Limousin sires by their different breeding values based on the weaning weight of their progeny. 205-day weaning weight record of altogether 18746 purebred and crossbred calves sired by breeding bulls of the mentioned breed were used for the estimation. Calves were belonging to three different groups by their genotype. Three different BLUP animal models were used for the estimation. According the results the direct heritability (h2 d ) estimates of 205-day weight ranged between 0.49 and 0.59, while that of the maternal heritability (h2 m) between 0.24 and 0.45. The estimated breeding value of the given sires differed by the genotype (purebred or crossbred) of their progeny calves and the method of estimation. Also, there were differences in the rank of the sires depending on the genotype of their progeny, as well as the estimation methodsA munka célja limousin apák rangsorának a meghatározása volt ivadékaik választási súlyadataiból becsült tenyészértékek alapján. A számításokhoz 18746 fajtatiszta és keresztezett borjú 205 napra korrigált választási súlyadatát használták fel. A borjakat genotípusuk alapján három csoportra osztották. A számításokat három különböző BLUP egyedmodellel végezték. Az eredmények alapján a 205 napra korrigált választási súly direkt öröklődhetősége (h2 d) 0,49 - 0,59 között változott. Az anyai öröklődhetőség (h2 m) 0,24 - 0,45 közötti volt. Az apák tenyészértéke között számottevő különbséget találtak annak a függvényében, hogy azt milyen adatbázison, melyik módszerrel becsülték. Az eredmények alapján megállapítható, hogy az apák tenyészértékeik alapján felállított rangsora eltért egymástól

    Exploring the Kondo model in and out of equilibrium with alkaline-earth atoms

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    We propose a scheme to realize the Kondo model with tunable anisotropy using alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice. The new feature of our setup is Floquet engineering of interactions using time-dependent Zeeman shifts, that can be realized either using state-dependent optical Stark shifts or magnetic fields. The properties of the resulting Kondo model strongly depend on the anisotropy of the ferromagnetic interactions. In particular, easy-plane couplings give rise to Kondo singlet formation even though microscopic interactions are all ferromagnetic. We discuss both equilibrium and dynamical properties of the system that can be measured with ultracold atoms, including the impurity spin susceptibility, the impurity spin relaxation rate, as well as the equilibrium and dynamical spin correlations between the impurity and the ferromagnetic bath atoms. We analyze the non-equilibrium time evolution of the system using a variational non-Gaussian approach, which allows us to explore coherent dynamics over both short and long timescales, as set by the bandwidth and the Kondo singlet formation, respectively. In the quench-type experiments, when the Kondo interaction is suddenly switched on, we find that real-time dynamics shows crossovers reminiscent of poor man's renormalization group flow used to describe equilibrium systems. For bare easy-plane ferromagnetic couplings, this allows us to follow the formation of the Kondo screening cloud as the dynamics crosses over from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic behavior. On the other side of the phase diagram, our scheme makes it possible to measure quantum corrections to the well-known Korringa law describing the temperature dependence of the impurity spin relaxation rate. Theoretical results discussed in our paper can be measured using currently available experimental techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Circadian pattern and burstiness in mobile phone communication

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    The temporal communication patterns of human individuals are known to be inhomogeneous or bursty, which is reflected as the heavy tail behavior in the inter-event time distribution. As the cause of such bursty behavior two main mechanisms have been suggested: a) Inhomogeneities due to the circadian and weekly activity patterns and b) inhomogeneities rooted in human task execution behavior. Here we investigate the roles of these mechanisms by developing and then applying systematic de-seasoning methods to remove the circadian and weekly patterns from the time-series of mobile phone communication events of individuals. We find that the heavy tails in the inter-event time distributions remain robustly with respect to this procedure, which clearly indicates that the human task execution based mechanism is a possible cause for the remaining burstiness in temporal mobile phone communication patterns.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure