8 research outputs found

    Human Herpesviruses in Hematologic Diseases

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    Közép- és kelet-európai nyelvek korpuszalapú többnyelvű terminológiai adatbázisai = Central- and East-European corpus-based multilingual terminological databases

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    A projekt három témaköre: - terminológia és nyelvpolitika, - kontrasztív nyelvészet, - finnugor nyelvi korpuszok összeállítása. Mindhárom területen folyt - kutatás és/vagy - tudományszervező tevékenység: konferenciák, tudományos publikációk közreadása. Az eredeti elképzeléseknek megfelelően a közép-európai térség nyelveinek és az oroszországi finnugor nyelvek terminológia-alkotására összpontosítottunk. A projekt keretében, az UNESCO magyarországi titkárságával együttműködve létrehoztuk a Magyar Nyelv Terminológiai Tanácsát (MaTT), illetve megalapítottuk a Terminológiai Innovációs Központot (TermIK). Konferenciákat szervezünk kifejezetten e nyelvekre vonatkozó nyelvpolitikai és terminológiai kérdésekről, továbbá a kontrasztív nyelvészet területén (magyar-finn és magyar-észt vonatkozásban) és e konferenciák anyagát, valamint az oroszországi finnugor köztársaságokban megalkotott terminológiai jegyzékeket kiadjuk. Primér kutatást folytatunk az igekötő-rendszerek összehasonlításával (magyar-észt), illetve igekötős és igekötővel nem rendelkező nyelv összevetésével (magyar-cseremisz) - e kutatások anyaga két monográfia formájában 2008-ban megjelenik. Cseremiszből és udmurtból nyelvi korpusz készült. A projekt folytatásának lehetősége: A 2008-ban megalakuló Collegium Fenno-Ugricum intézet egyik profilja az oroszországi finnugor népek nyelvfejlesztési tevékenységének támogatása az oktatás és a terminológia-alkotás terén. | The project covered three areas: - terminology and language policy, - contrastive linguistics, - compilation of Finno-Ugric corpora. Work in each of the three areas involved: - research and/or - academic work: conferences, publication of scientific papers. The project has focussed on the development of terminology for the languages of the Central-European region and the Finno-Ugric languages of Russia. Within the framework of the project the Council of Hungarian Terminology (Magyar Nyelv Terminológiai Tanácsa - MaTT) has been established in cooperation with the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO, and the Terminology Innovation Centre (Terminológiai Innovációs Központ - TermIK) has been founded. Conferences have been organized on language policy and terminological issues specific to these languages, and on contrastive linguistics (Hungarian-Finnish; Hungarian-Estonian). The proceedings of these conferences and the terminologies worked out in the Finno-Ugric republics of Russia are being published. Primary research was carried out in respect of the comparison of verbal prefix systems (Hungarian-Estonian), and the comparison of languages whith and without verbal prefixes (Hungarian-Cheremis) - the results of these researches will be published as monographies in 2008. A corpus of Cheremis and of Udmurtian has been compiled. Follow-up to the project: One profile of the Collegium Fenno-Ugricum to be founded in 2008 is the support of language development activities in the field of education and terminology creation for the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia

    Erfolgsmodell Tandemkurs

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    Chronic infections and genetic factors in the development of ischemic stroke

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    The aim of this study was to examine whether chronic infections and genetic factors of the host play roles in the pathophysiology of acute noncardioembolic ischemic stroke. Blood samples from 59 subjects with ischemic stroke and 52 control patients were investigated by nested PCR for the presence of C. pneumoniae DNA, HCMV DNA and enterovirus RNA, by ELISA for the levels of antibodies to C. pneumoniae, HCMV, HSV, HHV-6, EBV and the inflammatory chemokine IL-8, and by PCR for promoter polymorphism of the IL-8 and CD14 host genes. Associations of stroke with the HCMV IgG and HSV-1 IgA antibody levels were observed. No association of stroke was detected with the presence of C. pneumoniae, HCMV or enterovirus nucleic acids in the peripheral blood, C. pneumoniae IgM, IgG and IgA, the HSV IgG, the EBV IgG, or HHV-6 IgG antibody levels, the pathogen burden, the IL-8 or CD 14 promoter polymorphisms, or with the serum levels of IL-8 in the overall study population. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that certain pathogens are involved in the development of ischemic stroke

    Endotoxins do not influence transplacental transmission of lymphotropic human herpesviruses and human papillomaviruses into amniotic fluid taken from healthy mothers before parturition in Hungary

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    Pregnant women were examined following healthy pregnancies at term. Amniotic fluids were sampled before arteficial rupture of membranes using closed vacutainer system. Blood samples were also taken from the pregnants simultaneously. Endotoxin concentrations of amniotic fluids were tested by the semiquantitative Limulus amebocyte lysate. Both amniotic fluids and blood samples were tested for the presence of DNA of lymphotropic human herpesviruses. The DNA of human papillomaviruses were tested only in the amniotic fluid samples. One-third of the amniotic fluids tested were found to contain measurable amounts of endotoxin. Lymphotropic herpesvirus DNA was deteced in every fourth amniotic fluid sample and in every 8th blood sample. The prevalence of papillomaviruses was 7 of 96 samples. No significant correlation was found between the presence of endotoxin and viruses in the amniotic fluids. Epstein-Barr virus, human cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus type 7 were found more frequently in the amniotic fluids than in blood samples (7 to 1). The prevalence of human herpesvirus 6 and 8 was higher in the blood samples than that in the amniotic fluids. The mean weight of the neonates were not impaired significantly by the presence of either viruses or endotoxin. Possible post partum consequences, i.e. partial immunotolerance to viruses is discussed