419 research outputs found

    Towards a transcultural construction of memory

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    Perpetuum mobile – Algumas considerações sobre narrativas de viagem

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    «Der joy stick hat den Wanderstab er setzt »!? Erzählen vom Reisen in hypermedialen Zeiten

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    «Narra-Grafias» de viagem

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    On a Question of Pietsch about Hilbert–Schmidt Multilinear Mappings

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    AbstractIn 1983, Pietsch asked if, for n≥3 and all Hilbert spaces E1,…,En, the vector space of the scalar valued absolutely (r;r1,…,rn)-summing multilinear mappings on E1×···×En coincides with the vector space of the n-linear Hilbert–Schmidt functionals on E1×···×En, for some choice of r,r1,…,rn∈]0,+∞], satisfying 1/r≤1/r1+···+1/rn. We show that the answer to this question is no. Moreover, we show that the same question, for n≥2 and mappings with values in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, has the answer no

    Particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a rural background atmosphere of southwestern Europe

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic pollutants widely distributed in the atmosphere and well known for their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties. Over the last two decades, research about atmospheric PAHs has been focused in urban and industrial areas, while less attention has been given to rural areas. This study aims to contribute to filling this gap by analyzing the levels, sources and associated health risks of particulate PAHs in a rural coastal atmosphere of southwestern Europe (Portugal). A total of 132 PM10 aerosol samples were collected over a 3-year period, from 2014 to 2016, with a high-volume sampler and analyzed for 7 PAHs by high-performance liquid chromatography. The global average of the sum of the concentrations of PAHs (ΣPAHs) was 0.320 ± 0.597 ng/m3. Benzo[b]fluoranthene was the dominant congener in the majority of aerosol samples, with an average contribution of 25% to the ΣPAHs. A seasonal trend was repeatedly observed over the study period with higher concentrations of PAHs during the autumn and winter months. The HYSPLIT model was used to examine air mass transport pathways into the sampling site, revealing that changes in the frequency of continental air mass trajectories were a key factor explaining the seasonal variation of PAHs. Model runs also indicated that fast-moving air masses were more efficient at dispersing PAHs emitted in the surrounding region than slow-moving air masses with a similar origin (marine or continental). The average concentration of benzo[a]pyrene, a powerful human carcinogen, was found to be 0.044 ± 0.098 ng/m3, approximately two orders of magnitude lower than average values previously recorded in the most polluted European atmospheres. Diagnostic ratio analysis suggested that mobile and stationary combustion sources were equally contributing to the atmospheric load of PAHs. The estimated average lifetime lung cancer risk was below the health-based guideline level, indicating a low risk of lung cancer development associated with inhalation exposure to particle-phase PAHs.The authorswould like to express their gratitude to colleagues at the Environment Reference Laboratory of the Portuguese Environment Agency, Eng. Susana Casimiro and Dr. Margarida Pereira, for their valuable assistance in aerosol sampling and analysis, respectively. The NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) is acknowledged for the provision of the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model used in this publication. Thanks are also due to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDB/50017/2020, UIDP/50017/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The efficiency of four transtibial suspension systems: a malformation case study

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    This work was developed in the form of a case study to measure the efficiency of gait and conclude if the tested suspension systems differ in the efficiency in a various tested transtibial prostheses,based on the data provided by radiologic images, indirect calorimetry and perception of the patient. Introduction - The suspension system and the stump adjustment to the socket plays an important role in the functionality of the prosthesis, the mobility of the amputee and overall satisfaction with the device. The comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related. The harmony between the residual limb and prosthesis is crucial to that this meets its function and enable effective March and allow the amputated the continuity of their Daily day activities, keeping the stump functional. Comfort and functional effectiveness of the prosthesis are closely related, suspension systems should prevent excessive longitudinal and rotational transverse displacement of the stump within the socket, these systems should help stabilize and enhance the connection of the prosthesis to the residual limb, reducing the pistonning, increased proprioception and providing a more natural gait

    Grinnelian and Eltonian niche conservatism of the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) in its exotic distribution

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    The understanding of how niche-related traits change during species invasion have prompted what is now known as the niche conservatism principle. Most studies that have tested the niche conservatism principle have focused on the extent to which the species’ climatic niches remain stable in their exotic distribution. However, it is equality important to address how biotic specialization, i.e. resource use, changes during exotic species invasions. Here, we use the widespread European honeybee (Apis mellifera) to understand whether its Grinnelian and Eltonian niches changed in its exotic distribution using tests of abiotic and biotic niche conservatism. We found that both niche domains of the European honeybee remained stable in its exotic distribution, which means that neither the climatic niche nor the biotic specialization showed significant differences between the native and the exotic ranges. Our findings that climatic and resource use are coupled can be explained by A. mellifera’s long history of domestication and the possibility that life history traits (e.g., polyandry) may have shaped this species’ large niche over the course of evolution and therefore facilitated exotic ranges colonization

    Fontes de informação na imprensa regional: estudo comparativo de dois jornais dos concelhos de Santa Maria da Feira e Anadia

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    A presente dissertação faz parte integral dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Jornalismo na Universidade da Beira Interior, curso frequentado pelo autor desta tese na sequência da licenciatura, em ciências da comunicação, no mesmo estabelecimento de ensino superior. O desígnio principal do estudo é, estabelecendo a comparação entre dois jornais regionais (“Correio da Feira” e “Região Bairradina”), perceber de que forma os seus jornalistas utilizam as fontes de informação ao nível da diversidade e pluralidade das mesmas, bem como que razões os levam a fazê-lo dessa forma. Ambos os periódicos pertencem ao distrito de Aveiro e possuem uma estrutura organizacional, meios humanos e técnicos é semelhantes, diferindo somente quanto ao contexto em que exercem a sua actividade informativa, os concelhos de Santa Maria da Feira e Anadia. Os resultados obtidos com o presente estudo comparativo dos dois jornais não representaram a realidade nacional da imprensa regional, mas oferecem uma visão do que acontece naqueles periódicos em concreto, contribuindo assim eventualmente para o entendimento, ainda que localizado geográfica e temporalmente, do jornalismo regional em Portugal.This work is the final requirement for obtaining a master's degree in journalism at the University of Beira Interior, course taken by the author of this thesis in the following degree of communication sciences at the same institution of higher education. The intention of the study is to establish a comparison between two regional newspapers (“Correio da Feira” and “Região Bairradina”), in order to observe how their journalists use the sources of information regarding the diversity and plurality of them, and the reasons that lead them to do it in those terms. Both journals belong to the district of Aveiro and have an organizational structure. The human and technical resources are similar and the newspapers differing only in the context in which they inform, the cities of Santa Maria da Feira and Anadia. The results obtained with the current comparative study of the two newspapers don’t represent the national situation of the regional press in Portugal, but offers a vision of what happens concretely in those journals, possibly contributing to the understanding, although located geographically and temporally, of the regional journalism in Camões native country