31 research outputs found

    Depression and adolescence: Relation of quality of life and subjective well-being

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    This study aimed to verify the relation between Quality of Life (QoL) and Subjective Well-Being (BES) with the indicative of depression in adolescents. This was a cross-sectional field study with a quantitative approach. The study consisted of a non-probabilistic sample, with 300 adolescents between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.84; SD = 1.84), the majority of females (56%), of João Pessoa, Paraíba. They answered the socio-demographic questionnaire, the Child Depression Inventory (CDI-20), the QoL Kidscreen-52 questionnaire and the Life Satisfaction Scales and Positive and Negative Affects. Through SPSS (version 21), the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman correlation, the results indicated that girls (Median = 139.87) presented more indicative of depression than boys (Median = 116.19), U = 6689, p <0.01, r = -0.15. The depressive symptomatology still correlated negatively and statistically with QoL (rs = -0.69, p <0.001), positive affects (rs = -0.50, p <0.01) and life satisfaction (rs = -0.62, p <0.001). Thus, the findings point to the need to prevent the incidence of depression through the promotion of QoL and BES among adolescents

    Communication: Transient Anion States Of Phenol…(h₂o)n (n = 1, 2) Complexes: Search For Microsolvation Signatures.

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    We report on the shape resonance spectra of phenol-water clusters, as obtained from elastic electron scattering calculations. Our results, along with virtual orbital analysis, indicate that the well-known indirect mechanism for hydrogen elimination in the gas phase is significantly impacted on by microsolvation, due to the competition between vibronic couplings on the solute and solvent molecules. This fact suggests how relevant the solvation effects could be for the electron-driven damage of biomolecules and the biomass delignification [E. M. de Oliveira et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 020701(R) (2012)]. We also discuss microsolvation signatures in the differential cross sections that could help to identify the solvated complexes and access the composition of gaseous admixtures of these species.14105110

    Gender Category Study: Perspectives Of Nursing Interns In Public Health

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    Introduction: The dialog with learning process about gender category is one of the ways, in nursing, to recognize needs produced by population through social control. It may be linked by formative mechanisms, aiming the qualification of academic knowledge and practical internship activities. Objective:&nbsp;We explore the learning experience from the approximation with gender category and its implications to the care provided by nurses in Primary Care. Methods: This is&nbsp;a descriptive study, critic-reflexive, of experience report type, systematized from the experience with gender category in health, and designed under two reflective axes: 1 – Operationalization of Supervised Curricular Internship; and 2 - Conceptualizing gender: perspectives for nursing care. Results: There were a theoretical enrichment about gender category in overcoming the biases found during the formation process, demystifying normative patterns built around gender and sexuality, becoming necessary to conceptual comprehension in nursing care context, in nurse’s action in Primary Care, in the current social scenario of health-disease process from identity questions, recognizing subjects’ expression through their subjectivity. Conclusion: Making the nursing students’ knowledge about the theme possible has demonstrated to be an operationalization of necessary tools to implement a more qualified assistance in Public Health. Keywords: Gender; Nursing; Public Health

    A infidelidade virtual no relacionamento amoroso: correlatos afetivos e sociais

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    This thesis aimed at investigating the social and affective correlates of romantic relationships. It has emphasis on virtual infidelity. This study was theoretically and methodologically carried out by using the theoretical contributions of tetrangular model of love and human values. It also counted on the studies about romantic jealousy and the addiction to the Internet. In order to achieve the aim of this thesis it was necessary to develop three studies: the first characterized as preliminary and instrumental was aimed at adapting/validating two instruments; the virtual infidelity scale and the Internet addiction scale for the Brazilian context. The participants were 246 college students from public and private educational institutions of João Pessoa, PB; with age range of 17-55 years old (mean = 24.3, SD = 7.15), most of them were female (62.1%). The results obtained by the Exploratory Factor Analysis of the virtual infidelity scale revealed two dimensional structures: sexual relationship (α = 0.96) and friendship relationship (α = 0.81). The results of the measurement addiction to the Internet indicated a one-dimensional structure (α = 0.89). The Study 2 was aimed at confirming the factor structure of the scales applied in the first study and verify the strength of correlations with the constructs love, jealousy and human values. A number of 210 university students were the participants who answered the same scales from Study 1, added to the measures: tetrangular love, romantic jealousy and the questionnaire of the basic values. These participants ages ranged from 17 to 50 years (M = 23.6, SD = 6.41) mostly were female (73.8%). The results obtained by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of virtual infidelity and addiction to the Internet for the Brazilian context suggested that the model with four and three dimensions, respectively which was originally proposed by the authors, was the one that best showed adequated validity and accuracy (GFI = 0.89, CFI = 0.97 and GFI = 0.83, CFI = 0.96). Concerning the predictive strength of the measures: addiction to Internet, jealousy, love and human values it was observed that the first variable contributed significantly to the explanation of the attitudes towards virtual infidelity (R = 0.25, p 0.05), and, lastly, the human values had a prominent contribution (R = 0.49, p 0,05); e, por fim, os valores humanos tiveram uma contribuição de destaque (R = 0,49, p < 0,001). O estudo 3 teve como objetivo elaborar um modelo teórico explicativo a partir dos construtos valores humano, ciúme e adição à Internet para explicar as atitudes frente à infidelidade virtual. Participaram 204 usuários da Internet, com idade variando entre 17 a 66 anos (m = 29,3; dp = 10,34), sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (59,8%). Os resultados advindos das análises estatísticas mostraram que os três construtos foram determinantes para explicar a atitude de infidelidade virtual. Na medida dos valores humanos (r = -0,15; p < 0,05) sobressaíram as subfunções experimentação, suprapessoal, existência, normativa e realização, o ciúme romântico (r = -0,33; p < 0,001) com as dimensões não-ameaça e exclusão e adição à Internet (r = 0,13; p < 0,05) com as dimensões retirada e problemas sociais, gestão do tempo e desempenho e realidade substituída foram subjacentes às atitudes frente a infidelidade virtual. Em síntese, pode-se inferir que os resultados contribuíram de maneira satisfatória com o modelo explicativo do comportamento acerca da infidelidade virtual. Espera-se também que estes resultados possam ser aplicados em pesquisas futuras

    Bem-estar subjetivo e resiliência em pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus

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    This article aims to measure the levels of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and resilience in diabetics, as well as to verify the correlation between resilience and the factors that make up the subjective well-being. The SWB and resilience scales were applied in 104 diabetic patients (mean age= 56.16; SD= 13.01), living in the city of João Pessoa- PB. The results showed that 65.4% of the participants presented high levels of SWB. With respect to resilience, it was verified that the majority have between moderate (63.5%) and high capacity (28.8%), besides a better performance in the dimension of actions and values. It was found that the positive affect dimension of the SWB scale correlated with the actions and values dimensions (r = 0.58) and self-confidence (r = 0.23) of the resilience scale. Thus, increasing the experience of positive emotions among diabetics, can act to increase better acceptance of self in relation to the disease and its treatment.El objetivo del siguiente artículo fue la medición de los niveles del Bienestar Subjetivo (BES) y la resiliencia en diabéticos, además de verificar la correlación entre la resiliencia y los factores que componen el bienestar subjetivo. Se aplicaron las escalas de BES y de resiliencia en 104 diabéticos (edad media= 56,16, DP = 13,01), residentes en la ciudad de João Pessoa - PB. Los resultados evidenciaron que el 65,4% de los participantes presentaron altos niveles de BES. En cuanto a la resiliencia, se constató que la mayoría posee entre moderada (63,5%) y alta capacidad (28,8%), además de un mejor desempeño en la dimensión de acciones y valores. Se observó también correlación positiva entre la dimensión afectiva positiva de la escala BES con las dimensiones acciones y valores (r = 0,58) y autoconfianza (r = 0,23) de la escala de la resiliencia. De esta forma, el aumento de la vivencia de emociones positivas entre los diabéticos puede actuar para incrementar mejor aceptación de sí en lo referente a la enfermedad y su terapéutica.Este artigo objetivou mensurar os níveis de Bem-Estar Subjetivo (BES) e de resiliência em diabéticos, além de verificar a correlação entre a resiliência e os fatores que compõem o bem-estar subjetivo. Foram aplicadas as escalas de BES e de resiliência em 104 diabéticos (média de idade= 56,16; DP= 13,01), residentes na cidade de João Pessoa- PB. Os resultados evidenciaram que 65,4% dos participantes apresentaram altos níveis de BES. Quanto à resiliência, constatou-se que a maioria possui entre moderada (63,5%) e alta capacidade (28,8%), além de melhor desempenho na dimensão de ações e valores. Observou-se também, correlação positiva entre a dimensão afeto positivo da escala BES com as dimensões ações e valores (r= 0,58) e autoconfiança (r= 0,23) da escala da resiliência. Dessa forma, o aumento da vivência de emoções positivas entre os diabéticos pode atuar de forma a incrementar melhor aceitação de si no tocante à doença e sua terapêutica