6 research outputs found

    La influencia de las características personales y contextuales en los estilos de vida en la adolescencia: aplicaciones para la intervención en contextos de riesgo psicosocial

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    This paper has two objectives that are addressed from a developmental contextual perspective which relates developmental transitions, developmental tasks and skills in adolescence. First, a study is presented in which adolescents' reports on their contextual and personal functioning, obtained from a sample of 1433 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, were related to their lifestyle. In particular, we sought to examine how lifestyle patterns were related to adolescents' functioning in peer, school and neighbourhood contexts, as well as to their personal characteristics such as internal locus of control, personal achievement and behavioural problems associated with self-regulation. The results revealed aclose correspondence between contextual adjustment, personal characteristics and health-related patterns. Second, a prevention program, "Construyendo mi futuro" (Building my future), aimed at supporting vulnerable adolescents through their developmental transitions is described. According to the above framework the program promotes the learning of individual, interpersonal and group skills in the actual life contexts where the adolescents' development takes place. A detailed description of the program's aims, characteristics, content, methodology and evaluation design is provided. Finally, preliminary results regarding the program's efficacy are also presented

    Best Practice Guide for Positive Parenting. A resource for practitioners working with families

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    [spa] El modo en que se concibe el ejercicio de la parentalidad ha cambiado sustancialmente en nuestra sociedad. Ello no sólo se debe a la gran variedad de formas familiares y diversidad de culturas que conviven actualmente en su seno, sino también a un cambio conceptual que afecta al núcleo básico de la tarea parental. Nos referimos a la necesidad de sustituir el concepto de autoridad parental, centrado únicamente en la necesidad de lograr metas de obediencia y disciplina en los hijos e hijas, por otro más complejo y demandante como es el concepto de responsabilidad parental. Según este concepto, la cuestión clave no es si las figuras parentales deben ejercer la autoridad para que sus hijos/as les obedezcan, sino cómo ejercerla de modo responsable para que se preserven los derechos de los mismos, sin menoscabar los de padres y madres, y se fomenten sus capacidades críticas y de participación en el proceso de socialización, al mismo tiempo que se promueve progresivamente su autonomía y contribución a la vida comunitaria. Ante este cambio cualitativo en la manera de entender las responsabilidades parentales, se alzan muchas voces de desánimo entre los propios padres y madres, quienes en ocasiones se ven impotentes en su tarea al no saber cómo actuar para lograr metas educativas tan complejas y sentir, al mismo tiempo, que están perdiendo capacidades de control sobre sus hijos e hijas. En otras ocasiones, el desánimo y el estrés ante la tarea parental no surge por no saber llevarla a cabo sino por no poder hacerlo adecuadamente debido a la situación de la persona que educa en solitario o en pareja sin contar con redes de apoyo apropiadas. Esto crea situaciones límite que repercuten negativamente en todos y cada uno de los miembros de la familia, especialmente en los más vulnerables.[eng] Our conception of what parenting should look like has changed considerably in our society. This is due not only to the large variety of family structures and the diversity of cultures that currently co-exist in our society, but also to a shift in mindset that touches the very heart of the parenting task. This can be expressed as the need to replace the concept of parental authority, which focuses solely on meeting aims related to the child’s obedience and discipline, with the much more complex and demanding concept of parental responsibility. Here, the key question is not whether the parent figure should exert the necessary authority to ensure a child’s obedience. Rather, it is about how this authority can be exerted responsibly in a way that protects the child’s rights - without of course neglecting the mother’s and father’s rights - and that fosters the child’s skills in critical thinking and participation in the socialisation process, while at the same time progressively fostering the child’s autonomy and contribution to community life. There has been much concern expressed in response to this qualitative shift in how a parent’s responsibilities are viewed, including amongst mothers and fathers themselves. Parents often feel powerless to act, as they do not know how to achieve such complex parenting goals, and feel like they are losing control over their children. Other times, feelings of discouragement and stress arise not because parents do not how to go about the task of parenting, but rather because they find themselves unable to do so, as may be the case for single parents or couples raising children without the necessary support networks. This can lead to extreme situations which can have a negative impact on the entire family, and especially its most vulnerable members

    La influencia de las características personales y contextuales en los estilos de vida en la adolescencia: aplicaciones para la intervención en contextos de riesgo psicosocial

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    This paper has two objectives that are addressed from a developmental contextual perspective which relates developmental transitions, developmental tasks and skills in adolescence. First, a study is presented in which adolescents' reports on their contextual and personal functioning, obtained from a sample of 1433 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, were related to their lifestyle. In particular, we sought to examine how lifestyle patterns were related to adolescents' functioning in peer, school and neighbourhood contexts, as well as to their personal characteristics such as internal locus of control, personal achievement and behavioural problems associated with self-regulation. The results revealed aclose correspondence between contextual adjustment, personal characteristics and health-related patterns. Second, a prevention program, "Construyendo mi futuro" (Building my future), aimed at supporting vulnerable adolescents through their developmental transitions is described. According to the above framework the program promotes the learning of individual, interpersonal and group skills in the actual life contexts where the adolescents' development takes place. A detailed description of the program's aims, characteristics, content, methodology and evaluation design is provided. Finally, preliminary results regarding the program's efficacy are also presented

    The influence of personal and contextual characteristics on lifestyle in adolescence: applications for intervention in situations of psychosocial risk

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    Desde un modelo contextual-evolutivo del desarrollo adolescente, que relaciona las transiciones y tareas evolutivas en la adolescencia con los contextos y el aprendizaje de competencias, presentamos, por un lado, un estudio realizado a 1.433 adolescentes españoles entre 13 y 17 años con el fin de obtener datos sobre su ajuste a diversos contextos, sus características personales y sus estilos de vida y, por otro lado, un programa de intervención diseñado teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en ésta y otras investigaciones. En concreto, en este artículo ilustramos empíricamente cómo se relaciona el estilo de vida de la adolescencia con variables personales, tanto cognitivas (locus atribucional y realización personal) como conductuales (problemas de comportamiento relacionados con el control de los impulsos y la regulación emocional) y el ajuste a contextos (iguales, escuela y violencia en el barrio). Los resultados nos confirman la estrecha relación existente entre ajuste a contextos, características de personalidad y estilos de vida. A continuación describimos el programa de intervención “Construyendo mi futuro” para adolescentes en riesgo psicosocial. El programa apoya la transición a la adolescencia promoviendo el desarrollode competencias. Pretende la adquisición de competencias interpersonales, grupales y de desarrollo del yo que se entrenan en los propios contextos en los que se produce el desarrollo del adolescente. Se presentan sus principales objetivos, características, contenidos, metodología y el diseño de evaluación. Asímismo, se proporcionan algunos resultados preliminares obtenidos.This paper has two objectives that are addressed from a developmental contextual perspective which relates developmental transitions, developmental tasks and skills in adolescence. First, a study is presented in which adolescents’ reports on their contextual and personal functioning, obtained from a sample of 1433 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years, were related to their lifestyle. In particular, we sought to examine how lifestyle patterns were related to adolescents’ functioning in peer, school and neighbourhood contexts, as well as to their personal characteristics such as internal locus of control, personal achievement and behavioural problems associated with self-regulation. The results revealed aclose correspondence between contextual adjustment, personal characteristics and health-related patterns. Second, a prevention program, “Construyendo mi futuro” (Building my future), aimed at supporting vulnerable adolescents through their developmental transitions is described. According to the above framework the program promotes the learning of individual, interpersonal and group skills in the actual life contexts where the adolescents’ development takes place. A detailed description of the program’s aims, characteristics, content, methodology and evaluation design is provided. Finally, preliminary results regarding the program’s efficacy are also presented