20 research outputs found

    Nové a staronové knihy

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    Wpływ zanieczyszczeń pochodzących z transportu na długość życia w krajach UE

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    Road transport has become the major source of environmental pollution and it is also one of the biggest environmental risks in the EU countries. Good air quality is very important for population as pollutants have negative impacts on human health. The paper deals with relationship between air pollutants generated by road transport and the life expectancy in EU countries. At the beginning of the paper the main pollutants from motor vehicles are described and impact on human health is summarized too. We use regression analysis of panel data to analyse the relationship between chosen air pollutants and life expectancy. Our results show negative impacts of nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide, specifically reduction in life expectancy by 1.49 years for nitrogen oxides and 0.28 years for sulphur oxides with an increase of the pollutant by 1%. So according to our findings economic policy makers should focus primarily on the reduction of nitrogen and sulphur oxides.Transport drogowy stał się głównym źródłem zanieczyszczeń i jednym z największych zagrożeń dla środowiska w krajach UE. Dobra jakość powietrza jest bardzo ważna dla populacji, ponieważ zanieczyszczenia mają negatywny wpływ na zdrowie ludzi. Artykuł dotyczy związku między zanieczyszczeniami powietrza wytwarzanymi przez transport drogowy a oczekiwaną długością życia w krajach UE. Na początku artykułu opisano główne zanieczyszczenia pochodzące z pojazdów samochodowych oraz podsumowano wpływ na zdrowie ludzi. Wykorzystujemy analizę regresji danych panelowych do analizy związku między wybranymi zanieczyszczeniami powietrza a oczekiwaną długością życia. Nasze wyniki pokazują negatywny wpływ tlenku azotu i tlenku siarki na zdrowie, w szczególności na skrócenie oczekiwanej długości życia o 1,49 roku w przypadku zanieczyszczenia tlenkami azotu i 0,28 roku w przypadku zanieczyszczenia tlenkami siarki, przy wzroście zanieczyszczenia o 1%. Zgodnie z naszymi ustaleniami decydenci polityczni powinni skupić się przede wszystkim na redukcji poziomu tych zanieczyszczeń

    Nové a staronové knihy

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    Vykreslení středové části obrazce Shri Yantra pomocí Metapostu

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    summary:ento článek popisuje, jak lze pomocí programu METAPOST jednoduše nakreslit komplikovaný obrazec – středovou část kultovního indického symbolu Shri Yantra. Obrazec se skládá z devíti trojúhelníků rozmístěných uvnitř kruhu. Vztahy mezi trojúhelníky jsou popsány několika pravidly a vytvoření kresby respektující tato pravidla je netriviální. Článek popisuje úspěšný pokus, jak se k správnému nakreslení obrazce přiblížit. Za pečlivé násobné pročtení rukopisu patří naše poděkování Vítu Zýkovi.summary:The Shree Yantra Core is a figure composed of nine interlocking isosceles triangles, all inside a circle. This figure is found in some of the oldest hindu temples and contains, in itself, a series of interesting mathematical problems. This article describes an attempt to solve the problem of drawing the Shree Yantra Core with METAPOST

    Nové a staronové knihy

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    Nové a staronové knihy

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    Institucionální a politické prostředí a přímé zahraniční investice v tranzitivních ekonomikách

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    The main aim of the diploma thesis is to identify and quantify influence of institu-tional and political environment on inflows of foreign direct investment in transi-tion economies. The reference period is primarily between 2002 and 2012. The basic indicator of the institutional environment is the concept Governance Matters of World Bank. Regression and correlation analysis is used for quantifica-tion. Results of regression models for transition countries, due to the increasing empirical evidence supporting and generalization of conclusions, are compared with the results for Middle Income Countries. The discussion is divided into three parts. First the differences in influence of institutional environment on inflows of FDI in transition economies and OECD countries are analysed, then differences between the groups of post-socialist countries are evaluated and the third part is focused on importance of democratic and authoritarian regimes in the Balkans states and the former Soviet republics

    Vliv institucionálního prostředí na vývoj ekonomik postsocialistických zemí

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    The dissertation thesis deals with economic consequences of established institutional environment in the post-socialist economies. The institutional environment is associated with political arrangement. The main aim was to investigate whether level of political environment affects economic performance in the post-socialist economies. The level of political arrangement is expressed by two groups of indicators. Firstly, a standard expression using the three indicators is employed (Freedom in World, Polity2, Liberal Democracy Index of the V-Dem Project). Secondly, the level is associated with the individual political regimes (democratic and authoritarian regimes; liberal democracies and non-liberal regimes). Based on received results of linear regression analysis, it can be argued that the higher level of political institution supports economic performance. Simultaneously the individual analyses indicate liberal democracies achieve the highest economic performance within the individual political regimes whereas democracies have similar economic outcomes to authoritarian regimes. The first partial aim was to verify opposite relation, it means whether factors of economic performance representing the Modernization theory have affected formation of political regimes in the post-socialist area. Probit regression analysis was used for attainment of the partial aim. The analysis identified the individual factors of the Modernization theory (level of economic development and schooling) have had impact on establishment of liberal democracies. According to the results of probit analysis the other two theories explaining establishment of political institutions were discussed, namely the Early Developed Institutions and the Natural Resources Curse. In the last part, the second partial aim was achieved by testing reciprocal causal link between level of political system and economic performance with using the test of Granger causality. The results indicate there is not reciprocal causal link in Granger approach between the observed variables. Simultaneously the reciprocal causal relation occurs only within liberal democracies

    Political development and economic performance in the last 200 years

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