14 research outputs found

    Evaluation of patients with fibrotic interstitial lung disease: Preliminary results from the Turk-UIP study

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    OBJECTIVE: Differential diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is important among fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (ILD). This study aimed to evaluate the rate of IPF in patients with fibrotic ILD and to determine the clinical-laboratory features of patients with and without IPF that would provide the differential diagnosis of IPF. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included the patients with the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern or possible UIP pattern on thorax high-resolution computed tomography, and/or UIP pattern, probable UIP or possible UIP pattern at lung biopsy according to the 2011 ATS/ERSARS/ALAT guidelines. Demographics and clinical and radiological data of the patients were recorded. All data recorded by researchers was evaluated by radiology and the clinical decision board. RESULTS: A total of 336 patients (253 men, 83 women, age 65.8 +/- 9.0 years) were evaluated. Of the patients with sufficient data for diag-nosis (n=300), the diagnosis was IPF in 121 (40.3%), unclassified idiopathic interstitial pneumonia in 50 (16.7%), combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) in 40 (13.3%), and lung involvement of connective tissue disease (CTD) in 16 (5.3%). When 29 patients with definite IPF features were added to the patients with CPFE, the total number of IPF patients reached 150 (50%). Rate of male sex (p<0.001), smoking history (p<0.001), and the presence of clubbing (p=0.001) were significantly high in patients with IPE None of the women <50 years and none of the men <50 years of age without a smoking history were diagnosed with IPE Presence of at least 1 of the symptoms suggestive of CTD, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and antinuclear antibody (FANA) positivity rates were significantly higher in the non-IPF group (p<0.001, p=0.029, p=0.009, respectively). CONCLUSION: The rate of IPF among patients with fibrotic ILD was 50%. In the differential diagnosis of IPF, sex, smoking habits, and the presence of clubbing are important. The presence of symptoms related to CTD, ESR elevation, and EANA positivity reduce the likelihood of IPF


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    Extrapulmonary involvement in patients with sarcoidosis in Turkey

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830WOS: 000288959600009PubMed: 20946338Background and objective: Extrapulmonary sarcoidosis is common, and is almost always associated with concomitant thoracic involvement. Extrapulmonary manifestations vary on the basis of gender, age at presentation and ethnicity. The aim of this study was to investigate extrapulmonary involvement in patients with sarcoidosis in Turkey. Methods: This study was conducted by Turkish Thoracic Society Clinical Problems Study Group. New cases of sarcoidosis between 1 June 2004 and 31 May 2006 were recorded on electronic case record forms sent to all potential investigators and information about extrapulmonary involvement was collected. Results: One hundred and nineteen of 293 patients (83 female, 36 male, mean age = 45 +/- 12 years) had extrapulmonary involvement in this study (40.6%). The median time to diagnosis was 6 months and this was longer than patients with just thoracic sarcoidosis (P = 0.001). Extrapulmonary symptoms were present in 181 (61.8%) patients, and skin lesions, arthralgia and back pain were the commonest (33.4%, 20.8% and 16.4%, respectively). Incidence of organ involvement was independent of age with the exception of ocular involvement, which was higher in those under the age of 40 years (P = 0.007). Conclusions: Skin and peripheral lymph node involvement were the most common sites of extrapulmonary involvement and ocular involvement was more common in those under the age of 40 years in patients with sarcoidosis in a Turkish population

    Sarkoidozlu olgularda klinik görünüm ve tanısal yaklaşım: Türk olgu serisi (sarkoidoz klini?i ve tanı yaklaşımları)

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    PubMed ID: 22087521Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic granulomatous disease. It usually affects the lung. The diagnosis may be problematic since the known causes of granulomatous inflammation must be excluded. This multicenter study aimed to evaluate the clinical presentations and diagnostic approaches of sarcoidosis. The study protocol was sent via internet, and the participants were asked to send the information (clinical, radiological and diagnostic) on newly diagnosed sarcoidosis cases. 293 patients were enrolled within two years. Pulmonary symptoms were found in 73.3% of the patients, and cough was the most common one (53.2%), followed by dyspnea (40.3%). Constitutional symptoms were occured in half of the patients. The most common one was fatigue (38.6%). The most common physical sign was eritema nodosum (17.1%). The most common chest radiograhical sign was bilateral hilar lymphadenomegaly (78.8%). Staging according to chest X-ray has revealed that most of the patients were in Stage I and Stage II (51.9% and 31.7%, respectively). Sarcoidosis was confirmed histopathologically in 265 (90.4%) patients. Although one-third of the bronchoscopy was revealed normal, mucosal hyperemi (19.8%) and external compression of the bronchial wall (16.8%) were common abnormal findings. The 100% success rate was obtained in mediastinoscopy among the frequently used sampling methods. Transbronchial biopsy was the most frequently used method with 48.8% success rate. Considering sarcoidosis with its most common and also rare findings in the differential diagnosis, organizing the related procedures according to the possibly effected areas, and the expertise of the team would favor multimodality diagnosis

    Epidemiological features of Turkish patients with sarcoidosis

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830WOS: 000266684100017PubMed: 19181507Epidemiological characteristics of sarcoidosis differ according to geographical distribution. The aim of our study was to disclose epidemiological characteristics in our country. The data was collected from investigators, who sent information on newly-diagnosed patients via internet. In 2 years 198 female and 95 mate patients were enrolled to the study (f/m:2.08). Mean age of patients was 44 +/- 13 years (17-90). Mean age of mate patients was 38 12 while mean age of female patients was 48 13 (p < 0.001). 73.4% of patients were nonsmokers (85.4% of females; 48.4% of mates; (p < 0.001)). About 50% of our 293 patients were housewives. Familial sarcoidosis was found in 3 patients' first degree relatives. Estimated annual incidence of sarcoidosis for Turkey was calculated as 4 per 100,000 person. According to our study, 2/3 of sarcoidosis patients were women; mean age of patients was 45 and the disease began 10 years later in female patients. 80% of patients were nonsmokers; negative relation between sarcoidosis and smoking was evident especially in women. Familial sarcoidosis frequency was lower compared to other studies in the literature. There was no occupational exposure history in our patients. Our incidence rate, is similar with the results of other European studies. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Platelet function and fibrinolytic activity in patients with bronchial asthma

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830; Ozdas, Sule Beyhan/0000-0002-4821-4388; Ulutin, Turgut/0000-0002-0406-1746;WOS: 000226858400009PubMed: 15678276Platelets have the capacity to release mediators with potent inflammatory or anaphylactic properties. Platelet factor-4 (PF4) and beta-thromboglobulin (BTG) are two of these mediators. On the otter hand, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) are two important mediators of fibrinolysis. Borh mediators are secreted mainly by vascular endothelium. Plasma levels of PF4, BTG, PAI-1, and tPA may show changes in chronic inflammatory diseases such as asthma. This study examined the role of thrombocytes and the function of the endothelium in asthmatic patients during an attack and during a stable phase. Eighteen patients with known allergic asthma who came to our emergency department with an asthma attack and 14 control subjects were included in the study. Blood samples were taken after starting therapy with salbutamol inhalation. Lung function tests were performed after receiving the first emergency therapy for asthma. Plasma levels of PF4, BTG, PA-1, tPA were determined before starting steroid therapy and after receiving 1 week of steroid therapy. Plasma levels of PF4 among patients with an asthma attack were significantly higher than those of controls (150.5 +/- 8.92 IU/mL vs. 92.5 +/- 7.63 IU/mL, p<0.001). A further increase in plasma PF4 levels was detected after steroid therapy (163.5 +/- 9.16 IU/mL). Plasma BTG levels of patients on admission were not statistically different from those in the control group (140.4 +/- 6.34 IU/ml, vs. 152.2 +/- 8.71 IU/mL). An increase was detected after therapy (171.6 +/- 7.27 IU/mL) and post-treatment plasma levels were statistically meaningful versus the controls. Plasma levels of tPA and PAI were statistically higher than those in controls in asthmatic patients on admission (6.01 +/- 2.72 vs. 5.4 +/- 2.3 ng/mL for tPA and 75.2 +/- 27.2 ng/mL vs. 32.7 +/- 14.3 ng/mL for PAI-1). Further increases were detected in two parameters after 1 week of therapy with steroids (tPA levels were 6.85 +/- 2.96 ng/mL and PAI-1 levels were 83.5 +/- 29.6 ng/mL). There seems to be an increased activity of platelets during an asthma attack. Elevated PAI-1 and tPA levels may also indicate the activated endothelium in asthma. Increases of plasma levels of PAI-1 and tPA after steroid therapy need further investigation because elevated PAI-1 levels enhance airway remodeling

    What should be the appropriate minimal duration for patient examination and evaluation in pulmonary outpatient clinics?

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    Annakkaya, Ali Nihat N/0000-0002-7661-8830; Uzan, Georges/0000-0002-0178-5386; Akgun, Metin/0000-0003-3404-4274; Balbay, Ege Gulec/0000-0002-1557-7019; yorgancioglu, arzu/0000-0002-4032-0944WOS: 000405969500005PubMed: 28808489INTRODUCTION: Patient examinations performed in a limited time period may lead to impairment in patient and physician relationship, defective and erroneous diagnosis, inappropriate prescriptions, less common use of preventive medicine practices, poor patient satisfaction, and increased violent acts against health-care staff. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the appropriate minimal duration of patient examination in the pulmonary practice. METHODS: A total of 49 researchers from ten different study groups of the Turkish Thoracic Society participated in the study. The researchers were asked to examine patients in an almost ideal manner, without time constraint under available conditions. RESULTS: A total of 1680 patient examinations were reviewed. The mean duration of patient examination in ideal conditions was determined to be 20.4 +/- 9.6 min. Among all steps of patient examination, the longest time was spent for "taking medical history." The total time spent for patient examination was statistically significantly longer in the university hospitals than in the governmental hospitals and training and research hospitals (P < 0.001). Among different patient categories, the patients with a chronic disorder presenting for the first time and were referred from primary or secondary to tertiary care for further evaluation have required the longest time for patient examination. CONCLUSION: According to our study, the appropriate minimal duration for patient examination is 20 min. It has been observed that in university hospitals and in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases, this duration has been increased to above 25 min. The durations in clinical practice should be planned accordingly