854 research outputs found

    Influence functions of trimmed likelihood estimators for lifetime experiments

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    We provide a general approach for deriving the influence function for trimmed likelihood estimators using the implicit function theorem. The approach is applied to lifetime models with exponential or lognormal distributions possessing a linear or nonlinear link function. A side result is that the functional form of the trimmed estimator for location and linear regression used by Bednarski and Clarke (1993, 2002) and Bednarski et al. (2010) is not generally always the correct functional form of a trimmed likelihood estimator. However, it is a version for which the influence function has a treatable form. A real data example shows the effect of trimming using a nonlinear link function for either the exponential or lognormal distribution

    Influence functions of trimmed likelihood estimators for lifetime experiments

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    We provide a general approach for deriving the influence function for trimmed likelihood estimators using the implicit function theorem. The approach is applied to lifetime models with exponential or lognormal distributions possessing a linear or nonlinear link function. A side result is that the functional form of the trimmed estimator for location and linear regression used by Bednarski and Clarke (1993, 2002) and Bednarski et al. (2010) is not generally always the correct functional form of a trimmed likelihood estimator. However, it is a version for which the influence function has a treatable form. A real data example shows the effect of trimming using a nonlinear link function for either the exponential or lognormal distribution

    Universally Composable Quantum Multi-Party Computation

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    The Universal Composability model (UC) by Canetti (FOCS 2001) allows for secure composition of arbitrary protocols. We present a quantum version of the UC model which enjoys the same compositionality guarantees. We prove that in this model statistically secure oblivious transfer protocols can be constructed from commitments. Furthermore, we show that every statistically classically UC secure protocol is also statistically quantum UC secure. Such implications are not known for other quantum security definitions. As a corollary, we get that quantum UC secure protocols for general multi-party computation can be constructed from commitments

    Photoionization of ultracold and Bose-Einstein condensed Rb atoms

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    Photoionization of a cold atomic sample offers intriguing possibilities to observe collective effects at extremely low temperatures. Irradiation of a rubidium condensate and of cold rubidium atoms within a magneto-optical trap with laser pulses ionizing through 1-photon and 2-photon absorption processes has been performed. Losses and modifications in the density profile of the remaining trapped cold cloud or the remaining condensate sample have been examined as function of the ionizing laser parameters. Ionization cross-sections were measured for atoms in a MOT, while in magnetic traps losses larger than those expected for ionization process were measured.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Argon annealing of the oxygen-isotope exchanged manganite La_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}MnO_{3+y}

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    We have resolved a controversial issue concerning the oxygen-isotope shift of the ferromagnetic transition temperature T_{C} in the manganite La_{0.8}Ca_{0.2}MnO_{3+y}. We show that the giant oxygen-isotope shift of T_C observed in the normal oxygen-isotope exchanged samples is indeed intrinsic, while a much smaller shift observed in the argon annealed samples is an artifact. The argon annealing causes the 18O sample to partially exchange back to the 16O isotope due to a small 16O contamination in the Ar gas. Such a contamination is commonly caused by the oxygen outgas that is trapped in the tubes, connectors and valves. The present results thus umambiguously demonstrate that the observed large oxygen isotope effect is an intrinsic property of manganites, and places an important constraint on the basic physics of these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    How does the electromagnetic field couple to gravity, in particular to metric, nonmetricity, torsion, and curvature?

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    The coupling of the electromagnetic field to gravity is an age-old problem. Presently, there is a resurgence of interest in it, mainly for two reasons: (i) Experimental investigations are under way with ever increasing precision, be it in the laboratory or by observing outer space. (ii) One desires to test out alternatives to Einstein's gravitational theory, in particular those of a gauge-theoretical nature, like Einstein-Cartan theory or metric-affine gravity. A clean discussion requires a reflection on the foundations of electrodynamics. If one bases electrodynamics on the conservation laws of electric charge and magnetic flux, one finds Maxwell's equations expressed in terms of the excitation H=(D,H) and the field strength F=(E,B) without any intervention of the metric or the linear connection of spacetime. In other words, there is still no coupling to gravity. Only the constitutive law H= functional(F) mediates such a coupling. We discuss the different ways of how metric, nonmetricity, torsion, and curvature can come into play here. Along the way, we touch on non-local laws (Mashhoon), non-linear ones (Born-Infeld, Heisenberg-Euler, Plebanski), linear ones, including the Abelian axion (Ni), and find a method for deriving the metric from linear electrodynamics (Toupin, Schoenberg). Finally, we discuss possible non-minimal coupling schemes.Comment: Latex2e, 26 pages. Contribution to "Testing Relativistic Gravity in Space: Gyroscopes, Clocks, Interferometers ...", Proceedings of the 220th Heraeus-Seminar, 22 - 27 August 1999 in Bad Honnef, C. Laemmerzahl et al. (eds.). Springer, Berlin (2000) to be published (Revised version uses Springer Latex macros; Sec. 6 substantially rewritten; appendices removed; the list of references updated
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