6 research outputs found

    Binding Kinetics and Lateral Mobility of HSV-1 on End-Grafted Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans

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    Many viruses, including herpes simplex (HSV), are recruited to their host cells via interaction between their envelope glycoproteins and cell-surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). This initial attachment is of a multivalent nature, i.e., it requires the establishment of multiple bonds between amino acids of viral glycoproteins and sulfated saccharides on the GAG chain. To gain understanding of how this binding process is modulated, we performed binding kinetics and mobility studies using end-grafted GAG chains that mimic the end attachment of these chains to proteoglycans. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy was used to probe binding and release, as well as the diffusion of single HSV-1 particles. To verify the hypothesis that the degree of sulfation, but also the arrangement of sulfate groups along the GAG chain, plays a key role in HSV binding, we tested two native GAGs (chondroitin sulfate and heparan sulfate) and compared our results to chemically sulfated hyaluronan. HSV-1 recognized all sulfated GAGs, but not the nonsulfated hyaluronan, indicating that binding is specific to the presence of sulfate groups. Furthermore we observed that a notable fraction of GAG-bound virions exhibit lateral mobility, although the multivalent binding to the immobilized GAG brushes ensures firm virus attachment to the interface. Diffusion was faster on the two native GAGs, one of which, chondroitin sulfate, was also characterized by the highest association rate per GAG chain. This highlights the complexity of multivalent virus-GAG interactions and suggests that the spatial arrangement of sulfates along native GAG chains may play a role in modulating the characteristics of the HSV-GAG interaction. Altogether, these results, obtained with a minimal and well-controlled model of the cell membrane, provide, to our knowledge, new insights into the dynamics of the HSV-GAG interaction

    Mucin-like region of herpes simplex virus type 1 attachment protein gC modulates the virus-glycosaminoglycan interaction.

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    Glycoprotein C (gC) mediates the attachment of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) to susceptible host cells by interacting with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on the cell surface. gC contains a mucin-like region located near the GAG-binding site, which may affect the binding activity. Here, we address this issue by studying an HSV-1 mutant lacking the mucin- like domain in gC and the corresponding purified mutant protein (gCΔmuc), in cell culture and GAG-binding assays, respectively. The mutant virus exhibited two functional alterations as compared to native HSV-1, i.e. decreased sensitivity to GAG-based inhibitors of virus attachment to cells, and reduced release of viral particles from the surface of infected cells. Kinetic and equilibrium binding characteristics of purified gC were assessed using surface plasmon resonance-based sensing together with a surface platform consisting of end-on immobilized GAGs. Both native gC and gCΔmuc bound via the expected binding region to chondroitin sulfate and sulfated hyaluronanbut not to the non-sulfated hyaluronan, confirming binding specificity. In contrast to native gC, gCΔmuc exhibited a decreased affinity for GAGs and a slower dissociation, indicating that once formed, the gCΔmuc-GAG complex is more stable. It was also found that a larger number of gCΔmuc bound to a single GAG chain, compared to native gC. Taken together, our data suggest that the mucin-like region of HSV-1 gC is involved in the modulation of the GAG-binding activity, a feature of importance both for unrestricted virus entry into the cells and release of newly produced viral particles from infected cells

    Mucin-like region of herpes simplex virus type 1 attachment protein gC modulates the virus-glycosaminoglycan interaction.

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    Glycoprotein C (gC) mediates the attachment of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) to susceptible host cells by interacting with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on the cell surface. gC contains a mucin-like region located near the GAG-binding site, which may affect the binding activity. Here, we address this issue by studying an HSV-1 mutant lacking the mucin- like domain in gC and the corresponding purified mutant protein (gCΔmuc), in cell culture and GAG-binding assays, respectively. The mutant virus exhibited two functional alterations as compared to native HSV-1, i.e. decreased sensitivity to GAG-based inhibitors of virus attachment to cells, and reduced release of viral particles from the surface of infected cells. Kinetic and equilibrium binding characteristics of purified gC were assessed using surface plasmon resonance-based sensing together with a surface platform consisting of end-on immobilized GAGs. Both native gC and gCΔmuc bound via the expected binding region to chondroitin sulfate and sulfated hyaluronanbut not to the non-sulfated hyaluronan, confirming binding specificity. In contrast to native gC, gCΔmuc exhibited a decreased affinity for GAGs and a slower dissociation, indicating that once formed, the gCΔmuc-GAG complex is more stable. It was also found that a larger number of gCΔmuc bound to a single GAG chain, compared to native gC. Taken together, our data suggest that the mucin-like region of HSV-1 gC is involved in the modulation of the GAG-binding activity, a feature of importance both for unrestricted virus entry into the cells and release of newly produced viral particles from infected cells

    Rare variant in scavenger receptor BI raises HDL cholesterol and increases risk of coronary heart disease

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    Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is the major receptor for high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (HDL-C). In humans, high amounts of HDL-C in plasma are associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Mice that have depleted Scarb1 (SR-BI knockout mice) have markedly elevated HDL-C levels but, paradoxically, increased atherosclerosis. The impact of SR-BI on HDL metabolism and CHD risk in humans remains unclear. Through targeted sequencing of coding regions of lipid-modifying genes in 328 individuals with extremely high plasma HDL-C levels, we identified a homozygote for a lossof-function variant, in which leucine replaces proline 376 (P376L), in SCARB1, the gene encoding SR-BI. The P376L variant impairs posttranslational processing of SR-BI and abrogates selective HDL cholesterol uptake in transfected cells, in hepatocyte-like cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from the homozygous subject, and in mice. Large population-based studies revealed that subjects who are heterozygous carriers of the P376L variant have significantly increased levels of plasma HDL-C. P376L carriers have a profound HDL-related phenotype and an increased risk of CHD (odds ratio = 1.79, which is statistically significant)

    Reduced Cancer Incidence in Huntington's Disease: Analysis in the Registry Study

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    Background: People with Huntington's disease (HD) have been observed to have lower rates of cancers. Objective: To investigate the relationship between age of onset of HD, CAG repeat length, and cancer diagnosis. Methods: Data were obtained from the European Huntington's disease network REGISTRY study for 6540 subjects. Population cancer incidence was ascertained from the GLOBOCAN database to obtain standardised incidence ratios of cancers in the REGISTRY subjects. Results: 173/6528 HD REGISTRY subjects had had a cancer diagnosis. The age-standardised incidence rate of all cancers in the REGISTRY HD population was 0.26 (CI 0.22-0.30). Individual cancers showed a lower age-standardised incidence rate compared with the control population with prostate and colorectal cancers showing the lowest rates. There was no effect of CAG length on the likelihood of cancer, but a cancer diagnosis within the last year was associated with a greatly increased rate of HD onset (Hazard Ratio 18.94, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Cancer is less common than expected in the HD population, confirming previous reports. However, this does not appear to be related to CAG length in HTT. A recent diagnosis of cancer increases the risk of HD onset at any age, likely due to increased investigation following a cancer diagnosis