6 research outputs found

    Genetic Aspects of Implantation Failure

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    Implantation failure refers to the inability of a fertilized egg, or embryo, to successfully implant itself in the endometrial lining of the uterus, leading to pregnancy loss. The repeated failure of good quality embryo implantation is referred to as recurrent implantation failure (RIF). This can occur for a variety of reasons, including chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, problems with the endometrium, or issues with the immune system. Factors such as advanced maternal age, obesity, smoking, and certain medical conditions can also increase the risk of implantation failure. While treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can help to improve the chances of successful implantation, there is currently no definite way to prevent or treat implantation failure.  Patients and healthcare professionals have substantial diagnostic and treatment hurdles as a result of many etiological factors and lack of knowledge about RIF. A number of studies have indicated a correlation between irregular hormone levels, disruptions in angiogenic and immunomodulatory factors, specific genetic polymorphisms, and the prevalence of RIF. Nonetheless, the precise and intricate underlying pathophysiology of RIF remains elusive.  However, many studies are ongoing in this field to understand the underlying causes and to find new ways to help couples achieve pregnancy. This review article extensively explores diverse molecular and genetic facets aimed at enhancing the diagnosis and management of implantation failure

    Effect of Mariculture on bio-optical properties and water quality of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    Marine cage aquaculture is gaining importance in India, due to its contribution as an alternate livelihood to coastal communities and also because of its export value. Water quality is the most important determinant for sustainable marine cage farming. Nutrient enrichment in coastal waters results in increased occurrence of algal blooms. A mariculture practice makes the coastal waters eutrophic due to increased input of nitrogen and phosphorous, ultimately leading to bloom. A phytoplankton bloom dominated by Trichodesmium species was detected outside mariculture cages located in Gulf of Mannar during August, 2015, which possibly interfered with fish gill function. High nutrient and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) (29.97 mg/m3) concentration were observed during peak bloom period. Three groups of phytoplankton were identified — diatoms (24 species with, 14 centric species and 10 pennate species), dinoflagellates (10 species) and cyanobacteria (one species). Stable salinity condition and the depletion in nutrient concentration due to higher primary production might have triggered the bloom of Trichodesmium. In-situ bio-optical measurements were also made to understand the spatial and temporal variation and effect of bloom on the optical components. Our study is a preliminary step to understanding the in-situ bio-geochemical and bio-optical characteristics of coastal waters of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, which could aid in the management of cage culture sites

    Engaging in Community Development Practices, Public Libraries as Flagship Bearers: A case study of Mulanthuruthy Public Library in Ernakulum District, Kerala, India

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    Libraries are reservoirs of information, curated and systematically organized to be accessible to the community to meet their knowledge and leisure needs. It is a one-stop location that provides access to a wide range of information, knowledge and references. Public Library is defined as “a library which is accessible to the public and generally funded from a public source as its name suggests, it is for the people, by the people, and of the people”. Libraries can contribute to a lot of the development of the local community. The interventions they can make in a community is tremendous. Community development happens due to various processes coming together, such as empowerment, capacity building, and rural development, achieving self-sufficiency, and developing community self-sufficiency. To realize the same, collective action, ownership, and improved circumstances are basic. With community development, what is achieved is economic development and improved living standards and the capacity for change for a better future. This paper is a case study of Mulanthuruthy Public Library in Ernakulum district in Kerala, India. The case study is focusing on the role of public libraries in community development. The article emphasizes the various initiatives, programs, and activities done by the library and how those programs and actions contributed to a change in the community. The library promotes an extensive amount of activities in the community that foster the skills and qualities of life of people in the community and its development in multiple dimensions