226 research outputs found

    Tipologi Intelektual Muslim dalam Bidang Kajian Fikih: Studi terhadap Karya-karya Fikih Dosen STAIN Bengkulu

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    This study aims to examine the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu in the field of Islamic law (fiqh) and the scientific position of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu as Muslim intellectuals. This article is using two approaches, namely the conceptual approach and historical approaches, whereas measures of research was conducted by reviewing documentation as primer data and interviewing as sekunder data. The results showed that the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu was consists of three kinds: First, the normative trend of scientific approach and theme in Islamic law. This trend was categorized as “exclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Second, this trend began to expand the discourse of study on fikih, but it was not to integrate with Western scientific approach. This trend was categorized as “inclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Third, this study was more empirical and historical-sociological approach and theme in Islamic law (fikih) so that the discourse was more be able to answer the situation and condition of the people. This trend was categorized as “pluralist Muslim intellectualism”

    Pengaruh Tunjangan Kinerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Bauk Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Gambaran persepsi pengawai mengenai pemberian tunjangan kinerja pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar; 2) Gambaran kinerja pegawai pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar 3) Pengaruh tunjangan kinerja terhadap kinerja pegawai BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu pemberian tunjangan kinerja sebagai variabel bebas dan kinerja pegawai sebagai variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 107 dengan sampel sebanyak 50% (54 orang) yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik proportinale random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu teknik angket observasi dan teknik dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh melalui instrument angket, dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial setelah diuji persyaratan analisis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Persepsi pegawai mengenai pemberian tunjangan kinerja termasuk sangat tinggi; 2) Kinerja pegawai termasuk kategori sangat tinggi; 3) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pemberian tunjangan kinerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pimpinan pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar, kiranya berupaya mempertahankan kinerjanya dan bahkan lebih ditingkatkan

    Population Structure of the Chenchu and Other South Indian Tribal Groups: Relationships between Genetic, Anthropometric, Dermatoglyphic, Geographic, and Linguistic Distances

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    This is the published version. Copyright 1994 Wayne State University Press.We describe the genetic structure and interrelationships of nine south Indian tribal groups (seven from Andhra Pradesh and two from the adjoining states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala) using seven polymorphic loci (ABO, MN, RH, PGM, ACP, PGD, and LDH). R matrix analysis indicates that the Andhra Pradesh tribes are clustered and that the Kadar and Irula are genetically isolated from them. This dispersion of populations has been explained by the combination of relatively high frequencies of the alleles RH D and MN M in the Kadar and the relatively high proportions of the allele PGM*2 in the Irula. The Mahaboobnagar Chenchu subgroup is isolated from other Telugu-speaking groups because of high frequencies of the PGM*1 and ACP*A alleles. The regression of mean per locus heterozygosity (//) on distance from the gene frequency centroid (r„) reveals considerable levels of external gene flow among the Lam-badi, the Yerukula, and the two Chenchu subgroups and more homogeneity in the Kolam, Koya, Yanadi, Irula, and Kadar. Mantel statistics were used to assess the relative effects of nonbiological processes (i.e., language and geography) on the morphological and genetic patterns of these subdivided populations. The significance of correlations was determined between different data sets (genetic, dermatoglyphic, anthropometric, geographic, and linguistic) at three levels involving nine, six, and five populations. Although multiple correlation analysis reveals significant combined effects of geography and language on genetics, anthropometrics, and dermato-glyphics, highly significant partial correlations suggest strong effects of geography on both anthropometry and genetics. Our analysis indicates that geographic factors have an overwhelming effect on the genetic differentiation of the south Indian tribal groups

    Barrier to Adoption of Integration of Maize-Livestock in Maros, Gowa and Takalar Regency

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    The advantage of integration of corn and cattle has been promoted through demonstration plot and other extension ways. However, the rate of its adoption is still low and not widely accepted. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that thwort of farmers from adopting the corn and cattle integration system. Survey method was used in this research and was conducted at Maros (glatinous corn production centre), Gowa district (Sweet corn production centre) and Takalar district (yellow and sweet corn production centre). Data collection were carried out using delphie method with three stages. First stage was to explore the factors that thwort of farmer from adopting the technology using FGD. FGDs were conducted with key informants such as farmers who plant corn and cattle and extension agents. Second and third stages were to reduce the factors into five most important factors. The result showed that the inhibiting factor in adopting utilization of corn stalk for animal feeding in Maros regency was lack of feed storehouse, in Takalar Regency was the lack of knowledge in preserving corn stalk and in Gowa was the availability of many other feed resources. The barrier to adoption of the use of manure as organic fertilizer was the lack of knowledge in composting (in Gowa and Takalar) and the cost of manure processing (in Maros)

    Synthesis, characterization, POM analyses and biological evaluation of n-[(2-methoxy-5- nitrophenyl)]-4-oxo-4-[oxy] butenamide based zinc(II) carboxylate complexes

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    ABSTRACT. The aim of medicinal chemistry is to links many scientific disciplines and allows the scientists in researching and developing new drugs with enhance and targeted properties. In this article we are exploring the preparation of four new zinc(II) carboxylate complexes based on N-[(2-methoxy-5-nitrophenyl)]-4-oxo-4-[oxy]butenamide which were characterized through FT-IR and EDX studies. The DNA binding ability and binding type of complexes were assessed by spectroscopic (UV-Visible) and viscosity measurements, exhibiting an intercalative pattern of interaction. The synthesized compounds were also assessed to know theoretically about their nature by molecular docking studies resulting also in intercalation mode. Analysis of the complexes for biological applications such as anti-microbial, anti-leishmanial, cytotoxicity and DNA damage activities showed that these complexes carries good anti-microbial, anti-leishmanial activity with no toxicity to human blood thyrocytes and DNA. The bioavailability prediction and drug likeness score has also been evaluated through Insilco studies.                     KEY WORDS: Zn(II) carboxylate complex, DNA binding, Anti-leishmanial activity, Cytotoxicity, Docking study   Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2021, 35(2), 365-380. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v35i2.1

    Analyze the Contract of Broiler Partnership Farming System in the Province of South Sulawesi in Conjunction to the Law No. 5, 1999 Regarding Prohibition on Monopolistic and Unfair Business Competition

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    This research aimed to analyze the contract of broiler partnership farming system in the Province of South Sulawesi in conjunction to the Law No. 5, 1999 regarding prohibition on monopolistic and unfair business competition. This research was carried out from August 2013 till October 2013 in Maros and Gowa Districts of South Sulawesi. All broiler farmers were treated as the population of the study and farmers having contract with any company in the region were taken as the samples giving total number of sample was 50 farmers. The results of study showed that the implementation of partnership was in line with the contract. However, there were some points of the contract which were not well implemented by both parties, such as the late harvest time and the late payment in which these did not comply with the Law No. 5, 1999

    valuation of rapeseed genotypes for yield and oil quality under rainfed conditions of district Mansehra

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    Five rapeseed genotypes were evaluated for agronomic parameters, yield, oil quantity and quality. Significant differences were observed for all the parameters except oil and protein percentage. The genotype Siren outperformed the rest of genotypes in yield potential (1104 kg/ha), followed by MRS-1 (866.67 kg/ha). For yield contributing characters like length of inflorescence and pods per plant, genotype Siren again showed good results that are, 51.3 cm and 136.5 pods/plant, respectively. The genotype Siren also showed low glucosinolate (44.82 ìmol/g), erucic acid (23.67 ìmol/g) and higher amounts of oleic acid (59.01%). Due to its high yield and oil quality, the genotype Siren is recommended for general cultivation in the area and further use in breeding programmes for Brassica napus
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