806 research outputs found

    Knowledge of Recommended Pesticide usage among Cabbage Growers

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    This study aimed to access the knowledge level of cabbage growers on recommended pesticide usage practices. It was carried out in two blocks of Krishnagiri district of Tamil Nadu. Krishnagiri district was selected based on maximum acreage under cabbage cultivation. Two blocks viz., Shoolagiri and Hosur were selected considering the area covered under cabbage. A sample of 120 cabbage growers was selected random selected for the study. A well structured interview schedule was used for data collection and collected data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. The findings of the study revealed that majority of the cabbage growers had medium to low level of knowledge on recommended pesticides usage

    Influence of Parents’ Educational and Socio-Economic Status on Dental Health of Children Among South Indian Population

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    In the modern era where both parents are employed, there seems to be limited focus on the dietary habits and dental health of their children. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess the parental influence and family characteristics on the prevalence of dental caries among children who reported to the department of Orthodontics aged 10-17 years from Chennai. A cross-sectional epidemiological survey was carried out on 250   children aged 10 years to 17 years. The data was retrieved from the subjects records provided by the institution which consisted of information on their dental caries status. Structured questionnaires were given to parents to collect information regarding their socio-environmental and family characteristics. Student's t-test on metric parameters and Chi-square/Fisher for study parameters between two or more groups were used. It was observed that in families where the average monthly income >10,000/-, decayed, missing, and filled teeth was proportionately lower. The socioeconomic status, which is primarily influenced by parental factors and family structure, have a definite role in dental needs of children from underprivileged backgrounds. Dental health programs should aim to reduce the gross inequalities in the oral health status of these children and their families


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    Horticulture crops play a unique role in economy of a country and its farmers. The conventional open field crops production generates and unremunerated production and cause of biodiversity. In order to overcome the problem, protected cultivation technology (green house) is need of the hour. Protected cultivation technology can be an effective mechanism for conserving agro-biodiversity. Greenhouse rose cultivation, an investment intensive and which need specific knowledge, skill and thoroughness in production, increases the income level of the farmer. Hence an attempt was made to study the economics of greenhouse cultivation. Krishnagiri district is the major producer of flower crops in Tamil nadu. There are 10 blocks, they are arranged in descending order and top two blocks viz., Hosur and Thalli were selected. Greenhouse growers list of the selected blocks were prepared and 60 respondents were randomly selected from the list. The study found that the average greenhouse size was at 1.76unit. (1 unit =1000sq. m). It found that gross return from greenhouse unit per year was at Rs.10, 95000 and the net return was at Rs.6, 33,797.95. BCR was 1.46 at 15 per cent discount rate

    Novel Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Controller for Turn-On & Turn-Off Angle in Coordination with SRM Speed Control for Electric Vehicles

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    In current scenario the Switch Reluctance Motor (SRM) are powerful alternative for Electric vehicles applications, due to its simple and rugged structure, high speed, its fault tolerance ability and Magnet free design these attributes make SRM superior to other conventional machines. This motor is a reluctance torque-driven stepper motor that can be used for bi-directional control and self-starting applications. In This paper novel control strategy proposed is to minimizing the Multiobjective function for accurate speed control of SRM by using Mamdani based two input two output fuzzy controller for optimal evaluation of α and β angle by designing closed loop system for accurate speed control of SRM and the corresponding error indices ITAE, IAE, ISE for with and without controller is analysed and compared modelling and simulation is done using MATLAB 2020a

    Evaluation of Association Between High Frenal Attachment and Severity of Midline Diastema

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    Introduction: A "midline diastema" arises when there is a space of more than 0.5 millimeters between the proximal surfaces of two consecutive teeth. There is usually open space between the two central incisors. Depending on its width, a midline diastema can make speaking difficult and look unsightly.  Genetic factors, large tongues, improper tongue positioning during rest or function, microdontia or hypodontia of upper lateral incisors, extra teeth between upper central incisors, particularly mesiodens, aberrant frenal attachment, periodontal disease, and extra teeth are some of the multifactorial causes of midline diastema. The aim of this study is to assess the association between high frenal attachment and the severity of midline diastema. Materials and method: The study involved 126 patients. We assessed the frequency of high frenal attachment and midline diastema in these patients. The Chi square test was used to examine the data in the SPSS Software. Results and discussion: The current study has arrived at a positive correlation between the frenal attachment type and the severity of the midline diastema space. Midline diastema might be transitory or result from pathogenic, developmental, or iatrogenic reasons. Treatment options for diastema vary, and each one calls for an accurate etiology diagnosis and prompt action appropriate to that etiology. A correct diagnosis needs radiographic and clinical examination, medical and dental history, and perhaps tooth size assessment. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between the frenal attachment type and the severity of midline diastema space. It was also observed that the most common frenal attachment type was papillary type and the space more commonly was 2-3 mm in length

    Retrospective subjective evaluation of aesthetic outcome in secondary cleft lip deformities operated with Abbe’s flap

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    Background:The Abbe’s flap is most commonly used to repair the full thickness defects of the lip that do not involve the commissure. The Abbe flap was first introduced to correct the secondary deformity of bilateral cleft lip. By this pedicled flap, we are able to equalize the disparity which existed between the tight upper lip and excessive lower lip. Aims to study retrospective subjective evaluation of aesthetic outcome in secondary cleft lip deformities operated with Abbe’s flap.Methods:29 patients operated during the period of January 2007 - December 2011 for correction of secondary cleft lip and nasal deformity with Abbe’s flap with or without rhinoplasty were included in our retrospective study. The secondary corrective surgeries were performed by a single surgeon. The photographs of the patients were retrospectively assessed by two plastic surgeons and one oral and maxillofacial surgeon, other than the one who performed the surgery. 29 patients operated during the period of January 2007 - December 2011 for correction of secondary cleft lip and nasal deformity with Abbe’s flap with or without rhinoplasty were included in our retrospective study. The secondary corrective surgeries were performed by a single surgeon. The photographs of the patients were retrospectively assessed by two plastic surgeons and one oral and maxillofacial surgeon, other than the one who performed the surgery.Results:Out of 29 patients with secondary cleft deformities 12 were male and 17 were female. Average follow up period was 3 years. Multiple variables of the nose and the lips were used to assess the aesthetic outcome of Abbe’s flap.Conclusion:As per the subjective retrospective analysis of our study we have come to the conclusion that Abbe’s flap is a work horse for correction of shortage of tissue for the secondary cleft lip deformities. Uniform satisfactory outcome was obtained with a more natural contour and more satisfactory proportion of both lips.

    Acid and enzyme hydrolysis to convert pretreated areca nut (areca catechu l.) husk into glucose for bioethanol production by yeasts and Zymomonas mobilis NCIM 2915

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    Production of renewable fuels, especially bio-ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass, holds remarkable potential to meet the current energy demand as well as to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions for a sustainable environment. Determining optimal pretreatment techniques for fermentation is essential for the success of lignocellulosic energy production process. The study involved the acid pretreatment and use of laccase enzyme to degrade the complex lignocellulosic biomass to simple sugars. Sugars so formed in turn are converted to ethanol by employing suitable yeast strains and bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Different fermentation process like separate hydrolysis and fermentation process (SHF) and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process (SSF) have been evaluated for the biethanol production. In separate hydrolysis and fermentation process, the higher ethanol production was in Zymomonas mobilis (44.97±3.21 g/L) and Schizosaccharomyces pombe (42.60±3.0 g/L), average ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (33.13±1.96 g/L) and very low ethanol production in Candida shehatae (25.24±2.30 g/L). In simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process, the higher ethanol production was in Zymomonas mobilis (47.34±3.22 g/L) and Saccharomyces uvarum (44.18±2.67 g/L), average ethanol production in Pichia stipitis (34.71±1.89 g/L), and very low ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (26.82±2.63 g/L) was monitored after the fermentation process. Structural changes of areca nut husk before and after acid pretreatment were further investigated through Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Hence, acid and enzymatic pre-treatment is more effective for ethanol production. Areca nut husk was revealed as a suitable substrate for ethanol production.Â
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