8 research outputs found

    Medicine Research in India: A Scientometric Assessment of Publications during 2009 – 2018

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    The purpose of this paper is to qualitative analyse of medicine research output using select scientometric indicators with the aim of identifying top preparing countries, subject subthemes, organisations, authors and journals in the area. The present study has examined 29153 publications in medicine research, the present study deals with the Assessment of Indian medicine research output as reflected in Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 2009 to 2018 for identifying the research output in the field of medicine literature. It also provides a comparative evaluation and performance of different types of scientometric indicators, such as number of publications, number of citations, relative growth, doubling time, activity index and collaboration from India. The Indian medicine research has increased exponentially over the last decade

    M Chaman Sab's Quick Files

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    Medicine Research in India: A Scientometric Assessment of Publications during 2009 – 2018

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    The purpose of this paper is to qualitative analyse of medicine research output using select scientometric indicators with the aim of identifying top preparing countries, subject subthemes, organisations, authors and journals in the area. The present study has examined 29153 publications in medicine research, the present study deals with the Assessment of Indian medicine research output as reflected in Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 2009 to 2018 for identifying the research output in the field of medicine literature. It also provides a comparative evaluation and performance of different types of scientometric indicators, such as number of publications, number of citations, relative growth, doubling time, activity index and collaboration from India. The Indian medicine research has increased exponentially over the last decade

    Scientometric study of Indian Hydrogel research based on Web of Science database

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    On the basis of the Web of Science database, through scientometrics, quantitative and qualitative research was conducted on hydrogel literature produced globally. A total of 2531 publications and 48,157 citations were received to these publications during 2011 - 2020. It was found that the number of published articles was higher in the USA, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, England, Peoples R China, etc. The highest number of publications 4, 34 (17.147%) was published in 2020. The highest number of citations 6176 was received in 2013. The majority of the researcher used journal articles 2317 (91.545%) and the majority of articles were published in the English language only. A large number of journals is contributed by the Netherlands International Journal of Biological Macromolecules with 193articles and 3886 citations

    Scientometric Visualisation of Fifteen Years of Indian Engineering Research Output

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    Engineering is the most preferred research area among Indian research and development for quite some time in terms of the total number of publications, global share, and visibility and citation impact are concerned. The present study deals with the assessment of Indian engineering research output as reflected in the Web of Science (WOS) database for the period 2003 to 2017 for identifying the research output in the field of engineering literature. We measure India’s contribution to engineering research from a global perspective. In the fifteen years, 2003-2017 Indian researchers have published 1,589,361 papers in 1,266 journals. In terms of % share, India (with 6.9% of the world’s publications) is behind only the USA (5.28%) and South Korea (2.12%). But only 0.86% of papers from India are among the top 1% of the most highly cited papers of the world, compared to 4,984 papers from the USA, 2,006 papers from South Korea, 1,436 papers from Germany, 1,246 papers from England, 1,005 from Canada of papers. The 25 core journals are identified which contains 26.83% of the total articles. Among 25 journals 20 journals are published outside India. The topmost productive journals publishing India’s research papers in Engineering research contributed 25,285 papers, which accounts for a 29.83% share in the cumulative publications output of India from 2003 to 2017

    Measuring and assessing research productivity of Physics Scientist Dr R. G. Sonkawade

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    Dr R. G. Sonkawade is an Indian professor, Department of Physics Shivaji University, Kolhapur and Advisor cum OSD to Minister, Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Maharashtra. Former dean, Medical Physicist and Scientist, the authors studied characteristic features, pattern and citation impact of the well-known Indian scientist and professor’s scientific research works. At his 20 years of research publishing career, He had 191 publications during 1998 – 2019 in various domains and present study was analysed 90 research publications based on SCOPUS database. The study categorizes and presents the data according to year-wise contribution, authorship pattern, collaborators & degree of collaboration, preferred journals for communication, country-wise publications, top cited authors, citation history, citation impact and highly Prolific Keywords. Thus, it is suggested that ‘Scientometric Portrait’ is the suitable phrase for the studies on scientists and ‘Informetric Portrait’ for the studies pertaining to researchers in other domains such as arts, humanities, and social sciences

    Johnny Hallyday

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    Alors, on chante! online é parte do Projeto de extensão Alors, on chante! financiado pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe, em parceria com a Rádio UFS, e que tem por objetivo apresentar a música francófona e informações sobre sua história. Neste programa é contada a trajetória do cantor francês de origem belga Johnny Hallyday.São Cristóvão, S