18 research outputs found

    Preliminary characterization of ssps (Seed Storage Proteins) in Argania spinosa L.

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    4 páginas, 2 figuras, 1 tabla.-- Comunicación presentada al 3rd International SMBBM Congress, IUBMB Special Meeting & 6th FASBMB Congress, celebrado en Marrakech (Marruecos) del 20 al 24 de Abril de 2009.SSPs (Seed Storage Proteins) of the 11S type have been preliminary characterized in the seeds of the argan tree, an endemic species from Morocco. Protein extracts from mature seeds were prepared by using different solutions in order to assess the solubility of the major protein forms. SSPs of the 11S type were classified as albumins according to the further SDS-PAGE analysis of these extracts. The combination of both reducing- and non-reducing conditions for the SDS-PAGE analysis, together with immunoblot experiments allowed us to determine the presence of three precursor forms of these proteins (pro1, pro2 and pro3), which are composed of six individual peptides (p1 to p6) in different combinations.This work was funded by Spanish BFU2004-00601/BFI and BFU2008-00629 projects. M. Allach thanks the research bursary granted by UNESCO/L´ORÉAL and L´ORÉAL Morocco.Peer reviewe

    Microscopy to study plant sexual reproduction

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    This work has been supported by numerous research projects. Currently active projects include EFDF confunded grants BFU2011-22779 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), P2010-CVI5767, P2010-AGR6274 and P2011-CVI7487 (Junta de Andalucía), and PEOPLE-PIOF-GA-2011-301550 (European Research Council)Peer reviewe

    Características morfológicas de la pared del polen de Argán (Argania spinosa L.)

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    8 páginas, 3 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado al XIV Simposio de Palinología (APLE) celebrado en Salamanca (España) en Septiembre del 2002, se adjunta el PDF de la comunicación.[EN]: The argan (Argania spinosa L.; Fam. Sapotaceae) is a Moroccan endemic species in danger of extinction. The structure of the pollen grain of this species has not been previously characterized. The mature pollen wall shows a well developed and structured exine: rugulate-striate ornamentation, continuous tectum, short columellae and a foot layer apparently lacking white lines. The endexine is well differentiated from the ectexine, with a higher electron density. Finally, the intine appears as a thin layer except in the aperture regions where it appears thickened. The pollen of argan is 5-colporate. The characteristics of this pollen wall and the high number of apertures may be interpreted as adaptations to the dry and arider climate present in the areas where it growths.[ES]: El argán (Argania spinosa L.; Fam. Sapotaceae) es una especie endémica de Marruecos en peligro de extinción. La estructura del polen de esta especie no ha sido previamente caracterizada. La pared del polen maduro del argán presenta una exina bien desarrollada y una estructura bien definida: tectum continuo de tipo rugulado-estriado, columelas cortas y una capa basal en la que no se observan “white lines”. La endexina está bien diferenciada de la ectexina, debido a su mayor densidad electrónica. Finalmente la intina está representada por una capa delgada excepto en las cinco regiones aperturales donde se engruesa. Se trata de un polen pentacolpoporado. Las características de esta pared así como el elevado número de aperturas indican que este polen está preparado para sufrir agresiones climáticas debido a la aridez de la zona donde se localiza este árbol.Los autores agradecen la financiación obtenida a través de los proyectos CA099- 003 (INIA) y BMC2000-1484 (ambos del MCYT) y a la Profesora Fouzia Bani-aameur (Facultad de Ciencias Agadir. Marruecos), su ayuda en la recolección del material biológico. El Dr. Mohammed M’rani Alaoui agradece la AECI la concesión de una beca postdoctoral (2001-2003).Peer reviewe

    Behavior of storage lipids during development and germination of olive (Olea europaea L.) pollen

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    The presence of abundant oil bodies in the mature olive pollen grain has led us to focus on the behavior of these lipid bodies during pollen development and in vitro pollen germination. The appearance, increase, and accumulation of lipid bodies have been determined by following the sequential development of the pollen grain. Semithin slices of anthers and pollen grains were stained with Sudan Black B in order to identify neutral lipids. Ultrastructural studies were also carried out. Our results show a notable increase in lipid bodies between the young-pollen-grain stage and the mature-pollen-grain stage. Substantial polarization of lipid bodies was observed after 1 or 2 h of pollen incubation in germination medium. During pollen tube growth, the lipid bodies are located near the germinative aperture after 3 h of incubation, as well as inside the pollen tube, thus suggesting that the lipid bodies move from the pollen grain to the pollen tube. After 7 h of germination the presence of lipid bodies inside the pollen tube is no longer substantial. Our results support the idea that lipid bodies are involved in pollen germination, stigma penetration, and pollen tube growth. These results are discussed in connection with their implications for the pollen germination process.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project nr. PGC-2000-1484), and by a fellowship awarded to M.M.-A. by the AECI (Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs).Peer reviewe

    Cytochemical characterization of pollen development in (Argania spinosa L.)

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al Congreso: "L’arganeraie: un rempart contre la désertification" celebrado en Essaouira (Marruecos) en Mayo del 2006.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of SSPs (Seed Storage Proteins) in Argania spinosa L.

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    Resumen de la comunicación oral presentada al 3rd International SMBBM Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology celebrado en Marrakech (Marruecos) del 20 al 24 de Abril de 2009.Tbis work was funded by Spanish BFU2004-0060/BFI and BFU2008-00629 projects. M. Allach thanks the research bursary granted by UNESCO/L'OREAL-L'OREAL, Morocco.Peer reviewe

    Pollen ontogeny and morphology of the argan tree (Argania spinosa L.)

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    Resumen del póster presentado al III Congres International de L'Arganier, celebrado en Agadir (Marruecos) del 17 al 19 de diciembre de 2015.The argan (Argania spinosa L.) a multipurpose perennial tree, belonging to the Sapotaceae family. It grows endemically throughout the SouthWest of Morocco, where it has played essential ecological functions for centuries. In spite of his direct support to the economy of the region, few studies have reported on the reproductive biology of this species, which remains virtually unknown. Such available information embraces data regarding the development of pollen, pollination, fertilization and compatibility mechanisms. Morphological, cytochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out in this work during argan pollen ontogeny, showing that the mature pollen grain of the argan tree is tricell, with a well developed and structured 5colpoporate exine displaying rugulatestriate ornamentation. These morphological characteristics are substantially different from those displayed by the mature pollen of other Sapotaceae species such as Sideroxylon lanuginosum Michaux and Suderoxylon lycoides L., both described as tricolporate and exhibiting psilate ornamentation in their exine (Pollen Collection of Reference of APMRUS US American Department of Agriculture). Argan pollen is on the other hand, similar although nonidentical to that of Isonandra Montana witch is 3 (4) and regulatecolpoporateperforate (Premathilake & Nillison, 2001, Grana 40: 256279). In this study, we also report the presence and evolution of both lipid and polysaccharide storage materials in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell during pollen development. Lipid materials mainly appear in the form of individual, spherical lipid bodies of 0.50.7 um in diameter, which are densely stained by Sudan Black B. They start to accumulate immediately after the first asymmetric division, reaching its maximum at the tricellular stage, where they begin to change their spherical shape, tending to fuse and collapse due probably to the mobilization of triacilglicerids to provide energy to the maturing pollen grains after the loss of their major nutrient source – the tapetum. The pollen of the argan also accumulates significant amounts of periodic acidSchiff (PAS)positive starch granules, which start to be synthesized inside amyloplasts at the vaculated/late microspore stage. At mature tricellular pollen stage, conspicuous roundlyshaped starch granules of 0.71.2 um in diameter fill the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, together with the abovementioned lipid bodies. Both lipid and polysaccharide materials are also abundantly detected on the surface of the exine after using corresponding histochemical techniques. The relationships between ultrastructural details observed at the wall and cytoplasm during pollen development, the composition of the storage reserves, the exineassociated materials and the type of pollination (80% anemophylous) are widely discussed.This work was funded by ERDF participated projects BFU2011-22779 (MINECO), and P2010AGR6274, P10- CVI6075 and P2011CVI7487 (Junta de Andalucía).Peer reviewe

    Pollen development in the argan tree (Argania spinosa L.)

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    2 páginas.-- Trabajo presentado al XI International Palynological Congress (IPC) celebrado en Granada (España) en Julio de 2004.This work was funded by projects CAO99-003 (INIA), BCM2000-1484 and AGL2003-0017 19 (both from MCyT).Peer reviewe

    Cellular analysis of the argan (Argania spinosa L.) seed germinated in vitro

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado al Congreso: "L’arganeraie: un rempart contre la désertification" celebrado en Essaouira (Marruecos) en Mayo del 2006.Peer reviewe

    Caracterización histológica de la germinación in vitro de la semilla del argán (Argania spinosa L.)

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    2 páginas, 1 figura.-- Resumen del trabajo presentado a la XXII Reunión Bienal de la SME celebrada en Granada (España) del 28 de Junio al 1 de Julio de 2005.-- BIO5-P10.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos AGL2003-00719 y MEC BFPU 2004-00601/BFI M. Allach agradece a UNESCO/L’OREAL la financiación de su estancia mediante una beca predoctoral.Peer reviewe