22 research outputs found

    Analgesic Efficacy of Pfannenstiel Incision Infiltration with Ropivacaine 7.5 mg/mL for Caesarean Section

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    Background. Pain after Caesarean delivery is partly related to Pfannenstiel incision, which can be infiltrated with local anaesthetic solutions. Methods. A double- blind randomized control trial was designed to assess the analgesic efficacy of 7.5 mg/mL ropivacaine solution compared to control group, in two groups of one hundred and forty four parturients for each group, who underwent Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia: group R (ropivacaine group) and group C (control group). All parturients also received spinal sufentanil (2.5 μg). Results. Ropivacaine infiltration in the Pfannenstiel incision for Caesarean delivery before wound closure leads to a reduction of 30% in the overall consumption of analgesics (348 550 mg for group R versus 504 426 mg for group C with P < .05), especially opioids in the first 24 hours, but also significantly increases the time interval until the first request for an analgesic (4 h 20 min ± 2 h 26 for group R versus 2 h 42 ± 1 h 30 for group C). The P values for the two groups were: P < .0001 for paracetamol, P < .0001 for ketoprofen and P for nalbuphine which was the most significant. There is no significant difference in the threshold of VAS in the two series. Conclusion. This technique can contribute towards a programme of early rehabilitation in sectioned mothers, with earlier discharge from the post-labour suite

    Lymphomes malins non-hodgkiniens primitifs des amygdales palatines

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    Introduction: The most predominant localization for extranodal  non-hodgkinien lymphoma (NHL) in the head and neck region is the tonsil. The vast majority of NHL at this site is B-cell lymphomas.Materials and methods: The authors presented three cases of primary Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma of the tonsil, treated between 1995 and 2007Results: we report the cases of three men aged respectively 15, 42 and 72 years. They complained of a persistent odynophagia during three months ago. Clinical examination detected unilateral enlarged tonsil with ulcerated surface. All of them have bilateral tonsillectomy. The histopathologic examination concluded at a NHL with a B phenotype. The treatment consisted on chemotherapy for two patients and on radio and  chemotherapy for the third patient. We have noted one death for our three patients.Conclusion: Primary NHL of the tonsil is rare. An advanced diagnosis is often difficult. Both histopathologic identification of the tumor and evaluation of the patient are essentiel for the therapeutic decision. Prognostic depends on the stage of the lymphoma.Keywords: Non Hodgkin lymphoma, Oral cavity, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, antineoplastic agent, malignant hemopathy, Oral cavity disease

    Les Mélanomes Malins Nasosinusiens

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    Le mélanome malin nasosinusien est une tumeur rare prenant naissance au niveau des mélanocytes de la muqueuse respiratoire. Les auteurs rapportent deux observations de mélanomes malins nasosinusiens suivis et traités au service d\'ORL et de CCF de l\'hôpital Habib Thameur entre 1999 et 2005. Il s\'agit d\'un homme et d\'une femme âgés respectivement de 62 et 68 ans. La symptomatologie clinique est dominée par l\'obstruction nasale et l\'épistaxis. Le diagnostic est histologique après biopsie de la tumeur. Le traitement chirurgical est suivi d\'une radiothérapie externe dans les deux cas. L\'évolution est marquée par une récidive tumorale dans un cas. Primary mucosal melanoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is an uncommun clinical entity occurring on the level of the melanocytes respiratory mucous membrane. The authors report two observations of malignant melanoma of sinonasal mucosa treated between 1999 and 2005. It acts of an old man and a woman respectively 62 and 68 years old, both presented with nasal obstruction and epistaxis. The diagnosis was histological after biopsy of the tumour. The surgical treatment was followed of an external radiotherapy in both cases. The evolution was marked by a local recurrence in one case. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 16 2006: pp. 50-5

    Les osteomes des sinus de la face

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    Introduction : Le but de notre travail est préciser le profil épidémio-clinique de cette pathologie, l’apport de l’imagerie dans le diagnostic, et discuter les modalités de l’exérèse chirurgicale et l’apport de la voie endoscopique.Patients et méthode : il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective de 18 patients porteurs d’ostéomes des sinus paranasaux opérés entre 1993 à 2010. Ont été exclus les patients non opérés et les malades perdus de vue.Résultats : il s’agit de 18 patients porteurs d’un ostéome symptomatique des sinus de la face, d’âge moyen 40 ans, sex ratio 0,38. La localisation la plus fréquente était le sinus frontal dans 55.5% des cas. Le traitement chirurgical était de mise pour les patients symptomatiques. La voie endonasale était indiquée dans 6 cas.la récidive a intéressé deux patients (11%) ayant un ostéome frontal et fronto-ethmoïdal. Pour le reste des malades l’évolution était favorable avec un recul moyen de 36 mois.Conclusion : L’ostéome des sinus paranasaux reste longtemps asymptomatique mais peut se compliquer par extension orbitaire ou cérébrale. L’abord endonasal a permis d’améliorer la prise en charge.Mots clés : Ostéome, sinus de la face, tomodensitométrie, chirurgie, voie endonasaleObjective : Lymph node infection is the most frequent localization of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The treatment does not make general agreement. The aim of this study is to specify, from a review of the literature, the different ways of antimicrobial treatment and the indications of surgery.Patients and methods : il is about a retrospective study including 18 patients with paranasal sinus osteomas operated between 1993 and 2010. Were excluded unoperated and lost patients.Results : in this group of 18 patients with symptomatic sinus osteoma of the face, the mean age was 40 years, sex ratio was 0.38. the frontal sinus was the most affected, 55.5% of cases. Surgical treatment was set for symptomatic patients. The endonasal route was indicated in 6 cases. Recurrence was observed in two patients (11%) having a frontal osteoma and fronto-ethmoid. Outcomes were favorable in the remaining patients, mean follow-up was 36 months.Conclusion: Paranasal sinuses osteoma is a long asymptomatic tumor, but it may be complicated with orbital extending or stroke. Endonasal approach contributed to improve the treatment.Keyswords : Osteoma, paranasal sinus, computed tomography, surgery, endonasal approac

    MAP Kinase Phosphorylation and cAMP assessment in fungi

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    The cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways are the most important signal transduction pathways in eukaryotes. In many plant pathogenic fungi they play pivotal roles in virulence and development. Identifi cation and understanding the role of signal transduction pathways in regulation of cellular responses require robust biochemical techniques. Determination of both the phosphorylation status of MAPKs and the intracellular levels of cAMP is required to unravel the function of these pathways during adaptation of fungi to environmental stress conditions or when particular fungal genes are disrupted or silenced. Here we describe protocols to determine the phosphorylation status of three different MAPKs including Fus3, Slt2 and Hog1 as well as a protocol to measure the intracellular levels of cAMP levels. These protocols can be adapted for a wide range of fung

    Transposition of a fungal mite through the action of a Tc1-like transposase

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    The mimp1 element previously identified in the ascomycete fungus Fusarium oxysporum has hallmarks of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs): short size, terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), structural homogeneity, and a stable secondary structure. Since mimp1 has no coding capacity, its mobilization requires a transposase-encoding element. On the basis of the similarity of TIRs and target-site preference with the autonomous Tcl-like element impala, together with a correlated distribution of both elements among the Fusarium genus, we investigated the ability of mimp1 to jump upon expression of the impala transposase provided in trans. Under these conditions, we present evidence that mimp1 transposes by a cut-and-paste mechanism into TA dinucleoticles, which are duplicated upon insertion. Our results also show that mimp1 reinserts very frequently in genic regions for at least one-third of the cases. We also show that the mimp1/impala, double-component system is fully functional in the heterologous species F. graminearum, allowing the development of a highly efficient tool for gene tagging in filamentous fungi

    Constructing an open access economy-wide database for bioeconomy impact assessment in the European Union member states

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    The bioeconomy encompasses the extraction, processing and transformation of renewable biological resources and waste streams, connected to activities as diverse as food, feed, energy and manufacturing. Under the auspices of the European Union’s ‘Green Deal’ strategy, this broad collective of sectors is promoted as a cornerstone for achieving sustainable growth. Progress in developing ex-ante tools of economy-wide modelling analysis to assess its performance is, however, hindered by a paucity of consistent and comprehensive data. To overcome this shortcoming, the construction steps for a new set of open access social accounting matrices (dubbed ‘BioSAMs’) is described for a detailed and comprehensive selection of traditional and contemporary bio-based accounts for each of the EU member states. To illustrate its potential, a structural analysis based on three different and complementary methods (Rasmussen-Jones, hypothetical extraction method and eigenvector) is performed to classify bio-based sector wealth generating properties and to identify high performance (‘key’) sectors

    Membrane asymmetry imposes directionality on lipid droplet emergence from the ER

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    During energy bursts, neutral lipids fabricated within the ER bilayer demix to form lipid droplets (LDs). LDs bud off mainly in the cytosol where they regulate metabolism and multiple biological processes. They indeed become accessible to most enzymes and can interact with other organelles. How such directional emergence is achieved remains elusive. Here, we found that this directionality is controlled by an asymmetry in monolayer surface coverage. Model LDs emerge on the membrane leaflet of higher coverage, which is improved by the insertion of proteins and phospholipids. In cells, continuous LD emergence on the cytosol would require a constant refill of phospholipids to the ER cytosolic leaflet. Consistent with this model, cells deficient in phospholipids present an increased number of LDs exposed to the ER lumen and compensate by remodeling ER shape. Our results reveal an active cooperation between phospholipids and proteins to extract LDs from ER

    Horizontal gene and chromosome transfer in plantpathogenic fungi affecting host range

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    Plant pathogenic fungi adapt quickly to changing environments including overcoming plant disease resistance genes. This is usually achieved by mutations in single effector genes of the pathogens, enabling them to avoid recognition by the host plant. In addition, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and horizontal chromosome transfer (HCT) provide a means for pathogens to broaden their host range. Recently, several reports have appeared in the literature on HGT, HCT and hybridization between plant pathogenic fungi that affect their host range, including species of Stagonospora/Pyrenophora, Fusarium and Alternaria. Evidence is given that HGT of the ToxA gene from Stagonospora nodorum to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis enabled the latter fungus to cause a serious disease in wheat. A nonpathogenic Fusarium species can become pathogenic on tomato by HCT of a pathogenicity chromosome from Fusarium oxysporum f.sp lycopersici, a wellknown pathogen of tomato. Similarly, Alternaria species can broaden their host range by HCT of a single chromosome carrying a cluster of genes encoding hostspecific toxins that enabled them to become pathogenic on new hosts such as apple, Japanese pear, strawberry and tomato, respectively. The mechanisms HGT and HCT and their impact on potential emergence of fungal plant pathogens adapted to new host plants will be discusse