283 research outputs found

    Comparative study of manufacturing techniques for coronagraphic binary pupil masks: masks on substrates and free-standing masks

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    We present a comparative study of the manufacture of binary pupil masks for coronagraphic observations of exoplanets. A checkerboard mask design, a type of binary pupil mask design, was adopted, and identical patterns of the same size were used for all the masks in order that we could compare the differences resulting from the different manufacturing methods. The masks on substrates had aluminum checkerboard patterns with thicknesses of 0.1/0.2/0.4/0.8/1.6μ\mum constructed on substrates of BK7 glass, silicon, and germanium using photolithography and chemical processes. Free-standing masks made of copper and nickel with thicknesses of 2/5/10/20μ\mum were also realized using photolithography and chemical processes, which included careful release from the substrate used as an intermediate step in the manufacture. Coronagraphic experiments using a visible laser were carried out for all the masks on BK7 glass substrate and the free-standing masks. The average contrasts were 8.4×108\times10^{-8}, 1.2×107\times10^{-7}, and 1.2×107\times10^{-7} for the masks on BK7 substrates, the free-standing copper masks, and the free-standing nickel masks, respectively. No significant correlation was concluded between the contrast and the mask properties. The high contrast masks have the potential to cover the needs of coronagraphs for both ground-based and space-borne telescopes over a wide wavelength range. Especially, their application to the infrared space telescope, SPICA, is appropriate.Comment: 21 pates, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted to PAS

    DISCO: a Spatio-Spectral Recombiner for Pupil Remapping Interferometry

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    Pupil-remapping is a new high-dynamic range imaging technique that has recently demonstrated feasibility on sky. The current prototypes present however deceiving limiting magnitude, restricting the current use to the brightest stars in the sky. We propose to combine pupil-remapping with spatio-spectral encoding, a technique first applied to the VEGA/CHARA interferometer. The result is an instrument proposal, called "Dividing Interferometer for Stars Characterizations and Observations" (DISCO). The idea is to take profit of wavelength multiplexing when using a spectrograph in order to pack as much as possible the available information, yet providing a potential boost of 1.5 magnitude if used in existing prototypes. We detail in this paper the potential of such a concept.Comment: Improving the performances of current optical interferometers \& future designs, France (2013

    Multi-Color Coronagraph Experiment in a Vacuum Testbed with a Binary Shaped Pupil Mask

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    We conducted a number of multi-band coronagraph experiments using a vacuum chamber and a binary-shaped pupil mask which in principle should work at all wavelengths, in the context of the research and development on a coronagraph to observe extra-solar planets (exoplanets) directly. The aim of this work is to demonstrate that subtraction of Point Spread Function (PSF) and multi-band experiments using a binary-shaped pupil mask coronagraph would help improve the contrast in the observation of exoplanets. A checkerboard mask, a kind of binary-shaped pupil mask, was used. We improved the temperature stability by installing the coronagraph optics in a vacuum chamber, controlling the temperature of the optical bench, and covering the vacuum chamber with thermal insulation layers. We evaluated how much the PSF subtraction contributes to the high contrast observation by subtracting the images obtained through the coronagraph. We also carried out multi- band experiments in order to demonstrate a more realistic observation using Super luminescent Light Emitting Diodes (SLEDs) with center wavelengths of 650nm, 750nm, 800nm and 850nm. A contrast of 2.3x10-7 was obtained for the raw coronagraphic image and a contrast of 1.3x10-9 was achieved after PSF subtraction with a He-Ne laser at 632.8nm wavelength. Thus, the contrast was improved by around two orders of magnitude from the raw contrast by subtracting the PSF. We achieved contrasts of 3.1x10-7, 1.1x10-6, 1.6x10-6 and 2.5x10-6 at the bands of 650nm, 750nm, 800nm and 850nm, respectively, in the multi-band experiments. The results show that contrast within each of the wavelength bands was significantly improved compared with non-coronagraphic optics. We demonstrated PSF subtraction is potentially beneficial for improving contrast of the coronagraph, and this coronagraph produces a significant improvement in contrast with multi-band light sources.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Sub-Arcsecond Near-Infrared Images of Massive Star Formation Region NGC 6334 V

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    We present high spatial resolution (0\farcs3) polarimetric images in the HH and KK bands and direct images in the LL' and MM' bands of the NGC 6334 V infrared nebulae. The images show complex structures including the multi-shells and various knots in the nebulae. The appearances and colors of the eastern and western nebulae differ considerably. Our polarization images also show differences between the illuminating sources of the nebulae: the eastern nebula is illuminated by a deeply embedded mid-infrared source, KDJ 4, and the western nebula by our newly detected near-infrared source, WN-A1. The degree of polarization of the nebulae is very large, up to 70% at KK and 60% at HH, which is consistent with a single scattering of near-infrared radiation from each source at the walls of the mass outflows

    C2PU: 1-Meter Telescopes for the GAIA-FUN

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    3 p.International audienceC2PU stands in french for "Centre Pédagogique Planète Univers" (Planet and Universe Pedagogic Center). It is a project both for pedagogic and research purposes. It relies on the renewal of two 1-meter diameter telescopes. These two telescopes were earlier coupled as part of an interferometric instrument called SOIRDETE (for "Synthèse d'Ouverture en Infra Rouge avec DEux Telescopes"), described in Rabbia et al. 1990

    First Two-Micron Imaging Polarimetry of Beta Pictoris

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    High-resolution K band imaging polarimetry of the beta Pic dust disk has been conducted with adaptive optics and a coronagraph using the Subaru 8.2-m telescope. Polarization of ~10 % is detected out to r ~ 120 AU with a centro-symmetric vector pattern around the central star, confirming that the disk is seen as an infrared reflection nebula. We have modeled our near-infrared and previous optical polarization results in terms of dust scattering in the disk and have found that both the degrees of polarization and the radial intensity profiles are well reproduced. We argue that the observed characteristics of the disk dust are consistent with the presence of ice-filled fluffy aggregates consisting of submicron grains in the beta Pic system. There is a gap around 100 AU in both the intensity and polarization profiles, which suggests a paucity of planetesimals in this region. The radial intensity profile also shows ripple-like structures, which are indicative of the presence of multiple planetesimal belts, as in the case of the M-type Vega-like star AU Mic.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, accepted for Jp

    Apodized Lyot Coronagraph for VLT-SPHERE: Laboratory tests and performances of a first prototype in the visible

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    We present some of the High Dynamic Range Imaging activities developed around the coronagraphic test-bench of the Laboratoire A. H. Fizeau (Nice). They concern research and development of an Apodized Lyot Coronagraph (ALC) for the VLT-SPHERE instrument and experimental results from our testbed working in the visible domain. We determined by numerical simulations the specifications of the apodizing filter and searched the best technological process to manufacture it. We present the results of the experimental tests on the first apodizer prototype in the visible and the resulting ALC nulling performances. The tests concern particularly the apodizer characterization (average transmission radial profile, global reflectivity and transmittivity in the visible), ALC nulling performances compared with expectations, sensitivity of the ALC performances to misalignments of its components