19 research outputs found

    Karakterisering av hNCU-G1

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    Eskilds gruppe har vist at hNCU-G1 kan fungere som en ligandavhengig koaktivator for kjernereseptorer in vitro. Denne masteroppgaven bruker fluorescenskonfokalmikroskopi til videre Ä undersÞke interaksjonen mellom hNCU-G1 med kjernereseptorer. UndersÞkelsen viser at hNCU-G1 koblet til grÞnt fluorescerende protein (EGFP) kjernelokaliserer ved lav ekspresjon, Mens det aggregerer perinukleÊrt ved et hÞyere uttrykk. Det ble imidlertid ikke bekreftet noen protein-protein interaksjon med kjernereseptorene benyttet i denne oppgaven. Videre indikerte mikroskopistudiet at hÞyt uttrykk av hNCU-G1-EGFP induserte krumning av cellekjernen hvis den perinukleÊre ansamlingen av proteinet ble stor nok. Lokaliseringen av proteinet ved hÞyt uttrykk og induksjonen av kjernekrumning sammenfaller med en cellulÊr mekanisme kalt aggresomdannelse. Aggresomer blir dannet som en respons pÄ at kapasiteten til protein degraderingssytemene i cellen overskrides. I denne oppgaven blir det vist at aggregeringen av hNCU-G1-EGFP deler flere egenskaper med aggresomdannelse

    Mechanisms and Pathophysiological Roles of the ATG8 Conjugation Machinery

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    Since their initial discovery around two decades ago, the yeast autophagy-related (Atg)8 protein and its mammalian homologues of the light chain 3 (LC3) and γ-aminobutyric acid receptor associated proteins (GABARAP) families have been key for the tremendous expansion of our knowledge about autophagy, a process in which cytoplasmic material become targeted for lysosomal degradation. These proteins are ubiquitin-like proteins that become directly conjugated to a lipid in the autophagy membrane upon induction of autophagy, thus providing a marker of the pathway, allowing studies of autophagosome biogenesis and maturation. Moreover, the ATG8 proteins function to recruit components of the core autophagy machinery as well as cargo for selective degradation. Importantly, comprehensive structural and biochemical in vitro studies of the machinery required for ATG8 protein lipidation, as well as their genetic manipulation in various model organisms, have provided novel insight into the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological roles of the mATG8 proteins. Recently, it has become evident that the ATG8 proteins and their conjugation machinery are also involved in intracellular pathways and processes not related to autophagy. This review focuses on the molecular functions of ATG8 proteins and their conjugation machinery in autophagy and other pathways, as well as their links to disease

    Mechanisms and Pathophysiological Roles of the ATG8 Conjugation Machinery

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    Since their initial discovery around two decades ago, the yeast autophagy-related (Atg)8 protein and its mammalian homologues of the light chain 3 (LC3) and Îł-aminobutyric acid receptor associated proteins (GABARAP) families have been key for the tremendous expansion of our knowledge about autophagy, a process in which cytoplasmic material become targeted for lysosomal degradation. These proteins are ubiquitin-like proteins that become directly conjugated to a lipid in the autophagy membrane upon induction of autophagy, thus providing a marker of the pathway, allowing studies of autophagosome biogenesis and maturation. Moreover, the ATG8 proteins function to recruit components of the core autophagy machinery as well as cargo for selective degradation. Importantly, comprehensive structural and biochemical in vitro studies of the machinery required for ATG8 protein lipidation, as well as their genetic manipulation in various model organisms, have provided novel insight into the molecular mechanisms and pathophysiological roles of the mATG8 proteins. Recently, it has become evident that the ATG8 proteins and their conjugation machinery are also involved in intracellular pathways and processes not related to autophagy. This review focuses on the molecular functions of ATG8 proteins and their conjugation machinery in autophagy and other pathways, as well as their links to disease

    Autophagosome biogenesis: From membrane growth to closure

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    Autophagosome biogenesis involves de novo formation of a membrane that elongates to sequester cytoplasmic cargo and closes to form a double-membrane vesicle (an autophagosome). This process has remained enigmatic since its initial discovery >50 yr ago, but our understanding of the mechanisms involved in autophagosome biogenesis has increased substantially during the last 20 yr. Several key questions do remain open, however, including, What determines the site of autophagosome nucleation? What is the origin and lipid composition of the autophagosome membrane? How is cargo sequestration regulated under nonselective and selective types of autophagy? This review provides key insight into the core molecular mechanisms underlying autophagosome biogenesis, with a specific emphasis on membrane modeling events, and highlights recent conceptual advances in the field

    The separate axes of TECPR1 and ATG16L1 in CASM

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    Conjugation of ATG8 to single membranes (CASM) is a fundamental cellular process that entails the conjugation of mammalian Atg8 homologs, here referred to as ATG8, to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) on endolysosomal compartments. Our current research, together with recent reports from the Randow, Wu, and Wileman labs, has uncovered yet another layer to this process. We discovered that, in addition to ATG16L1-containing complexes, TECPR1 (tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 1)-containing ATG12–ATG5 E3 complexes can facilitate CASM, thereby providing a broader understanding of this pathway

    Toward the function of mammalian ATG12-ATG5-ATG16L1 complex in autophagy and related processes

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    The machinery that decorates autophagic membranes with lipid-conjugated LC3/GABARAP is not yet fully understood. We recently reported the purification of the full-length ATG12–ATG5-ATG16L1 complex, and in reconstitution experiments with purified ATG7, ATG3, and LC3/GABARAP in vitro, together with rescue experiments in knockout cells, important aspects of the complete lipidation reaction were revealed. Hitherto unobserved membrane-binding regions in ATG16L1 were found, contributing to properties that explain the crucial role of this protein in membrane targeting and LC3/GABARAP lipidation in macroautophagy/autophagy and other related processes

    The Chlamydia effector CT622/TaiP targets a nonautophagy related function of ATG16L1

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    The obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, the causative agent of trachoma and sexually transmitted diseases, multiply in a vacuolar compartment, the inclusion. From this niche, they secrete “effector” proteins, that modify cellular activities to enable bacterial survival and proliferation. Here, we show that the host autophagy-related protein 16-1 (ATG16L1) restricts inclusion growth and that this effect is counteracted by the secretion of the bacterial effector CT622/TaiP (translocated ATG16L1 interacting protein). ATG16L1 is mostly known for its role in the lipidation of the human homologs of ATG8 (i.e., LC3 and homologs) on double membranes during autophagy as well as on single membranes during LC3-associated phagocytosis and other LC3-lipidation events. Unexpectedly, the LC3-lipidation-related functions of ATG16L1 are not required for restricting inclusion development. We show that the carboxyl-terminal domain of TaiP exposes a mimic of an eukaryotic ATG16L1-binding motif that binds to ATG16L1’s WD40 domain. By doing so, TaiP prevents ATG16L1 interaction with the integral membrane protein TMEM59 and allows the rerouting of Rab6-positive compartments toward the inclusion. The discovery that one bacterial effector evolved to target ATG16L1’s engagement in intracellular traffic rather than in LC3 lipidation brings this “secondary” activity of ATG16L1 in full light and emphasizes its importance for maintaining host cell homeostasis

    TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 controls autophagosome shedding by ATG4 protease

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved catabolic process through which defective or otherwise harmful cellular components are targeted for degradation via the lysosomal route. Regulatory pathways, involving post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, play a critical role in controlling this tightly orchestrated process. Here, we demonstrate that TBK1 regulates autophagy by phosphorylating autophagy modifiers LC3C and GABARAP-L2 on surface-exposed serine residues (LC3C S93 and S96; GABARAP-L2 S87 and S88). This phosphorylation event impedes their binding to the processing enzyme ATG4 by destabilizing the complex. Phosphorylated LC3C/GABARAP-L2 cannot be removed from liposomes by ATG4 and are thus protected from ATG4-mediated premature removal from nascent autoph-agosomes. This ensures a steady coat of lipidated LC3C/GABARAP-L2 throughout the early steps in autophagosome formation and aids in maintaining a unidirectional flow of the autophagosome to the lysosome. Taken together, we present a new regulatory mechanism of autophagy, which influences the conjugation and de-conjugation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 to autophagosomes by TBK1-mediated phosphorylation

    TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 controls autophagosome shedding by ATG4 protease

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved catabolic process through which defective or otherwise harmful cellular components are targeted for degradation via the lysosomal route. Regulatory pathways, involving post‐translational modifications such as phosphorylation, play a critical role in controlling this tightly orchestrated process. Here, we demonstrate that TBK1 regulates autophagy by phosphorylating autophagy modifiers LC3C and GABARAP‐L2 on surface‐exposed serine residues (LC3C S93 and S96; GABARAP‐L2 S87 and S88). This phosphorylation event impedes their binding to the processing enzyme ATG4 by destabilizing the complex. Phosphorylated LC3C/GABARAP‐L2 cannot be removed from liposomes by ATG4 and are thus protected from ATG4‐mediated premature removal from nascent autophagosomes. This ensures a steady coat of lipidated LC3C/GABARAP‐L2 throughout the early steps in autophagosome formation and aids in maintaining a unidirectional flow of the autophagosome to the lysosome. Taken together, we present a new regulatory mechanism of autophagy, which influences the conjugation and de‐conjugation of LC3C and GABARAP‐L2 to autophagosomes by TBK1‐mediated phosphorylation

    TBK1-mediated phosphorylation of LC3C and GABARAP-L2 controls autophagosome shedding by ATG4 protease

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    Autophagy is a highly conserved catabolic process through which defective or otherwise harmful cellular components are targeted for degradation via the lysosomal route. Regulatory pathways, involving post‐translational modifications such as phosphorylation, play a critical role in controlling this tightly orchestrated process. Here, we demonstrate that TBK1 regulates autophagy by phosphorylating autophagy modifiers LC3C and GABARAP‐L2 on surface‐exposed serine residues (LC3C S93 and S96; GABARAP‐L2 S87 and S88). This phosphorylation event impedes their binding to the processing enzyme ATG4 by destabilizing the complex. Phosphorylated LC3C/GABARAP‐L2 cannot be removed from liposomes by ATG4 and are thus protected from ATG4‐mediated premature removal from nascent autophagosomes. This ensures a steady coat of lipidated LC3C/GABARAP‐L2 throughout the early steps in autophagosome formation and aids in maintaining a unidirectional flow of the autophagosome to the lysosome. Taken together, we present a new regulatory mechanism of autophagy, which influences the conjugation and de‐conjugation of LC3C and GABARAP‐L2 to autophagosomes by TBK1‐mediated phosphorylation