24 research outputs found

    Architecture of economic activity efficiency of agricultural fruit producers of the region under sanctions

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    In the current realities, it is engineering and dealer services that take into account the balance of interests to ensure the development of management decisions that contribute to improving the quality of activities of fruit growing organizations in the region, the effective use of engineering innovations and equity capital. During the study, an assessment was made of entrepreneurial activity, the duration of the operating and financial cycles, financial stability of engineering and dealer organizations, and a factor analysis of return on capital was carried out, using the example of manufacturers of agricultural machinery for fruit growing. The assessment of indicators included an assessment of turnover of current assets, profitability, SWOT analysis and identification of risks of reducing the efficiency of business activities, taking into account factors affecting the optimization of leverage. Low profitability of the engineering and dealer business is associated with an ineffective pricing strategy, setting low prices when participating in government contracts and a significant amount of variable costs in the overall cost structure. To improve the situation, it was proposed to optimize the work of dealer centers and revise the pricing policy

    Methodological tools for assessing the impact of priority factors in the development of the region on the quality of development of the fruit and vegetable market

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    The subject of the study is a complex of social relations in the fruit and vegetable industry that arise in the process of providing social support measures to the rural population of the region through the use of new information and communication technologies. The purpose of the work is to identify the digital architecture of methodological tools that help improve the efficiency of providing social support measures to the rural population of fruit and vegetable specialization. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the decreasing number of labor resources that provide fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region can be replenished by immigrants from other regions and migrants. Based on the digital architecture for diagnosing labor resources and the level of employment of the rural population of the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region, the forecast of its number, proposals are put forward to increase the number of labor resources in working age and the effectiveness of these proposals is evaluated. Therefore, for the growth of the labor force, it is necessary to increase the level of employment at the expense of the economically inactive rural population or the growth of migration. Thanks to the digital architecture, the dynamics of employment in the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region in 2021–2022. a correlation-regression model has been built, demonstrating a downward trend in the share of the employed rural population in the total number of economically active population

    Group of continuous transformations of real interval preserving tails of G₂-representation of numbers

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    In the paper, we consider a two-symbol system of encoding for real numbers with two bases having different signs g₀ < 1 and g₁ = g₀ − 1. Transformations (bijections of the set to itself) of interval [0, g₀] preserving tails of this representation of numbers are studied. We prove constructively that the set of all continuous transformations from this class with respect to composition of functions forms an infinite non-abelian group such that increasing transformations form its proper subgroup. This group is a proper subgroup of the group of transformations preserving frequencies of digits of representations of numbers

    Genotype by yield × trait (GYT) biplot analysis for the identification of the superior winter and facultative barley breeding lines

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    Received: January 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: May 21st, 2023 ; Published: June 17th, 2023 ; Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] the present study, in a panel of promising winter and facultative barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding lines, the peculiarities of yield performance and its combination with resistance (tolerance) to the most common under conditions of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe abiotic and biotic stresses have been determined. In 2016-17–2018-19 the breeding lines were differentiated based on grain yield, thousand kernel weight, frost resistance, leakage of electrolytes, relative drought tolerance, lodging resistance, and resistance to powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer, f. sp. hordei emend. É. J. Marchal (anamorph Oidium monilioides Link)), spot blotch (caused by Cochliobolus sativus (anamorph Bipolaris sorokiniana [Sacc.] Shoem.)), and leaf rust (caused by Puccinia hordei Otth.). GYT (genotype by yield × trait) biplot model was used for comprehensive evaluation of the breeding lines by a combination of yield with a complex of traits. As a result, the winter breeding line ‘Pallidum 5096’ and facultative breeding line ‘Pallidum 5110’ superior to others in terms of yield × traits combinations have been identified. These breeding lines as new varieties ‘MIP Atlas’ and ‘MIP Yanus’ accordingly have been submitted to the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination for further State Qualification Examination. The winter (‘Pallidum 5134’, ‘Pallidum 5097’, ‘Pallidum 5024’, ‘Pallidum 5090’, and ‘Pallidum 5130’) and facultative (‘Pallidum 5153’, ‘Pallidum 5102’, ‘Pallidum 5126’, and ‘Pallidum 5131’) breeding lines can be used as valuable genetic sources in breeding programs in Ukraine and some other Central a nd Eastern European countries

    Heavy ion beam probing – a tool to study geodesic acoustic modes and alfven eigenmodes in the T-10 tokamak and TJ-II stellarator

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    Heavy ion beam probing (HIBP) is a unique diagnostic for core plasma potential. It operates in the T-10 tokamak and TJ-II flexible heliac. Multi-slits energy analyzers provide simultaneously the data on plasma potential φ (by beam extra energy), plasma density (by beam current) and Bpol (by beam toroidal shift) in 5 poloidally shifted sample volumes. Thus, the poloidal electric field and the electrostatic turbulent particle flux are derived. The fine focused (<1 cm) and intense (100 μA) beams provide the measurements in the wide density interval ne=(0.3...5)×10¹⁹ m⁻³, while the advanced control system for primary and secondary beams provides the measurements in the wide range of the plasma currents in T-10 and magnetic configurations in TJ-II, including Ohmic, ECR and NBI heated plasmas. Low-noise high-gain (10⁷ V/A) preamplifiers with 300 kHz bandwidth and 2 MHz sampling allow us to study quasi-coherent modes like Geodesic Acoustic Modes (GAMs) and Alfvén Eigenmodes (AEs). The spatial location, poloidal rotation velocity and mode numbers for GAMs and AEs were studied in the core plasmas.Зондирование пучком тяжёлых ионов (ЗПТИ) является уникальной диагностикой для исследования потенциала горячей плазмы, она работает на токамаке T-10 и стеллараторе TJ-II. Многощелевые анализаторы позволяют одновременно определять потенциал, плотность и полоидальное магнитное поле в пяти точках измерения в плазме, что позволяет найти полоидальное электрическое поле и турбулентный поток частиц. Хорошо сфокусированные (< 1 см) интенсивные (100 мкА) пучки позволяют вести измерения в широком интервале плотностей n‾e=(0.3...5)×10¹⁹ m⁻³, а система управления первичным и вторичным пучками обеспечивает измерения в пределах изменения параметров T-10 и TJ-II, включая режимы омического, электронно-циклотронного и инжекционного нагревов плазмы. Исследованы геодезические акустические моды и альфвеновские собственные моды частотой до 300 кГц.Зондування пучком важких іонів (ЗПВІ) є унікальна система діагностики для дослідження потенціалу в гарячій плазмі на токамаці Т-10 та стелараторі TJ-II. Аналізатори з багатою кількістю апертур дозволяють одночасно вимірювати потенціал, густину та полоїдальне магнітне поле у п’яти об’ємах плазми, що дозволяє знайти полоїдальне електричне поле та турбулентний потік часток. Гарно сфокусовані (< 1 см) інтенсивні (100 мкА) пучки дозволяють провести вимірювання в широкому інтервалі n‾e=(0.3...5)×10¹⁹ m⁻³ густини, а система керування первинним та вторинним пучками забезпечує вимірювання у межах діапазону зміни параметрів T-10 та TJ-II, які включають у себе режими омічного, електронно-циклотронного та інжекційного нагрівів плазми. Досліджено геодезичні акустичні моди і альфвенівські коливання особистої моди частотою до 300 кГц

    Effect of high-quality technical capacity characteristics to the impact of industrial production

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    The article deals with problems of the qualitative assessment of the technical capacity of the economic industrial organizations, in which the development of methods for assessment and management of heterogeneous quality of resources requires establishing their resultant value at any ratio of the structural elements (resources) and the definition (increase or decrease) the effectiveness of their quantitative characteristics. The extent of the qualitative assessment of the adequacy of technical capacity of industry organizations has a direct impact on the efficiency of its formation. The article made specific calculations to identify the functional relationship between the productivity of industrial production and the main characteristics of the technical capacity of industry organizations Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. It was concluded that the negative correlation between the quantitative security technology and efficiency of industrial production - the last influence energy power technical capacity. The equations of regression, depending on the factor variable, made their forecast

    Effect of high-quality technical capacity characteristics to the impact of industrial production

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    The article deals with problems of the qualitative assessment of the technical capacity of the economic industrial organizations, in which the development of methods for assessment and management of heterogeneous quality of resources requires establishing their resultant value at any ratio of the structural elements (resources) and the definition (increase or decrease) the effectiveness of their quantitative characteristics. The extent of the qualitative assessment of the adequacy of technical capacity of industry organizations has a direct impact on the efficiency of its formation. The article made specific calculations to identify the functional relationship between the productivity of industrial production and the main characteristics of the technical capacity of industry organizations Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions. It was concluded that the negative correlation between the quantitative security technology and efficiency of industrial production - the last influence energy power technical capacity. The equations of regression, depending on the factor variable, made their forecast

    Methodological tools for assessing the impact of priority factors in the development of the region on the quality of development of the fruit and vegetable market

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    The subject of the study is a complex of social relations in the fruit and vegetable industry that arise in the process of providing social support measures to the rural population of the region through the use of new information and communication technologies. The purpose of the work is to identify the digital architecture of methodological tools that help improve the efficiency of providing social support measures to the rural population of fruit and vegetable specialization. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the decreasing number of labor resources that provide fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region can be replenished by immigrants from other regions and migrants. Based on the digital architecture for diagnosing labor resources and the level of employment of the rural population of the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region, the forecast of its number, proposals are put forward to increase the number of labor resources in working age and the effectiveness of these proposals is evaluated. Therefore, for the growth of the labor force, it is necessary to increase the level of employment at the expense of the economically inactive rural population or the growth of migration. Thanks to the digital architecture, the dynamics of employment in the fruit and vegetable specialization of the Chelyabinsk region in 2021–2022. a correlation-regression model has been built, demonstrating a downward trend in the share of the employed rural population in the total number of economically active population

    Atypical Course of Acute Hematogenous Osteomyelitis in a Child

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    A description of the observation of atypical course of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in a child aged 8 years 6 months. After complex therapy the recoverу occurred

    Experience in the management of business processes with the use of digital technologies by Russian companies of a petrochemical complex

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    This article discusses the prospects for the introduction of modern technologies in the business processes of industrial enterprises in the framework of the fourth industrial revolution. The factors determining the vector of development of modern technologies are revealed. The classification of tasks of the enterprises of non-resource sector of economy under which high technologies of "Industry 4.0" are introduced is given. The article also considers the impact of modern technologies on the business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of types of technologies. The analysis of the data of industrial enterprises, which are part of the largest petrochemical holding of the Russian Federation for compliance of the implemented technologies with the tasks of the considered enterprises is given. The study presents data on the possibilities of modern technologies and the results of the impact of technology on the business processes of enterprises