515 research outputs found

    Управління ризиками інфокомунікаційної мережі при стратегічному плануванні безпеки систем критичної інраструктури

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    The subject matter of the article is information and communication networks of critical infrastructure systems. The goal of the work is to create an approach for strategic managing the security of critical infrastructure systems taking into account the risks of the information and communication network. The article deals with the following tasks: determining the procedure of strategic managing the security of critical infrastructure systems, identifying the risks of the information and communication network, assessing the importance and probability of partial network risks. The following methods are used: a systematic approach, cause-and-effect analysis, statistical methods. The following results are obtained: the diagram of multi-level risk management of critical infrastructure systems is developed; the diagram of the step-by-step method of information risks management is developed for increasing the safety of the system; the complex index is suggested for determining the category of information system security; probable variants of the full-factor environment of a set of values of the complex index elements and the corresponding categories of information systems security are analyzed; the process of adaptation of the system as an integral part of the selection and specification of measures for the risk reduction of the information and communication network is determined; the example of the risk assessment of the information and communication network for a software and hardware complex in the automated control system of technological processes is considered. Taking into account the categories of factors, a list of probable risks of the information and communication network and factors that cause them is given; the cause-and-effect diagram of "cause-risk-effect" interaction is created; the total effect of each factor on the final vertices of the diagram, that is possible effects, is calculated; the factors were grouped as the most important, quite important, of mean importance, and inconsiderable ones.Предметом дослідження в статті є інфокомунікаційні мережі систем критичної інфраструктури. Мета роботи – створення підходу для стратегічного управління безпекою систем критичної інфраструктури з урахуванням ризиків інфокомунікаційної мережі. В статті вирішуються наступні завдання: визначення процедури стратегічного управління безпекою систем критичної інфраструктури, ідентифікація ризиків інфокомунікаційної мережі, оцінка важливості та ймовірності часткових ризиків мережі. Використовуються такі методи: системний підхід, причинно-наслідковий аналіз, статистичні методи. Отримано наступні результати: Побудовано схему багаторівневого управління ризиками систем критичної інфраструктури. Розроблено схему покрокового методу управління інформаційними ризиками для підвищення безпеки системи. Запропоновано комплексний показник для визначення категорії безпеки інформаційної системи. Проаналізовано можливі варіанти повного факторного простору множини значень елементів комплексного показника і відповідні їм категорії безпеки інформаційних систем. Визначено процес адаптації системи як невід'ємну частину вибору і специфікації заходів щодо парирування ризиків інфокомунікаційної мережі. Розглянуто приклад оцінки ризику інфокомунікаційної мережі для програмно-технічного комплексу у складі автоматизованої системи управління технологічними процесами. З урахуванням категорій факторів наведено перелік можливих ризиків інфокомунікаційної мережі із зазначенням причин їх виникнення. Побудовано причинно-наслідкову діаграму взаємодії "причини-ризики-наслідки". Розраховано загальний вплив кожного фактора на кінцеві вершини діаграми – можливі наслідки. Було класифіковано фактори на чотири групи: найбільш важливі, досить значні, середньої значущості, незначні

    Комбіноване лікування хворої з ендометріоїдною пухлиною передньої черевної стінки

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    Комбіноване лікування хворої з ендометріоїдною пухлиною передньої черевної стінк

    The choice of antimicrobial therapy among physicians in the treatment of gestational pyelonephritis

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    From 1 to 10% of the physiological pregnancy complicated by acute pyelonephritis. The purpose work- analyze the choice of antimicrobial therapy among physicians in the treatment of gestational pyelonephritis. Materials and methods-analysis of the anonymous survey in the framework of the second stage of the All-Russian pharmacoepidemiological study, "Epidemiology of the use of drugs in pregnant women", which was conducted from February to April 2015. On the basis of this was carried out to compare the results with the results of the survey of doctors of the Belgorod regio

    Development of a Flow-Measuring Hydropneumatic Bench for Testing Pipeline Valves

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    Pipe fittings are an important element of any pipeline network, ensuring stable and safe operation by regulating the flow of the working medium. To control the performance of pipeline valves, it is necessary to conduct various tests, the main ones of which are hydraulic and pneumatic. It is important to expand testing capabilities and reduce time costs. The purpose of this work is to combine hydraulic and pneumatic tests into one test complex, which will reduce the time of the test complex due to the absence of the need for reinstallation and reconfiguration. The subject of the study is the determination of the design, technical, and operational characteristics of such a stand, as well as the simulation of operating conditions to confirm its operability. During the development, methods of solid and surface modeling, the finite element method, and analytical calculation methods were used. The results of the stand design are presented, and the features of the process of its development are described, including the analysis of the stress-strain state and the analysis of reliability and durability indicators. The obtained values of the distribution of equivalent stresses, deformations, and displacements of the structure elements do not exceed the maximum allowable values and do not lead to destruction. The analysis shows that the developed stand has improved capabilities compared to those previously used. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-01-013 Full Text: PD

    Impact of adjuvant intrabladder therapy on quality of life in patients, suffering musculo-noninvasive cancer of the bladder

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    Objective. Comparative estimation of quality of life in patients with a high-risk musculo-noninvasive cancer of the bladder was accomplished while conduction of adjuvant intrabladder hyperthermic chemotherapy and immunotherapy with BCG vaccine. Маterials and methods. Depending on kind of treatment, the patients were distributed into two groups: Group I - 44 patients, to whom adjuvant intrabladder immunotherapy with BCG vaccine was applied, and Group II - 41 patients, to whom intrabladder chemotherapy was conducted, using the system for local hyperthermy Combat BRS. Results. The data from the patients interviewed, using EORTC QLQ-30 questionnaires, confirmed better quality of life in patients of Group II, who obtained intrabladder hyperthermic chemotherapy, peculiarly in accordance to indices of physical status, social adaptation and intoxication. In accordance to data of the patients’ interviewed with the help of FACT-BL questionnaire, also better results were obtained in patients of Group II in accordance to the social and functional well-being status, the urination quality and values of indices of the «Cancer of the Bladder» scale. Conclusion. Higher quality of life was noted in patients of Group II, who obtained intrabladder hyperthermic chemotherapy. The lower quality of life in patients of Group I, who obtained immunotherapy with BCG vaccine, was connected with multiple side effects and enhanced toxicity of this therapy, accordingly

    Sepsis at victims with a polytrauma

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    Вивчено перебіг травматичної хвороби (ТХ) у 450 потерпілих віком від 16 до 85 років, з них 360 – чоловіки, з політравмою (ПТ). Гнійно-септичні ускладнення виникли в 18,7%, сепсис діагностовано в 6,2% з них. Ранні органні і поліорганна дисфункції у пацієнтів з сепсисом виникли в 78,6% спостережень, синдром системної запальної реакції (ССЗР) був у структурі клінічних ознак домінуючим і тривалим протягом всього гострого періоду ТХ. Стан імунореактивності у пацієнтів з сепсисом при ПТ характеризувався гіпердинамічним ССЗР, з наступним вторинним імунодефіцитом. Розвиток сепсису при ПТ ініціює другу хвилю синдрому поліорганної дисфункції (СПОД), який є фатальним і визначає вкрай високу летальність, яка склала в цієї категорії пацієнтів 60,7%; Current of traumatic illness at 450 victims with a polytrauma of the age from 16 till 85, from which 360 are men, is investigated. Purulent - septic complications have arisen in 18,7 %, the sepsis is diagnosed in 6,2 % of them. Early organs and multiple organs' dysfunctions at patients with a sepsis have arisen in 78,6 % of supervisions, the syndrome of system inflammatory reaction was dominant and long in the structure of clinical attributes during all sharp period of traumatic illness. A condition of immunoreactiveness at patients with a sepsis at a polytrauma was characterized by hyperdynamic system inflammatory reaction, with the subsequent secondary immunodeficit. Development of a sepsis at a polytrauma initiates the second wave of a syndrome multiple organs' dysfunctions which is fatal and defines the highest level of mortality which made at this category of patients 60,7 %

    The impact of different adjuvant intravesical therapy methods on tumor biology in patients with high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer

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    Expression level of the cell proliferation marker Ki-67 correlates with the degree of differentiation of tumor cells and stage in primary patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), but the marker is currently not used in assessing the efficacy of adjuvant intravesical therapy and risk stratification in patients with recurrent bladder tumors. Material and methods A retroprospective study included 107 patients with high-risk NMIBC; the patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group included patients who received adjuvant therapy after transurethral resection of the bladder using the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine (BCG therapy group; n = 54), the second group consisted of patients who received hyperthermic intravesical chemotherapy (HIVEC® therapy group; n = 53) using the device for local hyperthermia Combat BRS HIVEC®. Results Tumor recurrences were recorded in 21 (39%) patients receiving intravesical BCG therapy and in 9 (17%) patients after intravesical hyperthermic chemotherapy (p = 0.012). The expression level of Ki-67 in primary tumors did not differ; in recurrent tumors it was significantly different in both groups (32.05 ±13.80 vs 11.00 ± 6.86). The frequency of recurrence-free survival (RFS) in patients receiving chemohyperthermia was significantly higher than in patients after the BCG therapy (log-rank test result: p = 0.048). Conclusions Assessment of Ki-67 expression in recurrent tumors can be a criterion for the effectiveness of intravesical bladder-preserving treatment. The use of hyperthermic chemotherapy can reduce the number of radical cystectomies in a separate group of patients with NMIBC

    Phase field modelling voids nucleation and growth in binary systems

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    We present a comprehensive study of voids formation, nucleation and growth in a prototype model of binary alloys subjected to irradiation by using a combined approach based on phase field and rate theories. It is shown that voids formation is caused by interaction of irradiation-produced vacancies through elastic deformation of a lattice and vacancy coupling with composition field of the alloy. Phase diagrams illustrating the formation of states related to solid solution, phase decomposition, and patterning are obtained. Formation of voids from supersaturated ensemble of vacancies is accompanied by composition rearrangement of alloy components. It was found that elastic inhomogeneity leading to the formation of anisotropic precipitates in an initially prepared binary alloy results in the formation of a void super-lattice under irradiation. It was shown that voids nucleate and grow with dose according to diffusion controlled precipitation processes, where universal dynamics of voids growth is revealed. Estimations of main quantitative and statistical characteristics of voids by using material parameters relevant to most of alloys and steels give good agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Study of the process e+e-\to \mu+\mu- in the energy region \sqrt{s}=980, 1040 -- 1380 MeV

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    The cross section of the process e+e-\to\mu+\mu- was measured in the SND experiment at the VEPP-2M e+e- collider in the energy region \sqrt{s}=980, 1040 -- 1380 MeV. The event numbers of the process e+e-\to\mu+\mu- were normalized to the integrated luminosity measured using e+e-\to e+e- and e+e-\to\gamma\gamma processes. The ratio of the measured cross section to the theoretically predicted value is 1.006\pm 0.007 \pm 0.016 and 1.005 \pm 0.007 \pm 0.018 in the first and second case respectively. Using results of the measurements, the electromagnetic running coupling constant \alpha in the energy region \sqrt{s}=1040 -- 1380 MeV was obtained = 134.1\pm 0.5 \pm 1.2 and this is in agreement with theoretical expectation.Comment: 29 pages, 23 figure

    Formation of professional ethics of future physicians-surgeons, using a “case-study” technology

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    Objective. To substantiate the prerequisites of moral behavior and to demonstrate the application procedures for a “case-study” technology while formation of professional ethics in the future physicians-surgeons. Materials and methods. The education-professional program for the specialists training in accordance to the 222 «Medicine» specialty, the education plans and programs of primary specialization for physician while internship in surgical specialties, and the situation exercises were analyzed. In the experiment 418 persons took part, who studied up, and 24 teachers of high medical schools. The investigation was conducted, using theoretical (bibliographic analysis), empyrical (observation, talks, questioning, expert opinions, testings, rangings) methods and procedures of mathematical statistics. Results. The indices of the ethics knowledge and capacities formed in the experimental group, the participants of which were studied in accordance to the “case-study” technology, have grown up, comparing with the paired indices of a control group. Conclusion. The «case-study” technology application consists of involvement of future physicians-surgeons in active analysis of various professional situations, gaining by them a certain experience of professional interrelations with colleagues, patients and their relatives,  subjects of interrelationship