35 research outputs found


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    The article highlights the problem of plastic surgery legal status in Ukraine, in particular describes the absence of postgraduate study programs for doctor-specialist in plastic surgery qualification award in comparison with the process of plastic surgeons training in the USA. Also describes some steps for separation of plastic surgery as an independent specialty in Ukraine in particular the resolution of the XXIII Congress of Surgeons of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015) which announced the proposals on the introduction of the specialty “Plastic and Reconstructive Corrective Surgery” in the list of medical specialties, as well as to approve the draft order by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, “On the improvement of medical aid in plastic surgery to population in Ukraine”, developed by the All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. As well the research analyzes the potential responsibility for plastic operations performing by a physician whose qualification is not confirmed as “Doctor-Plastic Surgeon” due to the existing legal collision. The necessity of a term “cosmetic interference” official definition is present, in particular, it defines the importance of the legal definition of the term “cosmetic interference” in the context of sick leave certificate design because according to the legislation of Ukraine, disability payments due to “cosmetic interference” are not provided while that the diagnosis in a sick leave certificate can be mentioned only because of the written consent of the person to whom it is issued. Besides the paper presents the examples of court cases and legislation that confirm the necessity to regulate the legal status of plastic surgery in Ukraine

    Формування професійно-ціннісних орієнтирів у підготовці майбутніх фахівців ДНЗ

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    The article presents the basic classification of values, the main ones are described. Conformities of formation of professional-value guidelines ​​in the sphere of higher pedagogical education are singled out. Formation of the hierarchy of professional-value guidelines of students are studied.У статті подано основні класифікації цінностей, охарактеризовано основні з них. Виокремлено закономірності становлення професійно-ціннісних орієнтирів у сфері вищої педагогічної освіти. Досліджено формування ієрархії професійно-ціннісних орієнтирів студентів

    Моральні цінності у контексті фахової підготовки майбутнього педагога

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    The article discusses the concept of values, determined that values differ not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. It is proved that the human person is both a tool and a resource, but the subject, purpose and value in itself. The author follows the concept that pedagogy is the science of cultural values. Objectives and educational content were generally formulated in a certain flow of pedagogy, according to the adopted objectives and types of culture and the concepts of cultural life. Therefore, the author emphasizes the close connection between pedagogy and axiology. The values of equality, justice, social and civic love as well as national values, including patriotism are viewed in the circle of higher moral values. Key words: axiology, values, moral values, national values, theory of education.У статті розглянуто поняття цінностей, визначено, що цінності розрізняються не лише кількісно, але й якісно. Доведено, що людська особа є одночасно знаряддям і ресурсом, але суб’єктом, ціллю і цінністю сама у собі. Автор дотримується концепції , що Педагогіка – це наука про культурні цінності. Цілі та виховний зміст формулювався на загал у певній течії педагогіки, в залежності від прийнятих цілей та видів культури, а також від концепцій культурного життя. Таким чином наголошує на тісному зв’язку педагогіки з аксіологією. Цінності: рівність, справедливість, суспільна і громадянська любов, а також – національні цінності, серед яких очільне місце займає патріотизм, розглянено у колі вищих моральних цінностей. Ключові слова: аксіологія, цінності, моральні цінності, національні цінності, теорія виховання


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    ІПроаналізовано поняття  “краєзнавство”, обґрунтовано важливість викладання спецкурсу “Літературне краєзнавство” для майбутніх спеціалістів з організації туристичної діяльності.Ключові слова: краєзнавство, літературне краєзнавство, туристичне краєзнавство

    Професійно-ціннісні орієнтації майбутніх педагогів ЗДО: моделювання навчально-виховного процесу у сучасних закладах вищої педагогічної освіти

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    In the article the author presents separate examples of conceptual position that was taken into account during the development and implementation of the experimental stage of the research. His goal was to determine the features and outline ways to update professional-value orientations in higher education institutions. It is proved that an important factor in the regulation and determination of the personality motivational sphere is the formation of students’ professional and value orientations. By its content, the professional-value orientation is characterized by a dynamic structure. It is formed by the components presented in the article that ensure the relevance and attractiveness of the values of the pedagogical profession for students, the motivation of their actual behavior and the specifics of the educational activity. The author is guided by the fact that before the beginning of studying, every student should have already formed a hierarchy of pedagogical values in the context of professional orientation under the influence of such a factor as moral values. The article presents some examples of a conceptual position that we have taken into account in the development and implementation of an experimental phase of the study. Purposeful arbitrary activity of the future teacher in which his attitude to the real world of things, people, living conditions, social phenomena is realized are the basis of subjective existence, in particular professional pedagogical activity. From the level of formation of professional-value orientations, dependent success, reliability, productivity, the final result of action (activity), including vocational and pedagogical. Thus, by developing personal qualities, as mentioned above, we directly influence the formation of professional-value orientations and ensure the development of the individual as a whole. The issue of updating professional-value orientations of students appears one of the most important at the present stage. This is evidenced by the state of the problem we have raised in the writings of European and Ukrainian scholars, the availability of multi-dimensional author concepts and approaches to their solution and ways of practical implementation in the real activity of educational institutions of all levels.У статті автором представлено окремі приклади концептуальної позиції, що була врахована під час розробки і реалізації експериментального етапу дослідження. Його цілепокладали на визначення особливостей та окреслення шляхів актуалізації професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій у закладах вищої освіти


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    In the article the author presents separate examples of conceptual position that was taken into account during the development and implementation of the experimental stage of the research. His goal was to determine the features and outline ways to update professional-value orientations in higher education institutions. It is proved that an important factor in the regulation and determination of the personality motivational sphere is the formation of students’ professional and value orientations. By its content, the professional-value orientation is characterized by a dynamic structure. It is formed by the components presented in the article that ensure the relevance and attractiveness of the values of the pedagogical profession for students, the motivation of their actual behavior and the specifics of the educational activity. The author is guided by the fact that before the beginning of studying, every student should have already formed a hierarchy of pedagogical values in the context of professional orientation under the influence of such a factor as moral values. The article presents some examples of a conceptual position that we have taken into account in the development and implementation of an experimental phase of the study. Purposeful arbitrary activity of the future teacher in which his attitude to the real world of things, people, living conditions, social phenomena is realized are the basis of subjective existence, in particular professional pedagogical activity. From the level of formation of professional-value orientations, dependent success, reliability, productivity, the final result of action (activity), including vocational and pedagogical. Thus, by developing personal qualities, as mentioned above, we directly influence the formation of professional-value orientations and ensure the development of the individual as a whole.The issue of updating professional-value orientations of students appears one of the most important at the present stage. This is evidenced by the state of the problem we have raised in the writings of European and Ukrainian scholars, the availability of multi-dimensional author concepts and approaches to their solution and ways of practical implementation in the real activity of educational institutions of all levels.Key words: professional-value orientations, motivation, future teachers, system-forming components.</p

    Еthnic self-identity and the identity of personality in multi-ethnic space of the modern world: ethnopsychological approach to the problem

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    The article analyzes the problems of modern globalization of the world community on multiculturalism and intercultural interaction.  The authors accentuate the leveling process of national identity as well as extending the process of multiculturalism that take place in almost all states.  The article analyzes the issue of identity in the historical sense of its formation and development. The authors assume that in modern philosophical understanding, the world ceases to be coherent and logical system; an individual is not an abstract representative of its humankind, it is rooted in the tradition, the world and life circumstances. Identity becomes a problem, and "identified thinking" is a subject to criticism. En bloc, the issue of identity is relevant and diverse in terms of philosophical, psychological, and cultural tradition. It is emphasized, that the vast majority of people in the modern world does not belong to any ethnic group; they are members of one or more societies and the representatives of several cultures. Studies of ethnic identity includes new features to explain the objectively existing relationship of the individual with the outside world.Key words: self-identity, ethnic identity, multiculturalism, ethno-psychological approach, identity, globalization.</p

    Role and place of postgraduate education in the national doctors’ training system

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    This article highlights the presented stages of medical education in Ukraine (6 years of university training to obtain qualification of Medical Doctor, 1-3 years of internship to obtain qualification of Doctor-Specialist and the additional training opportunity to improve the professional skills in clinical residency for about two years); the features of their post-graduate education at the present stage; characterized compulsory stage of primary specialization in one of the 30 specialtiesin a period of internship whichlasts from 1 to 3 years; presented peculiarities of the internship training process, especially given explanations about theoretical and practical parts of interns’ activity; the features of interns’ intermediate and final certification characterized; marked practical orientation of primary specialization and a mandatory list of practical skills needed to master; explained the possibilities of acquiring further qualifications in a particular specialty in clinical ordinary; noted the possibility of narrow specialty obtaining by specialization passing and the opportunity of some thematic improvement highlights;submitted a reform plan on postgraduate training, including decreasing internshipspecialties and medical residency introduction as a step acquisition specialization after the internship; characterized obligatory training for pre-certification and certification of passage to assign or confirm the medical qualification category at least once in five years

    Formation of professional and value guidelines in the training of students of higher educational institutions

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    The article presents the basic classification values, described the main ones. Singled patterns becoming professional values in the field of education degree. Formation of the hierarchy of professional value orientations of students. Proved that teachers shape the future outlook of the younger generation. The study vocational value orientations of particular importance. Therefore, analysis features professional value orientations of students of pedagogical universities consider essential.Key words: values, orientation, professional and value orientation.</p