942 research outputs found


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    Customer adoption of new solutions is critical for the development of the modern business environment, and both academics and practitioners have been investigating this notion to uncover the customer adoption patterns to progress business and withstand competition. Despite the variety of marketing research techniques and practices commonly used to obtain customer data it has been said that the customers that “talk the talk” do not always “walk the walk” of innovation adoption. The challenge remains unchanged: making innovation accessible and easy to adopt in consumers’ everyday lives. This thesis is looking into the processes of creating new solutions to identify the key drivers within the ideation processes that facilitate adoption. The research inquiry is supported by the tendencies in the industry, where, despite the increasing number of new technologies and approaches aimed to develop better products, the success-to-failure ratios remain quite low. The aim of the study is to design an integrative theoretical framework, explaining the drivers of ideation, the impact of customer orientation within ideation, and the influence it has on innovation adoption. The author used integrated methodology, combining the best practices of the deductive approach, commonly applied in conceptual works, and qualitative research methodology, where further insights were uncovered via interviews and a focus group. In this research project, the integrated methodology has been applied to combine the strengths of each of the research techniques and uncover insights into the complex notions and relationships under investigation. The findings include the introduction of COI and the three-dimensional model, facilitating the solutions development practice, aiming to help achieve a more sustainable growth within the service industries. The author has introduced a novel notion of Customer Oriented Ideation (COI) that focuses on the use of customer insights within the solutions development process and its impact on the market success. The author has also developed a questionnaire for further quantitative investigation of the framework, and further refined it via a pilot study

    A study of phase separation processes in presence of dislocations in binary systems subjected to irradiation

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    Dislocation-assisted phase separation processes in binary systems subjected to irradiation effect are studied analytically and numerically. Irradiation is described by athermal atomic mixing in the form of ballistic flux with spatially correlated stochastic contribution. While studying the dynamics of domain size growth we have shown that the dislocation mechanism of phase decomposition delays the ordering processes. It is found that spatial correlations of the ballistic flux noise cause segregation of dislocation cores in the vicinity of interfaces effectively decreasing the interface width. A competition between regular and stochastic components of the ballistic flux is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Information Management in the Application of BIM in Construction. The Roles and Functions of the Participants of the Construction Process

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    AbstractOne of the effective tools to improve the quality of construction, expenditure control and logistics management is the use of BIM-technology in the construction process.A necessary step for the mass application of BIM-technologies in construction is the use of valuation techniques and information models to formulate requirements to them

    Training of New Employees in Start-Up Company

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    Today, talented personnel are the key “driver” of business development, and in the context of global economic degradation, the ability to quickly and efficiently train new employees from ordinary employees into talented people becomes a necessary condition for the survival and development of startups. Qualified human resource management in young start-up companies ensures rapid and sustainable business development. A special role in this process, along with many other management processes - adaptation, motivation, etc. allocated to the personnel training system. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis and discussion of problems associated with the design and implementation of personnel training in new companies in China, identifying mistakes that companies make when organizing training, as well as identifying ways to overcome risks and threats in order to achieve better results in the development of talented employees

    Wind regime peculiarities in the lower thermosphere in the winter of 1983/84

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    Temporal variations of prevailing winds at 90 to 100 km obtained from measurements carried out in winter 1983 to 1984 at three sites in the USSR and two sites in East Germany are reported. These variations are compared with those of the thermal stratospheric regime. Measurements were carried out using the drifts D2 method (meteor wind radar) and the D1 method (ionospheric drifts). Temporal variations of zonal and meridional prevailing wind components for all the sites are given. Also presented are zonal wind data obtained using the partial reflection wind radar. Wind velocity values were obtained by averaging data recorded at between 105 and 91 km altitude. Wind velocity data averaged in such a way can be related to about the same height interval to which the data obtained by the meteor radar and ionospheric methods at other sites, i.e., the mean height of the meteor zone (about 95 km). The results presented show that there are significant fluctuations about the seasonal course of both zonal and meridional prevailing winds