17 research outputs found

    Pest management guide for grapes in Washington

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    The Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington presents various chemicals and their uses against pest problems in Washington vineyards. While the recommendations are based on eastern Washington conditions, the information may often be applied to similar pest problems found throughout the state. Specific and more detailed information on pests and diseases can be found in the Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards (PNW644). Recommendations are suggested guidelines. They are not intended to represent pest control programs. The use of other materials and varying rates and treatments for control of particular pests depends on individual circumstances

    Pest management guide for grapes in Washington

    No full text
    The Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington presents various chemicals and their uses against pest problems in Washington vineyards. While the recommendations are based on eastern Washington conditions, the information may often be applied to similar pest problems found throughout the state. Specific and more detailed information on pests and diseases can be found in the Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards (PNW644). Recommendations are suggested guidelines. They are not intended to represent pest control programs. The use of other materials and varying rates and treatments for control of particular pests depends on individual circumstances