6,707 research outputs found

    Ichthyofaunal Diversification and Distribution in Jane\u27s Creek Watershed, Randolph County, Arkansas

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    The purposes of this study were to determine the qualitative and quantitative distribution of fishes in the Jane\u27s Creek watershed. Jane\u27s Creek is a clear, spring-fed Ozark stream in northeastern Arkansas. A knowledge of the ichthyofauna of this stream prior to a long-range impoundment is of significance to the natural history of Arkansas. Jane\u27s Creek and its tributaries were found to be alkaline, with no measurable turbidity, and to have low levels of carbon dioxide. Dissolved oxygen values ranged from 6.1 to 16.0 ppm. Only slight differences in physicochemical conditions were noted among stations and between pool and riffle areas at each station. A total of 52 species of fishes were collected during this study. Most fishes were collected by seining. A rotenone sample on 10 July 1972 yielded a standing crop of 3,005 specimens and 392 kg/ha (2,681 specimens and 349 lb/A),minnows and darters excluded. Except for black-spot disease (Apophallus sp.) on some cyprinids, the fishes generally appeared robust. The large number of fish species collected during the sampling period reflected the diversity of habitats available. These observations indicated a healthy ichthyofaunal population inhabiting a stream system receiving little if any pollution


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    Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) exhibit an estrogen stimulated sexual sizedimorphism (SSD) wherein females grow faster and larger than males. In an effort togain better understanding of this phenomenon, several genes associated with sexualdevelopment, reproduction and growth were cloned, including prolactin (PRL),somatolactin (SL), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-Ib), the estrogen receptors (ER?? andER??a) and ovarian aromatase (CYP19A1). Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assaysfor all the genes listed above, plus growth hormone (GH), were developed to measuremRNA levels in pituitary, liver and ovary.Adult fish were collected from Lake Erie in the spring (May) and autumn(October) over two years and tissue mRNA levels, body weight, age, gonadasomaticindex (GSI) and hepatasomatic index (HSI) were determined. Sex-specific differencesincluded females having higher body weights, HSI and liver ER?? mRNA levels thanmales and males having higher liver ER??a and liver CYP19A1 mRNA levels thanfemales. Season had a significant effect on growth factors (GH and IGF-Ib), with highermRNA levels in spring, which corresponded with higher liver CYP19A1 mRNA levels.Ovary CYP19A1 mRNA levels, which were higher in autumn, had a significant negativecorrelation with GH and IGF-Ib mRNA levels and liver ER??a mRNA levels had asignificant positive correlation with IGF-Ib mRNA levels.A brood of juvenile yellow perch was sampled through the first year ofdevelopment up to 421 days post-hatching (dph). There was a significant effect of dphon body weight, GH, PRL, SL, IGF-Ib, liver ER??, liver ER??a and ovary CYP19A1mRNA levels. Only liver ER??a mRNA had a significant effect of sex and exhibitedsignificant differences between males and females at 379 and 421 days post-hatching(dph). This work on yellow perch can provide predictive capabilities for estrogendependentphysiological processes in other species, especially teleosts, and can also makeyellow perch an exciting option for future ecotoxicogenomic studies

    Dissolution of borate glasses and precipitation of phosphate compounds

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    Borate glasses have been developed for biomedical applications such as scaffolds for soft tissue and bone repair. The dissolution processes of borate glasses in phosphate-containing aqueous solutions were studied by µ-Raman spectroscopy which provided information about the types and concentrations of borate species released into the solution as a function of time and characterized the formation of calcium phosphate reaction products on the glass surface. Boric acid molecules (H3BO3) and borate anions (B(OH)4-) can be detected in solution and their relative concentrations depend on the solution pH. Static and dynamic single-pass flow-through experiments were employed to study the dissolution kinetics of a borate bioactive glass 13-93B3 in water, simulated body fluid (SBF), and other solutions. As the glasses react, B-, Ca-, Na-, K-, Mg-, and P-species were released from the glass and a magnesium-containing amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) or hydroxyapatite (HAP) layer formed on the surface of the glass. The formation of crystalline hydroxyapatite was favored with faster flow rates, longer reaction times, and increased phosphate concentration in solution. Under static conditions, the dissolution rates are initially described by a reaction-controlled model (linear kinetics), but after the glass is ~25-30% reacted, a diffusion-controlled model (parabolic kinetics) better describes the dissolution rates. The change in reaction mechanism is attributed to the diffusion of species from the glass through the ACP layer. The activation energy for the reaction-controlled process is 41.1±0.6 kJ/mol, whereas the activation energy for the diffusion process is 32.3±0.1 kJ/mol. For the SPFT experiments, glasses dissolved faster under faster flow rates and smaller glass volumes. The ion release rate was calculated and found to range from 1.7x10-5 g/m2/s for slow flow rates to 1.1x10-3 g/m2/s for lower glass volumes. --Abstract, page iv

    Reconcevoir le délire

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    Les délires sont des composantes cruciales de nombreux troubles psychiques, surtout la schizophrénie. Que sont les délires ? Selon l’opinion courante, il s’agit d’un type de croyance, plus précisément, une croyance pathologique. Malheureusement, l’opinion courante ne correspond pas rigoureusement, dans tous les cas, à la pratique clinique, où l’expression « délire » est souvent appliquée à des états qui ne sont pas des croyances. Nous examinons les raisons pour lesquelles des états qui ne sont pas des croyances peuvent être considérés comme des délires. Nous soutenons que les délires sont des structures complexes d’attitudes d’ordre supérieur et inférieur. Ils constituent un type spécifique de défaillance de la connaissance et de la gestion de soi. Nous fournirons une description du type en question. Notre point de vue implique sur le plan conceptuel que les croyances ne sont pas essentielles aux délires.Delusions are critical components in a number of mental disorders, schizophrenia formost. What are they ? The standard view is that they are a type of belief — a pathological belief. Unfortunately, the standard view does not consistently correspond to clinical practice, where the term « delusion » often applies to non-beliefs. We review the case for saying that non-beliefs can count as delusions. We argue that delusions are complexes of higher and lower order attitudes. They constitute a distinctive type of failure of self-knowledge and self-management. We describe the relevant type. One of the conceptual implications of our view is that beliefs need not be central to delusions

    Recent Developments in the Law of Summary Judgment in Florida

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    Recent Developments in the Law of Summary Judgment in Florida

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    Electrolytic removal of rust from iron and steel

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    Project (B.S.)--University of Kansas, Chemical Engineering, 1921. ; Includes bibliographic references

    To determine if there is a change in the lateral phoria taken through the 7A lens power in one instance and the contact lens power in the other instance at both 20\u27 and 16

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a significant difference in the magnitude of the lateral phoria whether taken through the 7A lens power or the contact lens power at both 20\u27 and 16

    2005-2006 Philharmonia at Huntington Pointe

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    Performing Arts at Huntington Pointe Presents Philharmonia Orchestra of Lynn Universityhttps://spiral.lynn.edu/conservatory_philharmonia/1075/thumbnail.jp
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