57 research outputs found

    A 4-year follow-up of patients with medication-overuse headache previously included in a randomized multicentre study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcome in 61 patients with medication-overuse headache (MOH) who 4 years previously had been included in a randomized open-label prospective multicentre study. Sixty patients still alive after 4 years were invited to a follow-up investigation. Fifty patients (83%) participated. Sixteen visited a neurologist, 22 were interviewed through telephone, 2 gave response by a letter, and 10 were evaluated through hospital records. The influence of baseline characteristics on outcome 4 years later was evaluated by non-parametric tests. p values below 0.01 were considered significant. At follow-up, the 50 persons had a mean reduction of 6.5 headache days/month (p < 0.001) and 9.5 acute headache medication days/month (p < 0.001) compared to baseline. Headache index/month was reduced from 449 to 321 (p < 0.001). Sixteen persons (32%) were considered as responders due to a ≥50% reduction in headache frequency from baseline, whereas 17 (34%) persons met the criteria for MOH. None of the baseline characteristics consistently influenced all five outcome measures. Total Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score at baseline was predictors (p < 0.005) for being a responder after 4 years. At 4 years’ follow-up, one-third of the 50 MOH patients had ≥50% reduction in headache frequency from baseline. A low total HADS score at baseline was associated with the most favorable outcome

    Changes in symptom content from a clinical high-risk state to conversion to psychosis

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    Aim: There is an interest in the transition to psychosis for those at clinical high risk of developing psychosis. This transition is typically determined by a change in severity of the attenuated symptoms as they reach a psychotic level. However, any concomitant change in the content of such symptoms has not been examined. The current study aimed to examine potential qualitative changes in the symptom content from a clinical high-risk state to a first episode of psychosis. Methods: Sixty-seven individuals, who had been identified as meeting the attenuated psychotic syndrome based on the Structured Interview of Psychosis-Risk Syndromes and who later developed a full-blown psychosis were included in the study. Comprehensive clinical vignettes were written and raters were trained using the Content of Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms codebook to code for the presence of specific symptom content found within the attenuated psychotic symptoms of unusual thought content, suspicious ideas, grandiose ideas and perceptual abnormalities. Results: Two main changes in symptom content from baseline to conversion were observed. First, content that was vague and lacked intensity progressed to being more specific, concrete and severe. Second, new symptoms appeared whose onset occurred for the first time at conversion. Conclusion: A change in symptom content should be monitored by clinicians, as changes in content may be indications of a possible transition to psychosis

    Reference programme: Diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders and facial pain. Danish Headache Society, 2nd Edition, 2012

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    Headache and facial pain are among the most common, disabling and costly disorders in Europe. Correct diagnosis and treatment is important for achieving a high quality of care. As a national organisation whose role is to educate and advocate for the needs of patients with primary headaches, the Danish Headache Society has set up a task force to develop a set of guidelines for the diagnosis, organisation and treatment of the most common types of headaches and for trigeminal neuralgia in Denmark. The guideline was published in Danish in 2010 and has been a great success. The Danish Headache Society decided to translate and publish our guideline in English to stimulate the discussion on optimal organisation and treatment of headache disorders and to encourage other national headache authorities to produce their own guidelines. The recommendations regarding the most common primary headaches and trigeminal neuralgia are largely in accordance with the European guidelines produced by the European Federation of Neurological Societies. The guideline provides a practical tool for use in daily clinical practice for primary care physicians, neurologists with a common interest in headache, as well as other health-care professionals treating headache patients. The guideline first describes how to examine and diagnose the headache patient and how headache treatment is organised in Denmark. This description is followed by individual sections on the characteristics, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of each of the major headache disorders and trigeminal neuralgia. The guideline includes many tables to facilitate a quick overview. Finally, the particular problems regarding headache in children and headache in relation to female hormones and pregnancy are described

    Risks for Central Nervous System Diseases among Mobile Phone Subscribers: A Danish Retrospective Cohort Study

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    The aim of this study was to investigate a possible link between cellular telephone use and risks for various diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). We conducted a large nationwide cohort study of 420 095 persons whose first cellular telephone subscription was between 1982 and 1995, who were followed through 2003 for hospital contacts for a diagnosis of a CNS disorder. Standardized hospitalization ratios (SHRs) were derived by dividing the number of hospital contacts in the cohort by the number expected in the Danish population. The SHRs were increased by 10–20% for migraine and vertigo. No associations were seen for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis or epilepsy in women. SHRs decreased by 30–40% were observed for dementia (Alzheimer disease, vascular and other dementia), Parkinson disease and epilepsy among men. In analyses restricted to subscribers of 10 years or more, the SHRs remained similarly increased for migraine and vertigo and similarly decreased for Alzheimer disease and other dementia and epilepsy (in men); the other SHRs were close to unity. In conclusion, the excesses of migraine and vertigo observed in this first study on cellular telephones and CNS disease deserve further attention. An interplay of a healthy cohort effect and reversed causation bias due to prodromal symptoms impedes detection of a possible association with dementia and Parkinson disease. Identification of the factors that result in a healthy cohort might be of interest for elucidation of the etiology of these diseases

    Prevalence of headache in Europe: a review for the Eurolight project

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    The main aim of the present study was to do an update on studies on headache epidemiology as a preparation for the multinational European study on the prevalence and burden of headache and investigate the impact of different methodological issues on the results. The study was based on a previous study, and a systematic literature search was performed to identify the newest studies. More than 50% of adults indicate that they suffer from headache in general during the last year or less, but when asked specifically about tension-type headache, the prevalence was 60%. Migraine occurs in 15%, chronic headache in about 4% and possible medication overuse headache in 1–2%. Cluster headache has a lifetime prevalence of 0.2–0.3%. Most headaches are more prevalent in women, and somewhat less prevalent in children and youth. Some studies indicate that the headache prevalence is increasing during the last decades in Europe. As to methodological issues, lifetime prevalences are in general higher than 1-year prevalences, but the exact time frame of headache (1 year, 6 or 3 months, or no time frame stated) seems to be of less importance. Studies using personal interviews seem to give somewhat higher prevalences than those using questionnaires

    Are luminescent bacteria suitable for online detection and monitoring of toxic compounds in drinking water and its sources?

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    Biosensors based on luminescent bacteria may be valuable tools to monitor the chemical quality and safety of surface and drinking water. In this review, an overview is presented of the recombinant strains available that harbour the bacterial luciferase genes luxCDABE, and which may be used in an online biosensor for water quality monitoring. Many bacterial strains have been described for the detection of a broad range of toxicity parameters, including DNA damage, protein damage, membrane damage, oxidative stress, organic pollutants, and heavy metals. Most lux strains have sensitivities with detection limits ranging from milligrams per litre to micrograms per litre, usually with higher sensitivities in compound-specific strains. Although the sensitivity of lux strains can be enhanced by various molecular manipulations, most reported detection thresholds are still too high to detect levels of individual contaminants as they occur nowadays in European drinking waters. However, lux strains sensing specific toxic effects have the advantage of being able to respond to mixtures of contaminants inducing the same effect, and thus could be used as a sensor for the sum effect, including the effect of compounds that are as yet not identified by chemical analysis. An evaluation of the suitability of lux strains for monitoring surface and drinking water is therefore provided

    Identification of NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductase Activity in Azoreductases from P. aeruginosa: Azoreductases and NAD(P)H Quinone Oxidoreductases Belong to the Same FMN-Dependent Superfamily of Enzymes

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    Water soluble quinones are a group of cytotoxic anti-bacterial compounds that are secreted by many species of plants, invertebrates, fungi and bacteria. Studies in a number of species have shown the importance of quinones in response to pathogenic bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas. Two electron reduction is an important mechanism of quinone detoxification as it generates the less toxic quinol. In most organisms this reaction is carried out by a group of flavoenzymes known as NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductases. Azoreductases have previously been separate from this group, however using azoreductases from Pseudomonas aeruginosa we show that they can rapidly reduce quinones. Azoreductases from the same organism are also shown to have distinct substrate specificity profiles allowing them to reduce a wide range of quinones. The azoreductase family is also shown to be more extensive than originally thought, due to the large sequence divergence amongst its members. As both NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductases and azoreductases have related reaction mechanisms it is proposed that they form an enzyme superfamily. The ubiquitous and diverse nature of azoreductases alongside their broad substrate specificity, indicates they play a wide role in cellular survival under adverse conditions