89 research outputs found

    Management of intracranial bleeding associated with dabigatran use in a neuroscience hospital

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    Dabigatran, an alternative to warfarin for prevention of stroke with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF), offers advantages of a fixed dosage, minimal laboratory monitoring and limited medication interactions. Dabigatran requires dosage adjustment in renal dysfunction and is contraindicated if severe dysfunction. No identified dabigatran reversal agent exists. Methods: As part of an ongoing quality initiative, novel anticoagulant associated adverse events (AE) are monitored at a dedicated neuroscience hospital. Results: 5 cases of intracranial bleeding associated with dabigatran occurred from 12/2011-4/2012. All patients were on anticoagulation for AF, the most common dose of dabigatran was 150 mg BID. Mean admission values were as follows: age 83.2 yrs (range 79-90), serum creatinine 1.48 mg/dL (range 0.9- 3.5), creatinine clearance 45.6 mL/min (18-59) and aPTT 49 seconds (range 32- 60). Strategies for the management of bleeding included withholding dabigatran, supportive care, administration of blood products and hemodialysis, when required. Dialysis was initiated on 3 patients. One patient had 3 dialysis sessions in an effort to normalize coagulation assays and had transfusions with 10 units of platelets and 4 units of fresh frozen plasma in an effort to stabilize bleeding. One patient died. Mean time for aPTT to normalize when abnormal on admission was 30.8 hours (range 21-37). Conclusions: Appropriate patient selection is required to prevent dabigatran associated AE, especially in the setting of advanced age and kidney dysfunction. aPTT values may remain prolonged for extended periods, despite efforts to normalize. Hospitals need a defined management plan for major bleeding associated with novel anticoagulants

    Determining heat use in residential buildings using high resolution gas and domestic hot water monitoring

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    Residential buildings consume about a third of the UKs total energy and the need to reduce this as part of achieving the 2050 CO2 emissions targets driving the interest the modelling and performance simulation of homes. While simulation and modelling tools are in wide spread use, the detailed empirical data with which to understand the effect of systems and operational complexities of households on the consumption of energy is less developed than it is for commercial buildings. This paper reports some early results from a whole house monitoring trial in the UK where high resolution measurements of gas, hot water and power are being used to disaggregate heat use. The study has shown that: equipment used for domestic heat generation varies considerably between households; gas demand is highly variable at the sub-hourly level, far greater than some of the available hourly monitored data would suggest; and that the current information on hot water consumption characteristics is poor and so some new, more comprehensive data is presented

    Reversibility of Apixaban Anticoagulation with a Four-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate in Healthy Volunteers.

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    It was hypothesized that the four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) Kcentra 25 unit/kg would reverse impairment of thrombin generation in healthy volunteers dosed with apixaban to steady state. In this randomized, two-period crossover, assessor-blinded trial, 12 healthy subjects received 5 mg apixaban every 12 h. Three h after the fifth dose, four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (4F-PCC) 25 unit/kg or saline were infused. Serial blood samples were assessed for thrombin generation using PPP-reagent and PPP-reagent low, anti-Xa, PT, and PTT assays. Geometric mean ratio was calculated at 30 min postinfusion, and at 24, 48, and 72 h. Peak thrombin generation was 76% higher at 30 min postinfusion with 4F-PCC (p = 0.025). The difference declined to 24% at 24 h and resolved by 48 h. Other thrombin generation parameters were also partially normalized. There was no difference between 4F-PCC and saline in anti-Xa assessment at 30 min or later time points

    The incidence of deep vein thrombosis detected by routine surveillance ultrasound in neurosurgery patients receiving dual modality prophylaxis.

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    The optimal method of thromboprophylaxis and the value of screening ultrasonography for detection of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in neurosurgery patients remains unclear. The goal of this study was to determine the incidence of DVT in neurosurgical patients who, by hospital protocol, receive surveillance ultrasonography of the lower extremities twice weekly, in addition to prophylaxis with unfractionated heparin and external pneumatic compression sleeves. A retrospective review of 7,298 ultrasound studies carried out on 2,593 patients over 4 years at a university neurosurgical hospital was conducted. There was a 7.4% incidence of proximal lower extremity DVT and a 9.7% total incidence including distal DVT. A greater number of distal DVTs were detected with the implementation of whole-leg ultrasonography in the last 2 years of observation. Chart review of 237 patients diagnosed with DVT demonstrated an admitting diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage in nearly half of the patients. The median hospital length of stay for DVT patients was 18 days. Institutional control data demonstrated non-ruptured aneurysm and cerebrovascular anomalies to be the leading reason for admission, followed closely by subarachnoid hemorrhage. The hospital protocol of biweekly screening ultrasound and dual modality prophylaxis for neurosurgery patients resulted in a proximal DVT incidence consistent with that demonstrated by previous studies of standardized dual modality prophylaxis, and higher than that demonstrated in previous studies that employed ultrasound screening protocols

    Evaluating the Efficacy of a Nursing-Driven versus Provider-Driven Heparin Protocol

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    At Thomas Jefferson University Hospital patients who require heparin infusions are monitored either by nursing alone or the resident and the nurse together. This project aims to determine: Which protocol more efficiently shortens the time to therapeutic? Are patients therapeutic longer under a certain protocol? Do more patients under either protocol suffer from bleeding complications

    The Impact of Community Use of Novel Oral Anticoagulants on an Academic Medical Center

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    Warfarin has been a mainstay of therapy for treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolic disease (VTED) and prevention of stroke and systemic embolism for over 50 years. Recent FDA approval of several novel oral anticoagulants has offered more extensive treatment options for management of these disease states. The availability of the novel anticoagulants offers an attractive alternative to warfarin therapy for patients due to their convenience of use. In comparison to warfarin, dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban offer: - a fixed dosage regimen - a relatively small potential drug interaction profile - minimal laboratory monitoring - little to no dietary restrictions. Although these agents offer a relatively fixed dose regimen, dosage adjustment is required in moderate renal dysfunction, and use is contraindicated in severe renal dysfunction. Currently there are no specific reversal agents in the event of a nov- el anticoagulant associated bleed. These concerns led to the development of an anticoagulation stewardship program at our institution to monitor and guide the usage of these agents

    Loss of MITF expression during human embryonic stem cell differentiation disrupts retinal pigment epithelium development and optic vesicle cell proliferation

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    Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) is a master regulator of pigmented cell survival and differentiation with direct transcriptional links to cell cycle, apoptosis and pigmentation. In mouse, Mitf is expressed early and uniformly in optic vesicle (OV) cells as they evaginate from the developing neural tube, and null Mitf mutations result in microphthalmia and pigmentation defects. However, homozygous mutations in MITF have not been identified in humans; therefore, little is known about its role in human retinogenesis. We used a human embryonic stem cell (hESC) model that recapitulates numerous aspects of retinal development, including OV specification and formation of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and neural retina progenitor cells (NRPCs), to investigate the earliest roles of MITF. During hESC differentiation toward a retinal lineage, a subset of MITF isoforms was expressed in a sequence and tissue distribution similar to that observed in mice. In addition, we found that promoters for the MITF-A, -D and -H isoforms were directly targeted by Visual Systems Homeobox 2 (VSX2), a transcription factor involved in patterning the OV toward a NRPC fate. We then manipulated MITF RNA and protein levels at early developmental stages and observed decreased expression of eye field transcription factors, reduced early OV cell proliferation and disrupted RPE maturation. This work provides a foundation for investigating MITF and other highly complex, multi-purposed transcription factors in a dynamic human developmental model syste

    Project Re•center dot Vision: disability at the edges of representation

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    The representational history of disabled people can largely be characterized as one of being put on display or hidden away. Self-representations have been a powerful part of the disability rights and culture movement, but recently scholars have analysed the ways in which these run the risk of creating a ‘single story’ that centres the experiences of white, western, physically disabled men. Here we introduce and theorize with Project Re•Vision, our arts-based research project that resists this singularity by creating and centring, without normalizing, representations that have previously been relegated to the margins. We draw from body becoming and new materialist theory to explore the dynamic ways in which positionality illuminates bodies of difference and open into a discussion about what is at stake when these stories are let loose into the world
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