21,437 research outputs found

    Legumes as a Biological Tool to Address the Sustainability of Ruminant Production Systems

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    Growing public concern regarding accelerated rates of climate change, the depletion and degradation of natural resources such as biodiversity water and soils, coupled with policy commitments to address these challenges, are placing increasing pressures to enhance sustainability metrics associated with agriculture in general, and ruminant production systems in particular. At EU and indeed global scale, there has probably never before been so many potentially conflicting challenges for agriculture. On one hand, agricultural systems need to produce more, to feed the increasing global human population, while at the same time being much less reliant on economically and environmentally costly chemical inputs and protecting natural resources. Within this paper we provide an overview of recent research that demonstrates the potential contributions that legume inclusion within grass swards can make to developing more sustainable and resilient ruminant productions systems

    Concorde Noise-Induced Building Vibrations, Montgomery County, Maryland

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    A series of studies are reported to assess the noise induced building vibrations associated with Concorde operations. The levels of induced vibration and associated indoor/outdoor noise levels resulting from aircraft and nonaircraft events in selected homes, historic and other buildings near Dulles International Airport were recorded. The building response resulting from aircraft operations was found to be directly proportional to the overall sound pressure level and approximately independent of the aircraft type. The noise levels and, consequently, the response levels were observed to be higher for the Concorde operations than for the CTOL operations. Furthermore, the vibration could be closely reproduced by playing aircraft noise through a loudspeaker system located near the vibration measurement location. Nonaircraft events such as door closing were again observed to result in higher response levels than those induced by aircraft

    The Helicopter Antenna Radiation Prediction Code (HARP)

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    The first nine months effort in the development of a user oriented computer code, referred to as the HARP code, for analyzing the radiation from helicopter antennas is described. The HARP code uses modern computer graphics to aid in the description and display of the helicopter geometry. At low frequencies the helicopter is modeled by polygonal plates, and the method of moments is used to compute the desired patterns. At high frequencies the helicopter is modeled by a composite ellipsoid and flat plates, and computations are made using the geometrical theory of diffraction. The HARP code will provide a user friendly interface, employing modern computer graphics, to aid the user to describe the helicopter geometry, select the method of computation, construct the desired high or low frequency model, and display the results

    Molecular determinants of ginkgolide binding in the glycine receptor pore

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    Ginkgolides are potent blockers of the glycine receptor Cl- channel (GlyR) pore. We sought to identify their binding sites by comparing the effects of ginkgolides A, B and C and bilobalide on alpha1, alpha2, alpha1beta and alpha2beta GlyRs. Bilobalide sensitivity was drastically reduced by incorporation of the beta subunit. In contrast, the sensitivities to ginkgolides B and C were enhanced by beta subunit expression. However, ginkgolide A sensitivity was increased in the alpha2beta GlyR relative to the alpha2 GlyR but not in the alpha1beta GlyR relative to the alpha1 GlyR. We hypothesised that the subunit-specific differences were mediated by residue differences at the second transmembrane domain 2' and 6' pore-lining positions. The increased ginkgolide A sensitivity of the alpha2beta GlyR was transferred to the alpha1beta GlyR by the G2'A (alpha1 to alpha2 subunit) substitution. In addition, the alpha1 subunit T6'F mutation abolished inhibition by all ginkgolides. As the ginkgolides share closely related structures, their molecular interactions with pore-lining residues were amenable to mutant cycle analysis. This identified an interaction between the variable R2 position of the ginkgolides and the 2' residues of both alpha1 and beta subunits. These findings provide strong evidence for ginkgolides binding at the 2' pore-lining position

    Toiminimen kirjanpito

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää mitä osaamista tarvitaan toiminimen kirjanpidon toteuttamiseen. Työn toimeksiantajana toimi tamperelainen hyvinvointialan yrittäjä, joka ei ole toiminnastaan alv-velvollinen. Työn tarkoituksena oli kouluttaa tekijä peruskirjanpidon hoitamiseen. Tarkoituksena oli, että toimeksiantajan kirjanpito sekä veroilmoituksen täyttäminen ovat vuodesta 2017 eteenpäin opinnäytetyön tekijän vastuulla. Työn teoriaosuudessa keskityttiin kirjanpidollisiin peruskäsitteisiin toimeksiantajan elinkeinotoiminnan luonne huomioiden. Verotuksen osuudessa keskityttiin yritystulon verottamiseen yleensä ja esiteltiin ammatinharjoittajan veroilmoitus siltä osin, kun se toimeksiantajan yritystoiminta huomioiden oli tarpeellista. Sen lisäksi, että tekijä perehdytti itsensä alusta alkaen kirjanpidon maailmaan, teki työstä työlään erityisesti edellisvuosien kirjanpitomateriaaliin tutustuminen, sopivan kirjanpito-ohjelman etsiminen ja juoksevan kirjanpidon suorittaminen. Opinnäyteyön tavoite toteutui, sillä työn tekijällä on nyt tarvittava osaaminen kirjanpito-ohjelman käyttämiseen sekä juoksevan kirjanpidon hoitamiseen. Kirjanpidollisiin perusasioihin keskittyminen oli työn tavoitteen toteutumisen kannalta tärkeää, sillä perustietoja kirjanpidosta tekijällä ei juurikaan ennestään ollut. Toimeksiantajan kirjanpito on tällä hetkellä toteutettuna Tappio kirjanpito-ohjelmaa käyttäen elokuun 2017 loppuun asti. Opinnäytetyön liitteenä on Tappio-ohjelmasta poimitut tuloslaskelma ja tase. Kirjaukset perustavat tapahtumiin, jotka ovat muodostuneet 31.8.2017 mennessä. Opinnäytetyötä varten lukuja on muunnettu. Työ ei suinkaan lopu raportin palauttamiseen. Juoksevaa kirjanpitoa jatketaan loppuvuoden osalta ja tilinpäätös tulee toteuttaa vuoden 2018 alussa todellisia tilikauden lukuja käyttäen. Toimeksiantaja on myös ulkoistanut veroilmoituksen täyttämisen tämän työn tekijälle. Prosessin myötä tekijän osaaminen toiminimen kirjanpidon hoitamiseen on kohonnut ammattimaiselle tasolle, joten kirjanpitopalvelua voi jatkossa tarjota myös muille toiminimiyrittäjille. Tekijä jatkaa osaamisen kartoitusta tutustumalla alv-kirjauksiin.The purpose of this thesis was to find out what skills are required to perform the accounting for a sole trader. The commissioner was a welfare entrepreneur who practices business in Tampere. The business is not liable to pay value added tax. The aim of the thesis was to give the author the capability to perform the commissioner´s accounting independently in the future. The theoretical part of the thesis focused on the basic bookkeeping concepts considering the nature of the commissioner´s business. The taxation section focused on the business income, and the tax return was presented, as it is necessary for the commissioner´s business. An essential part of the work process was to familiarize with the accounting material of the previous years, to find a suitable accounting program, and to perform the current bookkeeping. The author is now capable of using the accounting program and keeping the accounts until preparing the income statement and balance sheet. Thus the goal of the thesis was reached. The routine bookkeeping continues and the financial statements will be prepared at the end of the year. The author will also complete the tax return for the financial year of 2017. Because of the professional development, the author can provide bookkeeping services to other welfare entrepreneurs, too

    The S2 VLBI Correlator: A Correlator for Space VLBI and Geodetic Signal Processing

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    We describe the design of a correlator system for ground and space-based VLBI. The correlator contains unique signal processing functions: flexible LO frequency switching for bandwidth synthesis; 1 ms dump intervals, multi-rate digital signal-processing techniques to allow correlation of signals at different sample rates; and a digital filter for very high resolution cross-power spectra. It also includes autocorrelation, tone extraction, pulsar gating, signal-statistics accumulation.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figure