49 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penelitian studi fenomenologi pada perilaku dan nilai-nilai kepercayaan transendental yang terdapat didalam kehidupan masyarakat yang tidak dapat diukur dengan angka atau data statistik, esensi yang terdapat dalam kehidupan masyarakat berupa suatu pemahaman yang dirasakan ketika sudah menyatu dalam pemikiran mereka. Berdasarkan penelitian studi fenomenologi, “keunikan dari perilaku pedagang pasar tradisional terkait perilaku survivalnya†di Kota Manado. Temuan banyak pedagang di pasar tradisional tetap bertahan dengan profesinya, bahkan sampai puluhan tahun, walaupun pendapatan dari profesi mereka juga terkadang hanya cukup untuk kebutuhan hidup mereka sehari-hari, tetapi mereka tetap bertahan untuk berdagang di pasar tradisional tersebut. Karena ketika mereka menjalankan aktivitas berdagang, para pedagang biasanya saling berkomunikasi dengan pedagang-pedagang lainnya sambil duduk santai menunggu pembeli. Mereka saling tukar informasi dikalangan pedagang. Begitu juga dengan penelitian Kepercayaan Merapu di desa Sumba terdapat sebuah desa yang mengalami kekeringan, lokasi desa tersebut jauh dari terisolasi dari keterjangkauan jasa pelayanan kesehatan dan pemerintah, bagi orang yang melihat secara rasionalitas akan berpikir mengapa tetap bertahan, padahal desa tersebut tidak memberikan kesejahteraan bagi penduduk yang tinggal didalamnya yang memiliki kepercayaan merapu, bahwa mereka bertahan didesa itu dikarenakan desa tersebut memiliki keistimewaan tersendiri dari leluhur terdahulu mereka. Kata Kunci: Kualitatif, fenomenology ABSTRACK This writing aims to examine phenomenological studies on the behavior and values of transcendental beliefs contained in people's lives that cannot be measured by numbers or statistical data, the essence of which is in people's lives in the form of an understanding that is felt when it is integrated in their thinking. Based on a phenomenological study, "the uniqueness of the behavior of traditional market traders is related to their survival behavior" in Manado City. The findings of many traders in traditional markets remain with their profession, even for decades, even though the income from their profession is sometimes only sufficient for their daily needs, but they still survive to trade in these traditional markets. Because when they carry out trading activities, traders usually communicate with other traders while sitting relaxed waiting for buyers. They exchange information among traders. Like wise with merapu belief research in Sumba village, there is a village that is experiencing drought, the location of the village is far from isolated from the affordability of health and government services, for people who see rationality they will think why they persist, even though the village does not provide welfare for the residents who live in it who have a rapturous belief, that they survive in the village because the village has its own specialties from their previous ancestors. Keywords: Qualitative, phenomenolog

    Enhancing the quality of first-year Biology teaching at the University of Stellenbosch

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    Thesis (MPhil) (Higher Education)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Transformation in biology teaching is inevitable. There is a global concern about the quality of undergraduate biology teaching, especially when considering the growth in the fields of biotechnology and the molecular sciences. Programmes of learning have to be market orientated, and the contents of curricula have to equip students for entrance into a specific career. At the University of Stellenbosch the School for Biological Sciences has developed an interdisciplinary approach to first-year biology teaching. The new programmes in Biological Sciences, implemented in 2000, contain first-year curricula that introduce students to the disciplines of genetics, botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry and statistics. This involves participation by six departments, and lecture facilitation in two languages for up to 600 students. As contact sessions between lecturers and students are limited, self-study is becoming increasingly important, and lectures should be fully exploited to obtain deep learning. This study investigated various ways to enhance the teaching and learning process for first-year biology students in a module fraught with growing pains and problems. The influence of software support on student learning was evaluated, while the introduction of an innovative approach to teaching statistics to first-year students was analyzed. Supplementing the statistics section with video-recordings of the lectures was further considered as a possible way of overcoming various obstacles in especially this section of the module. The application of a practical laboratory course to enhance the quality of the theoretical lectures was also investigated and evaluated. It can be concluded that no simple solution could be found to solve the variety of problems that arose with implementation of the new programmes of learning. Technology proved to be invaluable, but should be applied after thorough needs assessment and impact studies have been performed. Provision of IT tools and facilities do not necessarily imply their application and effect, and innovation and inspiration still proved to be most effective in enhancing biology teaching.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Transformasie in biologie-onderrig is onvermydelik. Daar is wêreldwye kommer oor die kwaliteit van voorgraadse biologie-onderrig, veral in die lig van die vooruitgang in biotegnologie en die molekulêre wetenskappe. Programme van onderrig moet markgerig wees, en die inhoud van leerplanne loopbaangerig. Die Skool vir Biologiese Wetenskappe van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het sedert sy stigting 'n interdissiplinêre benadering tot eerstejaarsbiologie-onderrig ontwikkel. Die nuwe programme in die Biologiese Wetenskappe wat in 2000 geïmplementeer is, bevat eerstejaarskurrikula wat studente bekendstel aan die dissiplines van genetika, botanie, sooloqie, mikrobiologie, biochemie en statistiek. Ses departemente is hierby betrokke, en lesings word in twee tale vir tot 600 studente aangebied. Aangesien kontaksessies tussen dosente en studente beperk is, word selfstudie toenemend belangrik, en lesure moet ten volle benut word om 'n diepgaande leerproses te verkry. Hierdie studie ondersoek derhalwe verskeie potensiële maniere waarop die onderrigen leerproses by eerstejaarbiologie-studente versterk kan word. Die invloed van sagteware-ondersteuning by die leerproses is geëvalueer, terwyl 'n nuwe innoverende benadering tot statistiek-onderrig vir eerstejaarstudente geanaliseer is. Uitbreiding en ondersteuning van die statistiek-seksie, d.m.v. videoopnames van die lesings, is verder oorweeg om verskeie van die hindernisse in veral hierdie deel van die module te oorkom. Die toepassing van 'n laboratoriumkursus om die kwaliteit van die teoretiese lesings uit te brei is ook geëvalueer. Daar kan saamgevat word dat geen enkelvoudige oplossing bestaan om die verskeidenheid van probleme op te los wat met implementering van die programme ontstaan het nie. Tegnologie is onontbeerlik, maar moet toegepas word nadat behoorlike behoeftebepaling en impakstudies uitgevoer is. Verskaffing van informasietegnologie impliseer nie noodwendig die nodige toepassing en effek nie, en innovasie en inspirasie blyk steeds onontbeerlik te wees om biologie-onderrig uit te brei en te versterk

    SEM and TEM for identification of capsular fibrosis and cellular behavior around breast implants – a descriptive analysis

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    Background Capsular fibrosis (CF) is the most common long-term complication in implant-based breast augmentation. It is well accepted that the foreign body response (FBR) instigates the development of fibrotic disease. Our study aims to compare murine and human samples of CF and describe the cellular and extracellular matrix (ECM) composition using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Results Miniature microtextured silicone breast implants were implanted in mice and subsequently harvested at days 15, 30, and 90 post-operation. Isolated human capsules with the most aggravated form of CF (Baker IV) were harvested post-operation. Both were analyzed with SEM and TEM to assess cellular infiltration and ECM structure. An architectural shift of collagen fiber arrangement from unidirectional to multidirectional was observed at day 90 when compared to days 15 and 30. Fibrosis was observed with an increase of histiocytic infiltration. Moreover, bacterial accumulation was seen around silicone fragments. These findings were common in both murine and human capsules. Conclusions This murine model accurately recapitulates CF found in humans and can be utilized for future research on cellular invasion in capsular fibrosis. This descriptive study helps to gain a better understanding of cellular mechanisms involved in the FBR. Increases of ECM and cellularity were observed over time with SEM and TEM analysis

    External push and internal pull forces recruit curvature-sensing N-BAR domain proteins to the plasma membrane

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    Many of the more than 20 mammalian proteins with N-BAR domains1-2 control cell architecture3 and endocytosis4-5 by associating with curved sections of the plasma membrane (PM)6. It is not well understood whether N-BAR proteins are recruited directly by processes that mechanically curve the PM or indirectly by PM-associated adaptor proteins that recruit proteins with N-BAR domains that then induce membrane curvature. Here, we show that externally-induced inward deformation of the PM by cone-shaped nanostructures (Nanocones) and internally-induced inward deformation by contracting actin cables both trigger recruitment of isolated N-BAR domains to the curved PM. Markedly, live-cell imaging in adherent cells showed selective recruitment of full length N-BAR proteins and isolated N-BAR domains to PM sub-regions above Nanocone stripes. Electron microscopy confirmed that N-BAR domains are recruited to local membrane sites curved by Nanocones. We further showed that N-BAR domains are periodically recruited to curved PM sites during local lamellipodia retraction in the front of migrating cells. Recruitment required Myosin II-generated force applied to PM connected actin cables. Together, our study shows that N-BAR domains can be directly recruited to the PM by external push or internal pull forces that locally curve the PM

    3D Reconstruction of VZV Infected Cell Nuclei and PML Nuclear Cages by Serial Section Array Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Tomography

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    Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a human alphaherpesvirus that causes varicella (chickenpox) and herpes zoster (shingles). Like all herpesviruses, the VZV DNA genome is replicated in the nucleus and packaged into nucleocapsids that must egress across the nuclear membrane for incorporation into virus particles in the cytoplasm. Our recent work showed that VZV nucleocapsids are sequestered in nuclear cages formed from promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) in vitro and in human dorsal root ganglia and skin xenografts in vivo. We sought a method to determine the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of nucleocapsids in the nuclei of herpesvirus-infected cells as well as the 3D shape, volume and ultrastructure of these unique PML subnuclear domains. Here we report the development of a novel 3D imaging and reconstruction strategy that we term Serial Section Array-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SSA-SEM) and its application to the analysis of VZV-infected cells and these nuclear PML cages. We show that SSA-SEM permits large volume imaging and 3D reconstruction at a resolution sufficient to localize, count and distinguish different types of VZV nucleocapsids and to visualize complete PML cages. This method allowed a quantitative determination of how many nucleocapsids can be sequestered within individual PML cages (sequestration capacity), what proportion of nucleocapsids are entrapped in single nuclei (sequestration efficiency) and revealed the ultrastructural detail of the PML cages. More than 98% of all nucleocapsids in reconstructed nuclear volumes were contained in PML cages and single PML cages sequestered up to 2,780 nucleocapsids, which were shown by electron tomography to be embedded and cross-linked by an filamentous electron-dense meshwork within these unique subnuclear domains. This SSA-SEM analysis extends our recent characterization of PML cages and provides a proof of concept for this new strategy to investigate events during virion assembly at the single cell level

    Vision, challenges and opportunities for a Plant Cell Atlas

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    With growing populations and pressing environmental problems, future economies will be increasingly plant-based. Now is the time to reimagine plant science as a critical component of fundamental science, agriculture, environmental stewardship, energy, technology and healthcare. This effort requires a conceptual and technological framework to identify and map all cell types, and to comprehensively annotate the localization and organization of molecules at cellular and tissue levels. This framework, called the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA), will be critical for understanding and engineering plant development, physiology and environmental responses. A workshop was convened to discuss the purpose and utility of such an initiative, resulting in a roadmap that acknowledges the current knowledge gaps and technical challenges, and underscores how the PCA initiative can help to overcome them.</jats:p

    Airtight container for the transfer of atmosphere-sensitive materials into vacuum-operated characterization instruments

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    This paper describes the design and operation of a simple airtight container devised to facilitate the transfer of atmosphere-sensitive samples from a glovebox to the vacuum chamber of an analytical instrument such as a scanning electron microscope. The use of this device for characterizing the microstructure of highly hygroscopic strontium iodide ceramics by scanning electron microscopy is illustrated as an application example