51 research outputs found

    Education development in terms of digitalization

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    The article discusses the analysis results of digital literacy development among Russians, as one of the most essential areas of the emerging digital economy. The study of statistical and analytical material made it possible to draw the conclusion about the insufficient current level of digital economy competencies in Russia, the need to educate Internet users in information selection, instilling the need for self-development, self-education, developing the skills in useful information selection, and wider introduction of distance technologies in educatio

    Dynamics of development of investment processes in Belgorod Region

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    The present paper investigated results of an analysis of dynamics of changes in the investment structure of Belgorod region on the basis of private and integral indices characterizing the dynamics of structural changes. Structural changes in Belgorod region concerning investment capital were different from corresponding calculated figures in the Central Federal Distric. The revealed differences characterized features of the development in the investment processes and indicated changes in priorities of those investing in the economy of this regio

    Assessment of the impact of the state cadastre of real estate on a budget income

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    The article deals with the results of the analysis of the reform of land and property relations aimed at the formation of an objective basis for the taxation of real estate. The study of foreign experience has confirmed the right direction of the formation of an objective basis for taxation of real estate in Russia. The influence of the created state real estate cadaster on the structure of budget revenues of regional and local budgets is reveale

    Organizational, regulatory and legal aspects оf european integration of higher medical education in Ukraine: a critical review

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    The aim: The main purpose of this research is to conduct the theoretical and applied study of the legal profile enforcement for state attestation of medical graduates, the relevant legislative system, and its effectiveness; to identify the issues of special legislative requirements, as well as the search for ways to resolve it. Materials and methods: Basic methods: analysis, synthesis and comparison. Object of research: system of state certification of graduates of medical sciences. Investigation of this topic in the paper is carried out in the following logical sequence: firstly, the basic principles of the state integrated qualification exam were determined and analyzed; then the legal enforcement for integrated state qualification exam of master’s degree in discipline “22 Health Care” was considered. Also, a critical review of Ukrainian normative base for holding the state attestation of medical graduates was conducted. Conclusions: In view of foregoing, we can make a conclusion that in the modern globalization world, competition of national educational services should be ensured by a range of different activities: legal, organizational, financial, etc. The legal direction, domestic rules should correspond to similar, uniform rules and practices of the most effective state (regional, international) systems

    Dynamics of development of investment processes in the Belgorod region

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    This paper deals with the results of the analysis of the dynamics of changes in the investment structure of the Belgorod region, conducted on the basis of private and integral indicators characterizing the dynamics of structural changes. The structural changes in the Belgorod region concerning investment capital are different from the corresponding figures calculated in the Central Federal District. The revealed differences characterize features of the development of investment processes and indicate a change in the priorities of those investing in the economy of the regio

    Limited Sanity in the Legislation of Russia and Europe

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    This article presents the author’s analysis of the problem of limited sanity in the criminal law theory and practice of Russia and Europe. The author established that the problem of limited sanity, despite its long history, has not yet been developed in many countries, and that the boundaries of the concept of limited sanity are extremely vague and indefinite. However, the experience of some foreign countries in terms of ensuring security measures can be used in the Russian Federatio

    Вивчення обізнаності батьків про чинники, що впливають на формування здоров’я у дітей

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    Фахівці в області гігієни дітей і підлітків і педіатри постійно звертають увагу на провідну роль сім’ї в зміцненні здоров’я дітей. Саме в родині закладаються основи здорового способу життя, вона протистоїть формуванню у дітей та підлітків шкідливих звичок, впливає на гармонійність розвитку дитини, закладаючи основи духовного, емоційного, інтелектуального, особистісного та соціального компонентів здоров’я. Було проведено анкетування батьків учнів Полтавської загальноосвітньої школи № 26. Дослідження проводилося для вивчення інформованості батьків з приводу факторів, які впливають на формування здоров’я дітей і рівня їх санітарно-гігієнічної обізнаності. Специалисты в области гигиены детей и подростков и педиатры постоянно обращают внимание на ведущую роль семьи в укреплении здоровья детей. Именно в семье закладываются основы здорового образа жизни, она противостоит формированию у детей и подростков вредных привычек, влияет на гармоничность развития ребенка, закладывая основы духовного, эмоционального, интеллектуального, личностного и социального компонентов здоровья. Было проведено анкетирование родителей учеников Полтавской общеобразовательной школы № 26. Исследование проводилось для изучения информированности родителей по поводу факторов, влияющих на формирование здоровья детей и уровня их санитарно-гигиенической осведомленности. Specialists in the field of hygiene of children and adolescents and pediatricians constantly pay attention to the leading role of the family in strengthening the health of children. It is in the family that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are laid, it opposes the formation of harmful habits in children and adolescents, affects the harmony of the child's development, laying the foundations of spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and social components of health. A questionnaire was conducted for parents of Poltava secondary school pupils # 26. The study was conducted to study parents' awareness of the factors that influence the formation of children's health and their level of sanitary-and-hygienic awareness

    Роль информации при организации профилактики стоматологических заболеваний у детей

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    Резюме. Низкий уровень стоматологического здоровья, прежде всего детского населения и беременных женщин, негативно влияет на состояние общего здоровья на протяжении всех периодов жизни человека, вызывая социальные и финансовые проблемы и негативно влияя на уровень социально- экономического развития страны. В исследовании изучена роль информационного обеспечения в организации профилактики стоматологических заболеваний.; Резюме. Низький рівень стоматологічного здоров'я, насамперед дитячого населення та вагітних жінок, негативно впливає на стан загального здоров'я впродовж всіх періодів життя людини, викликаючи соціальні та фінансові проблеми і негативно впливаючи на рівень соціально-економічного розвитку країни. У дослідженні вивчена роль інформаційного забезпечення в організації профілактики стоматологічних захворювань.; Summary. The low level of dental health, especially of the children's population and pregnant women, negatively affects the state of general health throughout all periods of a person's life, causing social and financial problems and adversely affecting the level of the country's socio-economic development. The study explores the role of information support in the organization of prevention of dental diseases