28,582 research outputs found

    The Stellar Mass Spectrum in the Young Populous Cluster NGC 1866

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    The young populous cluster NGC 1866 in the Large Magellanic Cloud LMC), which is probably one of the most massive object formed in the LMC during the last ~ 3 Gyr, appears to have an unexpectedly high mass-to-light ratio. From its velocity dispersion Fischer et al. (1992) find its mass to be (1.35 " 0.25) x 105 Mu. The luminosity of this cluster is MV = -8.93 " 0.13, corresponding to LV = (3.2 " 0.4) x 105 LV (u). This yields M/LV = 0.42 " 0.09 in solar units. For a cluster of age 0.1 Gyr such a relatively high mass-to-light ratio requires a mass spectrum with an exponent x = 1.72 " 0.09; or x = 1.75 " 0.09 if mass loss by evolving stars is taken into account.Comment: To be published in the October 1999 issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    Penampilan Sembilan Galur Hasil Seleksi F4 Persilangan Lv 1684 X Lv 4066 Pada Budidaya Organik

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    Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) ialah komoditas sayuran penting di Indonesia. Tomat merupakan sumber vitamin A dan C disamping mengandung sejumlah mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh seperti kalium, fosfat dan kalsium. Banyaknya kegunaan dan manfaat buah tomat menyebabkan permin-taan setiap tahun cenderung meningkat. Data statistik holtikultura menunjukkan bahwa produksi tomat di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 sebesar 891,616 ton dan meningkat menjadi 950,385 ton pada tahun 2011 (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2012). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan sembilan famili tomat generasi F4 hasil persilangan LV 1684 x LV4066 pada budidaya organik. Penelitian di-laksanakan di Desa Torongrejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, pada ketinggian tempat ± 950 m di atas permukaan laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan november 2012 - Maret 2013. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengguna-kan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari sembilan famili generasi F4 hasil persilangan LV 1684 x LV 4066. Budidaya dilakukan secara organik tanpa menggu-nakan bahan kimia sintetik. Setiap petak percobaan terdapat dua bedeng atau plot, dengan 24 tanaman di setiap bedengnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dari sembilan genotip tomat organik F4, diperoleh tujuh genotip tomat organik F5 yang berdaya hasil tinggi dan dapat dijadikan untuk pertanaman pada generasi selanjutnya Seleksi tomat F5 dilakukan pada individu tanaman dalam family LV, LV, LV, LV, LV, LV, LV


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    Tomat (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) ialah komoditas sayuran penting di Indonesia. Tomat merupakan sumber vitamin A dan C disamping mengandung sejumlah mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh seperti kalium, fosfat dan kalsium. Banyaknya kegunaan dan manfaat buah tomat menyebabkan permin-taan setiap tahun cenderung meningkat. Data statistik holtikultura menunjukkan bahwa produksi tomat di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 sebesar 891,616 ton dan meningkat menjadi 950,385 ton pada tahun 2011 (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2012). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan sembilan famili tomat generasi F4 hasil persilangan LV 1684 x LV4066 pada budidaya organik. Penelitian di-laksanakan di Desa Torongrejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur, pada ketinggian tempat ± 950 m di atas permukaan laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan november 2012 - Maret 2013. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengguna-kan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari sembilan famili generasi F4 hasil persilangan LV 1684 x LV 4066. Budidaya dilakukan secara organik tanpa menggu-nakan bahan kimia sintetik. Setiap petak percobaan terdapat dua bedeng atau  plot, dengan 24 tanaman di setiap bedengnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, dari sembilan genotip tomat organik F4, diperoleh tujuh genotip tomat organik F5 yang berdaya hasil tinggi dan dapat dijadikan untuk pertanaman pada generasi selanjutnya Seleksi tomat F5 dilakukan pada individu tanaman dalam family LV, LV, LV, LV, LV, LV, LV Kata Kunci: Tomat, Penampilan, Organik dan Galur F4

    Three-component laser Doppler velocimeter measurements in a juncture flow

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    A single-axis, five-beam, three-component laser velocimeter (LV) system was used in a major experiment. Satisfactory results were obtained with the LV system in the juncture flow. Limited optical access to the tunnel proved to be a problem for the three component LV system in determining the third component

    Predictors of Left Ventricular Remodeling after Aortic Valve Replacement in Pediatric Patients with Isolated Aortic Regurgitation

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    Objective. To identify the risk factors that could predict postoperative outcome after aortic valve replacement in pediatric patients with isolated aortic regurgitation ( AR ). Background. There is controversy regarding the appropriate timing of surgery in asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients with isolated AR . In the pediatric age group, there are limited studies in this regard and most of them are on combined aortic valve stenosis and regurgitation. Methods. All patients with biventricular physiology and morphologic left ventricle ( LV ) who underwent aortic valve surgery for AR from J anuary 1988 to J uly 2010 were included in the study. Demographic, clinical, and echocardiographic data were collected at presurgical visit, early postoperative, 1 year, and most recent follow‐up. Results. Among 53 patients (36 males), 18 had LV end‐diastolic diameter ( LVEDD ) z ‐score >4 standard deviation ( SD ) (group I ) and 35 had LVEDD 4 SD predicted persistent LV dilation (>2 SD ) at early post‐op ( P  4 SD ) are significant predictors of incomplete LV remodeling or persistent LV dysfunction.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97538/1/chd703.pd

    Stretch‐Induced Increase in Cardiac Contractility Is Independent of Myocyte Ca\u3csup\u3e2+\u3c/sup\u3e While Block of Stretch Channels by Streptomycin Improves Contractility After Ischemic Stunning

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    Stretching the cardiac left ventricle (LV) enhances contractility but its effect on myoplasmic [Ca2+] is controversial. We measured LV pressure (LVP) and [Ca2+] as a function of intra-LV stretch in guinea pig intact hearts before and after 15 min global stunning ± perfusion with streptomycin (STM), a stretch activated channel blocker. LV wall [Ca2+] was measured by indo-1 fluorescence and LVP by a saline-filled latex balloon inflated in 50 ΌL steps to stretch the LV. We implemented a mathematical model to interpret crossbridge dynamics and myofilament Ca2+ responsiveness from the instantaneous relationship between [Ca2+] and LVP ± stretching. We found that: (1) stretch enhanced LVP but not [Ca2+] before and after stunning in either control (CON) and STM groups, (2) after stunning [Ca2+] increased in both groups although higher in STM versus CON (56% vs. 39%), (3) STM-enhanced LVP after stunning compared to CON (98% vs. 76% of prestunning values), and (4) stretch-induced effects on LVP were independent of [Ca2+] before or after stunning in both groups. Mathematical modeling suggested: (1) cooperativity in cross-bridge kinetics and myofilament Ca2+ handling is reduced after stunning in the unstretched heart, (2) stunning results in depressed myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity in the presence of attached cross-bridges regardless of stretch, and (3) the initial mechanism responsible for increased contractility during stretch may be enhanced formation of cross-bridges. Thus stretch-induced enhancement of contractility is not due to increased [Ca2+], whereas enhanced contractility after stunning in STM versus CON hearts results from improved Ca2+ handling and/or enhanced actinomyosin cross-bridge cycling
