166 research outputs found

    Laboratory tests in uveitis - New developments in the analysis of local antibody production

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    Analysis of local intraocular antibody production is a valuable tool with which to confirm a suspected clinical diagnosis in uveitis. We have analysed paired serum and aqueous samples for the presence of specific antibodies against toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus. Of the patients retrospectively diagnosed as having toxoplasma chorioretinitis 75% had a positive antibody coefficient indicating specific antibody production in the eye. Local antibody production in the eye directed against CMV confirmed the suspected diagnosis of CMV retinitis in 50% of the AIDS patients investigated. So far we have not been able to demonstrate local antibody production against herpes simplex virus (26 samples tested). Two of three patients with acute retinal necrosis had a positive antibody coefficient against varicella zoster virus. Both of these patients had an even higher titer in the aqueous than in serum. Since the choice of therapy, in infectious uveitis, depends on the causative organisms, it is very important to confirm a suspected clinical diagnosis by means of aqueous humor analysi

    The Socioeconomic Benefit to Individuals of Achieving the 2020 Targets for Five Preventive Chemotherapy Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    Background: Lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths (STH) and trachoma represent the five most prevalent neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). They can be controlled or eliminated by means of safe and cost-effective interventions delivered through programs of Mass Drug Administration (MDA)—also named Preventive Chemotherapy (PCT). The WHO defined targets for NTD control/elimination by 2020, reinforced by the 2012 London Declaration, which, if achieved, would result in dramatic health gains. We estimated the potential economic benefit of achieving these targets, focusing specifically on productivity and out-of-pocket payments. Methods: Productivity loss was calculated by combining disease frequency with productivity loss from the disease, from the perspective of affected individuals. Productivity gain was calculated by deducting the total loss expected in the target achievement scenario from the loss in a counterfactual scenario where it was assumed the pre-intervention situation in 1990 regarding NTDs would continue unabated until 2030. Economic benefits from out-of-pocket payments (OPPs) were calculated similarly. Benefits are reported in 2005 US(purchasingpowerparityadjustedanddiscountedat3Results:TheeconomicbenefitfromproductivitygainwasestimatedtobeI (purchasing power parity-adjusted and discounted at 3% per annum from 2010). Sensitivity analyses were used to assess the influence of changes in input parameters. Results: The economic benefit from productivity gain was estimated to be I251 billion in 2011–2020 and I313billionin20212030,considerablygreaterthanthetotalOPPsavertedofI313 billion in 2021–2030, considerably greater than the total OPPs averted of I0.72 billion and I0.96billioninthesameperiods.ThenetbenefitisexpectedtobeUS0.96 billion in the same periods. The net benefit is expected to be US 27.4 and US$ 42.8 for every dollar invested during the same periods. Impact varies between NTDs and regions, since it is determined by disease prevalence and extent of disease-related p

    Socioeconomic benefit to individuals of achieving 2020 targets for four neglected tropical diseases controlled/eliminated by innovative and intensified disease management

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    __Background__ The control or elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) has targets defined by the WHO for 2020, reinforced by the 2012 London Declaration. We estimated the economic impact to individuals of meeting these targets for human African trypanosomiasis, leprosy, visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas disease, NTDs controlled or eliminated by innovative and intensified disease management (IDM). __Methods__ A systematic literature review identified information on productivity loss and out-of-pocket payments (OPPs) related to these NTDs, which were combined with projections of the number of people suffering from each NTD, country and year for 2011±2020 and 2021±2030. The ideal scenario in which the WHO's 2020 targets are met was compared with a counterfactual scenario that assumed the situation of 1990 stayed unaltered. Economic benefit equaled the difference between the two scenarios. Values are reported in 2005 US, purchasing power parity-adjusted, discounted at 3% per annum from 2010. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses were used to quantify the degree of uncertainty around the base-case impact estimate. __Results__ The total global productivity gained for the four IDM-NTDs was I 23.1 (I15.9±I 15.9 ±I 34.0) billion in 2011±2020 and I35.9(I 35.9 (I 25.0 ±I51.9)billionin2021±2030(2.5thand97.5thpercentilesinbrackets),correspondingtoUS 51.9) billion in 2021±2030 (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles in brackets), corresponding to US 10.7 billion (US7.4±US 7.4 ±US 15.7) and US16.6billion(US 16.6 billion (US 11.6 ±US24.0).ReductioninOPPswasI 24.0). Reduction in OPPs was I 14 billion (US6.7billion)andI 6.7 billion) and I 18 billion (US$ 10.4 billion) for the same periods. __Conclusions__ We faced important limitations to our work, such as finding no OPPs for leprosy. We had to combine limited data from various sources, heterogeneous background, and of variable quality. Nevertheless, based on conservative assumptions and subsequent uncertainty analyses, we estimate that the benefits of achieving the targets are considerable. Under plausible scenarios, the economic benefits far exceed the necessary investments by endemic country governments and their development partners. Given the higher frequency of NTDs among the poorest households, these investments represent good value for money in the effort to improve well-being, distribute the world's prosperity more equitably and reduce inequity

    Concerted Efforts to Control or Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    Background: The London Declaration (2012) was formulated to support and focus the control and elimination of ten neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), with targets for 2020 as formulated by the WHO Roadmap. Five NTDs (lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, soil-transmitted helminths and trachoma) are to be controlled by preventive chemotherapy (PCT), and four (Chagas’ disease, human African trypanosomiasis, leprosy and visceral leishmaniasis) by innovative and intensified disease management (IDM). Guinea worm, virtually eradicated, is not considered here. We aim to estimate the global health impact of meeting these targets in terms of averted morbidity, mortality, and disability adjusted life years (DALYs). Methods: The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2010 study provides prevalence and burden estimates for all nine NTDs in 1990 and 2010, by country, age and sex, which were taken as the basis for our calculations. Estimates for other years were obtained by interpolating between 1990 (or the start-year of large-scale control efforts) and 2010, and further extrapolating until 2030, such that the 2020 targets were met. The NTD disease manifestations considered in the GBD study were analyzed as either reversible or irreversible. Health impacts were assessed by comparing the results of achieving the targets with the counterfactual, construed as the health burden had the 1990 (or 2010 if higher) situation continued unabated. Principle Findings/Conclusions: Our calculations show that meeting the targets will lead to about 600 million averted DALYs in the period 2011–2030, nearly equally distributed between PCT and IDM-NTDs, with the health gain amongst PCT-NTDs mostly (96%) due to averted disability and amongst IDM-NTDs largely (95%) from averted mortality. These health gains include about 150 million averted irreversible disease manifestations (e.g. blindness) and 5 million averted deaths. Control of soil-transmitted helminths accounts for one third of all averted DALYs. We conclude that the projected health impact of the London Declaration justifies the required efforts

    Faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) can help to rule out colorectal cancer in patients presenting in primary care with lower abdominal symptoms:a systematic review conducted to inform new NICE DG30 diagnostic guidance

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    __Background:__ This study has attempted to assess the effectiveness of quantitative faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) for triage of people presenting with lower abdominal symptoms, where a referral to secondary care for investigation of suspected colorectal cancer (CRC) is being considered, particularly when the 2-week criteria are not met. __Methods:__ We conducted a systematic review following published guidelines for systematic reviews of diagnostic tests. Twenty-one resources were searched up until March 2016. Summary estimates were calculated using a bivariate model or a random-effects logistic regression model. __Results:__ Nine studies are included in this review. One additional study, included in our systematic review, was provided as 'academic in confidence' and cannot be described herein. When FIT was based on a single faecal sample and a cut-off of 10 μg Hb/g faeces, sensitivity estimates indicated that a negative result using either the OC-Sensor or HM-JACKarc may be adequate to rule out nearly all CRC; the summary estimate of sensitivity for the OC-Sensor was 92.1%, based on four studies, and the only study of HM-JACKarc to assess the 10 μg Hb/g faeces cut-off reported a sensitivity of 100%. The corresponding specificity estimates were 85.8% (95% CI 78.3-91.0%) and 76.6%, respectively. When the diagnostic criterion was changed to include lower grades of neoplasia, i.e. the target condition included higher risk adenoma (HRA) as well as CRC, the rule-out performance of both FIT assays was reduced. __Conclusions:__ There is evidence to suggest that triage using FIT at a cut-off around 10 μg Hb/g faeces has the potential to correctly rule out CRC and avoid colonoscopy in 75-80% of symptomatic patients. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO 4201603772

    Magnetization transfer imaging in ‘premanifest’ Huntington’s disease

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    To investigate whether magnetization transfer imaging (MTI) is a useful detector of diffuse brain abnormalities in ‘premanifest’ carriers of the Huntington’s disease (HD) gene mutation. Furthermore we examined the relations between MTI, clinical measures and CAG repeat length. Sixteen premanifest carriers of the HD gene without motor manifestation and 14 non-carriers underwent a clinical evaluation and a MRI scan. MTI analysis of whole brain, grey matter and white matter was performed producing magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) histograms. A lower peak height of the grey matter MTR histogram in carriers was significantly associated with more UHDRS motor abnormalities. Furthermore, a lower peak height of the whole brain, grey and white matter was strongly associated with a longer CAG repeat length. MTI measures themselves did not differ significantly between carriers and non-carriers. In premanifest HD mutation carriers, a lower MTR peak height, reflecting worse histological brain composition, was related to subtle motor abnormalities and higher CAG repeat length. Although we could not detect altered MTI characteristics in carriers of the HD gene mutation without clinical manifestations, we did provide evidence that the MTR peak height might reflect genetic and subclinical disease burden and may be of value in monitoring further disease progression and provide insight in clinical heterogeneity

    Finance as ‘bizarre bazaar’: using documents as a source of ethnographic knowledge

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    Markets and finance have long attracted ethnographic interest but the nature of their activity - opaque, secretive, and increasingly placeless – precludes traditional ethnographic fieldwork. In this paper we propose documents as an alternative access point to these organisations as an ethnographic object of enquiry. Documents do not only present a written record, they also enact relationships and encode tacit understandings. We develop Geertz’s work on the bazaar by taking an indire ct route to access the field site – Collateral Debt Obligations – through documents. In reading these documents, we assume the position of investors who, in the absence of alternative publicly available information, are dependent on the documentary accounts made available to them by the sellers. These media act in ways that are similar to tourist guidebooks, a comparison we use to reframe the exchange as one that builds upon sociocultural relations rather than the abstract market relationships described by m ainstream economists. We propose that these documents are not merely representational artefacts of the organisation, but serve to establish and maintain social relationships between buyers and sellers through the management, standardisation and ritualisati on of information disclosed to the investor