39 research outputs found

    results of a randomized controlled trial

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    Bile acids (BAs) are increasingly recognised as metabolic regulators, potentially improving insulin sensitivity following bariatric surgery. However, physiological relevance of such observations remains unknown. Hence, we analysed serum BA composition and associated gut-derived hormone levels following lifestyle-induced weight loss in individuals with metabolic syndrome (MetS). 74 non-smoking men (45–55 yr) with MetS were randomised to a lifestyle-induced weight loss program (supervision via telemonitoring) or to a control arm. Before and after a 6 months intervention period clinical and laboratory parameters, body composition, serum BA profile, FGF-19, and GLP-1 concentrations were determined in fasting blood samples. 30 participants in the control and 33 participants in the treatment arm completed the study and were included in the data analysis. In participants of the treatment arm lifestyle-induced weight loss resulted in markedly improved insulin sensitivity. Serum levels of BA species and total GLP-1 decreased, while FGF-19 remained stable. Serum BA composition changed towards an increased 12α- hydroxylated/non-12α-hydroxylated ratio. None of these parameters changed in participants of the control arm. Our results demonstrate that improved metabolic control by lifestyle modifications lowers serum levels of BAs and GLP-1 and changes serum BA composition towards an increased 12α/non-12α ratio (ICTRP Trial Number: U1111-1158-3672)

    Inability of shear-wave elastography to distinguish malignant from benign prostate tissue – a comparison of biopsy, whole-mount sectioning and shear-wave elastography

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    Aim: This study was designed to assess the possible usefulness of shear-wave elastography in differentiating between benign and malignant tissue in prostate neoplasia. Patients and methods: A total of 120 prostate tissue samples were obtained from 10 patients treated by radical prostatectomy and investigated pre-operatively by ultrasound elastography followed by directed biopsy. After resection, whole-mount sectioning and histological examination was performed. The predictions based on shear-wave elastography were compared with biopsy and histological results. Results: The comparison between the results of shear-wave elastography and those of biopsy was performed by receiver operating characteristic analysis, which suggested an optimum cut-off tissue elasticity value of 50 kPa, in agreement with earlier studies aimed at distinguishing between benign and malignant tissue. However, the diagnostic selectivity (and thus the diagnostic power) was poor (area under the curve 0.527, which hardly differs from the value of 0.500 that would correspond to a complete lack of predictive power); furthermore, application of this cut-off value to the samples led to a sensitivity of only 74% and a specificity of only 43%. An analogous comparison between the results of shear-wave elastography and those of whole-mount histology, which itself is more reliable than biopsy, gave an even poorer diagnostic selectivity (sensitivity of 62%, specificity of 35%). Meaningful association with Gleason score was not found for D'Amico risk groups (p = 0.35). Conclusions: The (negative) findings of this investigation add to the dissonance among results of studies investigating the possible value of shear-wave elastography as a diagnostic tool to identify malignant neoplasia. There is a clear need for further research to elucidate the diversity of study results and to identify the usefulness, if any, of the method in question

    Correlation of CT-based bone mineralization with drilling-force measurements in anatomical specimens is suitable to investigate planning of trans-pedicular spine interventions.

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    This interdisciplinary study examined the relationship between bone density and drilling forces required during trans-pedicular access to the vertebra using fresh-frozen thoraco-lumbar vertebrae from two female body donors (A, B). Before and after biomechanical examination, samples underwent high-resolution CT-quantification of total bone density followed by software-based evaluation and processing. CT density measurements (n = 4818) were calculated as gray values (GV), which were highest in T12 for both subjects (GVmaxA = 3483.24, GVmaxB = 3160.33). Trans-pedicular drilling forces F (Newton N) were highest in L3 (FmaxB = 5.67 N) and L4 (FmaxA = 5.65 N). In 12 out of 13 specimens, GVs significantly (p < 0.001) correlated with force measurements. Among these, Spearman correlations r were poor in two lumbar vertebrae, fair in five specimens, and moderately strong in another five specimens, and highest for T11 (rA = 0.721) and L5 (rB = 0.690). Our results indicate that CT-based analysis of vertebral bone density acquired in anatomical specimens is a promising approach to predict the drilling force appearance as surrogate parameter of its biomechanical properties by e.g., linear regression analysis. The study may be of value as basis for biomechanical investigations to improve planning of the optimal trajectory and to define safety margins for drilling forces during robotic-assisted trans-pedicular interventions on the spine in the future

    Comparative study of Interleukin-18 (IL-18) serum levels in adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD) and systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and its use as a biomarker for diagnosis and evaluation of disease activity

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    Abstract Background Signs and symptoms establish the diagnosis of adult onset Still’s disease (AOSD) as well as of systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA). The published data regarding the importance of IL-18 as a marker for diagnosis and disease activity so far are conflicting. The aim of this study was to clarify the role of IL-18 as a diagnostic and disease activity marker in AOSD and sJIA. Methods Thirty adult patients diagnosed with AOSD and twenty children diagnosed with sJIA were included in the study. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained retrospectively for each patient visit whenever IL-18 serum levels were determined. IL-18 levels were determined by ELISA. Sixty-five adults and twenty-three children presenting with fever and/or arthritis who did not meet the criteria for a diagnosis of AOSD or sJIA served as comparison groups. Rau’s criteria and CRP values were used to evaluate disease activity. Results IL-18 levels were significantly elevated in patients with active AOSD compared to AOSD patients in remission and to the comparison group with a median of 16,327 pg/ml, 470 pg/ml, and 368 pg/ml, respectively (p < 0.001). Analogous to AOSD in active sJIA, the median IL-18 serum level was significantly higher with 21,512 pg/ml than in the comparison group with 2580 pg/ml (p < 0.001). At our cut-off point of 5000 pg/ml, the calculated specificity of IL-18 to establish the diagnosis of AOSD was 96.9%, and the sensitivity 63.3% (AUC = 0.870, p < 0.001). For the diagnosis of sJIA, a cut-off value of 10,000 pg/ml was chosen with a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 60% (AUC = 0.774, p = 0.003). At a cut-off value of 5000 pg/ml, the specificity was 62% and the sensitivity 65%. Conclusions This study gives further evidence to earlier publications of elevated IL-18 serum levels in active AOSD and sJIA, with up to 1000-fold higher concentrations compared to other rheumatic diseases. A clear association of IL-18 serum levels with disease activity in AOSD was found. The results support the use of IL-18 as an important biomarker in AOSD and sJIA

    Psychiatric Disorders in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): The Role of the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist

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    Background. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a multifactorial disorder with complex aetiology and pathogenesis. At the outpatient pain clinic of Magdeburg University Hospital, all patients, without exception, are subject to permanent psychiatric care delivered by a consultation-liaison psychiatrist. In CRPS, psychological stabilization and treatment of the neuropathic aspects are equally important. The aim of this single-center retrospective study was to determine mental/psychiatric defects impairing pain processing at the time of investigation and show the effects of treating mental disorders and neuropathic pain with the same psychotropic drugs. Method. On admission, the consultation-liaison psychiatrist examined the mental state of every patient in a semistructured interview according to AMDP (working group for methods and documentation in psychiatry). Due to the model of the Department of Anaesthesiology, we are able to compare the group of CRPS patients with all other outpatients treated for pain. Results. The medical treatment of psychiatric dysfunction leads to an analgesic effect. Only every second CRPS patient had an additional psychiatric diagnosis, and 15.6% were diagnosed with depressive mood disorders and show a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms than the general population and exceed the mean for all patients treated in our pain clinic. Conclusions. In neuropathies, treatment of the neuropathic pain has a modulating effect on mental disorders. As CRPS patients are frequently affected by depressions, and owing to the connection between depression and suicidal tendencies, patients should be seen by a consultation-liaison psychiatrist, and nonpsychiatrists should pay special attention to this patient group

    Hybrid Approach for Biliary Interventions Employing MRI-Guided Bile Duct Puncture with Near-Real-Time Imaging

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    To assess the feasibility of a hybrid approach employing MRI-guided bile duct (BD) puncture for subsequent fluoroscopy-guided biliary interventions in patients with non-dilated (ae3 mm) or dilated BD (ae3 mm) but unfavorable conditions for ultrasonography (US)-guided BD puncture. A total of 23 hybrid interventions were performed in 21 patients. Visualization of BD and puncture needles (PN) in the interventional MR images was rated on a 5-point Likert scale by two radiologists. Technical success, planning time, BD puncture time and positioning adjustments of the PN as well as technical success of the biliary intervention and complication rate were recorded. Visualization even of third-order non-dilated BD and PN was rated excellent by both radiologists with good to excellent interrater agreement. MRI-guided BD puncture was successful in all cases. Planning and BD puncture times were 1:36 +/- 2.13 (0:16-11:07) min. and 3:58 +/- 2:35 (1:11-9:32) min. Positioning adjustments of the PN was necessary in two patients. Repeated capsular puncture was not necessary in any case. All biliary interventions were completed successfully without major complications. A hybrid approach which employs MRI-guided BD puncture for subsequent fluoroscopy-guided biliary intervention is feasible in clinical routine and yields high technical success in patients with non-dilated BD and/or unfavorable conditions for US-guided puncture. Excellent visualization of BD and PN in near-real-time interventional MRI allows successful cannulation of the BD

    New aspects in shear-wave elastography of prostate cancer

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    Aim: This study was designed to evaluate the performance of shear-wave elastography as a diagnostic tool for prostate cancer in a larger cohort of patients than previously reported. Patients and methods: Seventy-three patients with suspected prostate carcinoma were investigated by ultrasound elastography followed by directed biopsy. The elastographic and histological results for all biopsies were compared. Results: After exclusion of invalid and non-assessable results, 794 samples were obtained for which both a histological assessment and an elastometric result (tissue stiffness in kPa) were available: according to the histology 589 were benign and 205 were malignant. Tissue elasticity was found to be weakly correlated with patient’s age, PSA level and gland volume. ROC analysis showed that, for the set of results acquired, elastometry did not fulfi l literature claims that it could identify malignant neoplasia with high sensitivity and specifi city. However, it did show promise in distinguishing between Gleason scores ≤6 and >6 when malignancy had already been identifi ed. Unexpected observations were the fi nding of a smaller proportion of tumours in the lateral regions of the prostate than generally expected, and also the observation that the elasticity of benign prostate tissue is region-sensitive, the tissue being stiffest in the basal region and more elastic at the apex. Conclusions: Shear-wave elastography was found to be a poor predictor of malignancy, but for malignant lesions an elasticity cut-off of 80 kPa allowed a fairly reliable distinction between lesions with Gleason ≤6 and those with Gleason >6. We demonstrate an increase in elasticity of benign prostate tissue from the basal to the apical region.Cel: Badanie przeprowadzono w celu ustalenia wartości diagnostycznej elastografi i fali poprzecznej w raku stercza, analizując większą grupę chorych, niż dotychczas przedstawiano w piśmiennictwie. Pacjenci i metoda: Badaniem objęto 73 pacjentów z podejrzeniem raka stercza. Ocenę gruczołu krokowego wykonywano za pomocą elastografi i, po której stosowano biopsję celowaną. Wyniki: Po wykluczeniu nieważnych i trudnych do oceny wyników uzyskano 794 przypadki, które oceniono zarówno histopatologicznie, jak i metodą elastografi i (sztywność tkanek mierzona w kPa), stwierdzając w badaniu histopatologicznym 589 zmian łagodnych i 205 złośliwych. Wykazano słabą korelację sprężystości tkanek z wiekiem chorych, poziomem PSA i objętością gruczołu krokowego. Analiza ROC otrzymanych wyników udowodniła, że elastometria w diagnostyce ognisk złośliwego nowotworzenia nie jest tak czułą i swoistą metodą, jak zakładano w piśmiennictwie. W przypadkach, w których zdiagnozowano proces złośliwy, metoda ta umożliwia rozróżnienie ognisk ocenianych w skali Gleasona ≤6 od tych >6 punktów. Te nieoczekiwane obserwacje dotyczyły mniejszego odsetka nowotworów, niż wcześniej zakładano, położonych w bocznych częściach prostaty. Ponadto zaobserwowano zależność między poziomem sprężystości tkanek objętych procesem łagodnym w poszczególnych częściach gruczołu krokowego: największą sztywność wykazano w części podstawnej, a większą sprężystość w części wierzchołkowej. Wnioski: Elastografi a fali poprzecznej jest słabym predyktorem złośliwości, chociaż w diagnostyce ognisk złośliwych, z punktem odcięcia poziomu sprężystości wynoszącym 80 kPA, umożliwia dość wiarygodne zróżnicowanie zmian o stopniu zaawansowania ≤6 punktów i zmian o stopniu zaawansowania >6 punktów w skali Gleasona