60 research outputs found

    Empire's violent end: comparing Dutch, British, and French wars of decolonization, 1945–1962

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    In Empire's Violent End, Thijs Brocades Zaalberg and Bart Luttikhuis, along with expert contributors, present comparative research focused specifically on excessive violence in Indonesia, Algeria, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kenya, and other areas during the wars of decolonization. In the last two decades, there have been heated public and scholarly debates in France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands on the violent end of empire. Nevertheless, the broader comparative investigations into colonial counterinsurgency tend to leave atrocities such as torture, execution, and rape in the margins. The editors describe how such comparisons mostly focus on the differences by engaging in "guilt ranking." Moreover, the dramas that have unfolded in Algeria and Kenya tend to overshadow similar violent events in Indonesia, the very first nation to declare independence directly after World War II.Empire's Violent End is the first book to place the Dutch-Indonesian case at the heart of a comparison with focused, thematic analysis on a diverse range of topics to demonstrate that despite variation in scale, combat intensity, and international dynamics, there were more similarities than differences in the ways colonial powers used extreme forms of violence. By delving into the causes and nature of the abuse, Brocades Zaalberg and Luttikhuis conclude that all cases involved some form of institutionalized impunity, which enabled the type of situation in which the forces in the service of the colonial rulers were able to use extreme violence.bookColonial and Global Histor

    De koloniale schuldclassificatie voorbij: Nederlands, Brits en Frans extreem geweld in vergelijkend perspectief, 1945-1962

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    Historische vergelijkingen kunnen ons helpen koloniale oorlogen beter te begrijpen. Ze stellen ons ook in staat vormen van extreem geweld die Nederlandse, Britse, Franse en andere troepen tijdens de naoorlogse dekolonisatiegolf toepasten beter te verklaren. Grondig comparatief onderzoek naar buitensporig geweld in oorlogen als die in Vietnam, Algerije, Maleisië en Kenia is echter zelden verricht, en de casus Indonesië is daarbij, tot nu toe, al helemaal nauwelijks betrokken. Om die reden is in het voorjaar van 2019 een team van internationale en Nederlandse onderzoekers bijeengebracht op het Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), met het doel in deze lacune te voorzien. De onderzoekers werkten aan gerichte vergelijkingen op thema’s als de politieke omgang met schandalen rondom extreem geweld, de inzet van zware wapens, seksueel geweld en de microdynamiek van geweld. De bredere vergelijkende context namen wij als projectleiders voor onze rekening. In dit hoofdstuk bespreken wij de belangrijkste bevindingen van het onderzoek.Colonial and Global Histor

    Imagining the future at the global and national scale: a comparative study of British and Dutch press coverage of Rio 1992 and Rio 2012

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    Climate change and imagined futures are intricately linked, discussed by policymakers and reported in the media. In this article we focus on the construction of future expectation in the press coverage of the 1992 and 2012 United Nations conferences in Rio de Janeiro in British and Dutch national newspapers. We use a novel combination of methods, semantic co-word networks and metaphor analysis to analyse imagined futures. Our findings show that between 1992 and 2012 there was a switch from future-oriented hope to past-oriented disappointment regarding implementing international agreements on climate change policy. While the UK focused on global issues, the Netherlands focused on national (including colonial) and local ones, reflecting different views and expectations about the future of climate change adaptation and mitigation

    Gebouw WB:managementinstrumenten ontwikkeld voor DHV Bouw en Industrie

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    Dit verslag is de neerslag van een onderzoek omtrent het WB-gebouw op de Philips High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. Dit onderzoek wordt gevoerd op vraag van en in overleg met het Advies- en Ingenieursbureau DHV (kantoor Eindhoven, afdeling Bouw en Industrie).Het doel van het onderzoek is het aandragen van managementinstrumenten als voorstel tot verbetering voor de afdeling projectmanagement van DHV met betrekking tot de diverse onderzoeksgebieden van het project gebouw WB. Het gevoerde onderzoek is opgedeeld in een drietal fasen. In de eerste fase wordt het proces- en projectverloop van het gebouw WB in kaart gebracht. Op basis van deze inventarisatie wordt een lijst van in het oog springende aspecten opgesteld. Tijdens de tweede onderzoeksperiode wordt aan de hand van literatuurstudies, interviews en het bestuderen van gelijkwaardige bedrijfsprocessen elders de diverse onderzoeksgebieden verder onderzocht. Ook wordt al een begin gemaakt met een analyse, diagnose en ontwerp van oplossingsrichtingen voor elk van de aandachtsgebieden. Het ontwerp van de oplossingsrichtingen wordt in de derde onderzoeksperiode voltooid in de vorm van managementinstrumenten. Deze instrumenten worden getoetst wat als basis dient voor conclusies en aanbevelingen. ResultaatHet resultaat van de eerste onderzoeksfase is een beeldvorming omtrent de projectorganistie rond gebouw WB. Kort wordt de geschiedenis en visie van het High Tech Campus Eindhoven en gebouw WB beschreven. Alle belangrijke partijen zijn in kaart gebracht alsmede de manier waarop deze georganiseerd zijn. Verder wordt nagegaan hoe kwaliteit, geld en tijd beheerst worden. De onderzoekvelden die uit deze analyse volgen zijn: bedrijfscultuur en managementstijl, gebruikersparticipatie, renovatie versus nieuwbouw, organisatiestructuur voor het ontwerpproces en tenslotte hoeveelhedenstaten

    Over de grens: Nederlands extreem geweld in de Indonesische onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949

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    Op 17 augustus 1945, twee dagen na de Japanse capitulatie, verklaarde Indonesië zich onafhankelijk. Nederland erkende dit niet en trachtte met geweld zelf de regie te voeren over het onvermijdelijke proces van dekolonisatie. Dit leidde tot vier jaren van moeizame onderhandelingen en bittere oorlogvoering. In 2005 verklaarde de Nederlandse regering dat Nederland die oorlog niet had moeten voeren. Over het geweld dat de Nederlandse militairen tijdens deze oorlog hadden toegepast, staat echter nog altijd het regeringsstandpunt uit 1969 overeind: er waren wel ‘excessen’, maar de krijgsmacht had zich in de regel ‘correct’ gedragen.Naarmate de aanwijzingen van extreem Nederlands geweld zich opstapelden, bleek dit officiële standpunt steeds moeilijker vol te houden. De Nederlandse regering besloot daarom in 2016 tot financiering van een groot onderzoeksprogramma. De belangrijkste conclusies daarvan zijn in dit boek te vinden. De auteurs maken aannemelijk dat de Nederlandse krijgsmacht op structurele basis extreem geweld toepaste en dat dit toen en ook lang daarna op allerlei manieren werd toegedekt. Dit alles past slecht bij een rooskleurig nationaal zelfbeeld – zoals eigenlijk de hele koloniale geschiedenis met dat zelfbeeld schuurt.Colonial and Global Histor

    CADM1 is a strong neuroblastoma candidate gene that maps within a 3.72 Mb critical region of loss on 11q23

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recurrent loss of part of the long arm of chromosome 11 is a well established hallmark of a subtype of aggressive neuroblastomas. Despite intensive mapping efforts to localize the culprit 11q tumour suppressor gene, this search has been unsuccessful thus far as no sufficiently small critical region could be delineated for selection of candidate genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To refine the critical region of 11q loss, the chromosome 11 status of 100 primary neuroblastoma tumours and 29 cell lines was analyzed using a BAC array containing a chromosome 11 tiling path. For the genes mapping within our refined region of loss, meta-analysis on published neuroblastoma mRNA gene expression datasets was performed for candidate gene selection. The DNA methylation status of the resulting candidate gene was determined using re-expression experiments by treatment of neuroblastoma cells with the demethylating agent 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and bisulphite sequencing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two small critical regions of loss within 11q23 at chromosomal band 11q23.1-q23.2 (1.79 Mb) and 11q23.2-q23.3 (3.72 Mb) were identified. In a first step towards further selection of candidate neuroblastoma tumour suppressor genes, we performed a meta-analysis on published expression profiles of 692 neuroblastoma tumours. Integration of the resulting candidate gene list with expression data of neuroblastoma progenitor cells pinpointed <it>CADM1 </it>as a compelling candidate gene. Meta-analysis indicated that <it>CADM1 </it>expression has prognostic significance and differential expression for the gene was noted in unfavourable neuroblastoma versus normal neuroblasts. Methylation analysis provided no evidence for a two-hit mechanism in 11q deleted cell lines.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study puts <it>CADM1 </it>forward as a strong candidate neuroblastoma suppressor gene. Further functional studies are warranted to elucidate the role of <it>CADM1 </it>in neuroblastoma development and to investigate the possibility of <it>CADM1 </it>haploinsufficiency in neuroblastoma.</p

    Reasons for (Non)Participating in a Telephone-Based Intervention Program for Families with Overweight Children

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    Willingness to participate in obesity prevention programs is low; underlying reasons are poorly understood. We evaluated reasons for (non)participating in a novel telephone-based obesity prevention program for overweight children and their families. percentile) aged 3.5–17.4 years were screened via the CrescNet database, a representative cohort of German children, and program participation (repetitive computer aided telephone counseling) was offered by their local pediatrician. Identical questionnaires to collect baseline data on anthropometrics, lifestyle, eating habits, sociodemographic and psychosocial parameters were analyzed from 433 families (241 participants, 192 nonparticipants). Univariate analyses and binary logistic regression were used to identify factors associated with nonparticipation. percentile) was higher in participants (58.9% vs.38%,p<0.001). Participating girls were younger than boys (8.8 vs.10.4 years, p<0.001). 87.3% and 40% of participants, but only 72.2% and 24.7% of nonparticipants, respectively, reported to have regular breakfasts (p = 0.008) and 5 regular daily meals (p = 0.003). Nonparticipants had a lower household-net-income (p<0.001), but higher subjective physical wellbeing than participants (p = 0.018) and believed that changes in lifestyle can be made easily (p = 0.05).An important reason for nonparticipation was non-awareness of their child's weight status by parents. Nonparticipants, who were often low-income families, believed that they already perform a healthy lifestyle and had a higher subjective wellbeing. We hypothesize that even a low-threshold intervention program does not reach the families who really need it

    Barriers and enablers for participation in healthy lifestyle programs by adolescents who are overweight: a qualitative study of the opinions of adolescents, their parents and community stakeholders

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    Background: Overweight or obesity during adolescence affects almost 25% of Australian youth, yet limited research exists regarding recruitment and engagement of adolescents in weight-management or healthy lifestyle interventions, or best-practice for encouraging long-term healthy behaviour change. A sound understanding of community perceptions, including views from adolescents, parents and community stakeholders, regarding barriers and enablers to entering and engaging meaningfully in an intervention is critical to improve the design of such programs. Methods: This paper reports findings from focus groups and semi-structured interviews conducted with adolescents (n=44), parents (n=12) and community stakeholders (n=39) in Western Australia. Three major topics were discussed to inform the design of more feasible and effective interventions: recruitment, retention in the program and maintenance of healthy change. Data were analysed using content and thematic analyses.Results: Data were categorised into barriers and enablers across the three main topics. For recruitment, identified barriers included: the stigma associated with overweight, difficulty defining overweight, a lack of current health services and broader social barriers. The enablers for recruitment included: strategic marketing, a positive approach and subsidising program costs. For retention, identified barriers included: location, timing, high level of commitment needed and social barriers. Enablers for retention included: making it fun and enjoyable for adolescents, involving the family, having an on-line component, recruiting good staff and making it easy for parents to attend. For maintenance, identified barriers included: the high degree of difficulty in sustaining change and limited services to support change. Enablers for maintenance included: on-going follow up, focusing on positive change, utilisation of electronic media and transition back to community services. Conclusions: This study highlights significant barriers for adolescents and parents to overcome to engage meaningfully with weight-management or healthy lifestyle programs. A number of enablers were identified to promote ongoing involvement with an intervention. This insight into specific contextual opinions from the local community can be used to inform the delivery of healthy lifestyle programs for overweight adolescents, with a focus on maximising acceptability and feasibility
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